"Director, I've released both of them!"

"That's what you're doing to both of them? Feel good? " Ding Yu didn't have any opinions, so he went out! It's not such a big deal!

"Song Tianren's performance has made them feel guilty! Under such circumstances, if we don't make a little response, I'm afraid it will really be the work of sweeping the floor at that time? I can't even line up! " Hou Tianliang is very clear about this. The director has a good sense of Hou Tianliang, but what about the two new secretaries? It's a little bit of the so-called "view", but it's just not revealed!

"I don't need them to sweep the floor. What if they just want to be a so-called civilian secretary? It doesn't need so much work, just be a pen holder! But I think what's behind them? Certainly will not expect so! So give them some stuff! See what kind of material can eventually become! "

"Director, if you expose all three of them, will there be any constraint at that time?"

"Anyway, they are the so-called targets, which are used to be attacked, at least around me! What if it's a target? Be able to withstand such attacks! If you're attacked! What's the use of the instant split

Hou Tianliang did not speak. What about the forces behind the two new secretaries? This is also quite clear, they naturally do not want two people to come to the director here, is to gild, if that is to gild, naturally there is a better place! There's no need for a tree to be hanged here! And it's a waste to be hanged on such a tree! Even too extravagant!

"Feather, are you doing anything at night? Please have a meal

"When are you so free? Two days ago, you were as busy as your third grandson? Tell me something For the fat man, Ding Yu naturally won't have any politeness, so this speech is also slightly rude.

"Where are our ladies? There's something I want to ask you for help! " Since Ding Yu didn't show much courtesy, so did the fat man, "where's her old aunt? Physical examination out of a considerable problem, in the province can not handle, now need to go to the capital there? If it's in the province, I can think of something. But when I go to the capital, it's really a black eye. So I can only ask you, the great doctor, to help you! "

"Send people to the capital first! I'll get someone to arrange it! No need to eat! I'll write down this meal for you first. By the way, how is your work? I heard that you seem to be a little thin recently! Is it true? "

"Don't mention it! I've lost two pairs of my shoes in just a few days! I can only prepare more than two pairs of travel shoes now, which is more convenient and more comfortable, but it is also very good, the body is light down, the whole person is also a lot of flexibility! It's also a good thing. My mother let you have time to eat at home. After all, what about eating out? It's not the same! Man, you can be regarded as a leader now

"Are you still the leader?" Ding Yu also felt a little coke about this, "OK, then I won't disturb your work as a big leader! When you have time, go to eat with your aunt! "

"Hang up for a while. The situation is like this. Tan Wendong contacted him. Old turtle and shrimp would come back when they were new year old! I don't know if you are free. We always get together when we are normal, and some other old classmates are the same. But you are the only one who can't even see a personal shadow in ordinary times

"Yes! What about normal times? My work is very busy, I really can't find too much free time, but this year's situation may not be the same, I have been here! When did everyone come back years ago! Find a chance to get together, a long time did not meet! I've heard what I miss

"I'll tell Tan Wendong to prepare well. There won't be too many people!"

The fat man is also very clear, in those days of high school, after all, he and song Qiaoqiao's home also involved in a considerable relationship, but now what about the Ma family and the Song family? Basically, it can be described as vanishing in smoke. Ding Yu didn't care about this matter. It was a high hand! I've left a lot of love!

But is it really like nothing happened? It seems to be a little bit unrealistic! And since feather came back, I've got together with my classmates! But what about this reunion? There are quite a number of people in the class who are not involved in it. Feather has avoided a lot of people!

If it's your own, I'm afraid you'll do the same, right? After all, what happened? Now think of it is also feel quite disgusting, feather good life trajectory has been so changed! Although it is very good now, but this kind of pain in the heart? I'm afraid it can't be solved in a moment and a half!

