Zhang Xuehua goes to find Ding Yu. In fact, he has some small ideas in his heart. No matter it's thanks or other reasons! Anyway, it's very inexplicable. But there was no one to find. Ding Yu didn't have a mobile phone, so he couldn't get in touch with him! At this time, Ding Yu went to the railway station directly. He came here to buy tickets. There was no other reason.

Unfortunately, Ding Yu just turned around and saw two people who were still familiar with each other. Lei Ming looked at He Li beside him, and was also a little surprised. Ding Yu would appear here, "when the task is finished, you can check whether this boy wants to run away? How can you see him everywhere? "

He Li looked at Ding Yu, who was far away. He shook his head helplessly, "thunder, thunder, leader! Ding Yu is a thief at most. He is a character who can't get on the stage at all. He can do it twice. How about if I let the wind out and let him set up two tables to apologize to you? Why be so serious? "

"Well, how can it be so cheap? This guy, I must let him know that I am powerful." As he said this, he Li's face was very serious and said: "Comrade He Li, we are carrying out the task now. Please be serious, or I will report to the superior."

He Li looked at Ding Yu, who was not far away from himself. He sighed to him secretly. Lei Ming was concerned about him. It seems that there will be no good result.

But forget it, this is not the time to think about these things. Today is a big operation in the Bureau. The Bureau has mastered accurate information. Some people use the conditions of the station, such as the flow of people and the complex environment, to trade drugs.

When he Li was still thinking about it, he saw a flurry of people in front of him, and a lot of shrieking voices began to spread. This means that the arrest has started, but the progress is not so smooth. At this time, three people obviously ran to their side, and the people inside didn't block all these guys.

"Get out of my way. I don't want to die. My sword doesn't recognize people. Spread it to me." I saw three people waving their hands. The guys inside rushed forward. Some of them were cut several times because they couldn't dodge. Fortunately, the three of them tried to run, so not many people were injured, and most of them were frightened.

Thunder suddenly looked back to see he Li. After two people simply communicated with each other with gestures, he let the first one go when he saw the three people running towards him. Then he saw that thunder took two steps and jumped up with a flying body. He kicked the middle man's waist and eye.

The man in the middle didn't expect that someone would plot against him at this time. The people in front of him were all close to him. He should have no problem. There was no defense at all. So he flew up all of a sudden.

Thunder has already landed at this time. Looking at the place where the man fell down, he stepped on it directly. To be exact, he stamped it down. Then he grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it behind his back. The other hand grabbed the man's hair and directly buckled it to the ground.

The person at the front doesn't turn back at all. If he turns back, I'm afraid he will have to carry it here. But there are a group of Lei Zi in the back? It's your own life that matters. The man at the back was scared by the thunder just now, but he also responded.

When he saw this situation, his eyes turned red. He had to rush through the girl Lei Zi, and the people behind him came immediately. At this time, he didn't care so much. He clenched the knife in his hand and roared at the thunder, which was an acceleration.

Ding Yu had already seen what happened inside when the disorderly sounds were heard inside. Especially the action of Lei Ming just now was in his eyes. The action was not beautiful and even dangerous. It was hard for her to be so brave as a girl.

Looking at the person who is still facing the front, Lei Ming has stood up at this time. The guy who rushes from behind can be handed over to He Li. After shouting, thunder rushes forward. Although the distance is a little far away, his duty is to do so.

Ding Yu didn't look at the ferocious guy running over. After estimating his eyes, he saw that the man was about to run to his side. Ding Yu suddenly stretched out his feet, and then his left shoulder tilted to the top.

This guy was thrown forward by Ding Yu. He felt numb in his wrist and couldn't hold the knife at all. Moreover, he was so close to his shoulder that he directly pushed against his chin. The whole person was like a baseball that was thrown over, and he was hit by a baseball bat.

And then I saw that the ferocious guy was like a baseball, and he was directly in the air. What followed was a mouthful of blood gushing out everywhere, and, of course, white teeth.

