Now that the patients are awake, Ding Yu has no intention to stay! Have a meal with these people in the capital, exchange with each other, and then Ding Yu is ready to go back with some people!

"Uncle Ding, thank you!" The boy is still a little quiet, but it seems to have changed a lot. Ding Yu is looking at him. "Your uncle Su pleaded for you mainly because of the loyalty of your family. To be exact, I admire it very much. But it has nothing to do with whether you come to my school to study or not."

"Uncle Ding, is it reading?"

"What is the meaning of reading? It's about doing things. You can't study hard enough. You should study alive and apply what you learn. Otherwise, you will become a nerd! " Ding Yu made a gesture and said, "you are too quiet! Not a good thing. What about social contact? It's not as much as you think. A big part of the reason is that you live in the courtyard! This is a good thing, not a good thing, so have time to go to Siheyuan there with the children to play together! Have fun

To play? What's more, it's still fun. Tong Tong blinked his eyes. Did you hear me wrong just now? This uncle Ding even let himself play, and still have fun? Why don't you believe yourself?

"No, you don't have a good time to play? It's just a kind of extension, a kind of cognition, and you're a beginner! What about the kids at home? They have already passed this stage, and you haven't started yet, so the cognition may be a little bit poor! "

Ding Yu's words, that is to say, there is no need to continue to explain the meaning, can understand the words, is the best, but from the current situation, it seems unlikely, but if we say that under the leadership of the children at home, he is still not clear enough, then it is really too much of a pity!

I don't have so much time and energy. I can't stare at him like this. But it doesn't mean that he hasn't found a simple way for him. But even in this way, can he walk through it?

If he can really go down, Ding Yu really doesn't suggest extending his hand, but if he can't go down, Ding Yu is helpless. Some things are like this, not that Ding Yu must obstruct something!

"Xiao Su, I heard you pleaded with Ding Yu!" The old man stood in the ward, looked at Su Quan, and said in a low voice, "for the sake of children, there are so many not worth it! He is just a child

"Well, what did I think it was? Tong Tong has such an opportunity, which he won for himself. I really didn't play a role. If Tong Tong's performance is not good enough, I will fight for it! What can we do? What's more, those little bunnies at home! There are really not a few decent people! "

For this aspect of the matter, Su Quan is not too much taboo, "the children in the family? If they really have this chance, there still need me to do it, Ding Yu will take the initiative to come to the door! Why do you always think that Wang Xiaogang was brought to the courtyard by that bastard? It's just what he said to the outside world! "

"It's true that there are so many speechless!"

"Ah! You said so, how other people will think, you can imagine! But we really can't do anything about him! " In this regard, Su Quan has no way to deal with it. "You don't have to eat hard or soft, and you have your own absolute self-confidence. What's the good news? I was born in the military, and I have left a little bit of affection! "

"I always want to say thank you in person, but good guy! ....。” The old man didn't really pick on anything. Although he said there was a reason for Su Quan, he was lying on the bed? After all, he is his own son, but the things inside and outside, all did not let himself have any trouble!

"Sometimes this brain? It's always different from ordinary people! " Su Quan also deliberately pointed to his head, "this may be the reason why he is different from ordinary people now! I don't need to pay so much attention to it. In addition to other things, he left. It's very nice to see him. It's disturbing to watch him! "

This word Su Quan is absolutely from the heart, but the old man next to him is really not good to take this word, no matter what! They are all a family, but what about themselves? After all, it is outsiders, not to mention the length of the discussion behind others, there are always some not very appropriate! What's more, this man is still Ding Yu, the Savior of his son!

On the way back, Hou Tianliang sat next to Ding Yu, while song Tianren sat in the co pilot's seat. He wanted to say something. But looking at the director and Secretary Hou, both of them were dull, which made people feel uneasy. The director looked like he was reading some books, while Secretary Hou was sorting out something there!

What do you mean? It seems that it is not aimed at themselves, but two people have been used to it! In this regard, song Tianren also felt that there was a gap between himself and Secretary Hou. There was still a long way to go before he was integrated into this small group! Not a day or two!When he returned to the detention center, Hou Tianliang arranged a residence for song Tianren and told him about the situation here. He took him to have a simple look. What about here? Really there are not too many people to restrain, everything depends on yourself!

