"Why don't you stay in the hospital?" When I came back in the evening, I saw my daughter. Wang Changlin was also very dissatisfied. I just woke up and ran back. There are some things that are not very decent! Is it because you are young or something?

Wang Li's arm has been bandaged, but there is not too much impact, "Dad, nothing happened. I also called my elder brother, who is also a doctor. He has been carefully examined! Said that there is no problem, let me go home and take good care of it, not to mention leaving the child alone at home, I am not so relieved! "

"I think it's better for you to go home and live in it. What about your mother? It's nothing. What about you? Arm is not so convenient, take care of yourself have so many troubles, let alone take care of two children? What about Shangnan? Can not delay their own work for a long time! After all, it's not so convenient now! "

"After Shangnan left, I will move back to live for a few days! It's not so convenient to be alone at home. I'm afraid it will take quite a long time for the museum! After all, there is still no way to work now! "

Wang Changlin took a look at it and didn't say anything. His daughter's age is getting older. What about some things? She also has her own attention! But can you come back? It's a good thing, but other problems don't need to worry about so much!

"What did your brother ask you?"

"Dad, you don't know about big brother. I asked about my physical condition earlier, but others didn't have any words. Since there were no words in the past, it's impossible to have any words now!" What about your big brother's attitude? In fact, it can explain everything!

Wang Changlin did not have any good intentions for such things, or was embarrassed to say so, at least at home? It's already very common! Even Wang Li is very clear about such things, and there is no so-called delicate and artificial, not like the TV or the film above! That's bullshit!

"Your big brother's situation is a little special, we can understand it!" Wang Changlin took a breath, "it's going to be Chinese New Year in a while! Didn't you ask if your elder brother will come back for Chinese new year What about the other things? Maybe it's a little bland, but what about this thing? Wang Changlin also has a trace of hope!

For this situation, Wang Li also shook her head, "I asked elder brother a moment ago. He said he would like to see the specific situation. Dad, what about the situation there? It is quite different from the capital. What are some problems? It's hard to make it public! " Wang Li can only answer this question like this.

"But the elder brother said that when I have time, I should go to see my grandfather, grandfather and grandmother more often. Their health is not so good. After all, they are quite old already!"

"Yes! They are very old already! Especially your grandfather, the situation is really not so good! There are so many thorns What about these? It's really not the power of medicine and stone that can be solved. Under the current situation, it can only be maintained! Keep it as long as you can!

That is to say, thanks to our boss? With abundant financial resources and powerful broadcasting, we can maintain the health of the three old people. Otherwise, the three old people may have problems and problems very early!

"Go and have a look when you have time, and let Wang Yang go with you!" What about Wang Changlin? This can only be so! Big son's problem! It's never been easy to be solved! Oh!

"Dad, where are the two children of the eldest brother's family? Recently, I have a new child friend

"I know that! Qing Zhi courtyard! It's a child named Tong Tong. He just went to the courtyard for a few times. It's not a big deal! " Wang Changlin is very clear about the problems and situations. What is involved in this? It's other aspects of the problem, but it's OK to know! Or don't spread what at will!

The information management department doesn't think about the wide spread of this matter. What's more, what kind of department is it? There are still so many details in our hearts. There are not too many people willing to be provoked! It's just a monster, OK?

"My brother-in-law Wang Li seems to feel something! But that is to say casually!

"Your brother-in-law asked your elder brother to save people. It happened that the child was also there. Therefore, he asked about the child. The child behaved very well, but it made your brother have some interest. But what will happen in the end? Now it's still unknown, but can you enter the courtyard? It should be unusual! "

"Anyway, I heard that everyone seems to be very interested in this. Although the city of 1949 is not small, it can not hide anything. Especially the big brother's affairs, which attract people's keen attention, are just in the way of big brother? Usually, I always refuse people thousands of miles away, so there are not too many people to approach, but if the time is long, it will be really difficult to say! After all, it's not so easy to knock on the gate of the courtyardLooking at his daughter, Wang Changlin more or less understood some, but also followed shaking his head, "this thing? Everyone in the family said it doesn't count. Your grandfather and grandmother, and my grandfather said I said, I said with your mother, what about the others? What's more, it doesn't count, unless your elder brother opens his mouth, but it's no more difficult to let him speak than to ascend to heaven! "

"Big brother recently exchanged a group of Japanese children, even the little devil there can, why not in China?"

