Ding Yu has Liao Hai here, and there are not too many problems, but song Tianren's situation is a little bit wrong! Went to the provincial capital on the same day with the emergence of the field! Song Tianren is still slightly excited, but Wei Hou looks at Hou Tianliang, and the corners of his mouth twitch! I hope he can always keep this mentality! But is it possible?

When he got to the scene, he looked at the cordon pulled up outside and the police far away from the scene. Song Tianren was a little confused. So, what did these police do? Why not close! However, when the police saw the license plate on Song Tianren's body, they also released it directly! Forensic assistant, no problem with identity!

After entering the cordon, Wei Hou pulled song Tianren, and then he put on his isolation suit, hat, shoe cover and even a mask! Song Tianren thought it was to protect the scene at that time, but when he got close to the scene, song Tianren's eyes became round all of a sudden!

Did not go back to the provincial hall, sitting in the car, the whole person has been bad! Fortunately, it is the security driving the car, otherwise I don't know how disgusted it will be? Wei Hou didn't have much feeling. At most, he opened the window! And song Tianren is holding a paper bag can not live vomiting, in fact, vomit out, is simply water!

"Cool oil! Try it. Although the price is cheap, the effect is still good! "

Song Tianren looks at Wei Hou with a dull look in his eyes. After thinking about the road he wants to come, the six elder brothers seem to have gone to the drugstore specially. He thought something had happened. He didn't expect to buy cool oil. Has he prepared for this!

"Six elder brothers, do you say the director is intentional?" Although he smeared some cool oil, the effect was still limited, because it was completely psychological. Song Tianren could not help but twitch in his stomach as soon as he thought of the scene he had seen before!

"On purpose?" Wei Hou snorted. This one is more or less contemptuous of song Tianren. "You underestimate director Ding! At the same time, you think highly of yourself! This is a very normal thing. To a certain extent, it is just a test or even a test for you! "

The security guard seems to have heard nothing. His body is very relaxed, but he is very energetic in driving. Song Tianren blinks his eyes and spits twice with his paper bag! This kind of taste does not mention how uncomfortable!

"I didn't pass the test. I was really bad at that time!"

"What about the so-called test? It's about the whole process. No matter who encounters such a thing, it's almost the same as your reaction. It also reflects a problem. You don't have the experience and training in this aspect at ordinary times. What you call the terror you are exposed to is just a child! Reality is quite different from imagination! "

If placed in the past, when hearing Wei Hou's hoarse voice, song Tianren would never be too happy, or even feel quite harsh. But now listening to Wei Hou's voice, song Tianren feels the comfort in this discourse. This psychological comfort makes him really comfortable and comfortable!

"A process?" Song Tianren, who was still holding a paper bag, felt that his heart would be hollowed out!

"You need to adapt to this process, but you don't need to soak in blood, and then eat it wantonly. In that case, either the nerves are too thick, or there are mental problems. But on the battlefield, this is completely normal, and you have to suppress your physiological state? Not the best channel, but you need to use the fastest speed to adapt! As far as I know, the director should not give you too much time! "

After going to director Ding, song Tianren really didn't have much feeling. To a certain extent, where? It's more humanized, but it's a bit monotonous. I really don't feel how great director Ding Yuding is. He stays in it everyday, handles documents, and sometimes goes to the hospital to have a look!

I feel no different from ordinary people. I can learn something from him, but relatively speaking, song Tianren still feels a certain disappointment. But after coming here today, song Tianren came out of the scene. This shock is really a little bit big!

"Six elder brothers, you say director and Hou Secretary they...."

"I can explain this to you!" The security guard sitting in front of the car, looking at the red light, also stopped the car. "The director's situation is confidential, whether in the national archives or in other aspects, it's the same. Simply speaking, Secretary Hou, when he worked in the intelligence department, had experienced these things! Those things on the scene, for secretary Hou, are just ordinary things! What's more, the director is still a doctor? It's too childish! "

"Doctor?" Song Tianren couldn't help asking!

Wei Hou then turned his head, but there was no irony in security. Now Song Tianren is confused! He did not consider this aspect, this is very normal thing!

