"Did Shangnan know?" Wang Li seemed to wake up and took off the oxygen tube. She felt that there were not many problems. Soon, the doctor also rushed over to check carefully, and there were not too many problems! A few words of advice also left!

"How could my brother-in-law not know? At that time, I knew the news, and the whole person almost blew up. What about dad? It's a good reprimand, OK! Let me connect the video, you two chat! I don't want this light bulb! It's just that I'm going to inform the family! "

Wang Yang made a phone call to his home. His sister was watching his brother-in-law's video. Wang Yang also made a phone call to his elder brother and said, "brother, the second elder sister is awake! The doctor has already checked it. There is no problem. There is a slight concussion. One arm is broken. What about the others? It's all friction! It's not a big problem! "

"Well, when you wake up, you should also check carefully to avoid other problems and situations. I can't go back for the time being. What about these things at home? You need to carry it! " Ding Yu did not have too many instructions, that is to say two words lightly, Wang Yang is also with his big brother to do quite a guarantee!

When I came back again, the second sister had finished the video with her brother-in-law! I can see that the spirit of the second sister is still very good! The escort also raised the bed! Let Wang Li have a very comfortable posture!

"Elder sister, the elder brother just called, I see you and brother-in-law chat well, also did not take over!"

"Big brother is still at home?" Wang Li also slightly shook her neck, "but now it's time to worry about big brother. It seems that there are many problems. After all, big brother has other things. My side is not a big problem, so I don't need to worry at all!"

Wang Li's injury really caused a lot of shock here in the capital. Wang Li is the eldest daughter of the Wang family, but also the daughter-in-law of the merchants. Her usual conduct and social intercourse are highly praised. Now someone even wants to drive her to Beijing. It's really the longevity star who eats arsenic and is impatient to live!

But who is involved in it? This matter seems to want to investigate clearly? It's not a simple thing! The people who dare to attack Wang Li are absolutely different. You know, if you are a petty thief, you will have no idea of Wang Li's identity.

What about Wang Li's back? What about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? Is it the power of her mother's family, and the business is the power of her husband's family? Ding Yu, her elder brother, this force is particularly frightening. Who can survive? It's hard to find such a thing. Do you really think that the capital city has stopped for two days? Right?

The investigation will start soon! However, when the investigation department came to Wang Li's side, she was neither humble nor arrogant. She showed a good demeanor. When did she come? The leaders of the above are also exhortations, and the matters involved can be investigated. But what about the staff of the museum? Be careful!

That is to say, in two days, the relevant investigation has already got the results! Looking at the report from the investigation, some people have already been unable to bear their own emotions! It seems that you really want money but not life!

"It's been investigated so quickly?" Looking at Hou Tianliang's report, Ding Yu seems to be so strange.

"Director, this is fast! It's slow enough! " Hou Tianliang is also quite sad looking at his director, "I'm afraid you don't know? Now how much pressure has been put on the capital? Now it's just an investigation. What's the next step? It's supposed to be a good result! "

"It should have involved quite a lot of people. It's not as simple as desperation to let some people attack Wang Li." Ding Yu seems to be very casual.

"Some people can't clean themselves up, because a lot of new things have been introduced to the museum, which has also attracted the attention of quite a number of people. Therefore, when they are not clean, some people will take risks! It seems that there are a lot of people involved in this, and even quite a lot of people! Now it's beginning to flow. "

Ding Yu is not so interested in the investigation, but a little confused about this matter, "this thing feels a bit wrong! Some people don't clean themselves up and have nothing to do with Wang Li. If they directly target Wang Li, they can't talk about each other at all! "

"This is the result of the temporary investigation. As for the problems that will follow, it is still unknown."

Hou Tianliang is really not sure how it happened. If such a thing is investigated, it will certainly cause a lot of complaints. The intelligence department can say that it is clear that there are some dandies involved. They have done too much about their dog skin!

