As for Wei Hou's coming to Ding Yu's side, the situation is slightly more serious! Ding Yu is also looking at Wei Hou, "you and song Tianren go to check, his problem is not big, just some small problems, but your problem is slightly more serious! I don't believe you didn't check this before you came here! "

"I didn't care much about it!" Wei Hou didn't care.

"Didn't care much?" Ding Yu took a breath. "Do you know what kind of consequences this will cause? You don't care? What's more, you need some treatment. As for whether it's conservative treatment or open treatment, we need to discuss it further. But I hope you have enough preparation in your heart. What's more, you need to maintain a certain amount of activity now. It can't be the same as before! "

Wei Hou's face also changed suddenly, "director, there should be no problem!"

"You said no problem, no problem?" Ding Yu felt a little funny, "you should be very clear. I am a doctor. Previously, I just felt that something was wrong with you, but combined with the results of the examination, you can see that your problem is very big, but you disguise it very well! A little bit of skill! "

Holding a pair of his glasses, Ding Yu snorted slightly! "At this stage? You can learn about the operation of security here, as well as the situation in the United States and Europe, including dialogue, writing and daily life. As for the situation on your side, I need to have people study it before making a decision! "

"Director, I heard that your traditional Chinese medicine is very outstanding, or just put a few needles on it casually!"

"Do you really regard me as a God? Or do you know nothing about traditional Chinese medicine at all? What do you think is as long as a few injections? What on earth are you thinking about? " Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and said, "traditional Chinese medicine is not a cure for all diseases. What about the same Western medicine? It's the same thing. Each of us has its own advantages and disadvantages. To say that two injections can solve all the problems, I'd like to open a hospital at home now! "

With a glance, Ding Yu also waved his arm, "what's your problem? Still need further examination and argumentation, not so simple! Don't hang up without lying in bed! I'm not responsible for that! "

"Yes, chief!" Wei Hou also made a salute!

Looking at Wei Hou who was leaving, Ding Yu immediately copied the phone in his hand, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu. How could something happen? I just checked Wei Hou's body and sent me such a person? What does that mean? Is it easier to see me bullying, or how? Have you ever done anything like this? It's just half a disabled man. The palace of hell has already been named! "

In the face of Ding Yu's anger and doubt, the people on the other side of the phone didn't say much, "we won't return the goods!"

"If so, then I have nothing to say! But some people took the lead in using the means. What about me? If there is any problem or situation, then I will not be responsible for it! " With that, Ding Yu hung up the phone directly and didn't give any chance there!

However, the person on the other side of the phone listened to the busy tone in the phone, and also bit his teeth and sent the target to Ding Yu. This is also after careful consideration. It's not to say that someone was sent to Ding Yu's place casually. How could it be possible? But who could have thought that just went to Ding Yu's place, there was a problem!

It's very pleasant to talk to Ding Yu that they won't return the goods. But when Ding Yu hung up the phone, it really made people feel uneasy. After all, the person he was facing was Ding Yu, not someone else! This guy never seemed to be a character with!

What's more, this guy never fights an uncertain battle. What about that? It can be regarded as an unpredictability. How to deal with it? Now to call Ding Yu again in the past, it must be inappropriate, he will not even take the initiative to answer this call, trouble!

If you don't explain to Ding Yu well, you will never get any good results and end. Even the target will beat the dog with meat buns at that time. However, if you explain something to Ding Yu, the initiative will fall into Ding Yu's hands, so the two are in a dilemma!

After Ding Yu put down the phone, he didn't unplug the phone line. There was no need. If he wanted to find himself, he would find it anyway! Why hide your ears and steal the bell? It's just self deception! However, how to solve Wei Hou's problem is really troublesome. His condition is not simple at all!

"Director, Mr. Tanaka has just called and wants to have an exchange with local students. He wants to send some students to Japan to exchange two weeks' time with each other to understand and promote each other. All expenses are borne by them!" Came to the office, Hou Tianliang is also a careful repeat said.