"The director is a doctor, and anatomy is a normal thing for the director! It may be a comparison with your heart, but it is a common thing for doctors. After the operation, eating two spareribs or steak, without any psychological pressure, is already a common thing! "Just after saying that, song Tianren's stomach was convulsed again. When he opened the paper bag, there was a burst of spray. Some of them even came out of his nostrils. He had just been to the scene. Now he mentioned to himself what kind of ribs or steak is it? Is this going to kill his rhythm?

However, when he was more desperate, he went straight to the canteen after he came back. Even before he got to the canteen, song Tianren felt that he could not bear it! But when he saw the forensic doctors and police officers who went with them to fight meat and vegetables, especially the ribs, song Tianren felt that the whole day was dark!

"Noodles?" When Wei Hou looked at Song Tianren, he felt that he was so funny, but he didn't mean to oppose it. It was just noodles with clear soup. However, it was also true after thinking about it. When he was on his own, he ate bean curd, but later he didn't vomit so much. When he thought about it, he felt helpless! I also came from which years. "Why not rice? I think which one might feel better! "

"Six elder brother, although said vomit, vomit also is used to! But I hope I can spend this time smoothly. In fact, I want to eat cakes, but I just want to challenge myself. So I ordered noodles and vegetables. Now what about rice? There are still so many too test! I don't know how to adapt! "

"Not bad!" Wei Hou nodded, but he didn't have to! The security is the same with cake and mutton soup. Neither of them wants to share the table with song Tianren. It's not that they are afraid of stimulating song Tianren, but that they are also hungry and don't want to affect their appetite. To put it bluntly, it's so simple!

Song Tianren can be said to have been tortured. Naturally, this incident also spread to the capital. Ding Yu didn't mean to hide song Tianren from other people. Not only song Tianren, but also Wei Hou, also followed him. The military felt that he couldn't feel his head. It was just that two people went there! Why follow a security guard?

The problems and conditions in this really make everyone curious, if it is other departments, it is just! He only pointed out that song Tianren would be an assistant to the forensic medicine. What did he want to do?

It can be said that a group of people are very curious about this, but some people have already guessed out Ding Yu's idea and intention at this time, although it is not so obvious. I didn't expect that song Tianren had just gone to Ding Yu, and some problems had been found out. This is really the fate of song Tianren!

What does Ding Yu value about him? Is this one? It's not as important as you think. What's important is that Ding Yu went to cultivate song Tianren. This really makes other people envy him. He didn't adopt the same training method as Hou Tianliang, because Hou Tianliang and song Tianren are different in themselves, so it is most appropriate to teach students according to their aptitude!

As for whether song Tianren can stick to it or not? It really has nothing to do with Ding Yu, but what about many people? It is not so expected that song Tianren can stick to it, because of song Tianren's relationship, Ding Yu's position has been robbed! If he can leave, there will be a hole!

But what about things like this? It's really not suitable to go directly to maggots, because it is easy to lead to some misunderstanding on Ding Yu's side. There are really not many people willing to bear such consequences, but to add some so-called difficulties to him, this seems to be really no big deal! Especially at this time!

"Old leader, don't you really call Tianren?" A middle-aged man was also a little anxious at this time. "I heard that Tianren's situation is not so good. This bastard is smart, but I'm afraid he will be too smart! At the end of the day, you will be mistaken for your cleverness

The old man who sat in the first place shook his head slightly, "let Tianren be a forensic officer. It seems that director Ding Yuding! For Tianren, we still attach great importance to him, and let him have a good understanding of it. If we don't go through some things ourselves, we won't have the taste of it. Tianren is very smart, so we need to let him have some experience. Don't always be ambitious! "

"But in the end, there are some things that are not appropriate. Originally, two places were given. What about Tianren? After some mischief, director Ding Yuding picked it out for him alone, and now he has given him such treatment. After all, Tianren is not the same as Hou Tianliang. Their identity is quite poor! "

"What is different identity?" The old man was obviously not satisfied with this saying, "they are all the same people. At most, there are some differences in experience! This is Ding Yu's test of Tianren. Only when he has passed the test himself can his experience come to an end. If he relies on the outside world and doesn't have any training for Tianren, he is likely to be criticized by Ding Yu, and there will be other problems in the future. "

"But what else? How would they think about it? " It can be said that middle-aged people are particularly worried about this, "because of director Ding Yuding, they can't have any action, but they add a little difficulty to the whole test. I'm afraid that Tianren can't bear it! Director Ding's test is appalling enough. If we add a little more difficulty, I'm afraid it will become the last straw to kill the camel! ""I tell you, no action is allowed. This is a test for Tianren. Will it be a dragon or a worm in the future? Just look at this one! Ding Yu is interested in Tianren, not because of his ability, but because he is a bit smart! If you don't have a good practice, there will be big problems in the future! "

"It's not about the ability of Tianren. Isn't it a joke?"

