"Xiaoyu, are you really ready to carry this matter?" My third uncle called me and mentioned this problem directly, but I didn't mean to avoid it! "You know, what's involved? Can say very much, I also have so some impatient about it! Even has the quite taboo! Your uncle is involved

"Third uncle, you can't bear it, but what about uncle? Obviously, it's not appropriate. What about some problems? You can't violate it, if you do! There will be serious consequences, just like now! That is to say, thanks to uncle? There are no other problems, but this is enough to destroy his foundation! Now uncle can't go up, at least not on the surface! Only you can go up to the surface! Whether you like it or not! "

"I don't need you to tell me a lot of truth. My rice for so many years is not for nothing!"

"Uncle, what about my grandfather? The body has reached the limit! Whether you are willing or not, this is an unchangeable fact! I'm just telling the truth Ding Yu didn't have any taboo at all. "Maybe it's because I was a doctor, and I've witnessed too many scenes like this, so I'm numb!"

"They say I'm cold, but I feel you're the real heartless boy!"

"I'm just too straightforward! How my grandfather arranges me not to interfere, similarly, Su Chen how to choose, I also do not interfere

Su Quan is completely understand! The boy didn't mean to interfere in the affairs of the Wang family. What's more, he had a good relationship with his father. It was a matter of a time, but it didn't mean that he would be involved in the internal affairs of the Su family. It was totally different!

"Suchen has been protected by you for a long time! It should be that I have quite a lot of experience. Sometimes I really think that you are so terrible, and even most of the people are hidden in the bones. If my father had not disclosed this meaning to me, I would not have thought of it now! "

"It's just idle chess! What about Suchen? It's a progressive person! So I gave him a lot of training. My grandfather wanted to move him. I didn't support it, nor did I oppose it. Everything depends on Suchen's own choice. Sometimes, since he has made a choice? Can't regret! This is my personal opinion! "

"My identity is determined. What about this position? There will be some embarrassment, but fortunately, it can persist for a period of time! What about your aunt? She is just a little uncomfortable in her heart, how to say a sentence, people don't fight for themselves, she's a little bit over the top! That's it! No other meaning

"Ha ha!" What about Ding Yu's laughter? It gives people the feeling that the back of the head is a little chilly, "uncle, what about me? I don't like the so-called calculation, but it doesn't mean I don't know anything! Some things? It's not to say that you can do it again and again, and it can't be forgiven even if it's only once! "

"I see! You boy! It's not really cold and heartless in general, but it's understandable! "

"What about big brother? Sometimes it is difficult to say too clearly, but for Suchen? Psychological up is a very sad level, redundant things? I'm just asking! If you have time, come back to see the old man. After all, time is running out! " The last words, Su Quan seems to have some gloomy!

"And grandfather? Now it's not a torment. After all, there's nothing wrong with the body. It's just too old! All functions have been overdrawn clean! Now let him rest at ease! However, there are so many things in my family. It's a pity that there are always so many things left behind! "

What if we really talk about it? My grandfather used to train my uncle in those years! But what about uncle's mistake? A little bit big, there is a problem in charge, so it needs to be replaced! But there is a problem with the leader of a family. It is not to say that if you change one person casually, it will be over!

The replacement of resources, and even the deployment of personnel, etc. all need to go to the original work, which is not as simple as imagined! What about Suquan? Engaged in that kind of work, there is not so much time and leisure! So even if it's noisy to now, it's not over!

The old man is looking for a new way or preparing for the future. This matter is known to a limited number of people, but whether Ding Yu or Su Quan? For this matter will not leak out, Su Quan for this position does not have too much interest, although he is now sitting on the top.

And Ding Yu? There is no interest in the affairs of the Wang family, not to mention the affairs of the Su family. What's more, what about Ding Yu's own power? It's already quite huge! There is no need to act for this, the gain is not worth the loss!

