"Dad, there are no more courses in the school! Can we go to mom first? "

"At will!" For this point, Ding Yu really did not have any rigid requirements, "but pay more attention to politeness, earlier when your little uncle but called, you two people do the ghost!"

"Dad, can we take Xiao Gang and them over together?"

"It's OK!" Ding Yu thought about it and left Xiaogang at home. It seemed that there was something wrong with it. "Go and ask your third uncle's opinion. Anyway, your third uncle has nothing to do. If he is willing to take Xiaogang, let your third uncle take it! You two don't need to be so deliberate

"I see! Dad, you should pay more attention to your health and have a good meal Said a few words, two children just put down the phone, next to Hou Tianliang have so some small envy, he did not have a child, but this is already in the plan!

"Director, you are going abroad after the New Year! The same with them? "

"I should take them with me. It's a little long to leave them. What about parents? They are the most important mentors in the process of children's growth, and now what about them? I have a good understanding of the world. What's the closest to them? To be able to observe better. " When it comes to the two children at home, Ding Yu's words are a little bit more!

"Director, it seems that the two children are always complaining with you, and you can really do it!"

"Forget it! What are you complaining about? The bear they raised, I am the real one. Originally, one or two bears in the family means the same thing! This guy is good. He's going to be in groups! What do I usually do? Maybe no one has grinned at me, but this guy never gives me any attention. Even when he is not happy, he will come up to me. There is really some doubt that the food is eaten in the dog's stomach! "

"How are they doing these two days?"

"It's about to spit up blood!" Hou Tianliang is not too biased, "although I did a lot of preparatory work before I came here, but these preparations did not play a decisive role, and even let them have some luck. Now is the time to wake them up, but fortunately, they still have no intention to give up!"

"No way! Are passive to come here, who if the initiative to leave, so the future? There must be big problems! " Ding Yu is very direct to say the truth, but there is no scruple at all!

"Director, although they say they are holding on, what about the initiative and passivity? This enthusiasm is different! "

"It doesn't matter! If they can adapt, it is the best thing. If they don't adapt, they just want to muddle along. We have no way. After all, they are here? It's something to ask for, something to learn, not here? What kind of magic pill can you eat and become an immortal! "

"But the director When saying this, Hou Tianliang's tone is a little anxious!

"What about fame? Say it's important, it's very important, say it's not important? Is it really that important? " Ding Yu couldn't stop shaking his head, "what about us? It's just our duty to do it! It doesn't depend on us. I say you should understand that! "

"The two of them! In my heart, there are still some conflicts. After all, their self-supporting identity is not quite the same. They are quite different from Song Tianren, although due to the identity of the director? Maybe not in front of you, director, but behind this? It could be another thing! If they can't change their views and ideas, they will be very dangerous at that time. In this regard, they are far from Song Tianren! "

"I'm not a kindergarten here. I need to teach them how to eat, drink and Lazar. They are already adults! They have their own world outlook, values and consciousness. They may be easy to change, but they can also be? It's very difficult. What about the lack of self-awareness? There will be a lot of problems! "

What about Ding Yu? How many appear so pessimistic, Hou Tianliang nodded slightly, the problem inside? We still need to do a lot of work by ourselves. We even need to contact the forces behind them, describe the situation, exchange and exchange with each other, so as to avoid other troubles in the future.

Of course, even if there is trouble, Hou Tianliang at that time I'm afraid he has already got rid of it! Things will not have any relationship with Hou Tianliang, even the director? Also won't have what influence, not how many people dare to the director! But the impact of this matter will be what, this still needs to consider one or two!

So after talking to his director, Hou Tianliang is also ready to talk about their situation with the forces behind the new two people. The director has no opinion, but what about himself? Need to solve one of the problems! It even plays a role of a little circumference! After all, I am still in this position!"Hou Tianliang called and wanted to report to me, an old guy, if you have any questions?" Looking at the attendant who came in, the old man also felt a little strange. What about hou Tianliang's position with himself? It's not right to wait at all, but Hou Tianliang even said to the attendant below. It's obvious that there is something wrong with it!

