"Lao Zhao, do you think Yu Shao is satisfied today?" The woman next to Zhao Hongyang is paying for the farmhouse entertainment at this time. Although the relationship between them is very familiar, what about today? What about eating and drinking? It seems that the cost is not small! But this is only relative to ordinary people!

"Yu Shao has always been such an expression. When he can come to eat, I have already felt that there is something burning high in the aroma! Don't think about anything else! " Zhao Hongyang didn't care at all, "if you've been in contact for a long time, you'll know. But what about our soldiers? It is a good relationship with Secretary Hou, in the future! Maybe... "

There are so many words to stop, but it is really not completely said, because Zhao Hongyang has no way to guarantee this. No one knows what will happen in the future. However, judging from the relationship between himself and Yu Shao, he still has such an opportunity.

What happened to the detention house? I know and return to know, but I don't want to reveal the meaning. What about my son and McDull? Also did not make any mention to the outside world, as for the year ago, go to the capital there, is another thing.

"Director, there is news from the farm. It seems that all the children know the news, but now it seems that they have fallen into a little panic! Assessment is unknown to them, because they don't know what to assess, and there is no purpose at all! "

"No purpose is the most normal. If there is a purpose, it will be another thing!"

These children on the farm are really not in a general panic. Soon everyone gathered together. Yifu and Dalang were asked in turn. What they mentioned was the matter that the husband had seen them before! But it's no use. What about words? It's a little warning, but it doesn't seem to work!

But some people don't know. So, what about some people? I have already thought about it in my heart! It's been a long time, and now all of a sudden we have to assess. What about the assessment content? It must be the content involved after coming, but it seems that nothing is involved after coming! Even on this side of the farm, I go out a few times in my spare time!

If it is assessment, is it necessary to assess how the farm works? Or how to grow vegetables? What is the significance of such an assessment? So for a while these children are also into a little bit of confusion! There's no clue.

Ding Yu did not mean to stop these children, but also did not want to warn anything, just let people pay attention to observation, that's all! As for the consequences? It's up to God!

"Director, I was really intrigued by this curiosity. What kind of choices do you think they will make? There is also one of the children, if you really understand! So what kind of choice will you make when you are alone? Or share it with everyone? And what is the result? "

"Do you think he should be rewarded for keeping the secret or making it public? Or should they be punished? " Ding Yu was very casual and said, "if you stand in your perspective and think about it, what kind of choice do you think you will make? Is it for yourself or for everyone? "

"It's hard to say, maybe for myself!" Hou Tianliang's words are a little hesitant, because they are really difficult to make this decision, although it is only a small test! But there are so many things involved!

Especially for the children of Dashan and Tanaka family, it is even more so!

"Say so! What about people who see through? If he doesn't say anything, it means that his mind is too narrow. To a certain extent, what about these children? They have very good potential, and even will become the elite of the family to a certain extent in the future. What is the most important of a family? A fight for power? No, the important thing is unity. Only by uniting together can we move forward steadily? "

"Director, I'm wrong!" Hou Tianliang patted his head, "in my imagination, I thought you were going to choose an heir! It's not like this at all

"I have nothing to do with the selection of successors. It should be something Dashan or Tanaka should do. They are the parents, they are the clan leaders, and they have their own family concepts and ideas. I never interfere with them, but in a certain degree? It's just a push for the family

"If that's the case, why don't you tell them directly, sir?" Words just finished, Hou Tianliang also suddenly laughed, "I understand! Now tell them, there are so some too deliberately! They can't even pay attention to them. Although they are not very old, they have their own ideas

"What about unity? It is an easy thing for them. Although they have their own certain world outlook, values and consciousness, their ideas are not so mature. If we say that they can not achieve unity within themselves, then there is no way to base on the whole family! What other questions? ""Director, I think these children come here and fall on your hands. They are just the inside of your hands. You can clean them up as you want? There is no ability to resist at all

"Who said that? Watch it! In the end, there are smart people. What will a really smart person look like? You need to slowly find out what your eyes see? What is not necessarily true! " Ding Yuyi said something.

