However, no matter how excited, Ding Yu always has that kind of expression and attitude. He inquires in detail and patiently, and sometimes even deliberately checks it out! The whole process is orderly!

"Miss Ding!" Liao Hai came when Ding Yu was examining the third patient. However, after a cry, he followed Ding Yu's back. His hand had been treated to some extent. But now it is impossible for him to continue to go to the operating table. At most, he should learn some experience from him!

"Hello, doctor." The patient lying on the bed is a middle-aged man with a miserable face. However, when he sees Ding Yu waiting for the doctor and nurse to come over, he is also trying to keep his spirits up. When Ding Yu looks at the patient on the bed, he nods his head and says hello!

He had seen the medical records on the way to the hospital, so Ding Yu already had a good understanding of the patient's condition. "Liao Hai, if you were the chief surgeon, how would you deal with this medical record?"

"Mr. Ding, I will choose minimally invasive surgery. The patient's condition does not support major surgery, and there is

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about minimally invasive surgery? There is no need to make a big fight. It will benefit the patient's recovery in the future. At the same time? The financial aspect of patients can also be greatly reduced. What about major surgery? There is a considerable risk, but there is still a problem! What do you think it is? "

"Director, you mean that there may be other problems during minimally invasive surgery. I have already seen the patient's condition, and there is no problem with blood pressure and so on!"

Ding Yu also made some discussions with Liao Hai face to face. What about these discussions? That is, in front of the patients, there is no concealment, but the patients on the hospital bed? Listen to the introduction of two people, nervous expression is also slowly ease down! Even when Ding Yu and Liao Hai stopped, he asked carefully, "doctor, are you saying that this is not a big problem? Is that the case? "

Ding Yu looked at the patient on the bed and blinked his eyes, "what about in the hospital? There is an unspoken rule. If you say that you are talking about things and talking about everything, what is your problem? It must not be too small! If the doctor sometimes has no other words except the necessary ward round, it means that your problems are basically not very big. Everyone does not take it as a matter. The hospital is very busy and does not have so much time to pay attention to you, instead of saying that they don't care about you! "

"What about suction, skin pulling and sewing needles? It is the most basic. You should not be like this here. Although you are a new comer, what are your requirements? It must be different. If you have time now, you can do some basic research! It's convenient for you not to be too busy when you come to the stage in the future

"Yes, Miss Ding, I will pay attention to it!" Liao Hai also told Ding Yu that he had problems with his hands? It was discovered by this teacher Ding, and got the most timely correction, and from the understanding of the situation, this Ding teacher will not stay too long, he needs to use the limited time to enrich himself!

When Ding Yu did the operation, the operation was very accurate. Liao Hai felt his scalp numb, but the whole person's eyes lit up in an instant! Liao Hai is not the first time to enter the operating room, nor is it the first time to see Ding Yu undergo an operation, although the operation is not so difficult!

But so accurate and accurate, even the teaching plan does not seem to have such a degree? But in the past, I didn't really see it, but it's also true. What about this teacher? It's really an unknown Master! It seems a little wrong to say so. What about the so-called fame? It's just relative!

Soon Liao Hai was shaking out all the superfluous things out of his head, concentrating on the operation of Ding Yu. At the same time, in his spare time, he also sat down with considerable records. Unlike other surgeries, doctors chatted and gossiped. Ding Yu was quiet during the operation, and even made the air calm.

However, Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the other assistants and doctors. Even though everyone was talking in a low voice, Ding Yu didn't intervene. He even said what he wanted. After all, Ding Yu was not here once or twice! But Liao Hai is careful to record, meticulous appearance!

In the morning, after two operations, Ding Yu didn't go to rest, even didn't eat lunch, so he went to see the patient! After all, it was her own operation, but the patient's family members saw Ding Yu. It was really a good time to thank you! But what about the response? Ding Yu is still slightly cool expression!

Fortunately, the head nurse nearby kept saying hello, which relieved the embarrassment between each other. However, this is also a common thing. It's strange to think about it. What about director Ding? The face has always been a smile ha ha, in the impression still really did not pull down the face time, but this doctor Ding, the expression why can be so serious? incomprehension!

"What do you think of the operation in the morning?"

