"Director, the two of them are much more honest!" Hou Tianliang with two people, obviously feel the two people are not the same place! They were a little bit floating before, but now? Basically have been calm down, which has their own credit, but they do not want to be proud of this meaning!

Don't think it's here? What kind of palace, don't even think about it! To some extent, what about the director? It's a hell level experience. Do you want to survive here? It takes more than courage!

Although it is said to have passed the selection and come here, it is only the beginning! It's a pity that they didn't understand this well. They tried to help them as much as they could. If they didn't reflect on themselves, they couldn't do anything!

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang and snorted slightly, "what you have done yourself, then you need to finish this, and they will give it to you! As for the final result, ha ha

Although this is a hard job, but for Hou Tianliang, it is really not difficult! "Director, I don't want to write any guarantee with you? In fact, I will do my best. If they can be selected, it shows that they still have considerable ability. As long as they put into practice, everything will be better! "

Because Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang are in the office, the conversation is also very open. Ding Yu thinks for a while, puts down the pen in his hand, and then reverses the documents in his hand! "What? You have a little incomprehensible about it, are you? "

"Director, it's not that they can't understand. They should try harder. This is an undoubted thing. I was confused about myself. When I came to you, I was at a loss! It's not suitable at all, but in the process, the director is very tolerant to me! "

"Not bad! At least two words of praise can be heard! " Ding Yu PI smiles at Hou Tianliang and says, "what about this? Naturally, there are reasons. It's OK to say it to you! There are two reasons, the first one? You are a member of the military, at the beginning, you are also relatively honest, have their own understanding of things, and very easy to learn! This is the main reason. What about the second? You should know that I will go abroad after the New Year! "

"Director! It's going to be a very serious problem? " Hou Tianliang is also worried.

"I don't have so much time to train them. To a certain extent, where do they follow? It may be a big bomb. In that case, if a bomb is placed around, there may be some problems, but it is not very big! But what if they blow themselves up? It's worth considering! "

"Director, is the situation so serious?"

"For such a long time? You've always been on my side! You've been through quite a lot! Under such circumstances, how do you think you should deal with it? I have never made any response! I don't do anything about it? It is because of their own situation! But you don't think they're going to react? "

"Director? Have already suffered such a big loss? Still reluctant to give up? "

"Does it feel incomprehensible?" Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what are you fighting for? What is it? It's profit. What about me? There are too many benefits? The entanglement between each other is not really clear for a moment and a half, under such a trend of interests? It's no wonder what kind of things we do! There is no right or wrong! "

Hou Tianliang took a deep breath. "Director, I can understand the fight between each other. It's life and death, but what about other experiences? I've only heard of it, but I haven't really seen it! "

"With the growth of time, you will gradually realize the problem, as if you are now, various forces are fighting openly and secretly, in order to achieve the purpose of obtaining you? We may take many unimaginable ways and methods in this process! Only you can't think of it. There's nothing they can't do! "

"I'm just a nobody!"

"What about that? It's only you who cheat yourself! " Ding Yu snorted, "do you believe that? What about the people around me? Have you seen a considerable part of the domestic relationship laid? You've almost finished all the above! This is enough to make a lot of people spend enough money on it

Hou Tianliang scratched his hair, "if you don't say it, it's not so clear, but after you say it? Found that I seem to take too much advantage! Under such circumstances, if you are still unsatisfied, it's really too much to do! "

"Don't be too modest! Did you take advantage of it! This matter involves quite a lot of aspects. It is not clear in one sentence or two. If they can not correct their attitude and realize their own problems, what kind of performance and play do you think they will have when facing the situation? ""If they just take out the strength to milk, I'm afraid they can come back whole at that time, I'm afraid it's all about two things!" After realizing the problem, Hou Tianliang also licked his lips, "I can understand song Tianren now! No wonder he behaved like this! I can see it clearly! "

