"Sir, we have the results of our investigation!" The security guard walked into Ding Yu's office and reported to Ding Yu in a low voice, "the specific investigation results are already here!" He also put the report in front of Ding Yu.

We should know that although Siheyuan is small, relatively speaking, its sphere of influence is still quite broad, and it has considerable tentacles in all aspects, but Ding Yu is never willing to show these things! Knowing is a thing, but how about publicity? It's another thing!

Ding Yu opened the document and looked at it carefully, "I know! It's good to keep the file, and just destroy it! " Obviously, at this time, Ding Yu doesn't want to make this matter known to the public. At least, it is a little hasty to publish this matter at this time. There is no news from the capital!

Since there is no movement there, if there is any action on his side, it is bound to cause considerable influence and passivity. It is not to say how much Ding Yu is considered by others, but just that he doesn't want to get involved in this matter. In any case, all aspects have paid special attention to it! You're not alone, are you?

"Sir, what should I do with Dashan Yangkou? These children have been here for quite some time! Are you going to keep them on the farm? Or let them go back? "

Ding Yu was slightly puzzled. He heard the security guard continue to explain and say, "the situation is like this. We have sent some students here, but relatively speaking? They are not so adapted! "

Although the security didn't explain it completely, Ding Yu understood it! "Most? Or very few? "

"There are quite a number of people. What about the occupation? Not the vast majority, but... " The security guard hesitated for a while. What about this? In the end, I still can't say it. I believe Mr. Zhang should understand what it means!

"Are there any good kids among them?"

"After they have two children in Tanaka, they have to pay attention to their performance, but they have to pay attention to them! There is no movement on the surface, so the observation can be said to be quite clear, but also very confidential! "

"What about children like Dashan Yangkou? Not too much after all Ding Yu slightly took a breath, "in the evening, bring him over..." But when talking about this, Ding Yu waved his hand, "forget it! If you bring him over, there will be a little bit of noise. I'm afraid it will cause other noise. Let's go there! "

"Sir, is that too..."

"Nothing. Now? I still need to be at the top of the position, although the whole consortium is booming, but relatively speaking? Our inside information is too weak! It's no exaggeration to say that now I'm still in the prime of life, so I can accumulate this capital, so I think about one or two in the future. "

The security guard saluted Ding Yu respectfully, and then left Ding Yu's office. When he came back at dawn, he saw his own director, and then sat down on his own office seat, "director! There is a little information from Song Tianren. Zhan Zhao helps song Tianren analyze some situations and gives song Tianren a lot of feeling! "

"Song Tianren! Although not everyone's son, but his training? It's a little bit high-end, but it's really not so grounded. I think you have quite a feeling on this point. "

"I don't feel like he's high up there!" Hou Tianliang didn't say anything biased, "how about giving me personal feelings? He seems to be able to talk to anyone, but sometimes it's in his bones? A little distant! "

"Still the problem! Song Tianren is the same as some people in the first and second echelons because of their environment? His feet are not even contaminated with soil. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to bend down their bodies, but he is lucky enough to find someone like Zhan Zhao! "

"Zhan Zhao's experience is very rich, with considerable experience. With him around Song Tianren, he can play a considerable role in supervision. One more thing, Tian Ren and Zhan Zhao introduced the director's relevant information! "

"It's just time." Ding Yu is not so concerned about this, "this bad boy! The spirit is still relatively high, at the same time, the head melon seed is not generally flexible, will find the vacancy, and will be very good to drill this vacancy, although said to take over your two secretaries have not come, but he is now! Have made clear their own positioning! Occupy the absolute initiative, what about this thing? It's not something ordinary people can do! "

"That's right. It can't be said that it's robbing other people's jobs. It seems that Tianren still occupies a considerable position in the director's mind. Since the director has given him such an opportunity, I think he will make good use of it!"

"Take the other two! Let them get familiar with their work. What else? What about the things you're going to learn? I've won it for you. I'll report it in the new year. What about the future? I don't know if there will be such a chance. I don't think so! The military is so stingy, I don't think they will let people go! ""Director! Thank you for your training. I know that during this period of time around you, I still made some mistakes, just because of your tolerance! " For his own director, Hou Tianliang is also from the heart of thanks!