"Take it to him!" The attendant quickly also turned the phone over. Hou Tianliang was sitting on the chair with his notebook and reading the notebook in front of him! After the voice came over the phone, Hou Tianliang also said, "Hello, chief fan. I'm Hou Tianliang!"

"Hello, Comrade Xiao Hou!" The old man on the other side of the phone said, Hou Tianliang? It's Ding Yu's secretary. Ding Yu will never make this call. Since Ding Yu can't make this call, will he let Hou Tianliang make this call? Is there something wrong with the two secretaries? Although the old man's heart has some total, but there is no word in this respect.

"Chief, I'm sorry to disturb you! I'd like to offer you a sincere apology. It's mainly because there are some things here. I need to report to the chief executive. " Slow down the rhythm of their own speech, but also need to let the head over there think about it!

"I heard that director Ding has been busy with his work during this period of time."

"Yes, the director's work is a little busy, so I'm basically responsible for all other things!" Of course, Hou Tianliang understood the hidden meaning. What about this time? The director knows it, and I have contacted the director, so I don't worry about other aspects!

"The new secretary came to the director's side. Maybe the working environment is a little hard, and the intensity of the work is a little bit strong, so what about the performance? There are other aspects of repetition, although now has begun to gradually enter the rhythm, but there is still a considerable gap

The old man couldn't help straightening his body. To know that the person just went to Ding Yu's place, Ding Yu's secretary Hou Tianliang made a small report. This situation is not only uncommon, but also seems to be the first time! At least in their own impression is unique!

Since Hou Tianliang called directly, what is the reason? It should be very heavy! Ding Yu knows, but Ding Yu doesn't want to pay attention to the meaning. Hou Tianliang calls here? Although asked Ding Yu, what is the meaning of this? Ding Yu is obviously not very concerned about this!

What is the reason for Ding Yu's indifference? Obviously, the old man can figure it out because he knows the inside story. After all, what about the two secretaries? It was forced to be pushed to Ding Yu's side. It was not Ding Yu's initiative to pick it out, because the two secretaries, Ding Yu even took song Tianren as an exception!

However, song Tianren was so disgraceful outside that Ding Yu didn't show any expression or even some encouragement. At least, no criticism means that Ding Yu has a tacit attitude towards this matter! But what about the people on your side? When I went to Ding Yu's place, I didn't have a few days' Kung Fu, and I had already made a small report! Is the contrast a little too big?

"What is the problem?"

Now that everything has been said, don't care about the problems on your face at this time! Hou Tianliang also did not have any hesitation. He said directly, "it should be the problem of mentality, which has never changed. At this point, song Tianren can realize his own problems in time, go to the grass-roots level, and even don't worry about his face and identity. He is free to laugh, but he is consistent."

"Director Ding's work there may be very busy!"

"Yes! The director's work is very busy, so there is not so much time! " Since you want to ask, you have to make a secret statement. For the director, it is not so important whether they stay here or not. The director does not say that he must care about the so-called reputation, and he does not care about the matters at all!

If you are willing to learn, here will provide you with the best conditions and environment. On this basis, Ding Yu may make a few remarks, but if you don't study hard, you will regard this as a gilded place, but it doesn't matter. At least for Ding Yu, it doesn't matter!

At most, two people come here to have a dry meal. What about their own side? That is to say, there are two more bowls and chopsticks. Let alone Ding Yu's wealth, even if it is not to that extent, the two of them will never have any problem if they want to have a full meal here!

So Ding Yu didn't have any intention to pay attention to, let them! The old man is now fully aware of this. Although Ding Yu has some conflicting ideas about the arrival of the two new secretaries, he doesn't look at him differently. However, Ding Yu will not pay any attention to whether they want to improve or degenerate!

What's the intention of Hou Tianliang calling? Also already is quite understood! How much does it mean to sell people? Of course, this one? It may not be the most important, after all, Hou Tianliang? It's the military. The chance of hanging out in the future is not very big. The main reason is that Ding Yu will go abroad after the New Year!If there are any problems and situations in foreign countries, how to deal with and solve them?