"What about him? A little bit of their own cleverness, but also a little bit of their own paranoia, for the danger? With his own unique understanding and understanding, even some subconscious, if you let him say, why this period of time so hard, he may not be able to say the point, but what he did? On the right path

"Director! If that's the case, are they with you? At most, it's just to protect your own life! If you get out of your eyeliner, it's really hard to say. However, I still want to say that although they are very young, they are relatively speaking? It's a talent! At least it has a lot of details! It would be too much of a pity to be wasted like this

"On the battlefield? Can you live? It doesn't depend on me. It depends on their training. Of course, they don't deny that they are on the battlefield? And a little bit of luck! All together, they will be able to survive, is a meat grinder, meat mill! Should I slow down or push? Sometimes? It really doesn't depend on me! "

"Director, I suddenly don't have much confidence in them!"

"Do you have this confidence? I really can't control, as for whether they can survive in the end, this question? It seems that I don't have too much relationship with me. I can help in the case of my ability, but that's the limit! Because I have other things, I can't distract any energy because of them! "

Hou Tianliang also felt quite contradictory about this. Could they survive such a short time? Even if you put yourself in your own shoes, it seems that it's hard to resist the pressure. What about the two of them? Is even more a little white rabbit! Simple enough!

"Director, under such circumstances, I'm afraid it is extremely inappropriate to put them here!" Hou Tianliang thought for a long time, but also difficult to export, said, "at least here they do not have such a sense of urgency, and I can not bring them considerable help, because I do not understand the situation abroad!"

"You still tend to take them out? That's it

"Yes, I personally prefer to take them out!" Hou Tianliang's answer was one-sided, "because no matter what they say, they all have certain details, but they lack considerable experience. Although they say that the situation abroad is very cruel, the more cruel the environment is, the more people can test people! If you don't go to the battlefield all your life, you can ensure your own life. But if you don't go through this kind of training? When can I become a talent? "

"The idea is good, but in such a short time, do you think it is very possible?"

"Director, in the end, we have to try it!" Hou Tianliang looks at Ding Yu with an extremely firm eye!

"It's not impossible! You can make this decision on your own, but one thing needs to be explained. I need to take them out at that time. If they lose their lives, can this matter be blamed on my head, because I have already explained all the things that should be said! "

Hou Tianliang, after negotiating with the director, also found a separate office, and immediately picked up his mobile phone, "Hello, old chief! I don't know if it's convenient for you. I don't understand something! If you want to delay your time, discuss it! "

After receiving the call from Hou Tianliang, the old man also sat upright and said, "Comrade Xiao Hou, if you have anything to do, just say it!" The old man's attitude is very kind, to a certain extent, Hou Tianliang can be said to save the lives of two new secretaries!

"This is the case! I had a lot of communication with the director earlier. What about the director in the past six months? General situation, old chief, you may know some! But all along? The director didn't make any moves. What happened after the new year? The director is going abroad. The situation of this trip may be a little special! "

"Xiao Hou, does director Ding have other ideas about this?"

"Old chief, the director doesn't have any other ideas about this, mainly because I am a little worried about this situation!" Hou Tianliang explained patiently, "if you look at the situation of the two of them, what about their efforts? There has been considerable improvement, but these are not enough, and still far from enough. The domestic situation can provide considerable help, but what about the situation abroad? The help provided is very limited! "

Listening to Ding Yu's words, the old man frowned. The phone was placed in his ear. He didn't have any words for half a day. What did he think? It is to send the two people to Ding Yu. In the future, I hope they can be the same as Hou Tianliang!

But from the current situation, the situation is not as good as imagined! Ding Yu was in China before! Although it is also encountered quite a thing, but the impact is not so intense as imagined! But what if it's abroad? It's not your own territory! Who knows what will happen?Just like in the beginning, what about Guo Li? Was opened out a sky high price, if it is two of them, they can withstand the test, it is really difficult to say! After all, it's not a small number!