"Do you need a family?" Ding Yu asked subconsciously, "what about the one in our family? I don't know if she has this time. Her situation is a little bit special! "

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but if you are free, you can take us to see and see! Isn't it a little bad to hide it like this! Too much? ""What about her identity? It's a little bit special! " Ding Yu said, "take a look at the situation this year. If she can come here, I'll take it to show you! Wait a moment, send you a picture, pay attention to a little influence! "

Put down the phone, Ding Yu also gave a picture of Taixi in the past, and the fat man looking at the beauty in wechat was stunned for a long time, and returned directly on the wechat, "feather, we don't take such a joke. Is this a bit exaggerated?"

Ding Yu immediately sent photos of himself and Tai Xi, as well as a family of four! And fat people have no reaction for a long time! No wonder the feather guy hasn't brought his wife out for so many years. Is the gap between NIMA's and each other's too big! Feather, this guy is so unkind!

Soon the fat man also sent the personal information of his wife's family members to Ding Yu! As for how to arrange the rest of the matter, let Ding Yu worry about it! Then he also sent a wechat to his wife to tell her that the matter had been solved! Wait for the news!

"So fast!" Soon the fat man's wife also called in the past!

"And who is your husband?" The fat man also said complacently, "but I have other things. To make a long story short, although feather has arranged this matter, if you don't have anything, just follow the past and have a look. If there is anything, try your best! There's no need to worry about feathers

"Is that all right? If other people go to the capital, it will take a week or even half a month to arrange the number, even if it is so? Also did not have to be able to find the so-called doctor, not to mention even if there are cattle, but also related to the ward and surgery and so on! Great kindness

"If feathers really cared about this, they wouldn't be the way they are now! I'll take care of this! If you go to the capital, when you have time, go to see Ding Ding. At the beginning, she followed Ding Yu! A little girl, I haven't seen it for quite a long time! "

"Yes! I'll arrange it. You should pay more attention to it. Don't be careless, especially in the work

Ding Yu didn't have any other feelings about the gathering of old classmates. He came from high school. What about some things? Has been quite indifferent! Some still stay in the deepest memory, so what about high school friends? Only a limited number of people! There is little relationship between us, and naturally there will be no so-called comparison.

Together? Is to remember the original high school life, at the same time look forward to the future development, if you have the ability, mutual help, after all, at the beginning, we all began to understand the society together, the start is almost the same! And at the beginning, we were all a group of ignorant children. What about the feelings at that time? And the most sincere!

"Boss! Are you busy? "

Yeah? It's strange today! The fat man called earlier, and his mother called again. Why? Do you know your leisure now? So this time was chosen?

"Not so busy, mom. What can I do for you?"

"Let me tell you something about your grandfather? Not so good! So what about the house? Need to be prepared in advance! What about the other things? It's easy to say, but what about your uncle? Things may be a little bit troublesome, and I think you also know the situation here! "

"I don't need any consideration on my side!" Ding Yu was very straightforward and showed his own ideas, "what happened in those years? Is to give a lesson, now things have already changed! What about uncle now? Already retired to the second line! Now I should be able to pay more attention to the family's affairs. "

"Where's your uncle? Now I can settle down my mind! What about your aunt? Obviously, there are other ideas. After all, one is biological, the other is? It's from another room. What about the difference? With the change of time, there is a considerable sum in my heart! "

"What about Su Yu? I can not care, but Suchen can't move too much. This is the bottom line! " Although his mother mentioned this matter, but some things can not cross the line, "Su Chen's performance is very good, not to mention he is not in China! What's in their way? Isn't that bullshit? "

"It's easy to say, but how can the actual situation be as light as imagined?" Su Yuan was also quite complaining and said, "our family is good, but we can't just watch your uncle's house go down like this! If there is a chance, we still need to fight for it! Isn't it? "

"Mom, it doesn't seem like I need to care about it? How can I feel a little uncomfortable? "

"You! Do you really don't know, or do you pretend you don't know, in your aunt's place? Take a lot of pressure, Suchen stay with you, what about her? It is always a thorn, and the children in the family are not so competitive. Do you think she can be happy? ""Hum!" Ding Yu slightly has so some disdainful hum, "what is this? Can't see others? Uncle there is also, are sons, can also be separated from each other? It's hard enough for him The irony of the words can be said to be very strong, everyone can hear it!

