Back home, the result did not surprise Ding Yu. Zhao Shuying nagged for two words. However, she only blamed her husband for taking her son for such a long time and her son's work was so busy. Besides, Zhao Shuying really didn't say anything else. After all, she was her husband's cousin! My real relatives!

Ding Yu is also nodding to his mother, so pacifying things? My mother and dad have been together for decades! Only themselves? Only then can understand this sentiment, therefore now lets the old mother accompany the father, is the best! I just need to stand by the side!

"All in the evening?"

"I ate something, but I didn't have enough. Mom, just take care of Dad! I'll just make myself something to eat! " Ding Yu was very indifferent and said, "by the way, mom, I'm afraid it will be the twelfth lunar month in a while! Is there anything else missing at home? I'll let them pay attention

"Don't pay attention! There should be all the things in the house. If you can't eat so much, it's wasted! " Zhao Shuying watched her son go to the kitchen, but did not go to help, the son at home? It's also a good thing. Soon, I poured a glass of water for my husband. I'll talk with him to comfort him!

The next morning, Ding Yu accompanied his father to exercise outside. Ding Lin was a bit lazy, and obviously he didn't recover completely. This is also a common thing. "Dad, go to the funeral to send him a ride! Now it is not necessary to be so anxious! Pay attention to your own body, too

"I'm fine!" Ding Lin waved, "you have nothing to do today?"

"If you can't do it today, you can do it tomorrow! Sometimes you should learn to relax yourself. You can't always stretch a line, can't you? In that case, it's easy to break yourself! Be a man? Sometimes the mentality still needs to be relaxed a little bit! " Ding Yu's words are so intentional!

Ding Lin also shook his head and laughed, "OK! Although I say I am an old man, I have been a doctor all my life. I really don't have too many problems in body, just in spirit? May have touched something, so there are so many sad, time flies really fast! In a flash, your second uncle has passed away! I remember when I was a kid, with him, two people dressed in rags, but now? "

"Dad, man! What's more, it's a lifetime, that's just the length of years! " Ding Yu followed his father's side with two dogs and walked very slowly, "what about a bigger heart? Is to do something famous in history, a little bit smaller? It's good to live honestly and honestly! Do you think so? "

"Me! It's better to be an honest man! There's no sense in tossing and tossing about! "

"Dad, what about being an honest man? It's just your idea! In a compliment, what about you, old man? Now it has not been left in the county annals, but there should be no problem in leaving a name in the future! "

"Give me a break Ding Lin waved his hand, "I really never had this idea. What about me? It's just a little doctor. How about treating patients and saving people? Such things are duty bound. As for others? That is to say, if we support the villagers, there will be no benefit for us, so don't make a fuss for me! "

Looking at his modest father, Ding Yu is also smiling, but there is no force to explain to his father. Two people said this in a leisurely way. When he got home, his father's mood had been relieved a lot. He took the initiative to clean up the two dogs. Ding Yu made a gesture to his mother.

It can't be said that it's completely settled! But at least it's half done! What about the rest? It's up to you, old man. You old man, one top two! Absolutely useful, effective!

In the morning, Ding Yu came to the detention center. Everything was as usual here, and there was no change. The staff in the office were pretty good. In addition to Ding Yu, he was Hou Tianliang! What about the others? Can not enter Ding Yu's office, unless there is something and situation!

"Director, Director Su called earlier! So you can call back when you have time Looking at Hou Tianliang's hesitation, Ding Yu swept the front table with his hand!

"Director, I just got the news. It seems that something has happened to Wang Li, and there are a little more problems involved! However, it is not a department, so the information we know is very limited! "

"Something to do with her work? The children are so old! What kind of work are you still doing now? Don't listen to me? Can't we stop for a while? How is her condition? " Although Ding Yu said it was just a guess, what about this guess? It should be eight nine and ten!