"Comrade Xiao Hou, I know the situation! But I need to know more about it! "

"Old chief! What about the comrades below? There are not too many requirements mentioned. In many cases, we need to urge ourselves, but what about the absolute majority of the staff here? Can recognize their own position, so the style here can be said to be very good, but for the outside world, it seems that there are some loose here! "

Having said quite a few words, Hou Tianliang called another one again. Is it disgraceful? There is not much relationship with Hou Tianliang, at least this thing? It's not directly related to Hou Tianliang. It's because they don't work hard enough. It's not that Hou Tianliang doesn't supervise him enough!

Just like a joke, working in Ding Yu's side still needs someone to supervise and urge. This is a joke in itself, OK? Hou Tianliang, who put down the phone, shook his head. What about such a thing? In this case, there are no other times. If this warning still does not have any effect, so it is!

Is Ding Yu as kind as Hou Tianliang? How could it be? If Ding Yu's heart is pulled out, it will be harder than steel. He will never have any action. What about the time? Hou Tianliang is no longer with Ding Yu! Who is going to report this? No one will say it!

The two sides who got the notice were very angry about this matter. It was a lot of trouble to let them go to Ding Yu's side to be secretaries. If the exchange of interests was included, what was the value? It can really scare people to death. What's the reason? I hope they can learn quite a lot from Ding Yu's side!

But now? Just a few days ago, Ding Yu didn't say anything, but as Ding Yu's most direct secretary, their superiors and leaders have already lost sight of it! It's really conceivable how big the problem is!

It's shameful not to say, this thing still needs to thank others Hou Tianliang. If Hou Tianliang thinks that nothing has happened, he will think that he doesn't know anything. What can he do here? After all, Hou Tianliang can't stay in office. At most, he is handing over some of his present work!

Not long ago, Hou Tianliang's mobile phone rang again, "Comrade Xiao Hou, can you arrange them to come back to the capital, director Ding's work there is also relatively busy, not easy to disturb!"

"I think about it!" What about this? Hou Tianliang has really thought about how to let them go back, so that the outside world will not have too much attention and eyes, "how about the two of them? You need to go abroad after the new year. What about your passport? There are other aspects of the problem need to be solved accordingly! But it should not be too long! "

"Hello to director Ding!"

Hou Tianliang is also very interested in the urgency of the phone call. However, the forces behind song Tianren heard that the two new secretaries had returned to the capital, but they felt a little flustered. What's the situation! Are they both back? What about song Tianren? What do you mean by Ding Yu!

Why did the two new secretaries come back? It's very full. There are other procedures for handling the passport. It's obvious that we are preparing for the trip after the new year. How about starting this procedure now? It is better than a period of time. Who knows if there will be other problems in this process?

But did you two do that? What does it say? Does it mean that Ding Yu's assessment of them has been successful? What about song Tianren? Now still did not get this aspect of the notice, does it mean that song Tianren still did not pass this aspect of the assessment? After all, there are only three candidates, so the power behind song Tianren can't help but doubt!

But now? It's not good to call song Tianren. It's not necessary to give him any so-called pressure, let alone whether Ding Yu has been paying attention to it all the time? After all, song Tianren is still in the process of assessment. He made a mistake earlier. Ding Yu didn't say anything, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu will always tolerate it!

However, song Tianren hummed when he knew something about it. "Brother cat, do you think this is a bit interesting?" Touch the cream on his forehead, song Tianren looks at the scene carefully!

"It has a little meaning!" I don't know whether this refers to the scene or what song Tianren said in his mouth, which makes people feel momentary? There are so many who don't understand!

"As I said before, the two of them! It's just bad luck! Now it seems that it's really not ordinary bad luck! "

"It's hard to say whether they are bad luck or not, but the three of us can be said to be the real ones! Who could have thought that such a place should be the scene of the crime, it has been frozen! If we don't find it in time, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until next year! I'm afraid to think about it! "

"It's a good time. What about us? Now the transfer has begun! " Song Tianren is also a loud cry, in fact, all shout something, I am afraid that only his own heart inside the most clear and understand it!What about the two bad guys? I'm afraid I still haven't been able to put myself in a clear position, my brain! It's a good thing, but what about them? In a specific case, it seems to be missing, a little bit of a pity! But what about yourself? It really needs a good performance, who let himself be the director deliberately selected, can not give the director shame!

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