Although it's still early to come back, he doesn't have much free time. Ding Yu returns to his office to deal with official business. Everything is the same as before. But song Tianren looks at Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang, and there are some drumming in his heart. As for this appearance? Just come back, don't you all have a rest?

Looking at the director and Secretary Hou sitting in the office, song Tianren also carefully sat in. Hou Tianliang put the two books directly on his desk, "two days' time, remember all the above! There are basically no errors in the above records, but you don't want to change them! "

"Two days?" Song Tianren has some silly eyes! Are you kidding?

"Yes, in two days, you need to remember everything, because after two days you have to take over other things, and by the way, the security has begun to plan their plans! At that time, you also need to be involved in it, so I deliberately strive for some time for you. You will join in tomorrow morning. Congratulations on a good sleep in the evening

In the process of Hou Tianliang's arrangement, Ding Yu didn't say a word, even didn't mean to look up at all, just like song Tianren was a stranger. From Ding Yu's point of view, whether you are the active choice or the passive choice, it is coming! Since it's here! Then we need to bear a considerable responsibility!

If you want to leave, it will be a little easier for others, but what about song Tianren? The situation is really different, at least Ding Yu won't let him leave easily. To a certain extent, he is still a pretty good seedling, but he was a little too wasteful in the past!

It's just like planting crops. In the past, there was a lack of water and fertilizer. Although it's good to grow to the present level, it's definitely a problem to continue to grow! So need the day after tomorrow want to train and train!

Therefore, it is absolutely not harmful for him to add some things to his body by force now. Can song Tianren accept this question? Really not in the consideration! At least not in Ding Yu's consideration! It was added to you by force, not what you want or not! But you have to accept it!

Looking at the thick notebook in front of him and looking at the training plan for tomorrow from the tablet computer, song Tianren really wants to die! But do not use up to directly give yourself a stick! In this way, you will suffocate yourself directly! Is that really good? Song Tianren also wants to ask director Ding Yuding!

"Director, what's going to happen to the security?"

"Let him come and I'll talk to him in person."

After hearing the director's reply, Hou Tianliang took the security guard to his office as soon as possible. Song Tianren naturally didn't mean to look up, because the things in front of him had already made him want to die! I would like to ask Hou Tianliang and his secretary for advice. After all, he is from the Department of information management. It is said that they all have quite a way to deal with it.

Whatever? Anyway, I'll borrow one or two first! At least it can play a little role, isn't it? Otherwise, I really don't know how to do it! Because my head is not so big now!

Ding Yu looked at the person in front of him and took a breath slightly. "It's the smell of nostalgia. The smell of gunpowder smoke on your body is still not dispersed. The same bloody smell on your body is slightly pungent! I don't know why they sent you here. I don't care about that! "

Yeah? Song Tianren's ear is also slightly moved, he seems to have heard something amazing! But at this time, song Tianren did not want to peek. Instead, he looked at Hou Tianliang with the rest of the corner of his eye. He found that this Hou secretary was as if nothing had happened! Is this guy a little too good?

"Now that we are here, let go of the previous things. What about all the supplies? I will be responsible for solving this problem, but I need to mention a problem. I need to change the name and code name again. You can choose and report by yourself. There is another point I need to explain in advance, that is, your identity here! "

"I understand!" The man standing in front of Ding Yu whispered, but how can I say this voice? Listening to song Tianren do not know why, he felt as if someone had suddenly grabbed his heart. He was so miserable that he really doubted why the man in front of him could make such a sound?

"Today, get familiar with here and get to know each other. Although the conditions here are relatively simple, it's OK to be familiar with some basic things!" Then Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "in the next week, I will give you a task. What about here? It's a detention house. You go to the prison and have a good chat with those criminals? "At this time, not only song Tianren, but also Hou Tianliang couldn't help looking up! "I feel that whose problem is more serious. Talk to them for ten minutes and eight minutes. When they stop crying, you will be qualified! At least here, we can't do nothing, just as the police and the people cooperate! "

Hou Tianliang really didn't know how to judge the bad idea that the director thought out. The director really made use of everything that could be used. But at this moment, Ding Yu seemed to suddenly think of something and waved his arm to song Tianren!