"This matter needs the approval of the Education Bureau! But if you walk around this relationship, I'm afraid it will take a moment and a half? It's hard to finish! " Ding Yu did not really have much interest in this, "mutual exchange, mutual understanding, but there are not too many problems!"Looking at the director's absent-minded appearance, Hou Tianliang blinked his eyes. "Director, when I was in the hospital for examination, I felt that Wei Hou's situation was not quite right. I don't think Tianren's problem is very big. At most, it's just that there was some nonsense in the original time! It's not a big deal! "

"Tianren is what nonsense, plus the previous diet structure is not so reasonable, so a little bit of kidney deficiency? There are only two stones! It's not a big problem. What about the stones? Just knock it out! Go to the hospital that day to deal with it, that is, there may be some pain, just a moment of things! But Wei Hou's side will be very troublesome, his condition! It's a little tricky! "

"Director, if so, it will be very troublesome!" Let the director feel that there are some thorny things, absolutely not what simple things, director's medical skills? In the world are quite famous, and the director of traditional Chinese medicine is also quite powerful, but for Wei Hou's situation, or feel a headache, so it can be seen that general!

"It's very troublesome. I've already made a few lists. Wei Hou is no longer suitable for continuous training! If according to the past high-intensity, high-standard training, can only let the body full of holes, then even if you want to recover, it is also impossible! Get a sick bag, this is a TM! That's too much! I'm really treated as a cure all! "

In the face of the director's explosion, Hou Tianliang also glared at his own eyes, such things are really so few to see! What's your background? I know something, but it's useless to know it! It's not up to you to say it yourself! What's more, Wei Hou should always follow the director's side!

"Director, shouldn't the problem be so big? I think Wei Hou's situation is fair! "

"It's not good to look at the appearance. It's already in a mess! No one dares to guarantee whether it can be sorted out again. It is not a matter of how much money it will cost to get such a medicine jar here. If it can be saved, it will not be a big deal, but what is the actual situation? This group of

After Hou Tianliang came out again, looking at Song Tianren not far away, he didn't show much. His situation is not serious at all. At most, he was a little bit flowery in the past. As long as he corrects in the future, there will be no big problem! What about Wei Hou? I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve the problems in a short time!

"Secretary Hou!" Song Tianren is quite embarrassed in front of Ding Yu, but there is not too much pressure in Hou Tianliang. In fact, it is not a big deal! "No problem with me?"

"No, mainly to keep their own body, strengthen exercise, pay attention to the usual diet, as for stones, the director means to do it when you have time!" This is what the director originally meant. Tell song Tianren about it. There is no too much situation!

"Go to the hospital and do it. Is the problem so serious?" Song Tianren has so many small worries!

"It's just a small stone. Just sweep it with a laser! Your stone is not big. Don't you deal with it now? There is no problem, but in the future, it may need surgery! It's not clear what problems will arise at that time! I said your courage will not be so timid! It's not a big deal! "

"Will you delay your study?" Song Tianren's eyes also turned twice!

After saying this, Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren with a slight surprise, "what you think is very beautiful! What about the task assigned to you? If you are willing to complete, the best, if you are not willing to complete, no one will force you, which must have a considerable feeling, only the consequences? Ha ha

MMP, song Tianren's heart is also floating over 10000 alpacas, it seems that there is no threat, but in fact what? You just want to kill yourself, OK? How could anyone do that?

But the situation is strong, what's more, song Tianren also knows that this is not really Secretary Hou's intentional aim at himself, can't he do it at all? Of course, it's not the director who wants to be targeted. He doesn't have the leisure and time. The main reason is that the director's system is like this. The fittest survive!

No one is forcing you, but you need to take out the end of feeding and run forward. If you don't run, you won't be able to keep up with the rhythm of others. After being dumped, you can't keep up with it? It means to be eliminated. I was originally the person that director Ding Yuding gave to me, and I made a lot of things before. If I was eliminated, the result can be imagined!

"I see! Will gradually solve, absolutely will not delay any study

"Yes! The security training plan is out! It should be sent to your tablet terminal. If you want to sleep better tonight, I think it is necessary to add an earplug to myself. Don't try to be brave. This is a warning of friendship! "

Why to add an earplug? It's a matter of experience. If there is no earplug, even if it's just a round of bullets, the whole ear will be buzzing at night, just like a swarm of bees in your ear. It doesn't mean you can stop if you want to stop!"Secretary Hou, I just saw that Wei Hou's mood was not very high!"