Whether to inform Ding Yu or not to inform Ding Yu. If informed, this matter has nothing to do with the intelligence and governance department. Moreover, it is no longer under the jurisdiction of the military. It seems that there is a relationship between Ding Yu and not informing Ding Yu? There will be considerable estrangement! So it's better not to do anything! It has nothing to do with the military!Ding Yu didn't mean to force Hou Tianliang. What about the inside information? Ding Yu can be said to see clearly, some things? The treatment above the surface is a matter, but what about the treatment inside? It's another thing! What's more, what about now? You still need to hold it at the detention center? Other right and wrong? It's better to be less provocative!

The relevant investigation in the capital is going on in an orderly way, but there is no news from the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family, even the merchants? It seems to be very quiet, let alone Ding Yu! It was as if nothing had happened to him!

But the more like this? The more we understand, what about this? What if we just do superficial things? There will be problems, and there will be big problems. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to end the game at that time! There's no movement this time? It's not a guilty heart, but a blind eye!

If really, if there is a little noise, then who can carry it? She wanted Wang Li's life just for the so-called money. What about this? It's not that simple, right? What's more, what about the car? There are other experts. What about their power? It seems that it is not a kind that can be underestimated!

Song Tianren, who was in the provincial capital, twisted his mouth after reading the briefing on the tablet computer, "it's really a strange thing! Whose courage has grown in the capital! I haven't heard of it before! Is the sun coming out in the west? What do they think in their heads? "

Wei Hou knows this well, but what about the first brother? He didn't say a word at all, but Zhan Zhao took a look at it, and his heart was full of it! "It can't be explained that the people in the Palace Museum have acted boldly? It should be said that it is sad and crazy! Even if you don't want to die, can't you? "

"What about the people in the Forbidden City? Such things are rare, but what if they are petty thieves? It doesn't matter, but what about the people this time? But unusual, you also saw this one

Song Tianren also points out the image of a person on the tablet. It's Wang Li. What about the information above? The writing is very clear. When Zhan Zhao looks at Wang Li's introduction, he also swallows several mouthfuls. "Is general Su's favorite granddaughter, Wang's granddaughter? My gods

"You haven't seen his husband yet! Shangnan! How about the two of them? But the bitter life mandarin duck, two people almost can't walk together! Later, because of the director, the two families completely resolved the contradiction between each other, which is also a beautiful thing for the whole senior management! "

"Director? Assistant song, who is the director? "

"The director is the young? However, there are not many people who call it this way. The main reason is that the director is not willing to hear this address, which involves some old things! And the director? Originally, it was Wang Li's eldest brother, the eldest grandson of Wang's family. But at the beginning, there were some problems that led to the loss of the director. What about these things? There are too many problems involved, but what about the director? It's self-improvement, and later it's a school of its own! "

"A school of its own? Different from the Wang family and the Su family? " Zhan Zhao has been a police officer for so many years, but is it really the first time that he has heard of these related things, and has been shocked for a while? It's really not big in general!

"If it's not the director, what about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? Where is it now? It's really hard to say! " When talking about this matter, song Tianren's eyes are really not general shining, not everyone has such ability, not everyone has such courage, similarly, not everyone has such determination!

"Is the director from the Wang family?"

"And the director? What about the blood? It should be from the Wang family, but what about the influence? A unique school, relatively speaking? What about domestic forces? A little bit weak, and a lot of them? It's all about industry. What about a large part? They're all abroad. Comparatively speaking, they should broadcast a little bit more! "

Zhan Zhao looked at Song Tianren and said, "under such circumstances, there are still people who attack Wang Li. If you really know the truth, there are only two possibilities, fierce and fearless. The other possibility is provocation. However, from the understanding of the situation, there are a lot of people who are brave and fearless at this time, but few people use such means!"

"What about this? Now it seems very calm, but under calm? But there are so many choppy meaning, involving too many people! Everybody's watching! What's the taste of your business, brother cat

"I dare not look, I dare not think!" Zhan Zhao said cautiously.

