After the physical examination, two people also began to enter their own jobs, mainly familiar with some situations, looking at the document directory placed in front of them, both of them have so many stupid eyes! Is the document directory so thick? Is it a little exaggerated? Are you sure this is a catalog, not a dictionary?

"In two days, get familiar with these catalogues. In less than a week, you can memorize the contents. I hope you don't have any fluke mentality because of any mistakes? Could have long been unpredictable

"Secretary Hou, there are so many catalogues, and we all need detailed records. Are not we complaining? Time is just a week? Are there so many who are too hard for others to do? "

"Do you find it difficult? But for song Tianren, he has already memorized it! And there is no dead end. Of course, if you can't do it, you can first mention it! " On this issue, Hou Tianliang really does not have any hesitation. In fact, the meaning is very simple. If you want to leave, no one will leave you!

It is obvious that Hou Tianliang's words touched both of them. On the first day of coming up, he faced such a situation, and the Secretary of Hou was really true, but was it really good? But did not think that at night, two people were carried to the training ground above, just ignore whether it is too late now!

But fortunately, Hou Tianliang has time to accompany them, because this is the north. When the breeze blows, it really makes people's spirit not generally comfortable. For the two new secretaries, it is absolutely extraordinary experience!

There were chills when I went out, but when I came back? The whole man was shaking! It's not cold, but tired. Looking at Hou Tianliang next to him, he's also full of heat, but the whole person doesn't have any so-called fatigue. For him, it's just like playing a basketball game!

This is a fuckin 'monster, okay? As far as they know? Although Hou Tianliang said that he was in the intelligence department, he was just a humble clerk. But what about this so-called unimportant one? How could that be? Is Hou Tianliang too powerful? Or are they too incompetent?

After taking a bath, two people also fell on the bed, even how to climb to bed? Two people have so many can not say clearly, but the next day, two people are still very punctual wake up, mainly is the mobile phone prompt? Let them have to force up from the bed! But this kind of suffering is really not ordinary people can resist!

If you can, do you really want to be in bed all the time and get up? What kind of bed to get up, to lie on the bed all my life!

Looking at the outside exercise director Ding Yuding and Hou Tianliang Hou secretary, two people are also straight rolling eyes, do you have such exaggeration?! Two people's body is not general pain, think about two days time to be familiar with some files, two people simply have a kind of crazy feeling! This is not a human thing at all, OK?

But anyway? Since it is here, then bite their own teeth to carry it! Otherwise, what can happen? What about song Tianren? It's quite a joke, but now what about the two of them? If you can, I really hope to find a helper for myself! Even if it is to give them some comfort, but this is simply impossible, two people's hearts can be said to be clear about this!

"Director, I feel that they are not as good as song Tianren in terms of mentality? It's not that song Tianren is so good. What about that guy? It seems to be heartless, but in reality? Shrewd and cruel! It's just like playing pig and eating tiger! But what about the two of them? It seems that up to now, I haven't changed my ideas! "

"Not for the first time? What's so strange Don't you even get angry about this? They are not the same as them. They have a considerable sense of distance. This is understandable. What about song Tianren and the two of them? There is a considerable difference, need to give them considerable time! Don't roll too hard! They can't turn over this body, we just hope they get better! Although the process may be a little slow! "

"It's not to say that we want to oppress them by force. It's past that time! What about the performance of the two of them? It's not so outstanding. At least it's deliberately selected. There should be a good sense of propriety. "

Ding Yu can understand the dissatisfaction expressed by Tianliang. After all, it is not long for daybreak to stay here! So what about your successor? They can take on a lot of responsibilities, but what about the two new comers? Did not fully show the potential of this aspect, people quite have so some disappointment!

"What about their education? It's quite different from you, and I'm afraid you've forgotten what you looked like when you first came here! How about using your current standards to ask them? It's a little too much! We need to give them considerable patience, be good at discovering their advantages and trying to make up for their own shortcomings! "

"Yes, chief!" Although Hou Tianliang said so, but still there are so some sullen!And Hou Tianliang is not very happy with the result? It's just that the two new secretaries are so unlucky! There is no intention of wearing shoes for them, but other methods can be adopted. It is really to make the new two people want to die, but now there are so many dumb people who eat Coptis, which is hard to say!