"It's not that serious! But it's also hurt! "

"So some people have the courage to grow hair on them! What do you say at home? " When this is said here, Ding Yu also hums and smiles. What about this matter? Asking Hou Tianliang doesn't seem to be of much use, because what about him? He won't know too much. He knows the information on the surface, but he doesn't know the other information!Ding Yu took out the landline. After thinking about it, he called his mother first, "Mom, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Ah?" Looking at the caller ID, Su Yuan also covered his mouth, "boss! Why did you call? "

"Someone told me about Wang Li just now. How is her condition?" Ding Yu didn't have any so-called implicitness at all. After coming up, he asked Wang Li's situation straightforwardly, although he said that the feelings between each other? Slightly general, but that is their own sister, connected by blood!

"Nothing? You don't have to worry too much! " Su Yuan is also careful to say, did not expect the eldest son to know the news so soon, but this matter? If the eldest son comes forward, I'm afraid it will be out of control at that time!

The temper of the eldest son is absolutely the kind that won't let him go! And now? It's impossible for him to come and end in person. What's more? He's in his hometown now! And it's still in the detention center! Some things? Still need to pay attention to the impact, is not, don't make a fuss everyone knows.

"How is Wang Li doing?" Ding Yu asked again, "can you speak now?"

"The doctor has already dealt with it. The problem is not so big, but the situation of the driver is more serious. What about other people in the same industry? Also has the quite question, fortunately rescues quite promptly! So the problem is not that big! "

"I see!" Ding Yu said, "call me if you have anything to do." When Ding Yu put down the phone, the security department also sent the relevant information to Ding Yu's desk. When Ding Yu looked at the information inside, his brow was not unlocked, but his eyes were almost narrowed into a thin line!

Hou Tianliang also felt bad at this time, but what about the situation? My side is also to understand some, but understand no use! Is it difficult to interfere with something? Are you kidding? What do you want to interfere with? It's more important for your life!

What about Wang Li? It's the director's sister. Some people even don't care about the means. This seems to be a kind of provocation for the director. However, if you think about it, does the director still refuse to do it now? In fact, it's not so important. Why do the Wangs and the Sujia not start now?

What about the Wang family and the Su family? I'm sure I won't give up, even if I don't speak up now? Also has formed the quite big pressure to certain aspects, Wang Li and a car person all were injured! If there is no satisfactory result, what will the Wangs and Sujia do then? It is really unknown!

If it's time for the director to take action again, absolutely stormy, no one can withstand such a great pressure?! But Hou Tianliang is also really curious, what kind of people should be so bold? This is where poke horse hive so simple! I just don't know what to do!

"Director?" Hou Tianliang saw Ding Yu put down the phone, but also carefully and tentatively asked a sentence.

Ding Yu waved his hand and immediately called his uncle, "uncle, I'm Ding Yu!" When talking, Ding Yu doesn't seem to have any anger and anger. He is very ordinary and casual!

"So late to call back?" Su Quan is also a little impatient! Actually? Or worried about his nephew will have what kind of action, Wang Li injured! It seems that there are serious problems in Ding Yu's family? He doesn't know about it! So you need to say hello to him.

"A cousin of my hometown passed away yesterday! Accompany my father to see, my father's mood is not so good, at that time I did not carry a mobile phone! " There is no need to hide anything.

"Oh, so it is!" The father in the phone, should be the nephew's adoptive father! However, such a problem is understandable, whose home will encounter such a problem! "Mourn your sorrow and change!"

"How are you! I heard about it when I came here today! "

"Now the matter is still in the process of investigation. What about the information we got? Someone should have done it on purpose. Who will be involved? Now I don't know. I want to call you at home. I can't get through all the time. What about my side? It's a little more convenient, but I'm busy with my work. I'll let you know when there's any news! "

In fact, Su Quan's words are somewhat obscure. What about this matter? Don't need Ding Yu to show up for the time being. If you let Ding Yu show up now, it's too high to look at some people! There is really no need for this! What's more, if you really let your nephew come out of the mountain, it's hard to say whether there will be a situation in which gods and ghosts will give way!

Use your ace in the beginning! It seems that there are so many gains and losses, but from Ding Yu's nephew's reaction? He is still more concerned about Wang Li. Can he do this? It's not easy!