"Hi, Tianren, just sit there! Don't run around like a dog leg Ding Yu didn't care about it at all. "Anyway, you're free. Go to help him. You're a bad boy. Although you don't get sore on your head or pus on your feet, you've got a lot of ghost ideas. You know what I mean!"

"Director, you asked me to frighten them. This is a detention center after all." Song Tianren didn't say that he didn't want to accept the task, mainly because there were some opportunities. The director's evaluation of himself was a little too low! What is the top of the head sore, soles of the feet pus, if you let other people know, you still live?

"I'm not a good man at all. What's up?" Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and said, "let me tell you what you want to do. What about all your expenses here? All of them are earned, but they can't just let the donkey grind, but they don't give them any food. In that case, they will become Zhou shaopi! If I'm satisfied, I'll give you two days off! "

Song Tianren's mouth slightly twitches, but Hou Tianliang beside him is very envious. His eyes are a little bit hot, which makes song Tianren puzzled. It's just a two-day holiday. Is it so eager? I didn't take it as a thing at all, OK?

But I'm afraid Hou Tianliang's bitterness in his heart is as clear as he can say! Since following the director's side, what is called rest, I simply forget! The word "rest" seems to have been deleted from the dictionary!

"Director Ding, I have already thought about it! I'll call Wei Hou later, or monkey if it's code name! "

"Wei Hou? Monkey? " Ding Yu looked at the man in front of him with a slight difference, but he didn't have too many objections. "What's your name? This is your own opinion. I don't want to do any interference. How about security? It's a little different from your usual training style. I'll give you time to get used to it

Soon, Wei Hou also walked out of the office. When he was waiting for dinner in the evening, all the talents left the office. Song Tianren really admired him. After he came back, he basically sat in the office and basically didn't see any movement. I really doubt whether director Ding and Secretary Hou intended it or not!

Dinner is not simple. Now the kitchen is almost covered by Ding Yu's people! What about the armed police and the police in the detention center? Although the number of people is quite a lot, but Ding Yu really did not take it as a thing, after he came, it has been quite troublesome! Even poison occupied magpie nest, the armed police and the police did not say anything!

I just want to improve everyone's life. It's a process of mutual communication! In terms of the armed police and the police, they want to express their thanks, but the problem is that no one can be found! At least Ding Yu is not as good as expected, even his secretary? It's often avoided!

Song Tianren looks at the dishes on the table. It's really rich? It's just that compared with the usual diet, look at director Ding, and then look at the Secretary Hou next to them. They are just used to it. But song Tianren really feels a little bit not used to it! Because how long I have not eaten the canteen!

However, after looking at director Ding's food intake, song Tianren began to have doubts again! Who are you? What are you doing? Did you just lose your eyesight? Did those things really get into the director's stomach? Impossible things, absolutely impossible things, this joke is really so big! I must be wrong!

Wei Hou, who was sitting next to him, chewed and swallowed slowly. He didn't eat fast, but the frequency was still very high! What about the soup on the table? Ding Yu and Wei Hou drank it. The others didn't have much contamination. After drinking the soup, it was obvious that Wei Hou's eyes were a little bit red!

"Tianren, after dinner, you and Wei Hou go to the prison in the detention center together. I have already said hello to the police earlier, which is regarded as a drill in advance! If you don't let him stop, I'm afraid everyone will be bad at night

Song Tianren didn't understand the meaning of bad sleep, but he knew it himself! However, looking at Wei Hou's situation, song Tianren also couldn't help but pick a step back, I wiped it! What kind of situation is this? How does it look like red eye disease? He has no problem!

"Director, is there something wrong with the security?"After dinner, Hou Tianliang walked behind Ding Yu and said something in a low voice! Ding Yu nodded his head slightly. "In fact, it's not a big deal. It's just coming down from the battlefield, and his mood has not been completely eased. In addition, he has been carrying out high-pressure tasks for a long time, so there are some problems, but it needs to be adjusted in some aspects." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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