"Only one or two of them! What about this? Although said not involved in it, but I hope cat brother you? Still can understand one or two of them, because we will encounter more difficult things in the future, even unimaginable! What about this thing now? It's just a wake-up call! "

Zhan Zhao looked at Song Tianren and nodded slightly. Now he understood something, "assistant song, ask you a more personal question. Do you have more assistants like you than director Ding?""More?" Song Tianren touched his head, "where's my boss? It's Hou Tianliang, his secretary. How about him? The director of the military wants to go abroad after the new year. If there is a military person around, it will make other forces and consortia have quite a misunderstanding, and even be easily bitten! It's troublesome! "

Slowly, song Tianren continued to say, "what about my understanding? The director's side is such a secretary Hou. At the beginning, how did Secretary Hou get to the director's side? This question is really a little strange. It's like I came to the director's side, and it's the same! "

"I see! It's random! "

"I can't say that!" Song Tianren smile embarrassed, "Hou secretary? It is because in some ways moved the director, the director look at people's eyes is very different, of course is to see Secretary Hou's body above the difficult flash point, as for me? What's the director's comment on me? I am a bad man

"Worse than that?" Zhan Zhao a pair of you cheat my expression, this how possible thing?

"Yes, you heard me correctly. What's the director's comment on me? It's that I'm relatively bad, even some black, so I need to watch me, save me from making a big mess, and then it may be breaking the sky! At least that's what the director gave me, but personally, I don't seem to be so bad? "

Zhan Zhao looks at Song Tianren and doesn't know how to deal with it!

"Well! I know this thing for you, brother cat? Maybe the impact is a little bit too big! In fact, it's no big deal. It's just sooner or later. Knowing now is better than knowing later. I'm afraid there won't be so much preparation time at that time! "

Song Tianren also suddenly recovered from the previous state, and there was no Hippie expression, "say something about the actual situation, brother cat, stand on your point of view to analyze, the personnel behind this matter will deal with this matter like this?"

"What about this? It needs to be divided into two natures. Although I have considerable experience, what are the matters to be dealt with? It's rare that so many forces are involved, so I think it's unrealistic for me to make this analysis and judgment, because I don't know the way to do it! "

"Well, there are quite a lot of forces involved in this. What about the competition behind it? It's not really complicated in general, but on the surface? What about this? After all, we still need to find out! "

"What about the things above the surface? In fact, the explanation should be very simple! Some people are desperate, so there is an accident. What's the motive? It's about antiques! It should be like this in general! "

"Reasonable explanation!" Song Tianren nodded. If it was from the above, I'm afraid this is the most appropriate way to explain, but what about the secret? Things will never end easily, involving too much!

"Assistant song, do we need to get involved in this matter? Is it a little too far? "

"No kidding! How about a discussion? Is it to let you have a better understanding of brother cat, and get involved? Don't say how the director will give me? At least the old man behind me is going to kill me Song Tianren is also not angry. "But the delay is a little long."

"It is? But anyway? Since we have done something and want to leave no clues, it is impossible at all! " After all, I used to be a policeman, so I have my own unique views on some of the problems!

"What about these? They are all trivial things. What am I more curious about? What kind of things can make these guys reckless, even now? Desperate, you know, even if there is more money? What can we do? My life is gone! And money? "

"From the perspective of crime? At that time, the desire was overwhelming, and the so-called reason disappeared. Under the circumstances at that time, the devil was probably the promoter behind them. Although there were some superstitions to explain this, there were not many people who could control themselves at that time! "

"Human nature! There are so many greedy people! "

"What about that? I don't quite agree with you! " Zhan Zhao expressed his idea at the first time, "the reason why people can become the dominator of society is that we have made rules and abide by them. To be exact, what about the designation of laws? It's for restraint! Anyone here? You still need to control yourself

When he said this, Zhan Zhao also expressed considerable emotion!

"Control yourself?" Song Tianren murmured to himself, what about this? In private, Hou Tianliang also mentioned it to himself, but what about himself? It really didn't take it as a thing, but today Zhan Zhao suddenly said that it really made song Tianren have some other ideas. "Cat, is this difficult?"

"It's hard! I'm a few years older than you, and I eat more sorghum rice. I'm a policeman. Do you know how to be a policeman? What we are afraid of is not sacrifice, nor is it misunderstood. What we are afraid of is that we can't control ourselves! Relatively speaking, I am a person who is said to have a bad temper, but actually what about it? I can control myselfwww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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