"You mean it, don't you? Don't you know what's going on here, Dashan and Tanaka? It's your big brother's confidant and a representative figure of his Japanese influence. No matter whether it's deliberately buying people's hearts or for some other reason, your elder brother has set this example. They are not dead hearted! " Wang Changlin is very dissatisfied to see his daughter!

"But the others don't look like that! They saw a group of people went to the big brother there, at least got the big brother's advice, the noise is really not small! Talking anyway? Some of them are too much! "

"It's too much or not too much. Can we still tell your brother something in our family? Even if we do, will your elder brother listen?" Wang Changlin was very patient and said, "what's more, do you think your elder brother will be a caring person? No one dares to mention it in front of him

"That's the same Wang Li laughed, what about other things? In fact, it's easier to say, but what about this matter? Let's forget it! Maybe we can discuss it freely behind the scenes, but if the elder brother is in person, a few people dare to mention this matter, and no one dares to do so!

"I don't know what your elder brother is going to do, but the noise caused recently is really not small, not only song Tianren and them, but also Tong Tong. What about your elder brother? It has always been very low-key. What about this time? He's keeping a low profile! But what about this? It's really not that low-key! "

"Anyway, the elder brother has been in the detention center of his hometown for a long time. Even if we know something, we are quite limited. Now we have transferred two new secretaries to the elder brother. However, neither the two of them nor the potential behind them will disclose the situation in this respect."

"In the beginning, for these two places! Everyone almost had to fight for the two places. Even at home, it can be said that they are very interested in it, but it is of no use to be moved. Your brother's temperament! The sand inside is really rubbing eyes

"Dad, did you get involved in the family? How can I not know the news! If I had known, I would have called my elder brother! " Wang Li is also Gonghuo.

"I knew you would mention it like this. Where's our family? It also needs considerable competition. Otherwise, how will the outside world look at this matter, let alone will your elder brother agree? He has no interest in straw bags, even the first and second echelons? He doesn't like it very much

"What about the first and second echelons? It's really quite different, but so far, the people in the first and second echelons have been dispersed! As for whether they will glow or follow the current in the future, it depends on their own performance! I'm looking forward to it

"Looking forward to it? The network that your elder brother weaves can be said to be quite unusual! " Wang Changlin sighed again!

"Dad, you look a little sour!" Wang Li ha ha of smile, this network? It's made by big brother. What about home? Is there really no way to reach out, even if it is? People have not seen will pay attention to, to a certain extent, we are selling big brother's face just!

"Your brother! Sometimes? It really makes me feel ashamed, but sometimes? Some of them are too cruel and heartless! It's frightening. In fact, it's not so appropriate! "

"Dad, whether it is appropriate or not is only clear to the party concerned. No one is the eldest brother. How about standing in the position of elder brother? I'm afraid it's the one who has the most say! " Now that it's all over! Wang Li also called her husband Shangnan, and they were ready to go back!

During the whole process, Shangnan didn't say anything, and even heard a lot of things, at least this time? Shangnan really doesn't mean to mix up too much! But on the way back, Shangnan seems to feel something, so in front of his wife, there is not too much taboo.

"Lily, how do I feel about Dad's affair with big brother? It seems that you have some other views? "

"I don't have any other views, but my big brother? For the things at home is always indifferent, or the old question before, dad? I know the problems, but dad is an older generation. What about some ideas and traditions? It seems that there is something out of place with big brother's opinion! ""I see! I didn't expect that there was a generation gap in it Shangnan, who was driving, also laughed, "but what about Mount Tai? There is a place I still agree with, big brother sometimes? The hand is too cruel! Anyway, after hearing something, I always feel that there are some things that are not appropriate! "

"This thing! What big brother needs to consider, let's not worry too much! I didn't talk to my father about the child before. Let's talk about it later! what about you? How many more days? "