Some of them do not believe in evil, but they take the catalog but ask Hou Tianliang, but they query with a tablet computer, and Hou Tianliang is relying on their own head, but they can't even access the data as fast as Hou Tianliang. This detection really makes them two people have to be ashamed and want to die! There is no such bullying!

It was not long to follow Hou Tianliang, but two people saw it with their own eyes. Hou Tianliang saw the two page document almost twice, the same time as they read the document. However, when reporting in front of director Ding Yuding, he could almost make a word for word, just like reading the original manuscript! But the problem is that there was nothing on Secretary Hou's hand at that time!

Ding Yu sees everything in his eyes, but still has no words. This is a test for the two new secretaries. Although they need to stay by their side, what about the same? They need to prove their ability. If they come for gold plating, they don't mind putting a layer of gold on them!

"It seems that these two unfortunate men have suffered quite a lot!" When eating, song Tianren is also smiling, looking at the tablet computer in his hand, placed in front of him? Even though it's only a few days, song Tianren has been able to adapt to it very well! I don't know if it's a big heart, or is it a test period?

For this point, Zhan Zhao can be said to be quite admirable. After all, this psychology can not be reversed in a short time. When he just arrived, he didn't even dare to eat rice and noodles. But now? I can eat braised spareribs when I'm done. The difference is really not so big!

"I don't know if I've suffered, but my personal feeling is that you seem a little crazy!" Wei Hou looked at the braised spareribs on the plate and shook his head slightly. His voice was still hoarse as usual. "This psychological change is a little fast. It makes people not adapt to it. This is not a good thing."

"At the beginning, there were some people who didn't adapt well! But after these two days of contact, I found out, what about all this? If you really look at it, you will feel that there is nothing at all, compared with it? What about people's hearts? It's the most terrible thing. Sometimes it's just for the sake of trivial things that you'll have a lifelong regret. Is it worth it or not? "

Zhan Zhao pinched himself a piece of beef. "Is it worth it or not? What about when it wasn't discovered? Always think that can be opportunistic, will feel that everything is worth, but really caught! Or when you are pierced, you will find that everything is so unworthy of mentioning! "

"Is it because you can't control yourself?"

"Whether things have changed people or people have changed things. In fact, everyone who has left the earth has the same rotation, and there will never be any other changes because of your departure!" The security guard said casually, "this is what my husband said. In fact, what about everything? They are just looking for a so-called saying for themselves! As a psychological comfort to oneself, the choice of a thing is right in your opinion, but may be wrong in others' eyes! So how can we tell whether this is right or wrong? "

"How to say that?" Zhan Zhao asked curiously.

"Song Tianren has come here. What do you think of him? May be right, but what about others? This is wrong at all, but is it right or wrong? How to judge? There is no accurate standard, but from a personal point of view? Since come, then choose to do their own! Right or wrong? It's not for others to see! If it's for the sake of showing it to others, it doesn't need to be like this at all! "

Finish saying, also be to pick up own chopsticks, grab a few spareribs! And this also made song Tianren fall into quite deep meditation. "I knew the director was very powerful before, but I never knew that the director was such a mind. No wonder Secretary Hou was so determined. I'm afraid he would not be willing to change to someone else?"

Security smile, but Zhan Zhao does not understand, and Wei Hou is the same! Song Tianren exclaimed, "what about the two unfortunate men? It's bad luck to be home! Unexpectedly at this time went to the director's side, Hou secretary? There's not much time left in this position! But what about these two people? It's a fool

What about hou Tianliang? Zhan Zhao seems to understand, but what about Wei Hou? He still didn't have the feeling of this aspect, but he didn't want to ask about the meaning, and the security continued to say, "what about the director? I mean Secretary Hou. As for the first and second echelons? The director is more like a guide, only Secretary Hou? That's the beginning"If the gentleman knows you have this feeling, he should have some interest!"

