Ding Yu didn't pay attention to song Tianren's meaning at all. Instead, he paid much attention to the Japanese children on the farm. However, Ding Yu didn't spend the whole day on the farm. He just came to have a look at it in his spare time. He really didn't mean to say anything!

"Director, what's the point now?" Hou Tianliang really did not understand, so he asked directly! Of course, this is also because of the close relationship with the director. I'm afraid that even this courage will not exist if other people try it!

"What about the current environment? For them, there should be considerable worry, even some uneasiness, but this is also the most testing people. Under such circumstances, what kind of reaction they will make will directly reflect their psychology. This is very important! "

"Director, these children should be very afraid now! I think what they're here for? They themselves should be quite clear. I don't think they can still pretend to be confused at this time! "

"It's not to pretend to be confused, but to put them in such an environment, with a little intentional meaning, in their daily life? I've arranged quite a few moves, but how many of them have happened so far? I don't know. It's necessary to investigate it, but not now! "

"Director, can we eliminate them at this time?"

"Why eliminate them?" Ding Yu said without hesitation, "under the current situation, how to help them find their own shortcomings, for themselves? To play a certain role in urging them is not to attack them. What about Dashan and Tanaka families? There are not as many children as you think, and this time? It is a reward for them. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is too much to eliminate them! "

"I really didn't think of it! I thought they would be eliminated soon

"I've never thought about it like that. What about these children? Pre school quality education is still very good, it is true that they are small Japanese, Japanese devils, but in some aspects need to show considerable respect, because of their performance? It is worthy of our respect, but similarly, history should not be forgotten. Forgetting history means betrayal. It is not to say that there are no good people in Japan. Such things can not be generalized! "

"I don't understand, but the performance of these children is really impressive."

"It's not as good as you think! People! We need to look at the distance, the mountains and the water. After seeing more, what about the world? There are so many! What about the handling of some problems? That is to say, another kind of mind, teaching without class! What about this? In fact, it is not in vain

"Director, you are a doctor and also a teacher. I really don't understand this matter!"

"And you in the future? It's bound to happen. What about students? It's not something you want to encounter, like Wang An? For example, Tong Tong, after searching for so many years, what about the two of them? That is to say, they are qualified! In the future, you don't know whether you will encounter such distress or not

"Director, it should not be so difficult to find a suitable person! It's just that some of your requirements are too high, director! That's why this happens. If you relax a little bit, I think many people are suitable. At least Wang An is absolutely satisfactory, and Tong Tong is also within the scope of investigation! "

"You'll see that later, because it's not just about it? It's a simple inheritance, and it also involves many other aspects. But it's too early now. It's still hard to say what will happen in the future. Let's see their performance! By the way, I heard that song Tianren found himself a man there! It has been convinced! "

"Yes, I found myself an aide, let alone! I've got detailed information. It's called Zhan Zhao. It's a royal cat! " A joke was made, "originally, the police, the Interpol, and even the position of the captain, but later transferred to the registered residence police." Tian Ren's luck is good.

"An experienced criminal policeman was transferred to his post at the beginning, but he didn't quit his job. Now he chooses to follow Tianren's side. What about this matter? It's really envious of you, but do you think Tianren is drilling holes? "

"I feel there is such a point, but it is not impossible to understand. After all, he is going to follow the director immediately. If he depends on himself, he will not be able to take the responsibility. Even if he is a genius and has two secretaries around him, I think he has not been able to take the responsibility, but if someone helps him, it will be another thing! But relatively speaking, what about his own exercise? It's another thing! "

Hou Tianliang is also very clear about this. If time permits, do you believe in Tianren? Absolutely not to make such a choice, but what time is not allowed at all! In the director's side of the requirements is too high! Even if it is now their own, sometimes also feel powerless, it can be seen that the general!"Director, I think Tianren is still quite smart. He must know his own problems, so it's not that there is no benefit at all. As for other problems, they can be changed slowly in the future."

