"Uncle Hou, did you do the same at the beginning?"

"My college entrance examination was not the same as now. Of course, what I said was that the nature of the college entrance examination was not the same. I studied science at that time. At that time, there were five subjects and each subject was 150. It was not like now. But what about then? If you can master the basic knowledge and successfully avoid the trap, then 530 is not a problem! These are basic, very simple things. "

"Is this a little bit larger?"

"Nothing big or small? You have read the exam instructions, which have a very detailed introduction, which are important knowledge points, which are not very important, contact occupied 530 points, so what about the rest? 220 points, do not ask to occupy too much, if you can successfully complete half, then there is no problem in 645! "

"Isn't it a little too simple to say?"

"Simple?" Hou Tianliang shook his head. "In fact, it's not simple at all. It's like you never really care about it. Do you know what you learn is basic knowledge? Based on the foundation, what is your ability? Although the college entrance examination can not achieve the real sense of fairness, but it is relative to fairness! What about this? More than 80 percent, or even 90 percent of the students? We can't make a good summary! "

Zhao Xiaobing and McDull two people, you look at me, I look at you, are trapped in a burst of thinking, perhaps their own teacher mentioned, but they did not take it as a thing, usually did not think about this aspect.

"At ordinary times, I have also made quite a summary, but this summary is quite different from what you said, uncle Hou!"

"It's not the same. The teacher is not only educating you, but also educating the whole class. What they pay attention to is universality, that is, the so-called foundation, and want some special features? It's not that you can't. the question is whether your regular model has reached the standard, just like a drum surrounding water, how much water can be stored? It has a relative relationship with the lowest board. What about the lowest one? It can be regarded as the foundation! "

"It's not that we can't stand alone. There are many such people in history, even in modern society. But relatively speaking, there are so few people who are so pitiful. What's more? I think it may be a little bit extreme, but I still need to make it clear that the better you learn, the more resources you will occupy in the future? You need to understand it in a broad sense, not in a narrow sense! "

"For example?"

"For example?" Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren beside him, "for example, this assistant song, what about his academic achievements? It's really good, but to a certain extent? Because he has too many resources! "

Yeah? Song Tianren bit his teeth slightly. It is obvious that Secretary Hou was black just now, but he thought that he was counterattacked so quickly. What came was really so fast! As for such a careful eye?

"I see! Uncle song should be the second generation! "

"To be exact, it should be three generations!" Hou Tianliang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "but is this important or not important? If you stand in your point of view may be a little envious, because the life is good! But from a certain point of view, it doesn't matter at all! Not even a cent! "

Song Tianren heaved a heavy sigh, and then took the words over, "this is not wrong. Is it important? It seems to be very important. There are relationships and channels from the older generation in my family. Of course, I need to struggle, but what about this struggle? It's just because of the family, but this feeling will slowly fade away with the passing of the older generation? In fact, it doesn't matter at all, because what about identity? It can only play a temporary role, and sometimes it will be looked down upon

"Also, don't call me uncle song, I'm still very young, just call me brother song!"

Looking at Song Tianren's slightly angry appearance, Hou Tianliang was very satisfied, "struggle! Is the most real thing in life, because your harvest will always exceed your imagination. Even if you don't gain, you also get quite a lot of things, that is, the so-called experience. What about this? It's really not something you can get by looking at it! "

"Little soldier, McDull, just now you all took up your guns, especially the little soldier. You saw the shooting on TV and movies. The feeling is absolutely different from that of shooting in reality. You have already had considerable experience. This is where the harvest lies."

Yeah? Next to song Tianren blinked his eyes, this word should be deliberately pointed to himself! This seems to be the truth. I thought I was bringing two children to show off. But what about the situation now? It seems that it is not so simple!

Secretary Hou is more attentive to these two children. At the same time? And then the opportunity to point out their own many things! It's not to say that I'm really a good teacher, but to let myself understand through the subtle process! I little interesting!But this should be what the director meant! Not only taught Zhao Xiaobing and McDull some things, but also a small warning to himself, this hand is really to let himself feel quite a lot! However, when song Tianren emptied himself, Wei Hou also came to the training ground! He said hello to Hou Tianliang, and then he began to practice alone.

