Huang Kun looked at a thin piece of paper in his hand. If it was full, it might be better. But it's a pity that it didn't even cover half a page. It was just a few lines. At the front is the color photo of Ding Yu. The date of his enlistment and the time of his retirement are written below. It is also specially noted that he retired from the army due to injury, but the reason for the injury is not specified. However, there is one thing that makes me feel more excited, that is, the word "second-class work". Looking at this time, it should be a certain compensation for his injury. "Lei Zi, is this the news you heard?" Hearing Kun GE's reproachful meaning, Leizi quickly put out his cigarette and explained: "brother Kun, this has taken a lot of trouble to get it, at least better than the file in the Public Security Bureau. At that time, I was also a little silly when I saw this thing, so I asked about it from the side "Oh?" Huang Kun was finally interested, "how do you say that?" "I put money in, and the guy and I were still from the same village. They told me that this file was for fooling people, so as to prevent other people from looking up. His real files have been sealed up or destroyed for a long time. The people directly under him can't find them at all. I don't understand what the direct subordinates mean. Later, I found out after asking about it. For example, it was Huang Kun suddenly extended his hand at this time, "well, I know what this means? Is there anything else? " Leizi added his lips, "later that person warned me that it's better not to provoke such a person. One reason is that it's not easy to be provoked, and another reason is that we can't get rid of such people." "Damn it, it's so awesome!" Huang Kun took a look at the Dragon standing there, and also gave a slight smile, "it's not so hard to describe. Do you see the above indication?" When he said that, he specially shook the paper in his hand twice, "Sergeant III, only 23 years old, do you know what this means?" Big dragon shook his head, as if he had knocked medicine, "brother Kun, I don't know what kind of shit sergeant is. I just want to know whether he can do it or not? Some of the oysters are smoking. The case at the railway station was very beautiful. It could be said that one of their arms was broken. But the oysters are not idiots. They are suspicious of us now. Let me tell you! Let's just go straight to the sword, gun to gun, and just get them down. I don't want to laugh at them. Except for the Banshee in erxiu, everyone else is scum. " Huang Kun ha ha ha smile, and then turned his body to see sitting there is leisurely drinking tea of an old man, "six uncle, you, how to say?" The old man is not impatient and impatient, leisurely tasting his own tea, "I only know that when they are in front of us, although we also have wind and rain, but we have never had big waves." Huang Kun laughed and said to the dragon, "do you understand what it means?" The Dragon nodded and said, "I know what the six masters mean, but this is not what we want, what they do? They will give us a way to go. Previously, they blocked brother Kun once. Who knows what kind of situation it will be like to go on like this! " "I have been fighting with Fang Laosan for nearly 20 years. The only thing I can praise for him is that he trained Er Xiu, a dragon. Sometimes his head is better than his body." "Like Ding Yu?" Dragon said with a sudden inspiration. Now not only Huang Kun laughed, but also the six masters over there. "Ding Yu is a special column. I don't know if you noticed the person behind him that day. I can be very responsible to say that, not anyone I met. With his head, you can imagine that he is a very terrible person. Now think about it. We were so lucky that day, and how smart the second show guy was The sixth master put his cup on the top of the coffee table and said in a deep voice: "Er Xiu is a very smart guy, but it's a pity that he doesn't take charge of the house now, or he can't be the home yet. We can be sure that he won't do anything to us, but this is only limited to him. Other people, even Fang Laosan, have no such vision He only saw the advantages of a dominant family, but he did not see the haze behind them. " Huang Kun agreed and nodded, "yes! We're all old people. We're not dead. But do you think Ding Yu will agree? I'm not sure. When we were in the clinic, he let us go. One was that he didn't want to get bloody. The other was that he didn't want to do it, but he really didn't mean to pity us Liu Ye still looked peaceful. "I think we should try. Anyway, it's just like this. It's better to fight for it than stay at home. With our ability, we can't protect our sister's safety. At least we can't guarantee this. And now, I'm afraid it's too late to invite outsiders, let alone worry." Huang Kun bit his teeth, "go, take your sister." Hearing the doorbell ring, Ding Yu couldn't help but be stunned. There are so many guests today! But I don't seem to have many acquaintances! Looking at Huang Kun outside the door, there is an old man who is very energetic and a little girl who is pink and tender. This girl should not be very old. She is only a few years old! Is a lovely face looking at Ding Yu. The mouth also murmured: "Wow, what a handsome brother!" Hearing this, Ding Yu's eyebrows could not help but be a daze and a little fanatic. Because the two people who came here were not people of their own will, Ding Yu did not show much politeness. He leaned his body against the door frame and said faintly, "something's wrong?" Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, Huang Kun's eyes are dim. If Ding Yu asks them to go in, it means that there is a door to this matter. However, Ding Yu's current practice is obviously to refuse people outside. It is obvious that he has already understood his purpose and idea. "Yes, Dr. Ding. I'd like to ask Dr. ding a favor?" Huang Kun's voice was heavy. Ding Yu looked at the little girl, and said sarcastically, "we seem to be unrelated. I have no obligation and necessity to help you. Secondly, I'm not a doctor, and I'm not a nanny. If I remember correctly, brother Kun still owes me one last time." When Huang Kun just wanted to talk, he saw that the six masters behind him kicked his heel carelessly. Huang Kun immediately took back what he wanted to say. "Dr. Ding, it's freezing outside. It seems inappropriate to refuse to stay outside. I wonder if I can go in and ask for a cup of hot tea to warm up?" As a joke, is there winter in Yangcheng? It's still freezing? How do you say that? Ding Yu is also hesitating, but after thinking for a while, he turns directly into the room, but says nothing. At the sight of this situation, Huang Kun looked at Liu Shu with some hot eyes, and said in a low voice, "is it done?" "Hard to say!" six uncle gently shook his head, "first to say good." If Ding Yu asked them to go in just now, this is one meaning, but if he went in by himself, it was another meaning. Last time, although Huang Kun and they left in a hurry, they still took a look at Ding Yu's layout, so this time they didn't have much surprise, but this was completely different in the eyes of uncle Liu. After they sat down, Ding Yu took two bottles of mineral water that had just been taken out of the refrigerator and put them in front of them. There was a trace of cold air on them. However, Meimei put a drink in front of him. Huang Kun looked at his ice gas mineral water and his daughter's drink. He was speechless. But the basic politeness should still be achieved, "Xi Mei, thank you uncle Ding." "Thank you, brother Ding." Fine sister is very naughty said. Ding Yu took a look at this lovely and slightly mischievous little girl. When she entered the room, she became more and more lively. She took off her coat and hopped around, as if she had come to her own home. Blocking Huang Kun's slightly apologetic eyes, Ding Yu specifically pointed to a bag on his side. "I'm going to go out in the past two days. I really don't have this free time. I'm sorry to disappoint you both." Six Ye already saw the package at the door, and even he had already got the news. Ding Yu ordered a train ticket. "Dr. Ding, we won't trouble you if we have a chance. But we really can't think of any other candidates. We just met Dr. Ding at this time." "Ha ha..." Ding Yu suddenly sneered, "I think there are some things you may have made a mistake. As far as I am concerned, I don't like trouble very much. Moreover, once you have such trouble, it's hard to get rid of it. It's like I didn't have any guests, but these two days the police came to the door every two days. This feeling is very irritable. I don't know if anyone else will come? Mr. Huang, if it was you, do you think you would agree to it? " Listening to Ding Yu's meaning, Huang Kun can only smile bitterly. The reason why Fang Laosan didn't come here is that this is not their territory. Another reason is that they don't have the spare staff. If there is one, I'm afraid they would have rushed over. Another possibility is that Er Xiu may have restricted his hands. But if Ding Yu really left Xi Mei here today, er Xiu may not come to her, but what about the others? Not everyone under Fang Laosan understands things as well as Er Xiu. Besides, it does not mean that there will be no other people except them. Those who are eager to have a public confrontation with Fang Laosan will not miss such an opportunity. It is precisely for this reason that Huang Kun, who can be said that he never asks for people, specially comes to worship Ding Yu. From what he investigated and what he saw that night, he was full of confidence in Ding Yu. In addition, Ding Yu was not afraid of people like himself and was not easy to be bribed. He might take money, but this premise is also very obvious. He is very faithful. One of the reasons why he brought his sixth uncle to come together was to give Ding Yu the face and hope to crush him. However, he didn't expect that Ding Yu now gave himself such an excuse. When things got to this point, it was really a little difficult to do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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