"The man has come! Now it's on the hotel side! " Hou Tianliang is very simple statement!

"You can arrange it! Just meet at the detention center tomorrow! Let them enter the work quickly

Hou Tianliang went to see two new secretaries who were going to take up the post that night. From their faces, they could not see that there was any tension. After all, they were selected. Although they did not have a comprehensive understanding of Ding Yu, they had at least a considerable impression!

But anyway? Before the time did not contact Ding Yu, only heard its name, did not see its face, who knows really if contact with Ding Yu, will be what kind of situation? And Hou Tianliang? But the real secretary, and also Ding Yu's first secretary, this is no one else can match!

"Hello, Secretary Hou!"

"Hello Hou Tianliang also shook hands with two people, and they were polite to each other! "The director has other things to do in the evening. You two can meet the director tomorrow. Now the time is tight. What about some things? I need to explain it now, won't it delay your rest? "

"No, Secretary Hou. We were quite prepared when we came here."

"That's good!" Ding Yu and the two new secretaries all finished, "the work needs to start tomorrow, but before this? I said a few redundant nonsense, useful or useless, you need to work in the future to slowly understand, mainly related to the mutual contact with the director! I hope you can understand! "

"Secretary Hou, your words must be..."

Hou Tianliang slightly waved his hand, "the director is not a person who likes to flatter. At the same time, he doesn't like to talk freely. In front of the director, when he has something to say, when he has nothing to do, he focuses on his work. Besides, don't ignore some details. The director will ask questions from time to time! You must keep it in mind

The first thing we need to do is to ask the Secretary what he doesn't like

"Your main job is dealing with foreign affairs, which is more detailed and complicated. As for what aspects will be involved, you will gradually feel it, because I have no specific direction. It is not to say that the director covers thousands of things, but the director is a little more serious about this point. If you know it, you will know it Then, don't talk about it in front of the director. It will be very troublesome! "

"Secretary Hou, I heard that the director's work is very busy!"

"I forgot to say that! We don't need to completely comply with the director's time. Don't say it's you or me at this point? Even those security guards can't do the same. You generally need to get up from 5:00 to 5:30, because after six o'clock, the director will have to eat! We can eat together at ordinary times. The director has no taboo in this respect. He reports his work in his spare time.

The breakfast director pays attention to the quality, which is the responsibility of the staff around the director. You don't need to worry about it. Basically, the director won't eat too much for lunch. Although there are some changes now, as for dinner and breakfast, the time is mostly fixed, except for other situations!

In the evening, you can finish your work from 10:00 to 10:30, and then go to have a rest. Don't follow the director. At this point, you don't have such energy, endurance and physical strength. At the same time, you will be greatly affected! "

"Secretary Hou, you have always been like this?"

"It's almost like this. I don't know how I insisted at the beginning, but now I feel very good. I've improved a lot. I hope you can stay here. Although I chose you two this time, what's the end? Still need to have a senior, not to mention a song Tianren song assistant

After a pause, Hou Tianliang also paid attention to the two people. "At this point, I need to make a special point, that is, you compete with each other. There is no problem, there will be no progress if there is no competition. But competition does not mean that you come to the director's side with small shoes and obstacles, in order to make yourself better In order to be excellent, not to let you learn those unorthodox things! "

"Secretary Hou, we will urge each other to make progress together."

"I have no way to comment on this. It depends on the performance of the two of you. But I can tell you a little trick, in the battlefield? The only back you can rely on? It's not yourself or the wall behind you, but your comrades in arms. This is what the director said! I'll tell you too

"Secretary Hou, assistant song has already started working there! Are we going to do the same? "

Hou Tianliang thought about it for a moment, and then he nodded, "from your division of labor? The nature is different! In my opinion, Tianren is somewhat experimental, but I don't know what it is! "The two people sitting opposite Hou Tianliang looked at each other and called him Tianren, not assistant song. Obviously, song Tianren has a different position in director Ding Yuding's heart. Otherwise, Secretary hou would never talk like this. But song Tianren didn't have two days to come here, and he seems to have gone too far these days!