"What about life? There will always be opportunities. When opportunities come, do you grasp them or not? It's hard to say what is right and what is wrong. I have no way to make it clear? No one knows whether what you have learned is useful or useless, and whether the impact on yourself is good or bad. If you exaggerate a little, history will give you a fair evaluation! "

"Director! We all live in the present

"Yes! We always live in the present, but we still need to look forward. You should be more calm at dawn, which is different from Tianren! The future is bright for you personally? I don't need to talk about it when I leave. What else is the appearance of my little daughter? Don't say it! I'll give you a few words, be approachable, and clean up! "

"Director, I will remember it! I will never fail... "

"It's not to remember. It's useless to remember. What's your starting point to be realistic? Not low, but throughout the 49 cities inside the big and small, their starting point is very different! What about the way they do it? There are many styles, no matter what benefits. In the end, they all come to the same goal by different ways, but in this process? There are a lot of people who have problems and problems! "

Hou Tianliang did not continue to speak, just nodded hard!

At noon, Hou Tianliang also called two secretaries and asked them to report to the director as soon as possible. What about his side? Also need a considerable handover! If the time is too late, some things are not clear, for all aspects are quite big influence, so it is not very good!

There is no general concern about this matter in the capital. Even Hou Tianliang just called, and the two secretaries chose to start at the first time. Although the distance is not so required, they all want to leave a good impression in front of Ding Yu. What's more, song Tianren, who was in the same period with them, has begun to look at each other When the experience!

In the evening, they had arrived, but either Ding Yu or Hou Tianliang did not go to pick them up. At least at this time, the two people did not have such qualifications, and the security service soon sent them to the hotel!

Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang have already come to the farm. The weather is so cold that the lights have been on for a long time. The whole north is like this! However, the indoor heating is very good to ease the cold outside, when outside has been wearing a coat, but when indoors, pajamas are OK!

"Hello, sir." When Dashan and Tanaka's children saw Ding Yu, they bowed and saluted neatly!

Ding Yu nodded slightly, which was a response to everyone's salute. Ding Yu came to eat with these children. What about Ding Yu for these children? There are no hard and fast requirements. You can eat Chinese food, you can eat Japanese food, you can, after all, it's not the time when you just came!

Compared with the diet, Ding Yu's food intake is still appalling to these children. Dashan Yangkou is also sitting on Ding Yu's table without any allocation. Ding Yu just happened to come to this table. Dashanyangkou is sitting on the most edge of the table. On this table for six people, it just forms a diagonal line with Ding Yu!

The amount of food is not really out of exercise, how much appetite to eat how much rice, although the children try to put into their own throat, but their appetite is so big, strong support is no benefit!

After eating, Ding Yu waited for them to go to the greenhouse and left two circles inside, which was also regarded as consumption! Obviously, these children ate a little too much just now! While walking around, the people on the farm are not idle. Instead, they patiently explain some knowledge to the children and develop their thinking and consciousness.

"Ichiro, I've been here for a while! what about you? It's also the leader of the whole small group. You don't need to be flattered to say how you feel. I want to hear what you really think

"Yes, sir, the enthusiasm here is very high. During this process, we also like it very much. We have changed our views on China unconsciously. In the process, we realized some problems of our own and made considerable changes."

Ding Yu took a look and shook his head, "this is not what I want to hear. In a short time? Let you have some improvement, even have extraordinary big changes, this is simply impossible, contrary to the law of growth, just hope you can get some new understanding through this time! Obviously, what about this? You haven't seen it too clearly, and what about you kids? I didn't see it very clearly either

"I'm sorry, sir, to disappoint you!"

"It doesn't have anything to do with disappointment. What about this period of time? I have always been in a state of indulgence for you. Although I have passed an assessment before, what about the assessment? It's just to make you feel it! What about being a qualified leader? What changes do you think should be made in the current situation? "Ding Yu's words made Yilang feel like Alexander, because he did not make any preparation at all, even did not have the feeling of this aspect at all! What about leaders? In fact, it is more like the nanny of these children, enjoying the control of other children. But what about Mr. Ding Yu's question? Let Ichiro be directly knocked down the dust!