"His condition is a little special. He has some physical problems and needs to be nursed for a long time. But for the time being? There is no specific way to deal with it. The director asked me to bring two decocting utensils. It's not difficult to get that thing. Why? Do you want to learn? This is a rare opportunity

"Decoction?" Song Tianren was stunned for a moment, "it sounds interesting!"

"Do you think it's fun? There are quite a few skills. Do you know one or two of them? It's like adjusting your mood! " Hou Tianliang also has time to joke with song Tianren!

After finding Wei Hou, Hou Tianliang also said straightforwardly, "this is the prescription given by the director for you. What about the medicine? Someone has been sent to grab it! Now you need to step by step, and the specific operation mode will be explained to you by the director at that time. Because your situation is quite special, you need to control everything by yourself! "


"Wait a minute!" Hou Tianliang also patiently explained with Wei Hou! It seems that there are so many leisure and miscellaneous, but Hou Tianliang does not have any slack and impatience, but to the next song Tianren on a very good one! If it is their own words, will not be so patient, as if the gap is a little bit big!

The drug grabs very fast, is not what special thing! Wei Hou looked at the writing on the prescription. It was very clear that all the decocting utensils had been placed in front of him! The kitchen side also said hello, directly put the medicine in the water, and still strictly abide by the instructions on the prescription.

"Director!" When he saw Ding Yu, Wei Hou also made a salute. Ding Yu nodded, looked at the medicine in the pot, smelled it and said, "what about the decocting medicine? Not enough metal equipment, for the drug has a considerable impact, how about your body? There are quite a lot of problems in itself, and the mental aspect has also been quite impacted. I have found you such a job. I hope you can adjust your mood and not be too restrained and depressed! "

"Director, I will use the fastest time to get to my best state!"

"Come on Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what is your situation? You know, I also know that the previous time was always in a high load situation. If it goes on like this, the whole person will be abandoned! Now it's not to say that you can stop directly, but it needs a slow process. Braking is the most taboo! "

"I'm sorry, director. I misunderstood. I thought you asked me to take a rest directly!"

"It's impossible. Now that you've come here, you have to be responsible for it. If you brake directly now, you can't bear it. If you stop rashly, you'll only be killed. It's not what I expected. What do you say? You're lucky. How about me and your boss? It's true that the relationship is broken, but what about the scars on you? Still convinced me! This is your luck

Ding Yu is also a guide to Wei Hou. However, Wei Hou's whole person has a little bit of Na Na. After waiting for all the drugs to come out, Ding Yu took a little breath and said, "what about the suffering of drugs? It's a kind of Kung Fu, but obviously your Kung Fu is not so good. This kind of water grinding Kung Fu should be very suitable for you! "

"Besides, I don't mind if you do all those messy things while you're making drugs!"

"Director, I don't quite understand!"

"Tomorrow morning, you and I will exercise together. Don't use your strong way. I will teach you some breathing skills, but you can't use too much force at this stage. Your cardiopulmonary function is OK, but what about other body parts? That's just one thing! something is better than nothing! The body needs to adjust slowly, can't pursue eager for success, this is not to change the oil! Understand? "

For Ding Yu's sudden hand of friendship, Wei Hou really felt a little bit confused, because there were so many confused. What does director Ding mean! Buy yourself? It looks a bit different, but if you don't buy yourself off, you are just a small person, as for this appearance?

Some Wei Hou, who didn't know much about it, also reported the situation before going to bed. It's very difficult for me to judge this matter myself. Since I can't make this judgment, someone needs to judge it!

However, the person who received the news felt that his nose was slightly smoky. Ding Yu's Revenge came! And it's still so fast that people really can't prevent it!

Ding Yu must have been prepared. He must know that Wei Hou will make this call, but what about Ding Yu's practice? What about that? It's not really, but to some extent, it's a toad jumping on the instep of one's feet. It's annoying not to bite people! But I have no way to refuse? How to refuse and watch Wei Hou die? If it was true, he would not have been sent to Ding Yu at the beginning! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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