"Give me a break." Song Tianren couldn't help shaking his head, "I found it! Although the director is not Zhou shaopi, he is definitely a good squeeze. I don't have the confidence to undertake this responsibility at present. I am really afraid that I will choke and die. At the same time, I am also worried that I will be killed by falling! "

"Yes! The higher you climb, the harder you fall, and you will even be directly killed. This is a normal thing. If you say that you don't have a deep foundation and foundation, you will definitely have such a result when you first ascend to a high position. You can have such an understanding, and it is difficult for the director to value you at the beginning! However, since you have a considerable understanding recently, it is necessary to speed up the process. What about your situation? The director will examine and approve it in person. By the way, Congratulations

But song Tianren didn't have any joy on his face. Instead, he was bitter and even a little discontented. He just said that he didn't want to carry too many things for himself so early. But where did he think of such a thing? Do not allow yourself to have any rejection at all! Isn't this a bully?

However, song Tianren may not be very happy about this matter, but the forces behind him are really so overjoyed about this matter. What about this bastard? Although sometimes there are so many clever too much! At least, Ding Yu's impression is pretty good.

To know that it is absolutely not an easy thing to leave a considerable impression on Ding Yu, or? You have absolute ability, or what? It's hard work. Absolute ability? There may be, but at present, there are really not many people who can show it!

At least in front of Ding Yu to show the so-called absolute ability, this seems to have some unrealistic things, at least compared with Ding Yu, not many people have such courage! So we basically go? It's all hard work, but what about it? Hou Tianliang is the most representative!

What about song Tianren and the two new secretaries? The city will take Hou Tianliang as the goal, but can this goal be achieved? What about this? The forces behind them can be said to be particularly concerned, but that is to say, they are quite concerned. There is really no other action. After all, the man is Ding Yu.

Since he chose to give it to Ding Yu's hand, is Ding Yu beating or scolding? As long as Ding Yu is happy! To know that in order to be elected, the forces behind each other can be said to be haggard. How many people are eager to see through such positions!

You know, what about the first and second echelons? Or is there an essential difference between the first tier and the second tier? Ding Yu just played a guiding role. To a certain extent, he still didn't get close to Ding Yu's core force and scope! And Hou Tianliang, they are not the same!

Directly into Ding Yu's core sphere of influence, even in the whole force? Can also mobilize considerable resources, which is the envy of all! But envy is useless! Not everyone has such a chance!

"Brother Wang Li in a thorough sober up, but also found time to call her brother in the past, although said that she was injured, the elder brother did not come in person, but Wang Li is very clear, big brother for this matter is actually very concerned, but due to other reasons, there is no way to say it, at the same time, there is no way to come.

I know! Of course, I also want to make a phone call in the past. Although it is said to be brother and sister, what about the feelings? Still need to contact each other! Right?

"Well! Just wake up! Take a good recovery If from the voice above, Ding Yu really does not have any enthusiasm, giving people the feeling that Wang Li is an outsider! Not considerate and gentle at all!

"In fact, there is no big deal. I think I can leave the hospital and take good care of it when I go home! What's more, I don't really like the smell of the hospital. The two children at home are also a little rowdy recently! I'm worried too! "

"And you know you have two children!" Ding Yu also had some uncontrollable temper and voice, "I regard you as a bachelor? I didn't expect you to have this idea. Did I hear it right? "

"Brother, don't take such sarcasm, OK?" Wang Li was very discontented and said, "even if this accident happened, no one thought it would be such a serious consequence. Their courage is too great! But fortunately, the preliminary investigation has already yielded quite a few results. If anything is involved, it is not easy to let it go! Those who dare to reach out will naturally chop their paws

"Give me less ecstasy!" Ding Yu said without false color, "I've seen your film, even if it's home! Also need to be honest at home with, don't make other things come out! Let's worry at home! You are old enough! And now she's a mother of two! Do you know? "

"There won't be another time! But what about father and mother? There are still some wordiness. I always feel that there are so many problems. I hope I can have a good examination in the hospital! " Wang Li is also a little impatient, "and is the hospital for this matter is also very concerned! Everyone is very angry"Everyone will be angry, you! It's just that you don't have a long heart , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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