"Exhibition leader? It seems that I've had a good time in my childhood The visitor didn't mean to leave. He spoke with Ding Yu in a very frivolous tone. What did it feel like? Just want to pick up this anger! It's too obvious!

Song Tianren tilted his head, looked up and down at the people standing beside him, but Zhan Zhao slightly shook his head at Song Tianren, "assistant song, it's all old things! Now it looks like it's just a little bit of a chore! Old seven! What happened then? I enforce the law impartially, which one is right or wrong, has its own judgment. Now what about that? It's the past! Sit down and have a drink? Or... "

"Oh, I don't see it! Do you know how to tell a little story He snorted his nose at Zhan Zhao, "but if I don't give you this face, what can you do? Bite me? Why don't you take out the handcuffs? At the beginning, I remember that you were holding the handcuffs. I can see it clearly! "

Song Tianren coughed a little, looked at Zhan Zhao, who was going to speak, waved his hand, "Sun Tzu! I'll tell you a truth. What about killing people? But it's the head of the matter, in the past, there may be some disputes, there is no big deal, things have gone! That's it! What about here? After all, it's a restaurant. What if you don't accept it? Find a suitable place for everyone to practice. Don't delay others to do business! "

"I wipe, that crotch is not clamped, you are exposed!"

Wei Hou moved his nose slightly, but song Tianren suddenly laughed at this time, "do you know? I'm here to eat? It's because I think the environment here is good. I've never been to such a place before. But what about your coming here for dinner? Obviously, I came here to look for trouble. Do you think you are very arrogant! Yes? Heifer standing on her head? "

"Your uncle! Boy, don't let you see... "

"Don't see it! What if I do it to you? It seems that I bully you, so say it! I let you kneel down outside, kneel down from now on tomorrow morning, it's not difficult, but for you such kind of abuse, I'm really afraid to dirty my own hands, I give you a choice, apology, and then give me to leave! I'll take it as if it didn't happen! "

Pooh! Direct is also a mouthful of phlegm, directly spit on the table, very disgusting! Take out a box of cigarettes from your pocket and light it for yourself! "Boy, do you know where this is? Come here is the Dragon dish, is the tiger nest! Do you know? "

Looking at the cat brother who wants to stand up, song Tianren directly presses his shoulder with his hand! "Brother Mao is my man now. He helps me with my work. If he does something wrong and doesn't need you, I will give you an account. As for the previous things? Looks like you broke the law. What? You think you can fix everything with someone behind you? "

"Song Shao! It's not worth it Zhan Zhao is also very anxious to say that, because he is very clear, song Tianren is now in an assessment stage. What about at this stage? There must not be any problems and conditions, not to mention the security supervision over the scene, and director Ding behind. Everyone is watching! Can't delay his future just because of his own affairs!

Song Tianren looked back at brother Mao and gave him a calm look. "I repeat, brother cat is my man. Do you want to come here to look for trouble? It's hitting me in the face. What? You think I'm a stranger, so you can bully me, don't you? grandson! I'll tell you a truth... "

"Tell your mother!" With that, the people next to me are ready to start! Looking at the guy in the hand, it's obvious that when you come here, you've been quite prepared! But the staff and the manager all came here! If you really play, it will affect the signboard!

Song Tianren called his hand to the manager, "manager, right! Today, I came to dinner, aiming at the reputation of your family. After I tasted it, the food was still very good, quite delicious, and also very fresh! Since I'm lucky today, what about today's single? I'll take it! Ladies and gentlemen, let's face it! Let's deal with something here! Do me a favor

When speaking, he took out a bank card and handed it to the manager next to him. "Manager, do me a favor. I'll give you a bag. Everything is mine."

Next to the security is also holding a tablet computer to do certain processing, in modern society? Or need to shield some things, if these things are really spread out, it must have a considerable impact on Song Tianren. How does he handle things? This is not important. As for how you look at this matter, it is another thing!

"You're seven, aren't you?" Song Tianren really didn't pay attention to the so-called "cleaning up." it seems that there are people behind! Cat brother just went through the formalities, someone came to the door! It seems that I need to solve the problem thoroughly! Where's our director? Tell me a truth, or do not do it, since you choose to do it, just cut the roots. Do you look like this? I also can be regarded as eliminating the harm for the people! Isn't it? "

Shaking his neck, song Tianren looked at the people in front of him with disdain, "ambulance or police car? You choose one! And I told you! Since I want to move you today, I will never leave you any chance! You don't have to think about ambulances or police cars! You have the right to decide, not the right to choose! "With that, song Tianren also looked at the security guard beside him, "brother, can I do this?"

