"From my personal point of view? I would like to call our family leader director Ding, but from the perspective of outsiders? I think Dr. Ding may be more appropriate. It's a pity that it's not enough. What about me now? Not valued by the director of our family, or in an internship stage! We are striving for it! "

"It's special to arrange internship in the forensic medicine department." Zhan Zhao is a little easygoing at this time! After all, what about your wife? It's just a problem!

"If you have a chance, you will know, but if you don't have a chance, you really don't want to inquire! What about the hospital this time? I still borrowed the tiger skin of our director. Now he has a student who belongs to the Liao family! "

"I just heard that! The people of the Liao family called in person. We should know that Evergrande is quite a number one person in our provincial capital. His medical skills are excellent, and his family atmosphere is very good. If you can talk about it, Liao's call really makes people feel so incredible. If Dr. Ding studies beside him, is this doctor Ding's medical skill higher than Heng Lao? "

"Brother cat, are you interested? It's a good thing! Look at your heart! " Song Tianren smiles, "but what do I think? Do you still need to think about one night because it takes longer? It's easier to calm down and not regret in the future

"It's very interesting, but what about these two days? I may need to be here! There is not so much time, who did not expect that there will be such a problem and situation at home! I really don't want to take off this police uniform, but I didn't expect that after a meal, some people would not be able to see it! "

"There are so many people who have offended me." Song Tianren slightly moved his nose, "there is nothing remarkable, from my personal understanding of it? You cat brother is still an outstanding policeman, but he is not a "good policeman". I am not a bad man, but I am not a good man either! See how to define it! "

Song Tianren did not stay in the hospital for too long, but what happened after two days? I got a definite message. What about brother cat? Warned! Why? It's also hard to laugh or cry!

"Brother cat, I heard that your situation is quite serious. If you ask for a leave to take care of your wife, you can be warned. You really want to force you!" Song Tianren just expounded a fact! There's really no icing on the cake!

"Normal thing!" After coming out of the ward, Zhan Zhao also shook his head. "If I can, I still hope to make me more active and passive? It's not good! In fact, I don't have many opinions and ideas about this. I have been misunderstood and even treated unfairly in my work. It's nothing. I feel a little cold now! "

Song Tianren did not speak, but nodded. After all, what about Zhan Zhao? He is also a policeman, and once was a front-line police officer. His ability can be said to be very excellent and special. But his wife had such a thing, but no one came to visit him, and even no one understood or said hello!

For anyone, I'm afraid they will have quite a feeling, but what about song Tianren? How about reaching out at this time? It seems that there are many problems, "brother cat, I am still that sentence, before? I may draw a big pie for you, and then try to win you over in a similar way, but at this time, it's a bit like a crime to come over and win over you! "

"Misunderstanding and unfair treatment? It's not just me! Even a lot of police have encountered, not what is the only one that makes people feel a little chilly? It's just that there is no greeting from other people, and I feel like this. I just get the same vision as retribution. This makes people some can't understand. Why is this

"Too many people have offended! This shouldn't be the most important thing. Police, especially criminal police, don't offend people. What's more, your temper was still a little hot at that time. However, as far as I know, it seems that this is not the case. Obviously, these are imposed on you by someone. It's interesting! "

"The police are also human beings, not monsters. The problems encountered at the beginning, let alone the police! I'm afraid it's very difficult for anyone to control their emotions, so they'll start! However, it is precisely because of such a thing that we can see what kind of situation has emerged! "

In fact, Ding Yu has got quite a lot of news. In Ding Yu's opinion? As long as song Tianren did not use other means, everything else was not the problem. Judging from the process and results of the investigation, there was no problem. So Ding Yu had no other relationship. Let song Tianren handle it by himself!

"Brother cat, I feel a little sorry. I wanted to ask you for help earlier, but I definitely didn't mean to let you take off your police uniform. Now I feel sorry for you when I see you like this!"

Zhan Zhao was also quite sad. When he came out of the building, no one saw him off or comforted him. He even said, "take care of yourself."! How warm and cold human feelings are! Only you know!"Don't be worthy of it. I'm sorry! What about me? Now it's really unemployed! What about the house? There are parents above, wives and children below, so I hope this cake won't make them hungry! As for other things, I haven't thought about them, and I don't want to mention them! " On Song Tianren's car, Zhan Zhao is very lonely.