Although Lei Ming said that he was still chasing after him, it was just his own instinctive reflection. However, he didn't expect the guy in front of him to fly to him again. Although he didn't see clearly what was going on for a while, he found that Ding Yu was standing there just now.Lei Ming looked at Ding Yu's eyes and bit his teeth fiercely. Looking at the flying guy, he was angry in his heart. He didn't care about the so-called result. As soon as his knee was lifted to the guy's waist, he heard the guy wail, and then he just lay there like a dead fish.

He Li also rushed over and looked at the thunder. After a long time, he extended his thumb. The people who had settled down began to clap slowly. The applause slowly infected all the people in the station. The atmosphere of the whole station reached its climax at this time.

However, Lei Ming did not pay attention to these things. He found that Ding Yu was still looking at this side calmly. Although he did not see anything from his face, he vaguely saw the slightest contempt in his eyes. It was like throwing himself in front of him after being stripped clean.

Just when I felt that I couldn't suppress myself, there suddenly came a burst of footsteps and welcome, and all of a sudden the crowd dispersed. When he reflected himself and looked at Ding Yu, there was no figure of him.

It was the leader of the Municipal Bureau. Fortunately, with thunder and he Li, the three fugitives did not escape. Now the matter has come to a satisfactory conclusion. If these three guys are really allowed to escape, the joke will be too big. Maybe they will not lose their heads. But let's have a few circulars of criticism or other serious punishments. Who can take it.

What's more, his big head heard of this matter, but also deliberately rushed over, it seems that thunder with what force this time? Not only the mouth of those people who used to be blocked up, I'm afraid they will have to show their faces greatly. At least, it's also a notice of commendation, not to mention the others.

At this time, the medical staff have already caught up. In addition to the examination and treatment of some injured people, the more important thing is to carry out on-the-spot inspection for Lei Ming. Why, you can't see the reporters who are rushing to the distance and the group of people who are taking photos. Look at their posture and the three brothers just now.

In fact, the thunder did not hurt, but I got on the ambulance and got a tetanus. After getting off the car, it was a completely different scene. Many microphones were facing the thunder. I'm afraid that if the astigmatism lamp was put at night, it would not need to light up.

For such a scene, thunder is not stage fright, it is very simple to say two words, and then played a salute, in all the people's praise and exclamation left.

He opened his own door and sat in the driver's seat. He Li, who was in the co driver's seat, was stretching his thumb at him

At this time, he Li seemed to be very open-minded. He smilingly said to Lei Ming, "you and I were the waiters, but I didn't expect that we should have fished out such a large number of fish. But you really don't say, at the beginning, I was really scared to some legs and stomach to turn

Listen to He Li's nagging, thunder didn't have a happy expression at all. He said indifferently, "don't play tricks with me. What's the matter with you to inquire?"

Listen to this, he Li is like a rooster who is fighting, but he is stuck in the neck all of a sudden. Looking at Lei Ming's face, he Li was puzzled and asked, "I said, miss, you two don't have any deep hatred. I said whether he owed you anything in his last life! How can you bite him after you see him? "

"I can understand that you are satirizing me?"

"No He Li made a gesture in his mouth above the pumping, "so that you will be cheap." After that, he Li took out a folded paper from his coat pocket and handed it to Lei Ming. "This is the train ticket ordered by Ding Yu. While you are away, I went to investigate it. These guys specially printed a copy for me."

Looking at the printed ticket, Lei Ming's left hand is already turned to the key. Seeing the appearance of thunder, he Li knows what this guy wants.

So he quickly turned over his body and begged: "I said elder sister, let's let this boy get a while first, how about going back to the bureau first?"? Everyone is waiting for the commendation meeting? This is my first serious meritorious service. At least it makes me beautiful. Besides, you know that Ding Yu is not necessarily at home now! "

The construction of the community is still very good. It happens that the voice control door downstairs is not closed because someone has just gone out. Thunder and he Li are two people who save trouble and go up the stairs directly. He Li is still in the front, not to say that he came up with the limelight. If he let the thunder call the door, he could imagine what kind of situation it was.