What about the final assessment? These children have passed the customs! In fact, the answers are very formulaic. They are basically pasted on the wall by Ding Yu. Although they are only unintentionally pasted on the wall, some children still notice!

"Director, I have found out! The first to have this idea is Lihua and Darong! "

Ding Yu looked at the information of the two children, then shook his head slightly, "where are the two of them? A little attention and observation, but to a certain extent, it is guided at all! What about really smart kids? Will you deliberately guide others, even deliberately to inspire others, Lihua and the melting pot? Now I don't even know that they have become chessmen. "

"No! Do little children still have such ingenuity? "

"Call the two of them first." Ding Yu didn't immediately correct the problem, but called Lihua and Darong into the room first! Watching the two children sitting there!

"What about the previous assessment? What is the real significance of the examination? It's for you to be united because you are a family! Because of the problem of personal ability, no one has learned something different. What about some people? They may become patriarchs in the future. What about some people? In the future, you may become a director and so on, but as the elite and middle power of the family, what you need to learn is unity

"Yes, sir, we will unite!"

"Get out and get around more, whether it's the United States, Europe or Asia? We need you to look around and learn about the humanities and history of other countries. At the same time, we should review our own shortcomings, enrich ourselves and broaden our horizons. We should not be too narrow-minded! " In the last sentence, Ding Yu especially mentioned one!

In fact, to some extent, they are just some polite words. They may be better than ordinary family elites in the future, but they are definitely not the best candidates for clan leaders and parents. They have considerable leadership ability, but they do not have a broad vision and can not realize their own shortcomings!

Although they are just children, what about some things? They have already reflected their essence, but Ding Yu didn't mean to attack them. Instead, he encouraged them. Anyway, they didn't need much money, just as a reward to Dashan and Tanaka!

Until the last child, Ding Yu looked at the little Zhengtai standing in front of him. He didn't mean to speak. He narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "you are called Yangkou! Dayangkou. "

"Yes, sir!" Small Zheng too timidly looked at Ding Yu, slightly have so some fear, Ding Yu hummed, "your courage is very big! Play with all the other kids and let them fight in front of you, and you? Are you proud of being carefree behind your back? "

"I'm sorry, sir!" Dashan Yangkou didn't mean to deny it, but he didn't have any intention to admit it. His eyes were drooping, but he didn't want to look at Ding Yu!

"So you're not going to admit it?" Ding Yu's tone is still the same as before, no severe, no reprimand, so Dashan Yangkou also peeked at it, and found that he was just looking at himself! Not too much expression and action!

And this one? With their own father and patriarch or not the same, patriarch and father's expression? They always have a straight face and can't see any smile at all. What about their bodies? It seems that it is always out of a high pressure state, at least for myself! But what about this gentleman? Although there was no expression on his face, there was no attitude of examination.

"What is the purpose of education? Not for obedience, at this point? Japan's education has deviated from the normal, but this is also a common sense. I see the problem from the perspective of a person who has come to see the problem. In our Chinese words? It's the kind of gun after the horse, which belongs to Zhuge Liang at that time! "

Ding Yu discussed things with Yangkou in the most insipid tone, instead of scolding or ordering, "what about you? It's a kind of self-protection. It doesn't offend other people. It doesn't make you seem too special among people. Similarly, it doesn't try to please anyone. But what about this kind of control? It's interesting. Where did you learn from? "

"Read! I like to read books about other analogies, which can make people quiet! "

"It's not a day or two for you to have such an idea! It's not easy to hide yourself at such an old age. You are very sensitive to the things around you. I think you have been quite stimulated. Would you like to speak out and listen to it? "Dashan Yangkou did not look up and stood there fiddling with his fingers! It is to ease their own uneasiness!

