"Director!" Hou Tianliang stood by Ding Yu's side, and then handed a document to his director. After looking at it, Ding Yu twisted his mouth slightly, and his expression was so sad and funny! "When did this happen? How can such a situation come out? Don't you think the trouble is big enough? Or what? "

"I don't know? Anyway, now that the situation has come out, the situation caused by the leader is a little bit big! "

"I really want to pierce the sky!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Forget it, anyway, I'm not so interested in this matter. It's better to care less about it, as long as people are OK? Everything else is OK, just say a little bit! "

"It can only be said that there are not too many problems temporarily, but it is unlikely that they want to have a good year! There are three people in the hospital now! To get into the third tier? But who ever thought that such a problem would happen? I'm afraid it will be very difficult to calm down this anger! "

"It can only be said that if people are unlucky, they will plug their teeth when they drink cold water. No one knows what kind of problems there are. We just know the consequences! What about the process? Although most of the time, we pay attention to the results rather than the so-called process, but sometimes we know one or two of them? For understanding the overall situation, there is still a considerable help, at least can analyze some things out! "

"So far, anyway, this is probably the case! The third echelon should be called back. After all, it has never happened before! " Hou Tianliang: what about this? How much seems to have some worries!

"Nothing happened in the past, but now it is! In fact, what if we talk about it? It doesn't seem like a big deal! What is the truth of the matter? Is it really that important as imagined, except that some people will investigate it? No one else will ask about it! "

"Director, you mean it's still the director of the third echelon in the end!"

"That position! It's really a hot potato. I've never expressed any interest in it, and it's hard to get away from that position. I really don't want any contamination. What about Wu Hao? Now that he has studied in the Party school, he will certainly not be contaminated! These two days! There's going to be other news coming along! "

That is to say, when Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang are talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone rings. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu also takes a look at Hou Tianliang, "director Wu Hao's phone number!" Hou Tianliang also understood and left! It really doesn't mean to stay in place. It's absolutely inappropriate to stay here now!

"What? Director Wu is so free? " Ding Yu jokingly said!

"I said," director Ding, you are ashamed of me, aren't you? What's wrong with my brother? I'm sorry? When you come back, I will personally come to your door to make an apology. If you are not satisfied, is it OK to pour tea and admit your mistake? "

"No, I can't bear the courtesy of your director Wu?" Ding Yu also snorted, "how? Did you hear that? "

"It's so noisy that even the deaf can hear it! What about the capital now? The news can also be said to be spread in a row. There are all kinds of things to say. It really stops for a moment. What about my side? It's also because of the school, so I can get away from my leisure for a while, that's it! "

"Even you feel passive? I have just heard the news. I have been feeling deeply for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter such a situation. However, it is obvious that this time the storm will not be too small! But I really don't have so much leisure now. After all, I will leave after the New Year! We need a lot of preparation in advance

"No! I don't care if you're the director

"It's not a matter of ignoring, but that there is not so much leisure and energy. How many people are around now? It's been a bit exhausting! What's more, I still have some other things to do. Do you really help me to be a God? What's more, even the gods can't handle such things? "

"Director, a digression!" After calming down, he heard Ding Yu's hum, that is to say, there was no other person nearby. Wu Hao then said, "what happened after dinner last night was a little too noisy. Someone discussed this issue last night! It's said that many people are furious

"Mention it?"

"Almost! Many still tend to you. After all, what about you? Brought out the first and second echelons, although the time is very short, but the effect is really not to say, even me? It is also followed by the glory, their performance is commendable now, but in contrast to the third echelon? The problem is a little more obvious! "

"We! It's all in the past! If you really stay in that position, it's obviously blocking other people's progress Ding Yuyi pointed out that he believed that Wu Hao could understand the hidden meaning of the words. "What's more, it's another thing to walk out of here and go back to the old way again.""That's what I think, but I'm afraid I have to follow some arrangements."