"Relatively speaking? What about Tianren's ability? It's not as outstanding as you can imagine. I mean the two newly selected secretaries around Ding Yu. As for Hou Tianliang? There is no comparability! But how smart is he? It's different from other people. It's a good training! There is no limit to the future, and he has the advantage that Hou Tianliang does not have. That is, he does not have any military identity, even better than the two newly selected secretaries? Maybe we should have more advantages! "

"Old leader, what you mean is that the two secretaries will not stay with Ding Yu for a long time. To a certain extent, they are just to calm down some contradictions, including the third echelon and the previous attacks. Of course, Ding Yu may go abroad and have some troubles with Hou Tianliang."

"Not bad!" The old man nodded slowly, "what about the military identity of Hou Tianliang? There are always quite disadvantages. If Ding Yu takes him with him, there will be no problem in our own territory, but after going abroad? It's easy to be grasped by other people. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to do good at that time. Even Ding Yu is also very tricky! "

"But this is not enough to let Tian Ren stay with director Ding Yuding?"

"And the two secretaries? It's just a bridge to connect! To stay at Ding Yu's side is to communicate with each other. Ding Yu cultivates them on behalf of others, so that they can see the world. But in a narrow sense, they are not selected by Ding Yu. Ding Yu will have considerable training, but they are selected by himself and sent by others. Which one do you think is more intimate? "

"In fact, some people can understand this. The so-called equal treatment is naturally equal, but can a bowl of water be leveled? Although they are not sons, one is chosen by themselves. What about the other two? This metaphor is a little inappropriate, but it's just such a thing! "

"Will Tianren understand?"

"If Tianren can figure it out, it will be of great benefit to him! This child is more intelligent. How about doing things? With his own unique understanding and ideas, these are his advantages! But some talent doesn't represent his future. This is two things

"These two days have been very uncomfortable, but there is no one else to contact. Tianren's side is only Wei Hou and a security guard. What about the security? If the oil and salt do not enter, it is like an invisible person. What about Wei Hou? His situation is similar, but his relationship with Tianren seems to be very good! "

"Wei Hou is from the Department of emotion management. Let's just say that!" The old man also said with a smile, "although he said he used to be a security guard, but you think that if Wei Hou and Tian Ren add up, eh?"

"Let the two of them replace Hou Tianliang?" The middle-aged suddenly realized, "director Ding Yuding is so optimistic about hou Tianliang? Value! This is really unimaginable! We all know that Ding Yu is good to Hou Tianliang, but I'm afraid not many people can think that Hou Tianliang occupies such an important position in Ding Yu's heart? "

"It's my guess whether it's true or not. At the same time, there are some things that can't be said well! However, from the current observation, it is almost like this! Wei Hou doesn't need to worry too much because he came from the army, but Tianren! Can you make up this leg? "

It is impossible for the elderly to say that they are not worried at all, but what about this kind of worry? It can only be said in their own home, but really can't take it outside, otherwise how will the outside world look at this matter?

The pie suddenly dropped from the sky is an opportunity, but can it resist it? There is no time to explain to song Tianren. Song Tianren has left for Ding Yu. Now Song Tianren is out! But the problem is not to hinder, there is no way to explain.

What about all the expectations? Can only hope for song Tianren himself! I hope he can reflect on himself!

After knowing the news of song Tianren, the other two secretaries began to operate? We need to get to Ding Yu as soon as possible. After the new year, Ding Yu may go abroad. What is the general direction? It should be the American side! And now Song Tianren has begun to prepare for this!

These two secretaries must not be able to pull down, step by step, step by step, I am afraid that they will not be able to catch up! What's more, song Tianren? Now they are assistant to Secretary Hou! Compared with the other two secretaries, the important thing is that his identity is not fixed! Although Hou Tianliang is a secretary on the surface, this secretary can't be compared with the two new secretaries.

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