Ding Yu is very clear about what his sister called. This should not be the meaning of Wang Li, but should be the meaning of Wang family, Su family and Zheng family. What is the matter now? It should be quite a decision!

But what about this thing? We still need to inform ourselves. If we don't agree, then things may appear so-called contrasts. This is definitely what we don't want to face. What about Ding Yu? I really don't have much meaning to reach out!

It may involve some so-called interest exchange, but does Ding Yu need to reach out for it? Do not need, and Wang Li personally called over, Ding Yu is also handy to deal with this matter!

"I see! Take a good rest after you go back. If you need anything, go to the courtyard. The medicine there is still very good and has a considerable effect. There is also the time to visit the elderly at home! "

"Big brother, will you come back for Chinese new year? My grandfather's health is not so good, so are my grandparents. They are too old Wang Li seems to casually mention a sentence!

"It's not so clear now. Let's talk about it then." What about this? Ding Yu has other aspects of consideration, really can not immediately agree with Wang Li, so Ding Yu also said that there are some vague! As for Wang Li, can you understand? This is another thing!

"By the way, brother, the three children came to see me earlier! Also brought me a gift, I was so some did not think, Xiaogang there is not so naughty! Well done

After hearing this, Ding Yu did not immediately make a sound, but thought for a long time, "what do you mean, or do you mean Shangnan?" It seems to be very simple, but the moral is not so profound. What's more? Wang Li should also understand!

"Shangnan happened to be here. When the three of them left, they also discussed with me." In front of the eldest brother, Wang Li has nothing to hide. The three children are not old at all, at least in front of his aunt? It's just a little urchin, but watching the performance of the three of them is really enviable.

No one else took them with them, just their three little dolls. But when they could find a place or even visit their aunt, their performance can be seen! At that time, Shangnan was moved! But Wang Li is very clear, what about this matter? It's really not a general embarrassment! But even so, Wang Li still spoke!

It's about my two sons! In fact, Shangnan is more excited than himself, but it has no effect. If Shangnan goes to ask elder brother for this matter, I'm afraid there is no chance. He knows something about his temperament. He is absolutely unwilling to get involved in those messy things!

Otherwise, why does the elder brother keep a considerable distance with the family, say far not far, say near or not!

But if I have said this, the situation may be different. At least there may be some opportunities. But how many opportunities are there? I really can't tell you what the opportunities are? Ding Ding's two children have not been taught in the courtyard. It is not known whether it is Ding Ding Ding or his elder brother.

"Wang Li, from your personal point of view, do you think the two children have this potential?"

"Big brother, I don't know, they are still so small! But what about the kids? I don't know anything. I think we need to add some influence in this respect to them. What about these influences? May be with them for a lifetime! Elder brother, you have seen these two children. I don't think there is any problem! "

"You're a mother, but it's not ordinary hard work!" Ding Yu snorted, "let's do this first!" Did not say yes, also did not say no, in any case is an ambiguous attitude! And Wang Li is also quite helpless, put down the phone, but also looked at her husband next to her!

"Don't you agree?" Shangnan is also quite sorry to say that, in fact, what about this matter? Shangnan is really not the general one. Looking at the two children in the eldest brother's family and Wang Xiaogang, what are their performances? It's really mouth watering. I really hope my son will be the same in the future.

But on the inside? I really don't know if I have this ability! Is really not very confident, I believe that his wife is also like this, otherwise she would not agree to make this call!

"Big brother didn't say yes or no!" Wang Li, half lying on the bed, murmured to herself that she put her mobile phone to one side of the room, "where did Xiao Gang go to my elder brother? There are quite a number of reasons, not only because of Xiaogang's identity, but also because of Xiaogang? Compare with big brother

"Congenial? This is the first time I've heard about it! Isn't it a little too much fun? "

"You! Some things are not so clear, big brother? Is it a Taoist Origin? ""I have heard vaguely that there is another martial uncle coming to our capital, but it seems that I haven't heard of any contact between the elder brother and the Taoist school in peacetime, that is to say, the elder brother's family style is extremely strict!"