"You, director Wu, have been fighting this ambush with me for quite a long time! Next, should I congratulate you on your promotion? Don't expect me to give you two bottles of wine, that's all

"Then I'll wait for your gift from Dean Ding!" Wu Hao said this with a smile. He has already tried out the attitude of director Ding Yuding. Is he concerned about this matter? There is no meaning at all, just like what he said before. He managed to break free and never stay in it!

When you put down the phone, Ding Yu also shook his head. Wu Hao's intention to call himself was very obvious! Besides trying out what you mean? He also showed his attitude, that is, he would not be involved in this time, no matter what happened to the third echelon, he would not continue to participate in it!

Although director Ding opened the door for convenience in the past, he didn't mean to be involved in it. Even if the third echelon came to the door voluntarily, director Ding avoided it. He felt the problem more or less! Comparatively speaking, director Ding is a very intelligent person!

To be exact, if director Ding really agrees to the next job, then it's fine to partner with director Ding himself! Because director Ding just grasps the general direction, as for others? Don't do other things at all, even a lot of things are done by ourselves!

In this, also fully mobilize their own subjective initiative, fully to play their own, under such circumstances, why not do it? Director Dante didn't mean to take over the job. If he was his own, he would not be able to hold down these guys. In terms of ability, he could not match him!

It's true that director Ding seems to have revealed nothing, but his choice in the general direction, as well as the formulation of some plans, and so on, as a participant in it, can be said to see clearly, so he is also admirable for this!

What's more, director Ding? Is it heroic enough to cultivate the first and second echelons? It cost a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. What about these? Director Ding did not show any opinions and ideas, even now, there is no meaning to mention!

After all, what about director Ding's money? It's not a gale! But what about training these people? Director Ding did not care at all. If there is a certain relationship, it is understandable. But what about some people? We can see that there is even a hostile relationship in politics!

The director bribes people? What about this? It's really not a general bias. Does director Ding really need to do this? To put it mildly, how many people want to be promoted, but the problem is, what about the director for them? How many generations did not answer.

The most direct example, Hou Tianliang! What about his background? Too plain! But Ding Yu pulled him out, and even had the meaning of cultivating him as his own lineage, but no matter what? Hou Tianliang is from the Department of emotion management! But does Ding Yu really care about this? Not at all!

Why does Ding Yu not care? It's not that Hou Tianliang's qualification is not good, or that Hou Tianliang makes Ding Yu unhappy, because Hou Tianliang can't leave the military, and if Ding Yu really takes the military personnel abroad, there are too many problems involved!

As for song Tianren, who are now staying with director Ding Yuding, are they three? They do have a lot of luck, but whether they can stick to it or not is all about two things. Although they say that they are in the capital! But some things can be found out by themselves! What about director Ding? It's not a general effort!

As for whether this painstaking effort can be understood, director Ding didn't care at all, but what about the forces behind them? This can be said to be quite concerned about, but that is to pay close attention to it from a distance. There is no way. Since people are in Ding Yu's place, they can't tell what to do!

"Tianren, don't you complain about being tired?" The old man was carrying tea, steaming hot!

"I'm afraid I don't have the leisure and time to help in the army's kitchen every day, but I don't have a word of complaint, in his words? Carrying a black pot, wearing a green hat, looking at others? Hit... " After that sentence, there are so many too vulgar! There is no way to say it!

"It's like this bastard said it, but I'm afraid it's also the trial given by director Ding Yuding. What about him? Or are there some other things, and these things? It's just a bad problem from living environment. Do you want to correct it? Really need to take a little other way! Apart from director Ding, I'm afraid no one else will do such a heavy hand. What's more, Tianren can listen to him! "

"From my point of view, the performance is excellent. Although it is not long, Tianren is completely transformed! Even if I get it back now, I think the future development can be expected! ""The problem is to let him come back now. I'm afraid he won't come back. When will director Ding Yuding get upset! Let's talk about it when he comes back! Will it soar to the sky at that time? It is really waiting for people to wait and see! In comparison? Only director Ding can use such a heavy hammer. The important thing is to hammer out all the impurities, just leave the fine steel