And even if they have withstood the so-called test, can they perform like Guo Li? In the face of danger, and help Ding Yu to carry out the next step very well, the opponent to play that called a round turn? Finally, the dumb eat Coptis, there is a pain can not be said? What about this psychological quality? It's really not what people can do! Although they are of extraordinary origin and have considerable ability, it does not mean that they have the same quality as Guo Li!

"Director Ding's work is relatively busy?"

"Yes, the director's work will be very busy!" Hou Tianliang also expressed the meaning of this aspect. In fact, what is the hidden meaning? It's very clear. What about director Ding? According to the situation in China, there is no time for other two people!

"It's complicated."

"What do I mean personally? It is to let them two follow the director. If they don't experience the wind and rain, and do not experience certain training, then they can't really come out of themselves. But the same is a battlefield, and it's also a flesh and blood millstone. What about falling into it? It's very likely that you won't survive! " Hou Tianliang expressed his worries!

After hearing this, the old man also said, although he had a considerable estimate of this matter before, but from now on, it seems that the estimation is seriously insufficient! Originally thought too simple, but this kind of simple? It could lead to a fatal result. What about this one? I don't want to see it on my side!

"It seems that time is too short!" What about the old man? Can only be so to sigh, why say so? If they had followed Hou Tianliang to Ding Yu at that time, they might be able to take charge of it as Hou Tianliang did now! Even if you can't be as good as Hou Tianliang, you will never pull down such a big gap!

"Xiaohou, I heard that Tianren is more attentive

The old man's words made Hou Tianliang a little stunned, and then he said, "no matter the director or other people, they didn't give assistant song any guidance, but the director has a certain evaluation of assistant song! What about him? It's a little bad, but I have my own understanding and a unique understanding of danger! "

What Hou Tianliang said was very simple, but the old man understood what he meant. What about Ding Yu's selection of people? Did not give any guidance, but song Tianren has its own unique place, and this place? It happened to be discovered by Ding Yu. This eye is really not ordinary spicy!

What about everyone? They all have their own advantages, but how can they be shown? How to explore? This is not only a skill so simple, also not you can read two books!

"I've heard something about Tianren. I've been desperate lately!"

"Assistant song has a good understanding of his work, and such an opportunity is hard won. Therefore, at a certain time, the director is willing to promote his growth! At least this kind of growth is not a bad thing, even a good thing! "

What did song Tianren experience? It was quite clear in everyone's heart. At the beginning, he was able to enter the examination of those people, which showed that he still had some qualifications. But even so, song Tianren could still bend down to his body and put himself in touch! No hesitation! There is no slack!

The sewer goes in when it says it goes in! Is it like a son of heaven? Even if the ordinary people let him go to the sewer, I'm afraid they are quite considerate! What's more, what kind of work does it take to get in and out of the sewers? Don't talk about the actual contact! Even if you look at the photos, you can see the vomit!

But song Tianren still persisted, and even had a very excellent performance. Although he said he recruited an assistant for himself, what about this assistant? Not to be his nanny, but to make himself better!

Think about song Tianren's performance at the beginning, and then look at Song Tianren's performance now? It's really the difference between heaven and earth! How did Ding Yu dig him out and make him become so excellent now!

What about their own qualifications? It's already quite good. The important thing is that he can consolidate himself. If there is any chance in the future, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as flying into the sky! Think about it, song Tianren will be short of such a flying opportunity, absolutely will not be missing, he can be sure of this!

He stayed by Ding Yu's side. Would Ding Yu make him lack of such opportunities? When Hou Tianliang was by Ding Yu's side, how many opportunities did Ding Yu give him? Also created today's Hou Tianliang! Otherwise, why are we so optimistic about him? Even a lot of people are about to break their heads for him!

It is impossible for Ding Yu to release the resources inside at will. Without absolute ability, Ding Yu may not even pay attention to it, but what about the people around him? There are a lot of people who use this resource, but on the contrary, they are all Ding Yu's resources and complement each other!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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