"This winding is so big that many people will feel dissatisfied! You can't be unaware of that! "

"Satisfied or dissatisfied, what does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu seemed to be puzzled and asked, "that is just your personal idea of the third uncle, which is not representative. How I do this is my own business. It has nothing to do with other people. Don't think too much about it!"

For his nephew, Su Quan really has no way, but if there is such a possibility, Su Quan will not give up, let alone be angry with him? It's really that some of them are not worth it! What's more, if he is really angry, who knows if he will suddenly turn over his face, which is also a bad thing. He really hasn't seen him give too many people face!

"It had given a lot of hope, but now it's suddenly given up! There are a lot of people over there who have given expectations to this matter, and no one has been so close. If you give up all of a sudden now! It's a big blow to everyone Su Quan said it sincerely.

"I didn't seem to have informed other people. As for how this news spread, it seems that it has nothing to do with me. What about me? I just want to help you. As for the so-called added value, I think it's a bit over standard! What do you say, uncle? " Ding Yu's words obviously mean something!

"Well! I mentioned it. After all, what about you? They all need to report to the higher authorities, especially when it comes to children's education. There are not many children in the courtyard. Sometimes there are very few children like children. If you have such an opportunity, you can't give up, even if it is very vague! "

"You want me to tell the truth?" Ding Yu looked at his third uncle and then shook his head, "so say it! He didn't have this luck now, so he came in rashly! I can't carry it. Then! It's self phagocytic. There may not be too many problems to follow, but what about too many? That's the problem! So we need to have a look! Maybe my third uncle thinks this is superstition, but I don't want to explain it to my uncle! "

"What about Wang An? He's the same reason, so you don't pick him up? "

"My third uncle seems to have crossed the line! I don't want other people to interfere with Wang An's affairs! "

Get it! It's been poked again! But Su Quan knows that he has already known his nephew's bottom line! But this matter is definitely not as easy to handle as imagined. Will those people in the emotional hospital be satisfied? It's really hard to say!

"What about the cooperation over the years? Each other is to see in the eye, Hou Tianliang is still very good, you put a lot of effort on his body, it is a pity that he can't follow you! "

"Why don't you take off his uniform?"

This also let Su Quan hum, joking, if you really take off the military uniform, Hou Tianliang is what kind of person, although the intelligence department is Hou Tianliang's family, but he wants to return home, which involves many problems! What's more, why should other people pick this fruit?

"Don't think about it. We all know that you are very optimistic about hou Tianliang, and the Ministry is also very optimistic about him. Nobody thought that you could dig out a diamond. Since it is a diamond, you need to pay a bright light! I think that's what you expect. "

"I really don't expect so much!" Ding Yu's performance is extremely calm, "if the emotion management staff are like 007, then high-profile, I'm afraid even the slag will not be left! Relatively speaking, Hou Tianliang already has so many not quite suitable! However, since he is a member of the intelligence department, it seems that it is not an easy thing to come out. It seems that it is not a bad thing to put him on the surface and let him be the target! At least I can get quite a lot of experience

I have to say, this son of a bitch nephew is really calculated to the bone, but what about the emotional management department? Not all people need to stand in the shadow, but also need to have quite a number of people standing in the light, shelter from the wind and rain, or serve as targets! Are they better than people hiding in the dark? More hard work!

"You have already seen the situation of the two secretaries who took office first! And the security guard, he has come here, but it seems that song Tianren is not as important as song Tianren. I really doubt what you think? Give me the feeling, this is not a very good situation, you should know, a lot of people have ideas about this! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to take up the topic. As a joke, did he need to worry about the thoughts and opinions of these people? Why? Do you need to live on them? Don't make such a joke! There is no significance and value! At least Ding Yu is not particularly concerned about this.

Even if the third echelon has opinions and ideas, what can it do? Ding Yu's previous time not to provoke, is not to say that really can not be provoked, but there is no mood just! Don't think you are really afraid of them!