What's more, if Ding Yu really has this meaning, I'm afraid that it is possible for his father and his old people to give in to each other. Moreover, the people in the family will not have too much objection to this matter on the whole! However, Ding Yu didn't have any idea in this aspect, so it was a pity!After meeting Su Chen, Ding Yu left after talking about his grandfather's meaning! After Suchen went back, there was something wrong with the whole person! "Are you all right! Is there something wrong with big brother? "

"It's not big brother's business. If it's big brother's business, it's easy to do it!" Lying on the bed, Su Chen also sighed, "where are the people of the Su family? I am almost the first to come here. You must know something about our family! Apart from big brother, anyone else? It's just one thing! "

"Because of dad?"

Looking at his wife's appearance, Suchen shook his neck for a moment, "things are a little bit troublesome. I'm now considering this aspect of the problem, how to choose! What does grandfather mean? We should train them to develop on official career! "

"Grandfather? Isn't grandfather already

"You don't understand what's going on here. Grandfather's body can't hold on to it any more! Originally, dad was in charge of the family, but what about him? Something happened, so now the third uncle is in charge, but what about his work? It's very complicated. He can persist for a long time, but what about the next generation? Some problems need to be considered! "

"Isn't this your target? What does big brother mean? Do you agree with me? "

"If big brother agrees, he won't bring me back, or even arrange me here, because it's in other places? I have a little bit of indecision, but what about here? It is the hometown of elder brother and the forbidden area of other people. Without the permission of elder brother, no one dares to rush into here rashly! It's also a clear warning to all of you! "

"What does big brother mean?"

"Big brother doesn't have any opinions and ideas. If I agree, he will give me a ride. If I don't agree, he will protect me, and others dare not do anything to me!" Speaking of this, Suchen also sighed, "what about home? The good and the bad are intermingled! It's hard! "

"What's mom's opinion about this?" The woman is also very worried to ask a!

"Mom doesn't like the capital. You know that, even if you go abroad, you don't go to Beijing! Obviously, what about the capital? It's not a general pain! But for my personal affairs, my mother will definitely agree, because public is public, private is private, can not be confused! But I can't convince myself now

"Why don't you have a good talk with him and listen to his opinions and ideas?"

"Big brother will not pay attention to this matter! The elder brother showed his meaning in this aspect very early, ignoring the family affairs, whether it is from the Su family, the Wang family, or the Zheng family. For the elder brother, this is the bottom line to a certain extent. In other words, other people can't interfere with big brother! "

"No wonder big brother will put you here!" But the woman thought for a period of time, but suddenly, ah, "no! Big brother seems to be very nice to you, but to the other children in the family? It seems that all of them are far away from each other! Big brother doesn't think much of you, does he? "

Finished the words, but also covered their own mouth! I don't believe it!

"You should know more or less about the situation at home. What about the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family? It's a whole. What about Wang Yang and Xiaobao? What about the big brother Su and the Wang family? It's true that there is no outstanding representative figure. The main reason is that some of the big brother look down on them. But what about their performance? There are many problems in this! It's really ugly

Although Su Chen is also a member of the Su family, what about the Su family? There are really so many despised, even if it is their own father? Su Chen how much is also so some look down on, this is mainly a person to do things above, with other pour is not too much relationship!

Only uncle? It makes Suchen feel very different. He doesn't have much contact with him. This is also because his work is a little special. Of course, I don't need to say about it here. If it's not big brother, what are you doing now? It's really hard to mention it! Su Chen himself has so many dare not imagine!

But is elder brother a member of the Su family? Or is it from the Wang family?

It seems that you can't say that! Although it is said that the blood of the Wang family and the Su family is flowing on the body of the elder brother, it is obvious that the elder brother is free from the Wang family and the Su family! What about your own side? If you are involved, you may support yourself. But what about this support? It must be limited!

But what about this? What I said is really guilty enough. Why do you say so? Because I stayed there for quite a long time. Before I knew it, I had instilled a lot of things into myself. If I didn't come back to experience this, I didn't know that the original situation was like this!

No matter whether or not he embarks on this road in the future, at least the elder brother has laid a good foundation for himself!