"I'll go. It's too cruel?"

Looking at Wei Hou, who was standing beside him and shooting, Zhao Xiaobing and McDull were also scared. "It's normal. This is a bit like your mock exam before the college entrance examination. What about the usual strict training? It's also for the sake of going to the battlefield. If you don't have such training, and you really go to the examination room of the college entrance examination, what kind of feelings will you have? You can't even pick up your pen. If there are any problems in the examination, the whole person will go crazy! "

"I don't feel like that!"

"On the one hand? It's because you haven't been on the training ground yet. On the other hand? Usually imperceptibly, let you go to the habit slowly, so ah! Boy, you still need to work hard! If you don't work hard, everything will be nothing but nonsense

Hou Tianliang made a gesture, and soon the armed police began to check, even including Hou Tianliang. He was allowed to leave the training ground after the inspection, "Uncle Hou, you also need to check, isn't it too strict?"

"If you don't set an example, how can you lead the two of you? At ordinary times, we need to be strict, and we can never relax ourselves. This is a process of slow development. By the way, the director told me earlier that when there is time for the Chinese new year, we will arrange you to go to the capital and find two teachers to talk about the college entrance examination. Although it is a little early, for you, you can take a preventive injection in advance , soldier, bring your little girl friend Wan Wan Wan with you

"Ah? Bring our family, too? My God

"What? Now you know how upset you are? I didn't feel it when I provoked people at the beginning? " Hou Tianliang said with a funny face, "in fact, this is not my attention, but the director mentioned it. However, from another aspect, I really don't envy you in general. What about the love of youth? Is the most pure feeling, is the life most beautiful recollection! But for many people, it's a strange bitterness

"I feel a little bitter now!" Zhao Xiaobing is very naughty to say!

"You know an egg?" Hou Tianliang didn't have a good temper to say, "typical body in the blessing do not know, do not know how many people envy you, at least you don't need to be secretive, it's very aboveboard, what's more? She seems to be strict with you, but on the other hand, she is wholeheartedly to you, such a girl has been very few! Cherish it

"I'm not. I just feel that sometimes? I don't know what to say

"It's normal. Where's your girlfriend? After all, just experienced such a thing, for a girl who has not contacted the society, you are too important for her! No one can look at it or touch it. If anyone dares to move you, he must show his teeth! "

"Absolutely, my daughter-in-law!"

"Slowly contact, and then you will slowly find that when two people can stay together peacefully, it means that your hearts have come together. It takes time, but also you and her? I have quite a feeling. Maybe it's a little high, but it's not as difficult as I think! "

With two people back to Ding Yu's office, Ding Yu's nose slightly sniffed, "go and have a bath! The smell of gunpowder smoke is not a man's taste, and the soldier is responsible for taking care of McDull! I made something here in the evening. It's not bad. I'll try it together! "

"Uncle, we have already disturbed! Isn't it good to stay for dinner

"Now that you're here, why are you so polite?" Ding Yu snorted coldly, "it's not a bad thing to be thick skinned. It's just that I made some medicine earlier, which is good for McDull's health. When I go back, I'll take some of them. At the same time, I'll take them when I come back later!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Two people said with one voice.

"McDull! What my uncle didn't say When going to the bathroom, Zhao Xiaobing is also very excited to say, the previous time there was security for them to take casual clothes! And it's the full set.

"I thought life was bad at the beginning, but I really wanted to die at that time! But I didn't expect to meet Dr. Ding, who is also an old uncle of your good brother. I don't know why this happened. But recently, I started to read some other books and have some ideas! " When speaking, I also pointed to my head.

"It's not easy! Uncle said it! You don't have any problems with your body, but when you are so young, you will certainly suffer a great impact on your spirit. Therefore, I recommend you to read some books. However, I have heard that some people in my family have mentioned the situation of the old uncle. It's common for him to cure the sick and save people. But he will never take a fancy to a person for no reason. What about me? It's just my father's light! ""No! It seems that I am in your light! "

"I said it earlier! I'm just in the light of my father. I'm familiar with my uncle at home, so I'm taken a look. But it depends on my achievements and development. Now I can't even count the so-called beginning, but what's my personal feeling? Old uncle still takes you seriously, McDull, come on

This is absolutely Zhao Xiaobing's sincere words. For his old uncle, Zhao Xiaobing really knows quite well. This understanding comes from many aspects. After all, what about the old uncle? It's a local. Where's your father? There are a lot of brothers, a little inquiry will be able to explore the situation of the old uncle almost!