"Well! I know that you must have a considerable estimation in your heart, but his father will be very sad if he takes Tong Tong back. I hope to give him a chance. I have never said anything to you about personal matters. This time, I will make an exception. "At this time, Ding Yu straightened his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Third uncle, there are many children in the family. What about these uncles and aunts? That's the relationship between me and you. However, you don't ask for personal affection for the children in your family, but for others. If the family knows about it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain it at that time! "

"There's an egg to explain!" Su Quan snorted, "they are a group of guys who don't know how to make progress. They are given too many conditions at home! But did they make good use of it? There is no such a chance. If we really give them such a chance, I'm afraid that we will poke a hole in the sky and bring disaster to the family. It's better to give real people a chance! "

"What do you want me to say, uncle?" Ding Yu asked back!

"I need to know exactly what you think and opinion about Tong Tong Tong. You are a soldier. I will not say anything about the feelings of the military! What about children? Several generations are dedicated to the country, so to speak, is really taking themselves as the cornerstone! Throw your head and shed blood! So I need to give him a chance like this! "

Since hard is not good, then come soft. This is Su Quan's most direct and pure idea. I can feel that his nephew is still interested in Tongtong, but I really have some doubts about it.

For example, Wang an knows a lot about him, but Ding Yu does not have too strict professors in addition to certain personnel. To a certain extent, all of them depend on Wang an himself. What about Wang An's performance? Also let oneself very marvel, the feeling is not like a child.

At least a child can't do that at all. In the environment that has already come out, they go back to pick up garbage again. This kind of tempering for their own mood, even the old people like him, are shocked!

For example, the third echelon, they can be said to have gone directly to the hometown of their bastard nephew, but what about their nephew? I really didn't treat them harshly. Although they didn't pay attention to them, they also provided quite convenient. For this matter, I really saw the report provided by Hou Tianliang!

What about what your nephew said? I really agree with you. What about those people in the third echelon? Although some of them are different, they are still the hope of the country to be selected into the third echelon. It's hard to say whether they can become pillars in the future, but at least they have quite good performance!

If something really happened, it would be a pity! If your nephew really wants to do something, then other people are really not easy to do! What can be done? Is it hard to make your nephew live or die? Don't make such a joke! At least not many people dare to do so now!

I know both of them! Plus Ding Yu's two children and Xiao Gang, their respective training methods are completely different, so they need to know, and then know what to do! The province is in a fog! When the time comes, it will really harm the children!

"Leave him alone for a while." Ding Yu said, "let him go to the courtyard to find three children to play with. By the end of the year, if there is anything wrong, let him continue to go back!"

Ding Yu has made the meaning clear! If Tong Tong can pass the test of this period of time, then it shows that he still has some opportunities. If he has not been able to change from beginning to end, if he keeps him around, it will really hurt him. In that case, it is not so good!

"Is that really good?" Su Quan is still worried!

"What about things like son inheriting father's career? There is no big problem, but the thinking is too fixed! Fortunately, what about Tong Tong? Still have their own vigilance, too active no problem, but the child is too quiet! Too quiet? It means thinking too much sometimes

"I don't understand. What do you mean by that?"

"What if he's going to be his parents? There are not too many problems, I believe he will become a good hand, and is definitely the elite among the elite, but the direction is too narrow! This is what I want to express. I think you should understand, uncle! " Ding Yu can be said to explain very clearly!

Su Quan seemed to understand the meaning of the words, and took a deep look at his nephew, "I said boss, are you thinking a little bit more! After all, a child is just a child, a little bit silent, and you have a little bit of a high vision for children? "

"Uncle, if there are no such conditions in my family, I really won't be too picky. The conditions are simple, so I can only adjust measures to local conditions, but I don't need to pay too much attention to them. But what are the conditions now? The situation is another thing! Do they have the ability to withstand all this? ""You are a feudal superstition!" Su Quan said with some reproaches!

