What about Ding Yu about Zhao Xiaobing and McDull? It really doesn't have much deep meaning. At most, it's just pointing out. If two people are feasible, there is no problem, but whether it is feasible or not is unknown to everyone now!

But it's better to persuade people to be progressive than to let people degenerate, isn't it! How about more trees and fewer thorns to a certain extent? Whether it is to buy people's hearts or not, this problem is really not so easy to say in the imagination! Even Ding Yu can't explain clearly.

"Boss, are you free tomorrow?"

Receiving a call from his father, Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation. "Now I really have a lot of free time. In fact, there is no work here, but I need to sit here for a period of time! In two days' time, I may have to talk to the people who watch the watch! "

"Go to the hospital tomorrow to help with two operations. Liao Hai's child's treatment is still very good, you can't ignore it! It's good to let him feel! Isn't it? "

"Yes! I won't go at night! It's a little late. I need to arrange the work here! " Ding Yu was thinking of making a little joke with his father, "I'll be there tomorrow morning! I'll have a look at the medical records and then make a decision! "

After putting down the phone, looking at Song Tianren and Wei Hou who come in from outside, Wei Hou is still the same as before. It's unrealistic to want him to change completely in these two days. But are the prisoners in the detention center? It's been crying out now! Never met such a person!

Is it because of the policemen? A strong expression of thanks, even from the Municipal Bureau there are people! What about these? They are not within the jurisdiction of the detention center, but we can find out more things without using any other means. Such things are really quite strange!

However, after a round of investigation, it can be regarded as knowing how it happened! Wei Hou! The vision is too sharp! I'm afraid it's difficult for ordinary people to direct his eyes. Even when the police saw Wei Hou, they felt a little nervous. His heart beat very fast, and there was no movement. That momentum was unbearable!

I don't know where it is from! But nothing happened. What about the prisoners in the detention center? When I saw Wei Hou, he was like a quail! It's really shivering!

As for song Tianren? The situation is not as good as you think! These two days give him pressure can be said to be quite big! Whether it's security, Wei Hou or Hou Tianliang, they almost use the way of filling ducks to transmit things to him, which makes him bear unprecedented pressure. Now? Don't say sleep! I wish I could hold my pillow all the time!

"I'm going to the hospital tomorrow. What about the two of you? Whatever you want! I don't interfere too much! "

Wei Hou didn't have any reaction. What about song Tianren? It's also about fighting your own spirit. In fact, what about the spirit? Pour really is not so tired, mainly on the body! I feel like I'm on the verge of collapse! But still have not broken through that edge, want to vomit but can not spit out, too uncomfortable!

You know, this is just the beginning! If it is still the case in the future, whether he can really stick to it, song Tianren has begun to have considerable doubt now! What about the first and second echelons? Although they have suffered quite a lot, it seems that they have not! Why are you the one who is abused?

Looking at Song Tianren's appearance, Ding Yu also nods to Wei Hou. Wei Hou is also one of them. He presses song Tianren on the chair. Song Tianren is stunned. He looks at his director, but hesitates for a moment, but he doesn't mean to stand up. He tries to straighten his waist!

"Tianren, now is just the beginning! Are you unprepared? Or is it that you are under a lot of pressure here? " Ding Yu said this without salt or salt, which seems to have the meaning of inquiry!

"Report!" Looking at the director's outstretched hand, song Tianren also said in a loud voice, "director, it's my personal preparation that is slightly inadequate. I will correct it immediately! With the most full of spirit to meet the next challenge

"You're not ready, in my opinion? It should be your inner resistance! However, this is not a big deal. You are very thick and proud. I'm thinking about whether to break the pride in your heart! It's something worth pondering over, don't you think? "

Ah? Song Tianren looks at Ding Yu, and his pupils shrink slightly. He has heard of the director's methods. He is fierce and cruel. He is just beginning to train! Some mental state is not good, the body can not keep up with the reaction, this seems to be very normal ah! Don't treat yourself negatively!

"Director, you will see my performance!" Song Tianren said with all his heart!

