"Uncle!" Ding Yu looked at Zhao Xiaobing and his classmate McDull standing in front of him. He was stunned for a moment and then nodded his head! The face is not as serious as before!

"What a leisurely day! Have you come here for a stroll

"McDull has always wanted to say thanks to you, but I can't find any chance to go home. It's really inappropriate to go home. I also have a copy of McDull's signature and basketball. I didn't think of it! Old uncle, let us both express our thanks Zhao Xiaobing is not restrained at all, which may have inherited his father!

"And your little daughter-in-law? Why didn't you see anyone else? " Ding Yu is not ambiguous at all! McDull on the wheelchair is also overjoyed! What about this? I knew it before!

"Uncle! I'm not really aware of it until now! In the past, it's true that parents don't pay attention to the trap in the family! But the question is, what about the one in the palm? The requirements are not generally high. What about 211 now? I don't like it! Absolutely 985! It's a kiss

There is a bit of "complaint" in this remark. It is mainly because Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang mentioned the college they graduated from. This is really exciting! So the consequences are quite serious! I know now, but it seems that there are so many late! Regret is too late!

"McDull? What do you do with your studies? "

"Uncle!" McDull, sitting in the wheelchair, looks at Ding Yu and calls tentatively. Seeing that Ding Yu has no objection, he continues to say, "there are a lot of things pulled down, and the current situation is not suitable for continuing to go to class. He has already communicated with the school! Stay for a year

"What about the body? Not so appropriate! If we follow the class, I'm afraid there will be other reactions. That's really not right. However, if we stay for one year, we won't worry about this aspect. In fact? Homework or other things, are not so important, people! That's the most important thing, McDull. What do you think

"At that time, I didn't feel any emotion when I saw my mom and dad crying." McDull was very sincere and said, "later, I heard some things about old uncle mentioned by my parents and soldiers. I was already hopeless at that time! Thanks to you, uncle. Otherwise, it would be Yin and Yang separated today! I can't imagine it! "

"Good recovery, at least in terms of spirit. What do you look like? If you keep it for a while, it should be better. But pay attention not to be playful. You can save your body from other hidden dangers. In that case, it will be a lifetime thing. You can't allow such indulgence, you know? "

"Uncle, don't worry, I'll look at him!"

Just as they were talking, suddenly there was a dull voice. Zhao Xiaobing and McDull all put up their ears and looked at their movements. Ding Yu also called Hou Tianliang, "they are all idle. Come here for a stroll and have dinner here in the evening! Take them out for a walk, just like monkey grandson, you can't sit still! But don't let McDull do it. His body doesn't allow it

"Yes, chief!" How clever Hou Tianliang is! The gunfire outside had already reached his ears. Looking at Zhao Xiaobing and McDull, Hou Tianliang also laughed when he took them out.

"Uncle Hou, you are here too!"

Hou Tianliang smile slightly, "this is McDull! When I saw it before, I was still on the bed. Now I can make a wheelchair! It looks like it's really a good recovery! Take good care of yourself The training ground is not far away, so soon also came to the place, song Tianren is also training in the field!

As for Zhao Xiaobing and McDull, at this time, all the attention was placed on the table top, and all kinds of guns were placed there! However, the firearms and bullets are strictly separated, and the instructors of the armed police are watching, implementing the most stringent supervision! Never allow any problems and errors!

Soon someone came with three ear bags and earplugs! Zhao Xiaobing was the first to pass McDull, and even carefully arranged for him! After Hou Tianliang put on the earphone, he connected the line, and began to speak directly. His voice was very clear, but Zhao Xiaobing and McDull felt a little bit of an accident, and there were such advanced functions!

"What about the headphones? Can eliminate the outside noise, at the same time can clear dialogue! The function is very complete! In the shooting range? Generally they are equipped with ear bags, rarely equipped with such earphones. You can have a good taste

"Uncle Hou, can we start?"

"Yes, but I need to say a few rules!" Since the director asked himself to bring them over, there was no big problem, but anyway? The things that should be paid attention to need to pay attention to, there is no reason to speak!The rules took a little longer. Zhao Xiaobing and McDull both listened carefully. When they were ready to start, song Tianren, who was covered in mud, was panting and couldn't climb over. After coming here, he found a stake to lean on, and then he gasped!

"How about it? Is the exercise over? " Hou Tianliang also said with a laugh, "Xiaobing, McDull, I'd like to introduce you to song Tianren, assistant song. If I'm not here in the future, I'll look for him if I have anything to do!"