"It seems that he has left a deep impression on you!"

"In comparison, Tianren is more flexible and changeable. I am a little bit conservative on this point! As for the future development of Tianren, it depends on the director! I believe it will be a good start! "

"I'm not a good man. What about him? It's not a good person either. It's OK to restrain him a little bit, but comparatively speaking, what about the two of you? It's really not a way, so there's no need to make do with it. If there is any problem, then it will be! You are sure to suffer! "

"Director, I'm from the intelligence department. What about him? In the future, we must take the road of administration, and they will not match each other at all? If there's nothing wrong with sitting and drinking tea together, there's no problem, but I'm afraid no one has so much time and leisure! Do you think so? "

"You must stay in the military in the future, and no one can let you leave. This is for sure, but Tianren? How to go on, this problem is really open to discussion? His temperament is not as steady as you are, at least now. What degree will he be honed to in the future? It's hard to say

When they were chatting, they saw two children coming out of the building one after the other. They were still carrying convenience bags, which should be rubbish! "Director, what about other aspects? Let's not say, what about this? It seems that there is no way to compare them, whether they are domestic or from other countries? "

"I've been educated like this since I was a child! In a way? Is it also because of Japan's territory? It's too narrow. The so-called boat is small and easy to turn around. It's not that our quality is poor. Comparatively speaking, when we were just founded, what was the cultural quality like? At that time, most of them were illiterate. What about Japan? Education is universal!

But now look at our country, nine-year compulsory education? It's all in the past! Now it has risen to another level! With such a large land and population in our country, it is no longer a miracle to be so simple! Some problems? Still need to move slowly, can't be achieved overnight

Looking at the two children ready to leave, Ding Yu suddenly made a finger ring, which attracted the attention of the two children. When he also hooked his hand, he saw the child trot to Ding Yu's side, bowing and saluting. It was very correct! Ding Yu is watching them both.

"I haven't been here for a long time. What do you think of it? Tell me your most direct feelings Ding Yu said it in Japanese, not in Chinese. Let them get familiar with Chinese now, which is totally embarrassing!

"Hello, sir. We feel very happy and broad here. The staff here are more easygoing. The air is also very good. I think it will be very satisfying to live here."

"When it comes to the advantages, what about the disadvantages? All of us speak out and listen to it. The so-called "listen to both sides" will be bright, but faith will be dark. " When Ding Yu said this, it was obviously with a little test position. I believe these children are not so unfamiliar with Ding Yu's identity, but now Ding Yu suddenly asked these questions, so they really did not have much preparation.

"By the way, you are called a husband, aren't you? Your name is taro

The two children kept nodding, but it was you who looked at me and I looked at you. At this time, they really didn't know how to deal with it. Before they came, they received considerable education. Although they were young, they had a lot of knowledge. What about wearing high hats? It's nothing to say more, but what about some things? Still need to speak less!

What about hou Tianliang standing next to him? Although I can't understand Japanese, looking at the expression of the director and the two children, I almost have a guess! Two children! The age is still too small! Or for the director? I really don't know anything about it. The director doesn't like people who are too tardy!

Comparatively speaking, the director likes to get to the point and be hesitant? Only in the director's heart left a relatively bad impression, and now the two children seem to have this problem! On the other hand, it is also a disadvantage of family education! Too utilitarian!

"Sir, the people here are very good! We are taken good care of! "

For the two little guy's words, Ding Yu didn't say anything, just slightly nodded his head, "the day after tomorrow? I will assess you once. What about the assessment content? I won't inform you for the time being! When the time comes to assess together! I hope you can all achieve a good result

Looking at the old man and his husband who left, song Tianren looked at his director again. Ding Yu sighed, "is it a little hypocritical! In fact, they all look the same. How did they grow up? Living in such a family, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, some aspects can be said to be particularly traditional! It's quite interesting for them to have a test the day after tomorrow. I believe it will be quite a pressure on them"Director, there is no problem in the assessment, but what kind of assessment is, they have no direction at all!"