"The operation was very successful and the patient's reaction was very good." Sitting opposite Ding Yu, Liao Hai thought for a while, but he thought that he should not show his pride at this time. What's more, in front of him, he seems to have no pride at all!"Your mind is too tight!" Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth? just so so! The reason why I look like this the day after tomorrow, but what about your appearance? To a certain extent, there are some deliberate reasons to put too much pressure on yourself. If this continues, you may need to take sedatives to enter the operating room in the future. "

"Miss Ding, I will pay attention to it!"

"From the point of view, it's a good thing to have a family background, but it's not a good thing either! Where's your grandfather? What about you? When you're a beginner, how about you? They all wear magnifying glasses and even colored glasses. It's very normal. If you can't adjust yourself well, I won't tell you the consequences! "

"I hope to start at the grassroots level!" Liao Hai's face shows up, a little stubborn!

"It's good to do it from the grass-roots level. I mentioned this to you earlier. What about the small county town? There are disadvantages of small county, of course, there are also advantages of small county, so we need to do quite a bit of selectivity? What about this? It's an extra transmission to you. Learn to make mistakes? "

Ah? Liao Hai opened his eyes, when the doctor can make mistakes? If the doctor made a mistake, then it was a matter of human life. However, Ding Lin on the side laughed after hearing his son's words, "you boy! He was able to transmit some heresy to him, which made him understand it now. It seems that there are so many things that are not appropriate. At least, we should explain them clearly to him! "

Yang Bo also can't live nodding, "leader, go home to sleep on the sofa, this does not count, our family that is a female tiger!"

The words just said, Ding Lin also glared, no big no small, but this is not what the problem, "Liao Hai! You! It's just too tight! Where's the boss? You look at his tense look, but not too as a thing, the state of mind is very stable, for him, it is like eating and drinking water! Whether it's Manchu Hanquan or XiaoCong tofu, it's so simple to fill your stomach, but what about you? There may be no problem with the scallion tofu, but what about the Manchu and Han banquet? You should be too scared to move your chopsticks! "

"It's me. I dare not!"

"You're a drag, you've become a veteran! Now it's still a little hard work, but what about this life? There's not much room to go up! At most, it's a change of food and clothing! "

"Teacher, I have been very satisfied! In our city? It's a little bit of a name! My requirements are not high. Dog meat can't be served on the table. I can see things in common sense. We are such conditions. Even if I want to go to the capital city or demons, I don't have the courage, but I don't even have the details! "

"You, you!" Ding Lin didn't mean to blame Yang Bo. He looked at Liao Hai again. "Xiao Hai, you are different. You haven't eaten Manchu and Han banquet, but at least you have seen it. When to eat snacks, when to move chopsticks, when to eat what to eat, you generally know the process. Everyone wants to eat Manchu Han banquet. What's the problem now? You're not sitting there waiting for the dishes to be served. You don't have the qualification. What you need is to calm down and let yourself walk towards the table step by step! "

This is not obscure, even quite straightforward. Liao Hai listened very carefully. What about himself now? Need to hone their own foundation, not always ambitious, the hospital here will do its best to cultivate themselves, allow themselves to have the opportunity to make mistakes, but they can not shirk responsibility!

"Dean Ding, director Yang, Dr Ding, I will..."

"Not that you will, but how you need to learn!" Ding Yu interrupts Liao Hai's words without politeness, "there is no problem with your talent. I have two students. What if we say the real talent? There is a big gap between them and you. Now they are in the hospital in Beijing. The starting point is very high, but I don't worry too much. If you are put in that place, you will be a good doctor at most in the future. "

"Guo Li called me when he was first! Your teacher is a little bit irresponsible. It's better for your students to pay attention to them, but they have time to ask for help! "

"He flattered me Ding Yu is not polite at all, and Yang Bo is also laughing on the side. "Guo Li is a big hearted guy. Is he in medicine? Talent is not as good as Liao Hai, but his nerve is very thick. Even if the artery ruptured during the operation, it will not cause him too much reaction. I mean now, but what about Liao Hai? If you're on the operating table now and your artery suddenly ruptures, what will happen to you? "

"I haven't experienced it. Maybe the whole person will not have any reaction in an instant. Although I have been trained in this aspect, I haven't experienced it!" Liao Hai did not make any boasting, and his performance was very calm!