"But I think it's time to give you some strong medicine. What about you? I don't know what's causing it. But I'm not really a person who likes to get to the bottom of the matter, so I'll give you a choice, the first one? How many days to be a forensic doctor? What about the second? Go to be an executioner. You decide by yourself which one you want to be Ding Yu's expression is a little strange!"I'm going to be a forensic doctor!" That is to say, after Ding Yu finished his speech, song Tianren didn't even have any reaction. He showed his attitude at the first time! Look at this meaning, the attitude is still quite firm!

Wei Hou, who was standing next to him, jerked his mouth and shook his head slightly. This poor and unfortunate child! Even choose to be a forensic doctor for a few days. If you let yourself choose, you'd rather be an executioner than a forensic doctor! It has nothing to do with whether it is a major or not!

What about forensic medicine? Absolutely have good psychological quality! After checking the corpse, you can eat spareribs at noon. It's absolutely impossible for anyone to resist living! And song Tianren was so good that he chose to be a forensic doctor! Some good to see!

"Wei Hou, you follow him. I'll arrange for him. Where's the town? There is hardly any forensic work. Go to the provincial department! He has a lot of guts. He should have had a lot of contact, but what about those things? Close to the dark, so we need to give him a good wash

Wei Hou made a salute. After coming out of Ding Yu's room, Wei Hou looked at Song Tianren with a suspicious look. Song Tianren felt that his scalp was numb, "what did I do wrong? Brother Wei

"Just call me old six!" Wei Hou's voice was very low, "I don't know why you want to make this choice, but what I want to say is that you are an unfortunate child! And he's a pretty unlucky boy

With that, Wei Hou left! Song Tianren was so puzzled that he went back to his bedroom and waited for Hou Tianren to come back. Song Tianren was also asking for advice. He said, "Secretary Hou, the director seems not satisfied with me just now. Let me make a choice. One is to be a forensic doctor, the other is to be an executioner!"

Hou Tianliang, who was sorting books and documents, heard this. The books and documents in his hand fell on the desk. His head turned mechanically. His eyes were very dull, "don't tell me that you choose to be a forensic doctor?" Looking at the nodding song Tianren, Hou Tianliang's expression is like constipation! It's hard to twist!

After a half day's delay, Hou Tianliang also extended his thumb to song Tianren. "You can make such a choice. I don't know it should be congratulation? Or should I sympathize with you? I really can't say well. I don't have the courage to face it personally. I'd rather be an executioner! "

"No! It's just to be a forensic doctor. I'm not without touching the corpse! It's normal! "

Hou Tianliang licked his lips, "don't say it. I still want to eat normally these two days. Do I know your psychological quality? More excellent, but I really did not think that you will make such a choice! In the words of the director, you are really "bad". To a certain extent, you really need to take good care of you! "

"No! I'm a little bad, but it seems to be a choice! "

For song Tianren's argument, Hou Tianliang did not explain anything, "the director gave you a choice, if it is the executioner? Although it will be a considerable impact, but that is to let you go to have a look, let you do it yourself, it really won't, this is beyond the scope of the scope! But to work as a forensic assistant, this is really different! I need to say it very sincerely. I wish you good luck

Waving his hand, Hou Tianliang also tidied up his books and documents, but after thinking for a while, Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren again, "do you want me to fight for you again? Although there will be no results, I personally think? You still need to think about it. I don't think you can bear it personally! "

"Ah?" Song Tianren scratched his head, "Secretary Hou, is this really so mysterious?"

"What about the director? It seems that there is no purpose, but from the actual situation, the director has never had too much bad taste. I haven't worked with the director for a long time, but I really seldom mention this aspect. Although the director is also a doctor, the doctor is different from the forensic medicine! "

After Hou Tianliang said that, he also looked at Song Tianren with pitiful eyes! Song Tianren also hit a smart, "six elder brother also told me, that is, Wei Hou, he is a soldier. Is it possible that he still has considerable research on this point? Why mention forensic medicine? You are like eating flies!"

"You do! I work in the intelligence department, and I have really made contact with this aspect. Now I think about it, I still feel very bad. However, I really admire the work of forensic medicine, which is different from being a doctor! "

"Secretary Hou, how do I feel that the director intentionally guided me?"