"What about some teachers in the hospital? What about Buddhism and Taoism? They have a lot of contacts. They have mentioned to me that elder brother's Kung Fu is very high, even unfathomable! At the beginning, the elder brother touched Xiao Gang's bones with special means, so Xiaogang was taken to his side's position later! "

"High Kung Fu?" Shangnan feels a little puzzled! "Big brother was born in a special army, and he also carried out special tasks. Is that because of this? But what I know is not so clear! "

"Have you ever been on a mission? That's not Kung Fu. Are there some old people in the hospital? They all come from big families. In the early years, they all had quite a lot of experience. What about big brother? I have a lot of Kung Fu in my family. It's not so much fun in TV and movies! Do you understand? "

"Nei Jia Kung Fu?" Shang Nan sucked his nose, "really? I've really seen Kung Fu in my family, but there are so few people like this. I've seen it in my grandfather's place in those years, and I've seen it back. Usually, I feel like a flower trellis, but what about the time when I make a move? Grab the hole and dig the crotch! That's cruel

"The real fight is never fancy. It's wonderful to see who can give you the so-called one action and one style for fighting on the battlefield." Wang Li also cast a glance at her husband, "where's big brother? It seems to be the inheritance of Taoism. The real Nei Jia Kung Fu pays attention to the pregnant essence, Qi and spirit. If you don't move, you will be shocked! "

"It's true. What about your usual time? Although it is not as cold as strangers, it is so cold that people don't even know how to contact them. But when there is a real situation, it really makes people feel cold after thinking about it! "

"Elder brother said that he was young, but how deep was his kung fu? It's really not known to many people. In any case, as far as I know, many people are taboo to this point. However, elder brother's medical skills are not generally high. I think no one will object to this point. "

"Absolutely, whether it's the hospital in Beijing or Harvard general hospital, it's absolutely outstanding, but it's also weird. What about the ordinary doctors? Almost all of life, age, death and death have to soak in the hospital! But what about big brother? Although sometimes also bubble in the hospital, but can be very good to allocate their own time! "

"What about the energy? What do you think big brother's small pharmacy is for? I've only heard of big brother's small pharmacy these years. It's easier to knock on the door of quadrangle, but what about the door of small pharmacy? But it's not so difficult. Everyone knows that! "

"It's true. I thought we might have other purposes, but over the years, what about the small pharmacy? There is no exposure at all. Although there are considerable drugs, basically? There is no so-called transaction, it is really that some people do not understand! "

"I have a good relationship with Taixi. I often talk to her. She doesn't grow old these years. What about this? There's a big brother's credit, but there's no way to mass produce it! "

Shangnan really doesn't know much about women. What about this sister-in-law? Shangnan is not too much understanding, usually also basically can not see, even sometimes the Chinese New Year Festival also can not see! What about a large part of the reasons? It should be on my brother's body, but what about the willingness? It's hard to mention!

"What about the two children at home?"

"They are too young now! Even if the elder brother agreed, would you really send them over? It's not suitable. What's the big brother's side? It seems that things are not so many. I heard that some people from Japan sent some people there. I really don't know the specific situation! "

Shangnan nodded, "I know something about this. What about Dashan and Tanaka's children? It's the representative of big brother's influence in Japan. I had a plan to exchange students with us in the past. It's from my hometown. I communicate with each other, but it doesn't seem that there's much news! "

"What about big brother? It has always been as plain as water, just like a farm. At the beginning, who could have thought that the farm could open such a large stall, and even if you think about it now, I'm afraid it's incredible! "

"Absolutely For this, Shangnan also sincerely felt admiration, "you know, the whole farm involves a considerable number of provinces, the intricate relationships, and the interests of all aspects. If you want to integrate all these together, you can feel the scalp numbness. How did it start at the beginning and how did it work? Want to know how many people below look at greedy do not say! People who want to make up their minds here in 49 cities? The sea is gone"Thunder from the ground! Big brother, let those kids come here? It is definitely not so simple as to let them casually act as exchange students. There must be quite a lot of problems and situations involved in it. But I'm afraid no one can say clearly what it is! What about everyone? Now we just see the appearance, but what about the appearance? It's big brother who let you see it! "

Do you really believe in my wife? It's just that big brother is willing to let you see, as for what elder brother doesn't want to let you see? Nobody can see it! And what is the invisible result? Maybe it's important, maybe not so important! Because it takes time to slowly verify!