"I see!" Ding Yu has already understood the meaning. After putting down the phone, he thought for a moment. He also called Shangnan and comforted him a little. After all, his wife was in trouble. What about his husband? There is no anger in my heart!Elder brother personally called, Shangnan also felt very moved in his heart. What about this matter at home? Is also furious, even dare to move his wife, this if let the outside world know! A man can't even protect his wife. How can he have the face to see others!

Businesses are particularly angry about this. What about Wang Li, the daughter-in-law? To the business, absolutely no words! She gave birth to two big fat boys, and she was very concerned about Shangnan. Whether it was the old man or the child, she took good care of all aspects. Now it's just because of the work that I've been given to!

Fortunately, I was very careful at that time. Otherwise, what about the two children now? Maybe they can't see their mother! This is absolutely intolerable for businesses. If you swallow this tone, how do you treat it? Married to your family with our daughter is a bully, isn't it?

"Big brother, I will let people investigate this matter clearly. Don't worry, Wang Li is my wife!"

"Where am I now? It's a little inconvenient, and my uncle called me earlier. What's the meaning? Let me be careful. Obviously, I don't want to make a difference. I must be involved in something. Maybe I don't want to make too much trouble! So you! Don't be too reckless

"Big brother, this doesn't seem to be your style." Shangnan also felt strange, "what about this? For businesses, there is a little bit of a slap in the face. We all look at Wang Li's performance in the past two years. Everyone said that I married a baby to go home. She arranged all the things at home properly. I didn't need to worry about it at all. In addition, she had two eldest sons. Now she has an accident! I can't accept it emotionally! "

"I can't accept it emotionally. It's understandable. I can't accept it emotionally. Wang Li is my sister, but what's the good news? Now people don't have much problem, but what about one bite? Can't eat fat, Wang Li's things will always be investigated clearly! Calm down and look at the problem! "

"Brother, I understand! Don't worry Since big brother has already said so! How can Shangnan not understand? After that, Shangnan also called his old Taishan and Taishui and gave a little explanation. Everything will wait until the investigation is over. What about the present stage? No one will have too much action!

When Wang Changlin received the call, he also breathed a sigh of relief. What about this time? It's really not suitable for any big action, don't you feel sad? That is my own daughter! It's a good guy. There are two starving children at home!

However, no matter how the development of the family, can not override the law of the state, there is a country to have a home, the early investigation has begun! What will be investigated is still unknown, but I don't think it will take too long!

What about the rest of the family? I really don't worry so much, but I feel that I can't be convinced? The eldest son and son-in-law! Where is Shangnan? Fortunately, even if you can't persuade me, you can force it down. But what about the eldest son? I can't even make this call!

It's hard to guarantee that the eldest son will become violent after hearing about it? And now the eldest son also did not call, he was a little relieved at the same time? There are also some regrets in my heart.

When Ding Ding was injured, Ding Yu was not so carefree now! Now Wang Li is injured! Although the situation is not so serious, but after all, it is a sister! There are still some differences! That is to say, when the eldest son treats the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? Still a little estrangement!

I can't tell whether it's good or bad! I'm afraid it's really hard to say clearly about the problems, but what about now? It is necessary to investigate who is responsible for the attack on his daughter and see what this means? It seems that a large number of people have been drawn into the water! It's really bold!

What about capital? There has been a considerable explanation for the interest. Who is for the benefit? You can do whatever it takes. What laws or countries say that for them? Benefit is everything!

"Sister! You're awake at last Wang Yang is also a long sigh, "good hang in the home has not turned the sky!"

Wang Li in the bed is also struggling for two times, feeling still a little confused, want to touch their own head, only to find a hand is fixed! What about the other hand? There's a drip on it!

"What's wrong with me?" The oxygen pipe on the nose seems to be in the way!

"I was in a car accident. Fortunately, the driver and co driver's injuries are a little more serious. Other situations are not so serious. Now they have passed the dangerous period. What about you? My arm is broken! Head hit, mild concussion, everything else? It's still in the process of inspection! "

"You know all about it at home?"

"It's impossible to hide such a big thing from you. You know all about it! The elder brother comforted his brother-in-law two words, also called to come over, the matter is still relatively stable now! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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