Wake up in the morning, looking at his mother, unexpectedly carrying a hoe, Suchen did not know what kind of strange feeling! My mother went to work with the people on the farm! That is to fight a so-called start, and look at his mother's appearance, and even have some feeling of enjoying it!"Mom, it's a little bit cold! You should pay more attention! After all, the difference between the temperature inside the shed and outside is too big. If you are a little careless, you will catch a cold! You're not too young! " Suchen is also very concerned about saying that, after all, he is such an old mother, for his own sake, it can be said that is all!

"Nothing! As you can imagine, the farm side has already thought of it! They have considerable processing and preparation time. In their early years, they really did not dare to do this imagination. Science is still useful. Books! Absolutely not for nothing! And I saw it just now! People are really handmade, no pesticide! "

"That's right! Otherwise, the price will not be so expensive! " In this regard, Su Chen can be said to be very sad, because he was previously abroad, but also bought a lot of things, the food is absolutely delicious, to use the common saying, it is taste! It's not like those pesticides! What kind of seasoning is what flavor! There is no uniqueness of its own!

"And your brother? What about the others? I don't care about your mother, but what about your brother? Has helped you so much? "

"Mother! I met with my elder brother yesterday, but it was a little late, so I didn't disturb you

Su Chen's mother looked at her son and nodded slightly, "what about your mother and me? I haven't read a lot of books, but I'm a gratitude person. It's not that your elder brother saved my life. It's mainly you! Although I don't know much about it, your elder brother and we all got it. It must not be a trivial matter! "

Looking at her mother, Suchen hesitated. She took the hoe off her mother's shoulder, and then took her back to the room. "Mom, big brother is really nice to me. How about this time? Speaking of or I have so many drag big brother! Otherwise, it would not have come here! "

"What's wrong?"

"No! Mom, am I that kind of person? What's more, our living conditions are very good. What can I do? " Suchen sighed, "where's grandfather? It's almost the limit! Mom, as you may know, where are the little characters in the Su family? One by one, the good and the bad are intermingled. This time I came back, I met with my grandfather! "

Hearing his son's words, Su Chen's mother's expression on her face was really not so happy, "what do you mean? Let you go up? No one in their su family? Hum

"What about those of my generation? It's good to look at them one by one, but there are not many people who can really take it. Big brother is also indifferent to them. Let's say a boast. What about the family for the time being? Maybe I'm the only big brother who can be regarded as an eye-catching person! "

"What does your brother mean?"

"Elder brother, let me make this choice by myself, otherwise we will not be taken over. If we are in Beijing or at home, I'm afraid that I can't bear other pressures! And I'm worried about other people's little moves, but here? What about the others? No one dares to cross the red line! "

"So it is! Your elder brother is Su Lao's grandson. What is his identity? "

In the face of her mother's doubts, Suchen also explained and said, "Mom, what's the identity of big brother? There are some differences. The elder brother is free from the Su family and the Wang family. He has no interest in the Su family and the Wang family. To a certain extent, the Wang family and the Su family have many demands on the elder brother. What about the Wang family and the Su family? There is not so much feeling

"I see! Your big brother doesn't like it! Yeah! At least a lot of people, your big brother are so some look down on, is a limited number of people? Your big brother may have a high look, such as you

"Mom, you are a boaster! Your son is not as good as that! Big brother just thought I was still trying to be better, so he gave me such a chance Su Chen also said with a bitter smile!

"The conditions of the Su family are also good! Why don't you know how to cherish it at all? "

"Mom, for them, a lot of things are easy to get, even do not need to fight for, do you think they will cherish it? In such a family environment, slowly also developed such a character, this is absolutely not a sentence two words can change over! Do you think so? "

"But we can't forget our roots."

"Mom, I haven't experienced it. How can I forget my origin? What age did they come from, and the people below? It is also living in a comfortable environment, the contrast between each other is too big, so such a situation is a natural thing! In addition, there are some decision-making mistakes, so there are problems! "

"Ah Suchen's mother sighed, "what about me? I don't know so much, but what about the Su family? It's also a big quagmire. You can do it yourself! After all, you are not too young! He! I'm old enough! You! Don't give yourself shame, also don't give your big brother shame! Don't let your big brother think his eyes are wrong

"Mom, I haven't thought about this problem yet. There's always been some entanglement!"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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