But even so, song Tianren seems to occupy a considerable position in director Ding's mind. Is it because song Tianren was selected by the director himself? Can be the reason of this respect, who seems to say bad! Since you say something bad, you'd better not say it! Save to provoke other right and wrong and trouble!

"Secretary Hou, does assistant song need to join us?"

"I don't know that yet. He is exercising there now. If he passes the test, he will go abroad with him. If he fails to pass the test, then... Ha ha!" Hou Tianliang looked at the two people in front of him and blinked his eyes, "so! You also need to be careful. The director is not a person who likes to rub sand in his eyes. Don't lose your life in time! "

"Secretary Hou, you are kidding

Hou Tianliang's face suddenly changed. "This is not really a joke. Although the director of the second echelon was just bluffing and scaring them, he still shot. At that time, if there was no one, it would be difficult to say who would jump. There was also song Tianren. Although he came two days earlier, he was one It's a half disabled situation. Fortunately, this guy is more intelligent and has found some small holes! "

In fact, both of them really knew about song Tianren. At least before he came, someone mentioned something to them. Song Tianren found himself a good helper. Why? Because he is quite not adapted, even himself? I'm about to lose my life!

At first, two people thought that it was no big deal to get in touch with forensic work, and it was no different from that of doctors. However, after they got to know quite a lot of information, they just knew what kind of work it was. It's not so terrible to describe it! It's absolutely appalling!

Secretary Hou used half of his life to describe it as not too much, "Secretary Hou, do we need to be like this?"

"You don't need to do this for the time being, but you will still be allowed to participate in the necessary training. I think there will be a considerable arrangement tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. What about these? It's not my job, so I won't speak! What about the extra? You can sum up, I will find time to give you a detailed explanation, have a good rest tonight, because you will not belong to yourself soon! Finally, good luck

Hou Tianliang really pointed out a lot of things to the two people. As for these things, how much can they understand? It's not about hou daybreak! It is not the two of them, but the power behind them! It is obvious that Hou Tianliang also bought a considerable favor for the forces behind them!

In fact, when the director let himself come over, Hou Tianliang already wanted to understand! The director took the initiative to send this favor to his own hands. For the director, this is a dispensable thing. But for myself, what about such human feelings in the future work? It may play a crucial role!

Director is always in imperceptible influence to pave the way for himself, but it is amazing that his time with the director is really too short! Although the director looked at some indifference, but with the director to get along with such a long time, Hou Tianliang is very clear, the director this is just cold outside and hot inside!

In the morning, three people get up a little bit early. Hou Tianliang is used to it! But what about the other two? The situation is not known! Hou Tianliang had a little activity and had two fists. He learned from the director. Although he had only his shape, he didn't have his spirit. But what about hou Tianliang? It's also a good way to exercise.

Many people know about director Huiwu, but not many people know where the director's Kung Fu is. Hou Tianliang has some feelings, but the feeling is of no use. Anyway, Hou Tianliang didn't see how many times the director made a move. However, Hou Tianliang had a considerable feeling in his heart, which was at least more true than that in TV and movies It's too much.

But what about these? Hou Tianliang really didn't mean to mention it to other people, even many people about this matter? Always is a dubious attitude, why should I be obnoxious? Right? The director himself does not want to mention, he is not necessary to mention!

After the exercise breakfast is very rich, look at the new two faces of surprise, is not some too much? However, looking at Secretary Hou and other security and service personnel, they seem not to care about this! So two people also very quickly put down the heart of surprise!

Let's start at seven o'clock! When they arrived at the detention center, it was less than 7:30. Hou Tianliang first operated on two people, mainly in charge of security. It was not until eight o'clock that they saw Ding Yu, not that Ding Yu was late! Ding Yu came to the office very early. It was the two of them who were delayed because of some trivial matters!"Director!" Hou Tianliang first played a salute, "I sent people to you!"