"Brother! What should be done about brother cat's situation? "

The driving security guard took a look through the rearview mirror, "you are not an internal person now, not to mention you have your own position on your body, so you can't be incorporated into it at all. If Zhan Zhao wants to enter the interior, he needs to pass a strict assessment. From experience, there should not be too many problems, but he won't be your person by then!"

Ah? What else? Song Tianren bit his teeth slightly, "so I'll put it another way. What kind of treatment should brother cat look like? I have no confidence in my heart! First brother, can you give me a standard

Not only song Tianren, but also Wei Hou and Zhan Zhao also showed their interest, "my salary is 8000 per week!"

"Eight thousand, thirty thousand a month! Not much! Isn't the director so mean? "

"8000 dollars, 32000 dollars a month. I can withdraw at any time or invest in my husband's place. However, I will probably spend about 2000 dollars on living expenses. The rest 30000 dollars will be used for financial management and other treatment? Don't mention it! "

"Thirty two thousand dollars a month, nearly two hundred thousand! what the hell! Isn't that a bit too much of a cost! " Then he also looked at Zhan Zhao next to him, "brother cat, if you pay 30000 yuan, I can't afford it!"

"I'm not that different?" Zhan Zhao also smiles.

"If Zhan Zhao came here and passed the examination, his monthly salary should start from 50000 yuan, at least during the internship period. However, the treatment of siheyuan has always been relatively high, which is obvious to all. Because Zhan Zhao has rich experience, has considerable experience, and also performs very well, so what is the starting point? It may be a little lower, but if you really get into the business, it's another price

"In this way, I'm lucky to be here."

Song Tianren patted himself on the chin, "I really didn't think about this problem, but brother cat, now, don't think about this good thing! What about my whole family? It adds up to a lot, but the problem is that there is really no way to give you any expenditure now! Be considerate

"Is the experience so exquisite?"

"Who said no, at most your meal money? And tobacco money, including other expenses, I've covered it all! To the present position, I can only do this level! Who let you fall into this pit? Want to climb out! I don't think it's so easy! " Now Song Tianren is very relieved!

"What did I think? Even if it's a resignation report, at least in the past, we need to retain it! As a result, I didn't expect that all the work in two days was over! Happy even let people do not know what to say is good! But what about dinner in the future? Maybe it depends on the sky! "

"What about things like drought and flood to ensure a good harvest? Let's forget it! At least you have no problem with your ability, but relatively speaking? You're just resigning from public office. It's really not a big deal! " Song Tianren is also comforted to say that this cat brother offended people at that time! That's how it ended.

Now? Is it really not appropriate to solve this problem? It's not that I don't want to, but I really don't have that time and energy. After all, what about all the things now? You need to prepare for going abroad in the coming year, and then mention other things after this premise.

"Brother! I can be responsible for everything about that brother cat, but the problem is that brother cat needs to be with me. Do you need to make some public to him? "

"You need to wait until the internal investigation is finished, and there are still people who are recruited by yourself. If there are other problems, you need to endorse them and say boldly that there are quite a lot of people eyeing at your present position. If you are not careful, your life will be able to whine!"

When he spoke, he also deliberately took a look at Zhan Zhao who was sitting in the back. "Although he is a policeman and has undergone quite strict political examination, the siheyuan is not responsible for his relevant investigation. All the things need to be completed by yourself. You need to sign a considerable agreement, and all the necessary procedures are for you to go away!"

"Understand!" Song Tianren nodded happily, "do I need a proper application?"

"As long as you feel right! After this? He needs a lot of training! " This is the end of the speech, and the security guard has no meaning to continue to speak! However, Zhan Zhao expressed a strong interest in this area at this time!

