Su Yuan didn't get a response from his eldest son, but what about Su Chen? Having bought the ticket back, I can still know about it, but how does it feel to give Su Yuan? The eldest son will never compromise like this! If you really compromise! I'm afraid that is not his eldest son!

He never interferes in family affairs, even Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It's the same thing, but this time? Home is to provoke his meaning, this matter is a little bit of a little tricky! It's also a little bit different!

But for the sake of the development of the Su family and the overall balance? Su Yuan really has to go to the front of the matter. It is absolutely inappropriate for her husband to appear in this matter! It's impossible! Too many issues involved!

Suchen came back the first time! He took his wife to see general Su, but soon he was picked up by the people in the courtyard! The people who wanted to stay with Suchen and his wife were quite disappointed. If they were any other people, no one would dare to extend their hands, but only the people from the courtyard! The Su family has no way to refuse!

It is true that for the development of the Su family, this time things must be done like this, but to a certain extent, Ding Yu is still in a bad mood. No one really knows whether there will be any other problems and conditions in the future! But now this time how many already have so some not to take into account!

General Su's grandfather went back to see his mother! How about the whole process? All of them are accompanied by the people of the courtyard, which also makes the people of the Su family want to do something, and they can't find any opportunities!

What's more frightening? It's not that, but after Suchen came back home, she picked up her mother, and then she was sent to Ding Yu! What about Ding Yu's hometown? Anyone can be forbidden to approach, specifically speaking, it is absolutely not allowed for the Wang family and the Su family! But now Suchen came to Ding Yu!

Su Yuan was full of bitterness when he knew the news. He knew the consequences might be very serious, but he didn't expect it to be so serious! It's just so! I really don't know what to say! Directly put Suchen and them over there! This face is a little heavy!

Wang Changlin is also quite helpless when he knows this matter. Can't he find his eldest son, or forget it! Even if you have a phone call with your eldest son, what will you say then? I'm afraid I can't say anything! What happened after I did this at the Su family? What the eldest son has done shows his attitude!

What about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? They represent the Wang family and the Zheng family. What about Wang Yang to a certain extent? It also represents the Su family. Now his elder brother is obviously having a considerable problem, so we can only let Su Quan take over this position, but the time is too short! Some layouts need to be adjusted again!

What about Suchen? Only a few people are optimistic about the Su family, more people's attitude towards Su Chen? Still according to and far away!

In other words, they still don't know much about the boss. Being able to be valued by the boss has already explained quite a problem, but it's just the time!

But at such a time, Su's family can't wait, so we can see that it's general! What about this? I really don't want to mention what, relative to the prosperity of the Wang family, where is the Su family? It is already a serious backwardness! If he said anything, in the eyes of the Su family, it may be intentional! What about politics? It's not right!

"Where's brother? They have also suffered a lot of pressure. What about the flower family? The elder brother felt that he couldn't bear it. Although Su Quan took over the position, to a large extent, he still needed to make a compromise. After all, what about the Su family? Not alone

Wang Changlin looked at his wife and shook his head slightly, "do you know? I'm not worried about this. What about the eldest child? It's very prudent to do things. What's the relationship between him and the old man? Still quite good! What about everything about dad? Almost all of them are not fake. He is responsible for all of them. Is he not prepared at all? "

"You mean Suchen!"

Wang Changlin nodded, "our Wang Yang, or Zheng's Xiao Bao, Su's? Although there has never been a clear signal, the more so? It shows that our eldest son attaches more importance to Suchen, just like the original farm. Who could have thought that it was a farm with such great potential? "

"The farm thing was brought out again?"

"Yes! Because it has a very positive impact! What about the cities in the North these years? How many have quite a problem! Where's the boss's farm? Most of them are in the North! Solved quite a lot of problems! This is absolutely no way to be ignored! What about economic development and demand? Also let a lot of leaders are impressed! Even praise!

What's more, the farm itself, although it's agriculture, is definitely a modern enterprise. Its specified standards and so on have become the benchmark of many enterprises. What's more, the farm itself, whether in terms of information or public relations, can be said to take care of everything! It can be said that everyone benefits! ""I've heard a lot of people complain that farm produce is too expensive to buy!"