All together, Zhao Xiaobing is really not a general impact, this old uncle! Quite a legend! When you were at school? What happened after graduation? But the reputation is not obvious, if it is not for medical reasons, I am afraid there will still not be too many people know!

But at that time, he was punished to kneel in a small restaurant, and later he was called Ma family! All kinds of things are really not ordinary people's fascination, they are absolutely admirable!

Zhao Xiaobing and McDull changed their clothes again after they washed. Although they were ordinary clothes, they were not ordinary spirits. They were very gentle. They were not fashionable, but they were absolutely comfortable!

"I wipe, there is no sign on my clothes. I haven't seen it before!" Zhao Xiaobing is very curious to take off the coat, carefully check a time, but did not find anything!

Hou Tianliang, who came into the door, shook his head when he looked at Zhao Xiaobing. When asked, "I'm not so clear about the specific material. I don't have any research on it. It's just a regular dress. It's a small reward for your previous training ground. At least you can express it well, without any "Over

Two teenagers are a smile, a little shy, dinner is still in the canteen there! All of us are sitting on a table. There are quite a lot of things on the table. McDull's food is average, and Zhao Xiaobing's food is not small, but that is only relative!

Looking at the other people on the table, Zhao Xiaobing felt that he was too honest! Especially my old uncle, who is a very human being, isn't he? There are people who eat like this, eat a table of food, and then again on the table, the joke is not so good, really want to frighten people to death!

After dinner, Ding Yu still didn't keep the two of them, but Zhao Hongyang was waiting outside directly! Looking out of the son and McDull, also patted two people on the shoulder, but out of the security? No words, turn away, even no chance to speak!


"Uncle Zhao!"

Looking at the clothes on the two children's bodies, it was obviously different when they came here! "Have you eaten?"

"Yes! I ate at the old uncle's place. I met him when I came. But the old uncle's work was obviously a little busy. Uncle Hou entertained us and let us go to the shooting range for a circle. During this period, he told us some very useful things about study and college entrance examination. He also said that we should let McDull and my daughter-in-law go to the capital city together and give them to me during the Spring Festival Let's find two teachers to ask for advice! "

Because it was a business car, Zhao Hongyang listened carefully to his son and McDull. He heard his son continue to say, "some problems need us to think about. I'm afraid we can't make it clear for a while. We've had too much dinner together in the evening! The meals of the old uncle and those people are terrible, especially the old uncle, my mother! I think I have a lot of food! But compared with the old uncle, I look like a chicken! "

"What do you say?" Zhao Hongyang also glared, "McDull, I called your father and your mother before. Don't go back at night! You two brothers discuss it yourself! By the way, your daughter-in-law will come back later! You are responsible for the reception yourself

Ah? Zhao Xiaobing a listen to all of a sudden on the malaise!

"I want you to give something to your uncle. You are very kind! Eat and take! You really don't take yourself as an outsider! " Zhao Hongyang also has some "complaints" to say!

"Dad, McDull and I are not eating and taking. The most important thing is the medicine that old uncle gave McDull. The old uncle said that McDull recovered well, but it happened to be that old uncle cooked medicine, so we prepared one for McDull! I'm in good health, but at night I drink a bowl of soup and I feel very comfortable! "

"You two! Good life! I have to wipe your ass, OK! You can solve your problems by yourself! Ask too much, you should not be happy! Don't make too much noise at night, especially McDull. Your body needs a long time to recover. Don't have any problems, OK

"Uncle Zhao, I will pay attention to it. You can rest assured!"Zhao Hongyang waved his hand, "by the way, our little soldier has already found a daughter-in-law? what about you? What about this thing? Right? It depends on your personal performance! "

"Uncle Zhao, please spare me! I saw the soldiers, I was very scared! I think I am very good by myself now! Really McDull said with a little fear!

"No loyalty!"

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