When he opened the door, he Li was stunned and scolded secretly in his heart. Why was this guy dressed so exposed at home? Damn it, look at his muscles, and then look at himself, why can't I help being speechless? I'm a childe anyway! Fortunately, there is no other person, otherwise, his own person is really lost.

Ding Yu looked at the door and said nothing to the two people. After changing shoes, Lei Ming and he Li looked at the room again.The room is not luxurious at all, even simple and a little pitiful. There is no dressing thing in it. If there is something special, the smell of medicine may be more obvious. However, Ding Yu also put on his T-shirt at this time, and didn't let Lei Ming continue to enjoy it.

The relationship between occupational diseases, two people also looked at the room when they came in. The room was very clean. For this reason, Lei Ming paid special attention to the corners of the room. He didn't find any dust. He didn't know whether he cleaned it up by himself or by others.

On the floor of the living room, two people found a packed bag almost at the same time, but the bag was not sealed. It contained some clothes and several books. Thunder and he Li looked at each other. While the two were still looking at each other, Ding Yu had already brought two bottles of water and put them on the tea table.

Looking at Ding Yu sitting there quietly, he Li even has an illusion. If he closes his eyes now, I'm afraid he won't feel that there is still a person sitting there. But Ding Yu's movements and expressions give thunder a completely different feeling, just as Ding Yu is sitting there, waiting for him to worship in the past.

Lei Ming and he Li have a thin layer of sweat on their heads, but the atmosphere inside is very cold. Ding Yu has no meaning to speak at all. He sits down honestly with a self-contained manner. On the contrary, Lei Ming and he Li are somewhat restrained.

Later, he Li broke the silence. This momentum really made me feel too uncomfortable. Even if I entered my father's and grandfather's study, I'm afraid it was just like this. "Ding Yu, we found out at the station yesterday that you ordered a ticket. Can you explain it?"

At this time, Lei Ming also said, "I hope you can be honest. There was a very sensational thing happened in the station yesterday. At that time, you were also on the scene. I have reason to doubt your motivation."

After hearing this, he Li was stunned, and then he shrunk his body to the back, thunder! What is the matter? It was not like this before. Why is the head full of paste now?

However, after careful consideration, he Li suddenly found a very interesting phenomenon. It seems that such things happened when she met Ding Yu. Can't they really be enemies in the past life? This is interesting.

Ding Yu raised his left hand, put his thumb on his angular chin, and the index finger of his left hand slipped on his upper lip. Then he slowly and leisurely said, "I want to go to the military region to open some certificates. It may take a few days. Is there anything else?"

Lei Ming took out a notebook from the bag, "time, what proof?"

looked at the thunder and a serious look. He directly regarded himself as an invisible man. After Ding Yu paused, he said, "I don't think I want to explain this to you. I don't seem to be a suspect." After thinking about it, Ding Yu added, "and I don't have that mood."

As soon as Ding Yu's words were said, thunder and he Li, who were recording them, raised their heads and looked at each other after having a look at Ding Yu.

"We need to check that you'd better not leave at will during this period, otherwise we will punish you according to the situation. In addition, if there is such a special matter in the future, we should say hello to us in advance, and we should file an investigation. "

Ding Yu still looks at Lei Ming and he Li calmly. When they are about to stand up, they see Ding Yu suddenly lean over and take out a coin from the tea table and put it in their hands. Lei Ming and he Li look at it carelessly. They see Ding Yu put the coin in his hand and flick it with his thumb. The coin gave off a crisp buzz

and then it fell into Ding Yu's hand.

Lei Ming and he Li looked at each other again. They didn't quite understand what Ding Yu meant, provocation or other meanings? Just after two people changed their shoes and went out of the door, Ding Yu suddenly said a number, "27" when he closed the door. He did not care about the expression of the two people, and then closed the door directly.

"Hi, what does he mean by that?"

He Li also shook his head in some wonder, "I don't know, who knows what he has done, but if you come later, can you not call me! When I'm with this guy, I always feel a chill behind my back. I don't know if it has any other psychological effects

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