"They! Most of them are those who want to be dissatisfied! What about farm produce? Now we are mainly dealing with the outside world. In the market, it is not that there is no such thing, but what about some people? Always greedy! However, what the boss has dealt with is praised by many people. At least he has never heard of this problem! "

"I heard that Suquan was transferred to the farm! It seems to be the relationship of leaving! "

"Transfer to the farm? It's just a cover! Suquan is absolutely impossible to go to the farm! The boss is likely to transfer Su Quan to China! When the time comes, it will be placed under your nose. How do you deal with this matter when you say it! Ignore it! Not very good. Take care of it! I don't know how to do it. To be sure, even if you want to start? They dare not do it

Su Yuan is also sipping his mouth, "I'm afraid it's too late to adjust now! Why didn't you say it earlier? "

"What do I say? It's true that I am the son-in-law of the Su family, but what about this? When it comes to some problems of the Su family, what identity should I use if I am involved in it? What's more, what I represent now? I said it was myself, but would others believe it? What on earth will the people of the Su family think? "

What about this problem? Su Yuan is really not good to say anything, he can also understand the difficulties of her husband! No matter whether your husband is kind or not, someone will be gossiping at that time! So it's better not to mention anything!

"In fact, when something happened to the elder brother, we should pay attention to Su Chen. But when Su Chen went abroad, to a certain extent, it was also a kind of protection from the boss. After a period of experience, do you think Suchen doesn't know anything? Now the edges and corners! Everything that needs polishing has been polished! But what about hiding? It's almost hidden! Waiting for a chance in the future, it will make people feel his sharpness! "

"I'd better talk about this with my third brother! Let him pay attention a little bit! "

"The third brother definitely knows, but he doesn't mean to say anything. What's the relationship between the eldest brother and his third uncle? It's better than anyone else. Don't look at the noisy time, but when he mentions something, the boss will give his uncle this face! It can be said that the two people have quite a tacit understanding! "

"Let me be the villain, right?" Su Yuan is very dissatisfied to say!

"What about your temper? Who doesn't know, some things? You can pretend to be confused, but he doesn't rub the sand in his eyes. He has already indicated his attitude very early, and absolutely does not mix in the affairs of his family. What about the problem now? It's just the opposite. What do you think the boss will do? Who dares to make this guarantee? "

How to deal with this, boss? It's really not good to say, but what about big brother? Some of the noise is too much! What's more, he said that he was not in good health, but I think Dad's consciousness is still very clear! "

"Dad's conscious. What about his own situation? He himself must be quite clear, even if he is not clear, is it difficult for the boss to be also not clear? I really don't think there is such a possibility. Dad needs to have a look at it. What are some problems? Of course, the old man has a lot of ideas

What about Taishan's body? It's almost the limit! What about this? They all know it at home, but what about those who have some ideas? Basically, they stayed in the capital, even close to the old man, only the boss of his own family? Even ran without a trace, does he really do not understand? no To be sure, a lot of things are understood by the boss!

But it is also because too much understand! So the boss doesn't mean this at all! What do you think? It's your own business. It has nothing to do with me. The boss has said that he is not involved. But now someone wants to move his boss. Do you really don't know how to write the dead word?

"The boss has a unique insight. This time he pulled Su Chen out. He doesn't know whether it's a good thing or something else? I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter! "

"Not quite right?" Su Yuan is very surprised to see her husband, her husband said something wrong, there must be a problem, but what is the problem, this is really very difficult to say!

"There are so many things wrong! It's so sudden for Suchen to come out! " Wang Changlin pursed his mouth, "I don't know whether it's sudden or not, things can always be seen clearly."

Ding Yu chooses to meet Su Chen on the farm side. Seeing his appearance, Ding Yu also hums and laughs, "it seems that you are really frugal! But as for such frugality? How much meat did not grow? "

"Big brother, I'm not fat. What's more, if I'm too fat, it will have a detailed impact on my body. It seems that it's not so good. My family also hopes that I can be healthy!""Let you be here? Have a good rest for a while. What if you feel uncomfortable? Go around casually, don't always nest in your own home After two greetings, Ding Yu also opened the door to see the reward, "I saw my grandfather!"