Along with the scene, the whole process of Zhan Zhao did not mean to speak, and then everyone rushed to the hospital together, "less days?" Zhan Zhao also made a tentative remark!"No, if the director hears this, I'd better take off our heads! I'll keep this head to breathe and eat! Call me Xiao Song! Forget it, call me Xiao Song. I'm afraid you are not so comfortable inside your heart. What about the outside? Just call me assistant song! There is also a leader on my head, Hou Tianliang, the Secretary of Hou Tianliang. He is a smiling tiger. He must have the opportunity to meet with him. He can call me Tianren when he is normal! "

"Yes Zhan Zhao didn't have much hesitation. "Why do you have to endorse it? I feel a little puzzled? "

Waiting in the car? Only when song Tianren and Zhan Zhao were involved, Zhan Zhao also asked, so there was no need to be so worried about this, "there are a little more involved things. By the way, do you have a passport, brother Mao? If not, I'll send someone to handle it for you. I will prepare to go abroad after the new year. Although your identity is a little special, there should be no problem? "

"Going abroad?" Zhan Zhao felt the paste in his head at this time!

"Yes! Generally speaking, there is a process like this. I came to the director's side for a short time. I haven't been able to take charge of it. But what about Secretary Hou? There is no way to follow the director, because he has the identity of the military on his body! "

Song Tianren is also serious, "why tell you this problem? It's also out of trust in you, and then you need to do a lot of training, including weapons and language, as well as habits and so on. But what about these? All of them need to be kept secret. Don't report to anyone, including your parents, wife and children! "

"Is it forbidden to contact in normal times?"

"We don't usually forbid it. We're not furtive, but we seldom contact each other because I don't have so much free time. I haven't dared to contact my parents at home for such a long time. It's mainly because there are other worries." What's the point? In fact, it's all tears!

"I feel the weather is a little cold!" Almost a week! All the procedures of Zhan Zhao have been completed, and his investigation is also finished! Take him to the training base, but also need to show him a lot of things, not only Zhan Zhao, but also song Tianren!

"Are these for us?" Standing in the shooting range of the military region, Zhan Zhao looks at the guys on the table. He feels that some of them can't be themselves. He is a policeman, but he is a policeman in the front line. But what about the police's management of guns? It can be said that it is particularly strict, but it is not really the same as the TV series, said to take out!

What's more, if you fire a gun or a bullet, you almost have to write a report, which is particularly exaggerated!

And as far as I know, what about the management of the army in this respect? More strict than the police, but what is in front of you! Lin Lin all kinds of placed so much, see also let oneself feel so some dazzling!

"Put on your clothes. What about in the future? It needs to be worn for a long time! " The first brother also pointed to the package next to him, "assistant song, you are responsible for it. The total value of these things is about 1.2 million yuan. I need you to sign it later! This is only a single person, if there is anything unclear! It can be mentioned at any time

Song Tianren looks at the list, examines it again, and hands it to Zhan Zhao. Then he picks up the report and prepares to change clothes and farewell! Song Tianren looked at the list and said, "no! Tianren, 1.2 million, this is not just wearing gold and silver! Even if the body is inlaid with diamonds, I'm afraid that's the price? "

"You are a police officer. Although you are fighting, the information you get is limited. What about the contents of your bag? It's really worth the price. If it's a heavy artillery attack, such as Barrett, you don't have to think about it! Even if you can't break the bullet proof vest, your body can't bear the impact force! Other bullets? If the distance is not so big! After all, it's not really that bad luck? "

"This is the bulletproof vest?" Zhan Zhao mentioned it, but it didn't seem to be very heavy? I haven't seen it before! It feels great! "

"I don't really know if it's a new product developed by our country, but as far as I know, there are not too many people using it. It's too expensive! Even the big dog army can't afford it! This does not include other weapons and equipment. I have some doubts now. Will the director squeeze oil from the stone? "

After wearing it, Zhan Zhao moved his body, without any sense of restraint? It's the same. There's no sense of heaviness at all! It's really strange. I didn't wear a bullet proof vest. The bullet proof vest in the police station is really tiring. But what about the one on the body now? I don't feel so much. Is it strange?

"Let's go! The director didn't want to let go of my meaning, also can't let go of you, today we two people also are difficult brothers and brothers! " Song Tianren's voice was quite helpless,

as for the final result? It didn't surprise song Tianren, but Zhan Zhao's performance was that song Tianren was very different. After all, he worked in the front line at the original time! So there is an absolute guarantee. What about song Tianren? The difference is very far, finally can only lie there like a dead dog, can't get up at all!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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