The security guard laughed, then touched his back waist, and then spread out his hand, "the matter is too big? After all, it's not very good! Now that you've made a decision, I'll just follow the arrangement! These people are not going to leave! "

"All right! There's no trouble with the follow-up! Now, Sun Tzu, we can row the road! What do you want to do? Is it one by one? Or a group fight? enjoy yourself! Don't think about the people outside, they come to no use! You belong to crab, I don't care about it, but when you come to me, it's hard to use it! "

At this time, the security blocked the front door, Wei Hou blocked the back road, and Zhan Zhao stood beside song Tianren. Although it was only four people, from the perspective of the situation, it was really not an ordinary shocking!

There are people out there. Today, I came here to find Zhan Zhao's trouble on purpose. But when I saw the people in the hotel crowding out, the people outside knew the bad thing! Because the people who come out are not rushing out. They are basically staggering out, and when they come out? It's also a lot of discussion!

"Please give way! What's going on in there? "

The security guard standing at the door, looking at the two people coming in, also tilted his head. Song Tianren, standing in the center, obviously heard something. He made a finger ring, and hooked his fingers at the two people who came in, "what are you doing? This is a public place! "

Song Tianren didn't pay any attention at all, "to support the court? Just like you! It's not good! " He pointed to the old seven who was facing him with his finger. "Take a message for me, give him half an hour, and let him roll over. If there is no problem with him, I will peel off his skin at most. If there is a problem, I will take his head! What about this? I said it! Remember only half an hour, out of date waiting! Now you two can get out of here


"Go away!" Song Tianren's eyebrows are also standing, "can't understand Chinese?" He looked at his wrist watch. "It's been a minute! As for whether your skin will be pulled out together, what's the matter

When the two people left, song Tianren looked at the old seven in front of him, "say it! I interrupt your hands and feet, or you solve it by yourself! Don't think about it! You can't escape today! Come on! Before that one came? I'm going to get rid of all of you! Sir, I've been so angry these days that I can't find any chance to vent my anger. You are really my lucky stars! "

That is to say, in two minutes, all of the old seven people were lying on the ground, while the managers and some shop assistants in the shop were shocked. It was not to say that they had never seen a fight, but they had never seen such a clean and efficient way. In other words, in two minutes, they did not see how to do it. How could they all lie down!

Even if it's beating people and children, it doesn't seem to be so happy?

Song Tianren found himself a chair and looked at the old seven on the ground. "I said, are you blind or are you in a dark mind? I really don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes, right? What about me today? I'll give you some insight into the world! Let you know, the world is big, you are a little ant

I can't wait for you

"What a bear! It's pretty good? " Song Tianren snorted, "do you know what is Ting? It's the kind of person who doesn't say a word, you! The mind has already hissed! So say it! If your ass is clean, I really can't give you what? But if your ass is not clean, I'll help you wash it! Recently, the bodies have been cleaned a lot, but what about the living? It's really not much! "

"Assistant song, exactly? It's 46 corpses, and these also include the corpses in the morgue. Really speaking, many of them are relatively clean! At least there are not too many sensory problems! "

"It's seeping through my eyes." Song Tianren sighed a little, "the first time I met, the whole person was covered up! It has everything on it. It's the nightmare of my life! If there is a chance, these grandchildren should be allowed to see and see, save the country's food, they will be in the future! It should be directly made into specimens. I heard that there is a shortage of them in medical school. It's just a waste utilization! "

Song Tianren's heart is not so big. Zhan Zhao stabbed song Tianren several times, but there is no response. Zhan Zhao regrets this matter a little bit. He didn't expect that the gang would pursue him so hard that he has already quit. They still refuse to let go!

"Hello, comrade!" Looking at the middle-aged man who came in, song Tianren didn't mean to stand up at all. The security guard was sitting in the distance, and he didn't care about himself. Wei Hou occupied the most dark position of the whole hotel, which may be habitual. Zhan Zhao stood beside song Tianren. As for the group of guys who were lying on the ground humming, it was another matter."Old seven is your man?"