"How many more days? If you don't leave tomorrow, I'm afraid it's going to blow up the sky! "

When his daughter left, Wang Changlin looked at his wife Su Yuan and shook his head slightly. Su Yuan felt puzzled, so he also asked, "what's the matter? Lily's recovery is good. She's discharged from the hospital. How about staying in the hospital? It doesn't seem to be such a thing

"You don't understand!" What about Wang Changlin? With a smile, "the child is old, so he has his own abacus! But it's no big deal. Shangnan is a very good child. In the past, I thought Lily was a good child? I didn't expect that there were so many careless people, but after being with Shangnan, the couple had a good time! "

"It's a good life, but they are separated from each other, and some of them are not so good!"

"It's not a problem, but sometimes? Lily's mind is a little bit too big, just like this time Although Wang Changlin's words meant something, Su Yuan didn't really recognize it.

"She! I still used to be a girl at home. What's the matter anyway? There is a big brother in front of the block, there is also his brother behind to help clean up the situation, so there is nothing to worry about, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of! "

Smiling at his wife, Wang Changlin didn't say anything. Since his wife didn't understand, he didn't need to make this matter too clear! Big girl has her own mind, which is also a very normal thing. She has formed her own new family now! Have own consideration and plan, this is very normal thing!

"Yes! I just heard about the boss. Will he come back for the Spring Festival

"That's enough!" Wang Changlin said slowly and leisurely, "now I'll stay in my hometown! There is no intention to come out at all. Although there are some special reasons, this should not be the most important. After the new year? He's going abroad! If not, why call song Tianren and them all together! "

"Ah Su Yuan sighed slightly! It's been so many years since the eldest son found him. But that's when he brought his children to sit for a while during the Spring Festival. That's because his adoptive father and his adoptive mother spent the Spring Festival in the capital, so they had such an opportunity!

What else? Almost every year during the Chinese new year, he is accompanied by his adoptive father and mother, without exception, it is really eye hot to see, but what is the use of eye heat? This is really not to say so simple!

"Shangnan will go back tomorrow! I asked Lily to move back to live for a while, and she hurt her arm! Still need to take care of two children, not convenient at all, although there is a nanny at home, but nanny? That's what happened

"Yes! Anyway, I have nothing to do at home. What about the eldest two children and Xiao Gang? They're going to have a holiday, too! I haven't got any homework recently. I'm free. But if the eldest brother goes abroad, what should the two children and Xiaogang do to stay in China? Or go abroad with you? "

"What did Wang Yang say?"

"What can he say, but how old is Xiaogang! Earlier, although said to stay in the courtyard, but after all, close to home! You can see your father and mother almost every day. If you go abroad, who knows what it will look like. What do you say about being a grandfather? "

Wang Changlin rubbed his head, "look at the meaning of the boss!" Wang Changlin gave an ambiguous opinion. What about this matter? It's really hard to say, with Xiao Gang? It must have considerable advantages. After going out, you can increase your own knowledge and consciousness. At the same time, you can learn a lot by following his uncle. In addition, you can also have elder brother and sister. The progress must be very fast, which is certain!

But again, he is too young! Now let him away from his father and mother, seems to be a little bit cruel, and for Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan, it seems that there are some unfair, but what about Xiaogang? Just laid the foundation, if you are far away from his uncle now, will there be a situation of giving up halfway?

"If the boss is in charge, he will certainly take Xiaogang. Don't you know his temperament?"

"If the boss wants to, let him take it! I think Xiao Gang's performance is still very good. In the past, he was a bear child. Now? I'm still very active, but I'm confused! ""But how old is Xiaogang?" Su Yuan is not very satisfied with this. What about the two children in the eldest son's family? No way, but what about Xiao Gang? Can it be such a toss!

"It's not old or young. Things can't be seen like this!" Wang Changlin also hardened his heart and said, "how many people are watching? It's not easy to get out of Xiaogang's family. It's a pity that the eldest can't be envied by the eldest. It's a pity to give up like this! "

"Who said give up! It's just... " Forget it. If you don't say it, you can't make it clear!

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