"I'll go and talk to dad and them."

"No, what about this? For the time being Wang Li said categorically, "what has been said now will involve quite a lot of problems. With so many children in the family, who will come and who will not? What about big brother's heart? There must be some ideas. You can see from Xiaogang that big brother still has his own ideas, but we don't have a thorough understanding. "

"I didn't understand thoroughly. What do you mean is that big brother did it on purpose?"

"I have thought about this, but it's hard to say clearly what happened! Since big brother was found back? The elder brother is very helpful to the family, but he never has any intention to reach out. To a certain extent, he is just watching with cold eyes, except Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! "

"Big brother has been standing on the sidelines all the time. It's not that he doesn't give us this opportunity, but he hopes that someone will take the initiative to stand up. But what about all these years? ..。” Speaking of this, Shangnan also sneered at his wife? It's really inconvenient for me to mention it. After all, I'm just a son-in-law!

"Yes! For so many years, no one came forward. We all hope that big brother can reveal some things from the nail seams, so that we can eat full of oil! A lot of people think so, and some people feel big brother? Too cold and heartless, so there is no other mind

When she finished, Wang Li also felt a burst of emotion, "what about the opportunity? Never take the initiative to fall, but need to fight for their own, but how do these people in the family? Not many people are willing to take the initiative to fight for such opportunities for themselves, so big brother? Just look at it calmly

"Dad, can't they not know about this? Why don't you talk about it? "

"What do you say? Is that what I'm talking about at home? If we can solve this problem, how can there be so many dandies here in 49 cities? Each family has its own difficult Scripture to read. To a certain extent, they all have so much ambition! They all think that they can do better than others when they stand in that position, but they are all high minded and low handed. If they are really on the top, it will be a mess! "

Shangnan is also deeply touched by this. What about his own family? There are also quite a lot of people in this area, they are not willing to bow down their own body, all think that they can ride the wind and rise one day, but they never go to this aspect of preparation, even if it is really riding the wind and rising! Will also immediately fall down, no bones exist! There is no doubt about it!

"But how to educate two children? I'm not ready for this

"Read! To give children a certain amount of pre-school education, it is not necessary to cultivate children's interest like other children. What about the cultivation of Xiaogang? It has always been like this, so that he has a good understanding. I think this is a good way. Even if big brother will refuse, I don't think Taixi will refuse it! "

"You still need to be in charge of the family affairs!" Shangnan is really not suitable to show up, or need his wife to do it in person. It's not because Shangnan escapes. It's not because of this. It's because Shangnan needs to do its own achievements in other aspects, so as to give his two children the corresponding bonus points!

"I heard that song Tianren was so miserable that he couldn't bear to gamble?"

"I know something about it!" Shang Nan was lying on the railing beside the bed. "It seems that it's not so miserable to be arranged to be a forensic assistant. Two new secretaries also went to the elder brother's, listening to the rumors outside, it seems that they have not been spared! However, these are all spread by everyone. No one can say clearly what the real situation is! "

"I fell on my brother's hand and thought about other beautiful things! A little pathetic! Now I have some doubts about how they are going to make it through this day! Everyone just saw the light in front of Hou Tianliang, but did not see it behind this? What has he paid for it? "

"What about song Tianren? After all, it's outside! So we still know some of the relevant news, but we can't understand song Tianren, the elder brother's sheep herding. We don't know what the elder brother is doing. However, song Tianren has been fighting for a lot in the past two days. It can be said that he has some thoughts of his own. It is difficult for him to ask him in person at the beginning of his life! ""However, this incident was really beyond everyone's expectation. Song Tianren had found a helper for himself. Everyone looked at the matter in their eyes. At that time, everyone was holding their breath, because the big brother might have opened him up! Now I think of it, I still don't understand it! "

"If you don't understand it, it's right! If you really understand it! On the contrary, it is so strange! Wait a moment to ask, go to the discharge procedures! It's not that easy to lie here all the time! "

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