"Old leader, the method is good, but too small! Otherwise, we don't have to do it now? Just a person like director Ding Yuding appeared! With such ability and considerable resources, at the same time? They are also people who take into account the overall situation. There are many people who have a single condition, but what about those who are integrated? Not much at all

"Yes! What about the people who put them all together? Not much at all! Even a few are so poor! What about people like director Ding Yuding? To a certain extent, it is also a blessing of the country! Especially that farm. I've had a close look at the farm recently. It's great

"Yes! At present, there are quite a lot of research on this, which has played a significant role in promoting all aspects. How about several provinces and cities in the north? In recent years, there have been considerable problems, the economy is not active and development, but what about this farm? It has really promoted the whole economy! But still that old saying, this thing is a little expensive! At least for the time being, it doesn't apply to ordinary markets at this time! "

"Food is a stuttering, no one can eat it into a fat man, but I heard about director Ding's work on the farm? I don't seem to pay much attention to it! "

"Basically, he doesn't pay too much attention to it. Except for all the things above the general direction, what he pursues is professional affairs, which should be handled by professional people, as long as the line is correct! What about the others? Even relying on the collective wisdom and efforts of the lower level, he is not pitiful at all. He is really not a general preferential treatment for his subordinates. At the same time, when he digs people, he also makes other people complain incessantly! "

"What? There's something going on over there! "

"Where is he? A new executive named Luo Xuan. What about the original time? I'm in the business of edge ball, but what about his old father? He used to be a subordinate of Su Lao. When Ding Yu took Wang Xiaogang out, he happened to encounter him. So he got Luo Xuan under his command. This guy?! If you don't, you've already done it, and it's quite amazing that you've done it! "

"So there's something wrong with it!"

"There's a problem! However, it is not so serious, Ding Yu is responsible for ending it! Luo Xuan also broke free, but at that time, he also put a big vote of people into it, so we also had some opinions and ideas about this! There are also some problems related to the capital. Later, people from the first echelon also got involved in it! "

"I know this, but I don't seem to hear Luo Xuan's name!"

"At that time, director Ding Yu Ding played all kinds of tricks and put everyone on the top of the chess game. Then he watched everyone fighting with each other there. He was very good! Clap your ass and leave! What about the people in the province? It's impossible to have no idea at all, but I can't tell you how hard it is to eat Coptis in silence

The old man put down the teacup in his hand, "that is to say, director Ding didn't mean to mix in. If he really wanted to join in, I'm afraid he has already become a force for a long time now! Even if you can't use it for yourself, you can leave a part of fate! But he didn't do it, and even deliberately tarnished his reputation

"What about the reputation? It's really not good to hear! " The middle-aged man also laughed, "but what about director Ding? There is no intention of taking an official career at all, so is this reputation good or bad? It's a different matter, but that time, it also made everyone look at director Ding with a new look! "

"In this way, director Ding still doesn't mean anything about the third echelon." Talked about a lot of things, two people are finally cut into the middle of the subject, this is the most important!

"Judging from what we know now, director Ding has no intention of this aspect at all. At the beginning, it was not a shirk at all. What's more, director Ding has a lot of things to do now. Let alone the work of the four Tianren and director Ding himself? It's enough to be shocking! "

The old man's two hands were also held together and rubbed twice. "There is a problem with the third echelon, and it is still such a problem that has caused quite a stir! What about this? It is true that there are so many extraordinary, after all, they are up to a certain extent? It's all seedlings! It can't be destroyed like this

"What about the good ones? There is also a need to have a better carer, but this problem is really too difficult! Director Ding has such ability and identity, but he has no leisure at all. What about the first and second echelons? Director Ding also pointed out two sentences, guiding a direction. It was up to them to be specific. What about Wu Hao? He's leading the team! But if you let him lead the team alone, he's not as good as that

"Wu Hao is also a human spirit. After director Ding Yuding leaves office, he also slips away with oil on his feet! But think about it? It's normal. After all, what happened under director Ding? He can be said to be like a fish in water, but other people take office, what will be the situation, it is really difficult to say! Not everyone can be so laissez fairewww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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