"Hello, uncle song!"

"Shit!" Song Tianren also made a clean-up to Hou Tianliang, but the movement was soft and powerless, "what's my name? How old am I? My name is song Ge!" And then he was lying there, and the whole person was lost in his mind! The previous practice has made him want to cry without tears! Now it's really paralytic! No kidding!

"Leave him alone! Just play your own! Soldier, you can do it later, but McDull can't! You just action operation is not long time, the body is not able to force, so take a look at it! When will you be well! Tell the director, it's not difficult! "

McDull had been extremely satisfied with playing with guns before! Although he also wanted to have a try, but his body did not allow it, but Zhao Xiaobing there eager to try, he had a good understanding of the previous moves! With the help of the armed police, Zhao Xiaobing also fired a shot at last!

Play a fill a hair, because he is a novice after all, need to have a considerable insurance mechanism, but for Zhao Xiaobing, it is enough! After getting up again, I also rubbed my shoulder, feeling a little numb, but now the whole person is not generally excited! Even a little excited!

"McDull, my shoulder is a little numb!" When Zhao Xiaobing spoke, his nose was also moving, "but it was quite enjoyable. When I was a child, I didn't have such a feeling! I have some doubts now! Would I be addicted to it? In that case, it would be a lot of trouble! "

"Don't even think about it!" McDull is also ha ha said, he has just touched the real gun! As for whether or not to shoot is really not so important for yourself, not to mention Secretary Hou's earlier time said, wait for his body to grow well, and then come and have a try! It will be the same then!

Since the old uncle said it! You will never regret it!

Because of the special training for song Tianren, there are a lot of weapons and equipment in this small training ground. Zhao Xiaobing and McDull are also enjoying themselves! As for Zhao Xiaobing soon also put on bulletproof vest, good guy is really not general restraint, but Hou Tianliang really don't care!

The armed police are also very envious, looking at Zhao Xiaobing and Mai Dou. After all, they can get the care of Mr. Ding. It seems that they are not ordinary people. After all, they have never seen such a scene in their military service for so many years. They have not even heard of them. It seems that their training bullets are not as much as those of assistant song in the previous field today!

However, other people's bullets are not within the scope of their own consumption. It seems that there are some people who are not clear about where they came from. As for the so-called, they are not clear? Refers to the degree of confidentiality, does not represent other!

"Uncle Hou, this is the big sniper!"

Hou Tianliang shook his head slightly, "what about this gun? It's mainly for familiarity. What about your uncle song? Now the most powerful voice, in the battlefield? The sniper may only have the chance to fire a shot, which is not as illusory as movies and novels, but it has a considerable strategic position on the battlefield, so we need to be familiar with such sounds. "

"Familiar with sound?" Zhao Xiaobing and McDull two people look at the table top guns, the latest domestic, they are also seen in the network, but now so direct visit in front of! Reaching out and touching it for quite a while, it felt really different! "Uncle Hou, is this not a joke?"

"The standard team, even more than one sniper, and what about the sniper? Generally, it is a group of two or three people. In many cases, it is a strategic deterrent. When you don't shoot, it is more terrible than shooting. Experienced soldiers shoot at the sniper "good, what about you? What about the college entrance examination? It seems to be building a building, but it's not. What about the college entrance examination? It's just building the foundation! Can we lay this foundation well? It determines what kind of level you can enter in the future, and the foundation has been laid! Then you can decide whether to build a more beautiful one? Simple or luxurious, it depends on personal opinions and ideas

"Uncle Hou, you were the same when you took the college entrance examination!"

"Study! In many people's opinion, it is a very hard thing, but in fact, it is a very interesting thing. You have played Rubik's cube! Is the Rubik's cube clear? In fact, it is very simple, as long as you control the skills, even if you close your eyes, you can recover! The same is true of examinations! "

"I've heard of it, but I haven't tried it very much!""Before there's control skills? I feel very irritable, but after learning the skills? You will find that it's just a matter of a few simple mathematical formulas! But what about it? There are a lot of traps waiting for you, a little careless, will fall, and the exam? To a certain extent, it's just a process of bypassing the trap and filling in the right answers! "

"Can you explain that?" Zhao Xiaobing and McDull are so stupid!

"Or what do you think? Look at the past college entrance examination papers, the people who set the questions? What is the purpose? Only one, verify the basic knowledge, if you do not control firmly, it is easy to fall into the trap! But if you have a good command of it, if you are a little more careful, you will find that your test scores are a little better than you think! "

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