"Yes, my grandfather is so thin and weak, but I can't imagine it as much as before! At that time, it was also very brave, but time can really wear all the things away! It's hard to imagine! "

"No one is a God, everyone will have the day of old, very normal!"

"Brother, I know what you want to say. You can say that I am hypocritical or hypocritical. I really don't want to get involved in the affairs of the family, the so-called palm and back of the hand? It's all meat. Which one? There are so many too difficult! So it's better not to make this choice! "

"You think it's ok if you don't make this choice! It's wonderful to think about it! "

"Big brother, I don't quite understand what you mean!"

"What about choosing you? I really don't agree so much. What about this time? It's mainly my grandfather's ideas. What happened in the early days? We talked to each other. What about him? It's a good idea! "

"Grandfather valued me? Is this not a joke Su Chen's expression must be strange and strange!

"This is really no joke. My grandfather mentioned this problem to me very early. When you found me? My grandfather mentioned this problem, but I think you didn't adapt to the environment at that time, so I deliberately sent you away! "

"Why me, so many people in my family!" Su Yuan is puzzled!

"There are many people in the family, but many? Sorghum and rice are all for nothing Ding Yu can be said to be quite disdainful of this, "what's more? The Mesozoic at home can hold up this situation, but what about the younger generation? It can be said that there is a great lack of food, drink and play, and master the door, but that is the end of it! "

"Big brother, that's what you mean

Ding Yu thought about it for a while and shook his head slightly. "To be sure, I don't have any idea about it. Actually, there is a problem involved. That is, I don't want to interfere in the affairs of my family. I have been doing this all the time. What's more? I really don't want to force people! "

"No wonder my grandfather said so much to me earlier

"The idea is good! But what about the final decision? Or in your own hands, and you're here? It will not be affected in any way. There is still some assurance. What's more, your final choice is to make an arrangement. What can I do for you at home? It's still very limited! "

"I always think I'm not that material."

"Are you that piece of material? I'm really not good to make any judgment, because I have given you the right to choose, let alone I said! Don't interfere in family affairs. What about my grandfather? I didn't force me to do anything, just pushed the boat along the river! It seems that there is something wrong with him about this! "

"I didn't expect my grandfather to think of so many things. How does it feel to me? ...。”

"What a normal thing! Your identity in the Su family, is originally a little bit embarrassed, let alone the flower family? It's not for nothing. The rotten ship still has three Jin nails! What's more, it's a flower family! Sometimes you really need to give a certain face, after all, you want to live together, home and everything

"Big brother, I was naive at the beginning. Some of them were too cute?"

"Now I think of it, it seems that there is really a little bit of it!" Ding Yu chose to tell the truth, "grandfather, he chose to move next. What about you now? If you want to be a chess player, it is not enough. To a certain extent, you can only become a chess player. What about the Su family? For the time being, it can hold the field, but what will happen in the future? It's hard to say

"Big brother, can I say that your sentence is quite biased? My father has retired, but my uncle is still there

"Do you think my brother-in-law will choose to leave his department? It's impossible. My brother-in-law is just superficial maintenance! I'm sure I'll get rid of it. It's just a matter of time! " Ding Yu can see this is quite clear, so naturally this speech will not appear too polite!

"Some people want to rob, some people want to let, this thing is noisy!" Su Chen felt that his head was a little big? If you have this time, why don't you cultivate it well and you may get good results, won't you? "

"What about this? A little more simple! It's not as easy as you can imagine! What about within the system? Training is easy! But the probability of the same problem is also very big, you have a considerable time in the position! Have you ever suffered too little temptation

"Big brother, I'm really not ready for this!"

"Well, think about it well, don't miss this opportunity, but also ask yourself whether you have made the choice you think you are the most striving for, and the choice you will not regret! Because what are you going to do? It's yourself, not a puppet, nor is it someone else's echo bug! Do you understand? ""Big brother, I will think about it well!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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