"No The visitor directly expressed his negation, "what about what Qi Xu did? It's his own fault! But

"It's nothing to do with yourself. Since old seven is not your man? Don't be greedy! What about me? I don't want to make this blow too wide! Provincial people say I recruit black, I come here? It's just to find a suitable environment to exercise, and even can't count as a temporary post, understand? "

The visitor took a deep breath, did not recruit black, and is in the provincial capital side of the exercise, this is definitely not ordinary people! It seems to have touched the iron plate! "Comrade, don't know what to call it?"

"What about my relationship? It's not here anymore! But there should be a report from the provincial department. Go and check it! Save say I bully people! I'm a little assistant in the forensic medicine, but I'm going to be transferred soon! Today, I encountered a fly. No matter whether it is a tiger or a dragon behind my back, since I dare to stretch out this melon seed, I have to shoot it to death! Our director is generous, but what about me? Small bellied, since we started! Do you think I should be tough? "

"Comrade, half an hour is not enough!"

"Is that enough? If you say no, since he sent people over, it means that he needs to pay a considerable price for this, no matter whether the price is good or not! If you don't solve your worries, how can you do other things? And I have no way to explain such things to brother cat! Six minutes to go

Six minutes! You can't come by plane! But what about this young man? Tone is really not the general Chong, what happened? I already know something about it. They just come to eat, but what about Lao Qi? Those who are immortal must find Zhan Zhao's trouble! This is really touching the iron plate!

To be able to report in the provincial department is not only a special identity, but also some things? It's not something you can explore at will. The current problem is really not a general thorny one. What about this one? Obviously, a bit unforgiving!

In addition to some, call quickly and tell the details here. They are reported by the provincial department. They work as an assistant in the forensic medicine department. You can inquire about it by yourself! I really dare not reach out again!

"Lao Wu, is it convenient?"

"I'm alone. What can I do for you?" Since we call ourselves Lao Wu instead of our professional title, it means that it is a private matter, and we still call on our mobile phone, not on the phone, so it seems that the matter is particularly important!

"It's said that our provincial department has reported recently, and he is still working in the forensic medicine department. What about my brother-in-law? It's also fooling around and bumping into other people. It's so noisy now! I'm trying to figure it out! "

"My God! How did you offend this God! My director Huo, this is not a joke Hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Lao Huo, throw it away quickly! I don't dare to do it, but I can't do it! "

"Ah! Now it's been taken care of! What about my brother-in-law? Didn't you go in at the beginning? At the beginning, it was Zhan Zhao of the sub bureau who arrested him. Didn't he leave? That's why he's angry

"It's a riot. Zhan Zhao has left! But what about his files? He was transferred directly! They were transferred from the Ministry. No one knows where they have been transferred. Lao Huo, things are very troublesome. What about this one? The energy behind it can be said to frighten people to death, and this is not the most important, what is important is the side of this one? With a security guard

"Security? What's the nature of it? "

"Of what nature?" Lao Wu hesitated for a moment, "I can't say anything about it! Imagine for yourself! I have other things on my side. What about this one? If it can be solved, it's better to solve it immediately! Otherwise, what about the province? I will definitely ask about some other questions! "

"What else?" Director Huo is really a little chilly at this time!

"Lao Huo, where are the two of us? How many years of old classmates! What did I hear this time? What they are going to do is the relationship between the farm and the other side of the farm. I don't think I need to talk about it! In our province, no matter the top or the bottom, there are absolutely precious pimples. If anyone finds trouble with the farm, he is just trying to make trouble for himself! "

After putting down the phone, director Huo also asked the driver to speed up. The origin of this one is not simple, not to mention the farm, which is really not as simple as killing the old man!

Farm! The heart of the provincial Party committee! How much development has driven the whole province? There are even so many unimaginable, not only high-tech, but also the common people. All aspects are combined together, but what about others? Neither tax evasion, nor arrogant! The image is very positive!

It was originally a big agricultural province, and what did you hear? What about the chairman of the farm? It seems that they are still from the province! All aspects are combined together. The farm chooses to pay for this one, which shows that song Tianren is! It's not a normal person! This is definitely the kind of God!"Lao Qi, the son of a bitch, doesn't he feel that his seat is too comfortable! So I want to move myself! Mad

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