"What about the children who came in earlier? There is only one thing I have to say about them, which is unity. From my personal point of view, they may be excellent, but what about this kind of excellence? It can only be relative, but what about your excellence? It's quite different! You know how to express yourself, but also know how to deal with the things around you. Say it! It's all at this point? "

"Sir, the patriarch said that we have come to ask you for advice."

"How about asking for advice? This is a little too much Ding Yu said truthfully, "whether my education methods and methods are useful for Dashan and Tanaka family, no one knows, and no one can say well! If we can make you better, we will not waste the efforts of Dashan and Tanaka! "

"May I ask you a question, sir? By excellence, do you mean the future patriarch? "

"I think you think a little bit too much!" Ding Yu was not polite at all. "I will not decide who is the head of your Dashan family. This is the right of your Dashan family, as a controller? The question you're talking about is a bit stupid in itself, don't you think? "

"I'm sorry, sir!" Dashan Yangkou is also in a hurry to stand up and straighten his body. It seems that he has to kneel down in front of Ding Yu and admit his own measures!.

"You are not my subordinate, in my opinion? You are the child of Dashan family. What about the whole Dashan and Tanaka family? I just try to make you better. Do you accept or refuse? It's your personal right. I won't interfere with it at all! "

"Why? Sir Yangkou is also finally lifted his head, is very puzzled appearance! "Because I'm Japanese? Are you so narrow, sir? "

"If you think about it like this, it seems that you have quite a lot of research on history. What about these? Put them on one side. What about right or wrong? What do you think is right and what is wrong? To judge the people of our country from the perspective of a Japanese, or to evaluate China from the perspective of a Japanese? The reverse is the same! "

"I've thought about it, but I can't say it clearly!"

"If you can say it clearly, I really doubt who you are!" Ding Yu snorted, "don't be constrained by certain ideas. You should open your eyes. Don't be confined to an environment. Where are you now? In fact, it's a fork in the road. This is also the reason why you feel confused now! "

"Do you feel the same way, sir?" Under Ding Yu's gesture, Dashan Yangkou sat down again. At this time, he also looked at Ding Yu. Judging from the visual effect, they were very equal! "I can't feel the way out!"

"I don't know how the Dashan family trained you, but it's not easy for you to have such a world outlook, values and consciousness at your age. What about me now? I don't recommend you to read any books. I think you should visit some books! "

"To travel, don't you need to read?"

"You read a little bit more books, which is a heavy burden on you personally. What about this burden? It will oppress your consciousness to a certain extent. I think you should have heard a saying, that is, the unity of knowledge and action! "

"I know, Wang Yangming, Wang Shengsheng's thought!"

"What about that? I'll give it to you for the moment. You already have a considerable burden on your mind. What about this burden? With the growth of age, it is not only not reduced, but also more and more serious. If you don't get complacent and divergent, it will lead to some personal problems in the future, which is a bit of a pity! "

"Is it just me, sir?"

"Other people are not as smart as you are, at least they have not done so now. As for whether they will be like this in the future? I don't know, so I can only make them better for the time being! Maybe they won't reach your height, but they can be the cornerstone of the family! Even if they don't become the cornerstone of the family, they can have their own good development. I think this is what Dashan and Tanaka want to see! "

"Sir, what will I be in the future?"

"Maybe it's the bystander, maybe the patriarch. It's your personal development! If you are not willing to work hard, you can only pursue a certain degree of development. What about the clan leader for you? It's more than enough to rub, but the premise is that you can keep the progress now. Of course, what do you expect more from you? Can be a bystander! What about the family for you? It's a kind of bondage. If you can break away from it, you will achieve considerable results? "


It is obvious that Ding Yu's words make Yangkou feel that his head is about to be called paste! Why break away from the shackles of the family?

"For you now, what about the family? It provides you with enough nutrients to grow up, but after reaching a certain level, it is difficult for your family to mention any nutrients to you! You keep staying on this tree? On the contrary, they will drag each other down! If you can understand that then, you will be a spectator! "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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