"I've said it all before? What about things? Is in the ordinary examination! The question is, have they noticed? I believe some of them have found out! Do you believe it or not, once something about the assessment is spread, what about the time? It will certainly cause a little panic. It will be a very interesting thing

"Director, people are selfish. You want to say that they are just children. Is it really good for you to test human nature like this?" What about hou Tianliang's bad taste for his own director? It's also a real headache!

"It's not really a test of human nature. They are just a group of children. There is no need to add something to them out of thin air? As for themselves, what if they have this idea? What about my attitude? Neither support nor oppose it! "

Looking at the director's appearance, Hou Tianliang didn't say anything, that is, he followed his own director's position! But did not walk two steps, saw Zhao Hongyang big stride meteor's to come over, even from afar said hello! "Yu Shao, Secretary Hou, I'm so leisurely today. I don't have anything to do at night! I've found a good farmhouse

"Yes! Anyway, I have nothing to do, but Lao Zhao, it's nothing to go out to eat. I still need to go back to the detention center at night, so I just need to eat something! Don't make any other mess

"Yu Shao, don't worry!" For Ding Yu's promise of his invitation, Zhao Hongyang is obviously overjoyed. How about a little bit of Yu? There is no problem at all. Even if it is to spend money again, it will not be treated as a thing. Is this feather less? Really is not the general difficult please, at least in their own impression, feather less is almost no invitation!

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Good thing Zhao Hongyang is also grinning his mouth, "the farm here to pay, this is one side, the other side? What about the soldier and his daughter-in-law? The result is very good. I called their teacher earlier. I still pay more attention to them these days. I wanted to thank Yu Shao, but I haven't found any chance! "

"Your old brothers have been working here for quite a long time! How is life? I don't know much about it. You brother should know something about it! If there's nothing wrong with it, come and hear it, anyway? It's all from the old folks! "

"There is a saying, really happy, so many years of old brother? I always invite them, not to say that they are short of meals, and many times? They're not coming yet, man! It's all shameful, isn't it? But two days ago, they were all scrambling to entertain me, even if it was peanuts and white wine, but the feeling of eating it was really different! "

Looking at Zhao Hongyang's elated appearance, Ding Yu also nodded, "by the way, the fat man came over there! What's going on with him? My time here is a little busy, and I really don't pay much attention to it! "

"Come here! I was going to invite dinner, but what about him? After all, they are civil servants, which is very inconvenient? They are not as happy as us! There are so many things in the frame! Some are tied up! "

"What about Lao Zhao? It's smart enough, but people in the world? We need to respect certain laws and regulations. What about fat people? Originally, they are party members. They should be more strict. Otherwise, how can we govern the country? We can't deny that there are parasites in it, and a piece of rotten meat spoils the whole pot of soup, but we can't deny that there is no strong country, let alone farms. Even if we want to plant vegetables in our own garden, there will be people watching! "

"Well, what about that time? I don't understand these things. I'm going to look back and see what kind of life I lived in those days and what kind of life I'm living now. It's totally different! "

Zhao Hongyang didn't just come to the banquet in the evening! They even brought their own losers with them. They came here to fight, mainly their own sons? Because of the lack of feathers, although it has not been completely transformed, what about the whole person? From inside to outside has changed!

What about being a parent? I really don't have any other requirements. I just want my own children? Can be better, but less feather? Is one of the most important reasons, has not been able to properly express this thanks, very sorry! Today, I have such an opportunity, I can't give up!

Ding Yu really didn't refuse this much. He was also a son of man. When his father asked his grandfather to sue his grandmother, what was the reason? It's not about being a father, but now? What about Zhao Hongyang and his wife? It's the same for Zhao Xiaobing, as for making money? Can't be compared with Zhao Xiaobing?

For parents, if the child can have good performance, even if it is to lose money, but also at all costs!

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