"I need two hours!"

Hou Tianliang put down the phone here, and the old man also made two calls again. After waiting for someone to come, he also said something about the actual situation! "That's how it is! Let's talk about it! What's your opinion? "

"If this comes out, I'm afraid it will become a wolf cub?"

The old man said, "if you can come out, it's really wolf cubs, but I want as many as you can! But the question is whether we can stick to it. Who dares to make this guarantee, even Ding Yu? Also dare not to do this guarantee, Ding Yu will be attentive, but does not mean that he will devote himself to it! Two things

"That's understandable!" Another middle-aged man holding his black frame glasses said slowly, "stand in Ding Yu's angle? He needs to deal with more and more complicated things. Even if he has enough energy, it is impossible to put all the remaining energy on the two of them! "

"How far is it now to go abroad? Even if it is delayed, it will not exceed three months! This also said that Ding Yu left a little later. If we said earlier, it would be less than two months! Such a short period of time, let them two people completely transformed, this seems to have so many strange stories! "

When the old man spoke, he was very solemn, "how about hou Tianliang calling me? Old leader, what's my opinion? Since it was thrown to Ding Yu, don't care about the so-called jars and jars. What about those things? At most, it is a decoration, or does it need real practice to make them come out, Hou Tianliang? It's just a semi-finished product. It's already so! "

The old man looked at another man, "where are you? What do you say? "

"I agree with you personally. What about this time? Although it is not director Ding Yu's initiative to follow, but also out of considerable consideration, I'm afraid there is only the chief executive? To be able to give director Ding such a great pressure is not to say that director Ding's eyes are higher than the top, but director Ding? I don't want to get too involved in the mess! "

Looking at the two people's opinions tend to be unified, the old man also slightly nodded his head, "what about my personal opinion? Also tend to thoroughly put two people in Ding Yu's hand, need to let them understand the world's changes, as well as the waves inside strange! If you don't broaden your horizon, you don't know how to move forward! "

"Old leader, do you need any other consideration from director Ding?"

"Think about it? He! It's always true color. It's not so easy to knock on the gate of a quadrangle. At this point, it's really hard to find oil and salt. However, his family style and family style are really good. He has never heard of anything in this respect. What about public relations? It's just one aspect. What's important is that Ding Yu's requirements in this respect are quite strict, and it's worth learning! "

"I have been to the farm twice. How about the management of the farm? It's really worth to see and even think about it. To say that the simplest way is to eat a tomato. You can even clearly understand what kind of tomato seeds you hold, where they are cultivated, and in the process of cultivation? What kind of ways have they been adopted.

After the emergence of seedlings, where to plant, when to start fruit, who picked, even when to transport, etc., will all appear! What's more, from the seed to the final appearance on the dining table at home, there are people who handle it! All of these can be found. "

"No wonder it's so expensive?" The old man also made a joke, "things are very good things! After solving the problem of vegetable basket, what about the big project of benefiting the country and the people? It needs to be more upward, the people's life has improved! Quality also began to improve slowly! Complement each other! "

"What about director Ding Yu? From the establishment of the farm to the present scale, a considerable amount of human, material and financial resources have been mobilized during the period. However, there has been no movement or any intention to yell. We will move after planning! And it has always been the case. He said that sometimes he would be a little "impulsive", but that was just an appearance

"Yes! It's just an appearance for everyone to see! I'm afraid not many people know what they don't see! " The old man also sighed, "I told Xiao Hou that in two hours, this matter still needs an answer! Now give director Ding Yu a reply

The old man called Hou Tianliang and said, "Xiao Hou, are you busy with your work?"

"Hello, chief! The work is still as busy as before. It is mainly to give them some guidance. The director needs to pay more attention to the matters. They need to make considerable contact in a short time. The workload can be said to be very large. If it is normal, it is good to be familiar with it in one month and start in three days. But what about the director? Not more than two weeks at most, you need to be able to be proficient! "

"It's not a bad thing to let them exercise. Since Tianren can bear the pain, they can also eat it. If there is anything wrong, Xiao Hou, please give me more advice!""I will take care of it!"