"Almost. I experienced it when I was on the stage. At that time, I was not the main knife. The whole person was already stupid. It took me a long time to react. Fortunately, the doctor in charge of the operation at that time reacted very quickly. Although it may be because of the hemostatic forceps, I have never experienced it. I never know what I will do next Reaction! Now I think it's still quite frightening! ""No experience? The first reaction is very important! After the same insight, brother Yang, you may not be surprised now! After all, doctors for so many years have seen almost all the patients they should have met, but life is always full of accidents, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents in the process! "

What about the whole lunch? It is the process of transmitting experience to Liao Hai. After all, what about surgery? It can be honed, but what about experience? Not the same, not that everyone can have such a chance, if it is really like this, dad and Yang Bo two people, even if the skin of their mouth are polished, also white talk!

The operation in the afternoon went on very quickly. Liao Hai also started a limited communication with the assistant and the nurse nearby. The assistant was not surprised at this, but the nurse really had such a feeling of ecstasy! What about Ding Yu? We want to hook up, even want a little ambiguous, but how come it's too high-end!

Although he has never seen his wife, but we have already seen his two children! And what about their father? Vice president of the hospital, but also concurrently holds the work of the Health Bureau, people's mother retired! But there is love, to help teach. Actually speaking, looking at their mother's A8, we have nothing to think about!

What about the new intern? Compared with Dr. Ding Yuding? Maybe it's a little bit worse, but it's also high and big. It's a small fresh meat. It's also a good thing to be ambiguous. At least it's more eye-catching than director Yang Bo! Right? Director Yang has already aged bacon! And the female tiger in his family is very fierce!

After the operation, Ding Yu still didn't mean to leave. He took Liao Hai with him patiently to check the patients and do some follow-up work. Taking him for such a walk may be more effective than that of his father and Yang Bo for a week. Since he is here! Then be a good teacher!

"Dad, is the operation a little easier today?" There is no one here in my father's office, so Ding Yu doesn't worry too much, "there are not many things in the detention center!"

"There are so many people in the city who are in panic recently!" When he spoke, he also took a look at his eldest son. "It seems that many people know that you went to the detention center, and we don't know how it happened, but there are many people who want to ask for surgery! I can't bear it. I don't even have time to support! Not at all! "

No wonder! Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "got it! I've made trouble for Dad! In fact, there is no big deal. When I have time, I will come here twice more. Even if I really want to investigate something, I can't do it! I am just a doctor

"Come here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow if you have time! Even if we don't have surgery, we just sit in town. I think we may be a little bit more stable. In a period of time, it may be the Spring Festival! "

Ding Yu also keeps nodding. In Chinese tradition, the new year is regarded as a big thing. Even if there is anything else, he hopes to have a good year! That's it! To a certain extent, Ding Yu has been back for such a long time, and he is still looking at the place where he is guarding. The mobilization of the armed police and the police is quite strict and confidential. It is impossible for us to worry at all!

What about the Ma family and the Song family? Although it's been a long time! But for some people, it is still clear that no one wants to see anything again! However, we are also deeply touched by the words of 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi! Don't deceive the youth to be poor. It's really right!

For two consecutive days, Ding Yu has been in the hospital! In addition to the previous operation, Ding Yu also sat in the emergency department. What about this? It also spread out quickly. To a certain extent, it really eased the tension and mood in the city. If there was anything really, Ding Yu would never be like this!

What about the detention house? Although the security is still tight, to a large extent, it has nothing to do with the police there. Ding Yu is mainly in the armed police. When he trains one or two, it is very harmonious!

Whether it's comfort in the heart, or stealing the bell, at least there is no fear in everyone's heart. It can be seen that Ding Yu's father is quite good at using. As soon as he comes forward, he solves the problem directly! So this thigh! Must be good to embrace! Never let go!

Although temporary cramming also has the possibility of success, the problem is how to cram if you can't even enter the temple gate. However, we all know something about Ding Lin? Usually there is no other hobbies, we also do not need to too much to disturb what, that would make him some disgust!

But in the ordinary work, we say two polite words, contact, this seems to be no accident! Do not need to deliberately compliment, and to the maximum extent to maintain the relationship between each other and contact, is also very good!

As for infuriating Ding Ding Lin, as long as it is not drunk or his head is flooded! No one would do that!

People in the hospital for so many years, there is no problem and situation, the medical products and medical ethics are well-known, the family is also very harmonious and happy, so to go to the Black family, can only be said to be black their own heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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