Looking at Yilang without any reaction, Ding Yu didn't mean to blame, "have you come here? You are a leader, at least how old are you? It's the oldest of all people. Everyone regards you as a dependency. It's a very big advantage, but obviously, you haven't made good use of it! "

This remark has a strong sense of criticism. Ichiro even has some feelings to kneel down! Too much psychological pressure!

"As a leader? Before the crisis comes, you need to be well prepared, at least have a considerable reserve, to be able to cope with the situation at any time. You are a leader and enjoy a considerable degree of control. This is no problem, but what about when you enjoy the power of control? Also need to be responsible for them!

If you can't be responsible for them, it may be because of a small problem and situation, the dam will be destroyed! Your trust in them will disappear completely. What about your so-called leader? You need to step down as you should! Obviously, you are not aware of these problems and situations now! "

"I'm sorry, sir. I've let everybody down!"

"Disappointment is a little bit, because you did not meet the requirements, at least did not meet the expectations, you are still young, so there are still opportunities, but I do not hope that you will have such problems and conditions in the future! What about a leader? It is given to you by others, but similarly, you need to have a solid foundation. Don't take the initiative to wait for the pie to fall from the sky. Even if the pie falls from the sky, do you know whether this is poisonous or not? "

Relatively speaking, Ding Yu has expressed quite clearly! Ichiro's eyes are red! It's just that I didn't leave my tears behind! But the children not far away saw it! This scene also makes us feel a little chilly. What is Yilang's fault?

Then Ding Yu also gathered all the children together, "you have been here for many days! Except for the arrangements? You don't seem to have any reaction, relatively speaking? You are only passive to accept, although this kind of commitment? You have achieved considerable results, but this is definitely not what Dashan and Tanaka families want

The children standing in front of Ding Yu, you look at me and I look at yours. We are quite puzzled. We don't understand what is causing the current situation. However, Dashan Yangkou in the corner seems to understand something.

After so many days, sir, I have tried some other ways, but what about these? To a certain extent, they are passive to bear the education of Mr. Zhang, but they really don't have too much initiative. What does this kind of initiative show is themselves? Did not enrich themselves, because we did not realize this aspect of the problem!

Although Dashan Yangkou's age is very small, his mind is not so much. What about this kind of education? In the family? It's really rare. In Mr. Zhang's words, it's a loss of subjective initiative! It's really a good thing to accept your teacher's instruction! The descendants of Dashan family are also lucky to be here.

When everyone left, Ding Yu also took Yangkou to his side, "what about the farm here? There may be a little bit of depression, which is not a good thing for your growth, and what about the farm here? Not so big, but fortunately, there are still many farms in the North! "

"Sir, can you find your own direction?"

"It's not an easy thing, at least their thinking? It has begun to form a certain formula. If you want to turn it around like a cucumber in front of you, what do you think will be the result? "

"Will it be broken? It's basically destroyed! "

"Yes! If they are forced to turn around, they may be destroyed! From this point of view? Is that their forerunner? Some of them are too insufficient! It can be said that it is congenital deficiency. Even if it is acquired, they can reach a certain degree, but this is not enough to completely change! "

"I wish I could go with them, sir! They are my companions

"Can you find someone who works with you? This is not easy, even if this person is your opponent, it is actually very good, but want to find a peer? This requires your own efforts! Because you're the only one who has worked hard! In order to better stimulate their opponents, mutual promotion

"Sir, do you have enemies?"

"When you were at the British medical school? I'm the big devil in the hospital. I'm proud that everyone has hit me. I'm the enemy of everyone! Even in medical school? My legend is also spreading. Although everyone has this expectation, what is the current position? No one has reached this height yetDing Yu's words are not once said, but for Dashan Yangkou, this incentive makes him feel Qi and blood flying, big devil king! What a noble address!

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