Now that the chief has made his statement! Then the rest is easy to deal with! And the whole process is also a popular one. It's not to say that they should be sent to work in forensic medicine immediately. There is no need for this. However, the attitude towards them is totally different!

Now, the two new secretaries are no longer complaining so simply! There is no time at all and there is not so much free time in my head. Now I have 24 hours a day. But for two people, I hope that there will be 240 hours a day. In this case, it may be barely enough!

What about director Ding? They are usually able to see, but basically no time to speak, but Secretary Hou often spoke, but it seems not as kind as before! The feeling is disgusting! Can only be so to describe, can let the heart inside more comfortable some!

"Six elder brothers, what do you think Secretary Hou is going to do, my God! It's such a big winter that makes us experience like this Song Tianren is sitting in the little fly restaurant next to him. There are some "impatient" people saying.

But when I talk, I don't forget to lean against the heater. It's a bit cold. What about the hot tea in my hand? There is no meaning to let go, mainly has never had such an experience! When have you experienced this in the past? Just kidding!

Wei Hou didn't have much reaction. He had received more strict training. He was much more difficult than this, but he could feel it. How about this way? It is to let themselves better to integrate into the society, is not a bad thing, at least their mentality relaxed a lot!

After ordering the food, brother Mao didn't feel uncomfortable. During this period, they had been dealing with it in such a fly house. They didn't feel that it was appropriate or not! But for song Da Shao, it is not easy for him to insist on eating like this every day!

The watch on his hand should not have too many problems when he bought this shop, even if he rubbed it! But he was able to sit here safely, drinking the so-called tea foam! Eat cheap food, but what about your salary and salary? But there is no lack of a cent!

"Let you experience the pain, and let me feel the normal social life!"

"Yes! That's too brief of you Song Tianren felt a little boring, "right! I heard about those two bad guys? It seems a little cozy recently! Even specially invited quite personnel from the capital to come over. I feel so envious! How lucky they are both

"Are you praising yourself in disguise?"

Wei Hou also felt that he couldn't help it! Zhan Zhao also laughed, "song Dashao, I think they must want to change with you now! Only mutual admiration

And the security guard who always sat on one side also slightly nodded his head, "what if we changed it? They are certainly willing to. They are not standing on each other's positions. They are just seeing the so-called surface. What is the competition between you? Now it's the beginning! You're one step ahead! What about this? Many people have never thought of it! "

"I'm one step ahead?" Song Tianren was stunned, "it's really a lot of pressure!" It's not as happy as I thought, "is it a step ahead of the two of them? It seems that this effort is not enough! "

"Sir! You can't be a generalist, but you have something different from ordinary people! This is very good! What about the experience here? It's the sophistication of the world and the taste of life. At this point, whether it's at home or abroad, it's the same. There's a little difference in the way it's expressed! "

"I can still hope to be like a director!"

"Sir, I'm not a generalist. Maybe I read more books, so I know more about it. But if the director knows everything, it's just a rumor." What about security? Actually, it does not mean to belittle, but to seek truth from facts.

"The director is perfect enough! I think it's better for the director to stay on the earth. In this way, I can look forward to it! "

But just as the crowd spoke, the door of the hotel was opened! From the outside, I also walked into the compartment of song Tianren! But what about the compartment? At most, it's half of the body! So I can see each other clearly.

"Oh? Isn't this the captain of the exhibition? " Maybe he saw something, and the people next to him also called out, "everyone, see the captain of the exhibition! This kind of peepscope can't be seen all the time! Yes? Exhibition leader, come to dinner today! Long time no see! "

"Well! Hello Zhan Zhao also said "hello", but he really didn't have much meaning to pay attention to. Although the visitors had some funny ideas about themselves, he really didn't need to see him in the same way! No way! What's more, he has now taken off the police uniform!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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