"It seems that there are some inaccuracies in this statement! At least the director won't admit it, and what about the scene? There are other parties, which are your personal choice, and should be the choice you made at the first time. Therefore, to a certain extent, this is not a temptation or an inducement, it can only be said that it is your subconscious reaction! "For the director's means, Hou Tianliang has experienced too many times! Already know it already! Such a situation is not only unexpected, but also quite normal! However, it should be said that although song Tianren has just come for a few days, the director can be said to have a complete insight into him! Think about his next encounter, Hou Tianliang is also very happy for himself!

"Although you're going to be a forensic assistant, what about some things? I will still transmit it to you through the computer, all of which need you to record, with your head! And no leaks are allowed! What about this result? You should also know that it's not really to scare you. Wei Hou is to a certain extent? It's to solve his problem, but what about the other one? I don't say, I think you should know that, too? "

"What do you mean?" Song Tianren can't help being stunned!

Hou Tianliang stretched out his index finger and middle finger and compared his head! Then he pulled his thumb and said, "I think you should understand what it means. This is the hidden rule. It can be regarded as a warning I give you free of charge. Do things in the director's office? What should be said can be said, but what should not be said? Think it over! Don't think about playing with fire, because you don't have the capital to play with fire. In the end, you can only burn yourself

In the morning, Wei Hou and song Tianren are ready! If they are completely cleaned up, some people will send them to the provincial government to do assistant work for a period of time. They don't have any jobs and salaries, and even need to work backwards. But what about such things? Ding Yu really did not have any hesitation!

After a simple exercise, Ding Yu drove to the hospital directly, and Hou Tianliang also followed Ding Yu, "director, let song Tianren do the work of forensic assistant, even if he is allowed to leave the scene, I think this requirement is too much! He doesn't have any experience and experience in this respect, and his spirit will be impacted abnormally at that time! "

"He's bigger than you think Ding Yu's voice is not salty as usual, "if you stay here now, it will not have too much impact on him personally, and will even let him continue to decadent. If so, there will be no significance for him to come."

"But is it so difficult to come up?" Hou Tianliang still felt a little worried! What about this worry? It's because I'm not sure about song Tianren. After all, what about the job? Even if it is to practice, not many people can afford it!

"If you don't give him any high difficulty, when he goes to the United States with him, then give him the so-called high difficulty. Can he be competent at that time? I'm afraid it will be a corpse by then! Maybe, but it won't be too much trouble for him

Hou Tianliang understands the worry of the director, but can song Tianren pass the test? In this regard, Hou Tianliang still expressed considerable doubt, "director, can the forces behind him have other views on this matter? Just arrived here, they immediately transferred to leave? It's hard to guarantee that no one else will have any other interpretation! "

"No matter whether it is misunderstanding or other interpretation, it needs him to bear it by himself, and even the forces behind him will take the initiative to bear it. No one will give up, just like you. I have mentioned to your superior leaders that you can recover, but no one will let go!"

Hou Tianliang said with a smile, "director, I don't want to take off this uniform all my life. I feel that I have a sense of mission, which may disappoint you, but I'm still very happy to learn something from you!"

"Relatively speaking? You don't have the ambition of song Tianren, and you don't have him. If song Tianren can break through some limits, his future achievements will certainly be higher than you! But people are different. It's not fair to judge people so easily! "

The time for the two people to talk was not very long, because the distance was not as far as imagined. In addition, it was a small county, and there were not too many people and vehicles in the morning. So soon, they drove to the hospital. The car was very good. Ding Yu took the elevator to his father's place directly!

Ding Yu has the key to his father's office, so it's not so troublesome. After cleaning and changing clothes, a nurse finds Ding Yu and greets him warmly! "Dr. Ding, Dean Ding has already told me. I didn't expect you to come so early. There are four patients, two from our department, one on the sixth floor and the other on the top floor!"

"I see! Thank you. Let's see the patients in our department first! "

Ding Yu came a little bit early, and the patients basically got up to wash and gargle at this time! Although it is still some time before the official work, seeing the doctor come so early still makes the patients feel flattered and even worried!

However, under the explanation of the accompanying nurse, the patient and the patient's family members also looked at Ding Yu with extremely keen eyes, whether there is a way or not? When they come here, they are basically running to the big doctors. What about Ding Yu? He was the best one. He came here in person, and he came so early. Can he make the patients and their families not excited?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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