"Not really! The two children in the family include Wang Xiaogang and Wang An. What about their expenses? It's hard to estimate, but relatively speaking, I spend more on other children, whether it's an orphanage, or a nursing home, or a school or a canteen. It's too much more than their four children, but what the four children bear is not the same as those children and the elderly! "

"I've heard of it. At least you've done something. It's a good thing."

"I don't know if it's a good thing. I don't know if it's a good thing. I just want to be at ease. In other words, I've done so many bad things, and I never think I'm a good person. Besides, my two children and Wang Xiaogang often go to orphanages and nursing homes! So that they will not have any discrimination or prejudice, and this situation in other children, can really do it? "

"Wang An may be able to do it. After all, he came out of such an environment, but what about Tong Tong? Can he do it? As far as I'm concerned, he may not express too much, but he can't do it! "

Although I don't want to admit it, I really can't deny it too much. "Tong Tong is still a child after all. I know there is a big gap between him and the children in my family. But there are also some problems in it, so we can't generalize about it!"

"Because he is a child, I am willing to give him such a chance. As for whether he can bear this chance in the future, it is really unknown! Take Guo Li as a comparison! His situation seems to have been known by many people! But it seems to be on the defensive too

"Is this comparable?"

"Rashly bear such a large property, even if his nerve is thick, but also need to have a considerable time to adapt! It's a good thing that I've been in the hospital all the time! If you let him out, I'm afraid it won't take long for the whole person to be completely abandoned, the capital! It's also a big millstone! It's not just simple to be eliminated, but there may be no bones left. No one wants to be like this! "

How many things did Guo Li get at the beginning, one billion dollars! To know that is an astronomical number, who saw not heart? What about Guo Li? Just a nobody!

But how did Ding Yu deal with it? He gave all the cultural relics and other things to the museum, and donated half of them! In this way, Guo Li will have a double guarantee. In addition, he will become a student of Ding Yu, which is a heavy weight! But even so, in the capital side is still like walking on thin ice!

But really don't say, Guo Li this student? Ding Yu's choice is really good. He is smart, courageous and considerate. He doesn't know how Ding Yu picked it out. But one thing is really positive. It is Ding Yu's eyes? Absolutely extraordinary. There are plenty of diamonds, but the problem is how to select them. It's really difficult!

"Just let Tong Tong come back and let him go to the courtyard and do nothing!"

"I didn't do nothing. I gave him a list of books. What about these books? Almost all of them can be found in the market. Even if they can't be found, there should be siheyuan. Read more. It may have a different impact on children! " Having said that, Ding Yu also has a slightly deep look!

"Don't worry! This kind of baby pimple will never be allowed to be contaminated by other people. If anyone is willing to stretch out his hand, he will definitely discount his arms and legs. He really thinks that our intelligence department is a vegetarian, isn't he? If you lose a Hou Tianliang, you will have a successor! "

"It's really hard to say whether there is a successor or not. For the time being, it's quite difficult to say! Hou Tianliang, after all, time is still a little short, so temporary? Let him read and stop for a while. What about his own growth? There will be considerable benefits! "

However, when the two people were talking, there was also a rush of footsteps at the door, "director, director, the patient is awake!" The door has not been opened, the call has been passed over! And also very happy!

After listening to Su Quan, he also jumped to his feet. This was definitely a happy event, and it was a great joy. Looking at the third uncle who left, Ding Yu was not so eager. Although it was a little abnormal, it seemed to be expected!

Ding Yu came to the ward to have a check. "The patient's recovery is still good. Now that he can wake up, there won't be too many problems! In two days, we can set off for home! When you go back, there will be no too many problems with good recuperation! "

Looking at his son-in-law nephew, Su Quan was also impatient, "didn't you just wake up? How to have fainted in the past, you pour is to think of a way is! Let him wake me up

"Just waking up means that there are not too many problems in consciousness! Coma in the past, because the body can not bear too much just, a good rest there is no problem! Get a life from the king of Yan, just sleep a little more! It's not a big deal Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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