"Every family has its own difficulties. After all, what about your uncle? We still need to pay attention to the influence of the flower family! "

"What if I disagree?" What about Ding Yu? It's just a denial attitude. It's hard for the family to think of such attention. It really makes Ding Yu feel a little greasy and crooked!

"Boss! Do you think this will work Su Yuan is very clear, if it is so hard to let him do so, it is certainly not appropriate. Don't you know the temper of the boss? I didn't care about things at home, what's more, it's also related to these dog skin problems! "And your grandfather? The situation is not so good. Let him come back to Beijing to take care of it. What about his work? You can pause a little bit! "

"Take care of it?" Ding Yu snorted again, "rise and fall openly? Who came up with this idea? " Ding Yu can be said to be seriously dissatisfied with this. Su Chen is also one of his own employees. Some people even want to tell their employees what to do. This makes Ding Yu feel a little intolerable!

"It's not who thought of it, but the way to deal with it? Maybe everyone is better! Su Chen has worked for such a long time, and has never had a safe holiday. What's more, her daughter-in-law has followed her very early, and there is not much leisure! Do you think so? "

"I'll think about it!" Ding Yu did not immediately agree! However, Ding Yu also called Zheng Rong and said, "it's me. What happened to my family recently?" Then Ding Yu also told Su Chen's story simply!

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with the quadrangle, and generally no one comes here. Except that sometimes Miss Ding Ding will bring her two children here, there are basically not too many guests! As for general Su, the doctors at home always pay attention to him, but he doesn't care much about other things. "

"There are not many things in the capital, but now I'm looking for them! Something happened recently in my grandfather's house. It should be like this. "

"Sir, can I make a few digressions?"

"Let's hear it!"

"What about general Su? To support the Su family, at the beginning, almost all the resources were used for general su. However, due to the considerable changes in his body, it takes quite a long time to convert the resources. The ability of the director general is not a problem! But what about him? Need to be familiar with this level and context, this is time-consuming!

And the Wang family is slightly different at this point! Minister Wang has taken over this position and has done a good job. The Su family has been pulled down too much. Under the current situation, there is a considerable deviation between each other's positions. What about Wang Yang? After all, he is a member of the Wang family, and Xiao Bao is a member of the Zheng family! The Su family is quite deficient! "

"And Suchen? Identity has a considerable problem, flower family do not want to see such a scene! So I put forward some conditions and used Su Chen as the background wall. What a damn thing

Ding Yu also scolded!

"All right! I already have a general idea of the situation! " Put down the phone, Ding Yu thought for a while, but also found out Suchen's phone number, "something quite happened at home, do you know?"

"I know something about it. My father called me earlier!" Where's Suchen over the phone? I also sighed, "big brother, in fact, I don't need to be so embarrassed. I'm still very satisfied with my life now! There are no other messy ideas. I mean it

"No matter whether it's true or not, say what you think in your heart!"

"Big brother, I have come here! What else do you think I have in mind, that is, to support my mother honestly, to get married and to have children. I feel that this is a good day, and my work is very smooth. How much I have to eat and how much I have is not that kind of material. I still have this self-knowledge! "

"It's a bit of a bully!" "Dingyu dish is not suitable for us, but it's not good for us to take some dishes."

"Big brother! My life is very good now, and I really don't have so many ideas. What about my mother? I don't want me to get involved in this aspect too much. I wanted to fight for a breath at the beginning. Now for my mother, this tone has earned back, and she is already satisfied! "

"That's what it says, but what about the matter? Can't look like this, can't do so! What are you going to do? "

"Go back to the capital to see my grandfather first! Then I go home and have a rest for a while. By the way, my mother came with me for a while, but she is not used to it! "

"It's understandable to go to see my grandfather or his old man. It's understandable to go home to see my parents, but it's too low-key! Let's see! For your mother? Come to the farm, you! With his daughter-in-law also come over, just in the farm some things need you to help! What about the year? It's on my side! ""Big brother! Isn't that good? "

"I said, just do it!" Ding Yu is very welcome!

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