Ding Yu looked at the two people in front of him with a scrutinizing look, "take them two people and walk through the procedure. The specific work is arranged by you!" There is not a word for the extra words, and there is no other greeting, but it makes the two new people feel uneasy. Is director Ding not so satisfied with them?

Therefore, when they came out, they also asked in a low voice! "Secretary Hou, is the director not very happy?"

"Not very happy?" Asked Hou Tianliang subconsciously looked back, "how can you ask such a question?"

But soon Hou Tianliang also reacted, ha ha with a smile, "I think you should have misunderstood! The director is such a disposition. You will understand it after a long time of contact. The director always likes to be concise, and the usual work is the same. After seeing more, you will get used to it! "

There is no difference between the process of two people and song Tianren! But then there were some people who complained incessantly. It's nice to say that they came here to experience. But who could have thought that it was such an encounter? Did they come to work as secretaries, or did they come to "die"?

However, the power behind the two people can be said to be indifferent now, even as nothing happened, let alone Ding Yu did not start, even if Ding Yu really started! At that time, they will clap their hands and praise, and there will be absolutely no other action.

"Assistant song, have you read the notice on the computer?"

When asked, song Tianren was stunned for a moment, "notice? I haven't seen it yet! What can I do for you? " Also did not take off his gloves, song Tianren forced to endure the taste of the scene, asked in a low voice.

"Your opponent is in place!" Security is not too much polite, "just now the notice has been sent out, this matter should let you know, after all, your opponent has arrived! They have a little bit of expectation for their work? " When talking, the security guard also smiles at Song Tianren, but this smile is a little cruel.

Zhan Zhao looks at Song Tianren and doesn't speak. He doesn't know much about the situation. At least his current information is limited. However, listening to the meaning of the security talk, why does it seem that there are so many Gonghuo meanings? Is this criticism aimed at Song Tianren, or is there any other reason?

"Well? Well Song Tianren put out two different voices with his nose, "I really need to let you see and see, so as not to think that I really eat dry rice! MMP, during this period of time, I can say that I was seen a big joke, and even had a great influence. Let these two guys taste it

At the beginning, Zhan Zhao still had some worries about song Tianren. Isn't this a clear plan contradiction? But after hearing this, Zhan Zhao also touched his nose. There were some people in his heart who wanted to laugh, and he was under a bit of pressure. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is such a slight "madness" performance.

"Assistant song, this won't seem too happy?" Zhan Zhao also said something with great interest.

Song Tianren agreed with this remark, and gave Zhan Zhao a look of approval, "brother Mao, you are more insightful. I'm really glad that they can come here! These two days busy things here, really put this in the back of my mind! Now they come here, but let me? The confidence is greatly increased

The security guard snorted his nose. What about song Tianren's performance in this period of time? They are all in the eye, but there are no words. What will happen to him in the end has nothing to do with him. Besides, Wei Hou's side is the same. He won't be biased!

As for Zhan Zhao? Song Tianren recruited this helper, is really very good, relatively speaking, he is more optimistic about him, because he has quite rich experience, but his so-called optimistic? It's just from the perspective of security.

If we think about the problem from the perspective of Mr. Song Tianren and Wei Hou, we may be more optimistic about song Tianren and Wei Hou. This is basically mutual, but we can't tell who is right or who is wrong. This is not the case!

Because the angle of standing is different, so the way to look at the problem is definitely different!

"I'll call two goons. Congratulations!"

After finishing cleaning up, song Tianren also took out his mobile phone and came to the company. He should be well congratulated. After all, he came first. What about them? It's a new comer. How about being a senior brother? Need to take the lead to express their own attitude!

However, the two new comers received the phone call from Song Tianren. They both looked at each other in such a way that song Tianren was not really stupid, was he? How to give a person the feeling to speak madly? What happened?

But Hou Tianliang is nearby, regarding this matter to see very clearly, but actually did not have any to say the meaning, but the stomach inside intestines are about to smile into a ball! Song Tianren! It's really not a general dishonesty. Now there's still time to play tricks? But also very good, at least can maintain the quite mentality!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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