The affairs of the third echelon have had a considerable impact on the capital. All the personnel of the third echelon have all returned to the capital. After all, something quite has happened, and it is not appropriate to continue to let them stay outside! What about the impact? It's immeasurable!

What about the first and second echelons? There are still some serious problems in the third echelon! Even to a certain extent, it is a black spot. Not many people can bear such a price, and the forces behind the third echelon can be said to be particularly strong!

There has been no problem with the first tier, but what about the second tier? There have been no problems, but when it comes to the third echelon, there are such problems. Can we bear it? I can't stand it!

What about the echelon construction? It was built by Ding Yu, but after leaving Ding Yu, such a big problem happened, which is really unbearable. If we had known that it was, we should have let Ding Yu take over earlier. We would never have had such a problem and situation!

But what about now? It's too late! Now it is impossible for Ding Yu to accept these students. If you put yourself in a position to think about it, it is impossible for Ding Yu to take over these students, because Ding Yu is going to go abroad soon? There are four more people, and Ding Yu is in his hometown again! In this case, it can be said that Ding Yu was directly excluded.

But Ding Yu does not take over, so who else can take over? Do you know who replaced Ding Yu? Is also carefully selected, but still there is a situation, and still such a situation! Everyone knows, this is a hot potato!

What's more important is the learning problem of the third echelon. This is the key of the key! They need to be aware of the problem! What's more? Need to provide considerable resources, so that they can fully play their own, while recognizing their own shortcomings! So all kinds of problems are put on everyone's desk!

"Director, I wonder if you have free time?" Hou Tianliang asked in a low voice!

Ding Yu took a look at Hou Tianliang with the rest of the corner of his eye, and then he reversed the processed documents on his desk. This is his habit. Except for the inverted documents, other documents have no meaning to open! In these trivial issues, Ding Yu really did not want to test Hou Tianliang!

"Report!" Hou Tianliang also made a salute, "director, the situation is like this. There may be a group in the capital city who wants to investigate some work, so he deliberately sent me a notice. I wonder if the director has this time?"

"Research group?" Ding Yu blinked his own eyes, "it's a bit strange! What is the research team doing here? What's more, even if you come here, you don't have to say hello to me! "

"Director, things are so strange. I heard that they want to investigate some farm work. Although the county side is relatively small, it can be seen from the small one. Especially the farm side needs to develop tourism, so the investigation team needs to know about the relevant situation!"

"What does it have to do with me? I'm not responsible for farm affairs. I sell dog meat with sheep's head on it?"

"It should have a certain relationship with the third echelon. At this time, director, you can't be in charge of the third echelon, but it seems that it's not suitable for the third echelon people to hang out like this! Therefore, we need to learn from the director temporarily, at least find some ways to prevent the third echelon from other problems and situations! "

"Is this ringing the bell?" What about Ding Yu? There is so much fun!

"Director, I don't know if I'm ringing the bell, but now? Although can not be said to be a headless fly, but the situation is also chaotic to a considerable extent! When no one stands out, it can only rely on themselves to think of a way! After all, they are very good seedlings! If it's really destroyed! What a pity

"Want to be a seedling! Ha ha Ding Yu snorted, "I know!" Then Ding Yu also hung down his head. Hou Tianliang saluted him and left the director's office. As for what the director was dealing with, it had nothing to do with himself! I really don't want to know!

After all, apart from domestic affairs, what about the director? We also need to deal with a series of affairs of the consortium. There are quite a number of staff in the package layer of the hotel. They all serve the director. What about the security there? Even more exaggerated than here, but Hou Tianliang never wanted to move his mind!

After coming out of the director's office, Hou Tianliang came to his own office. It is true that he sometimes works in the director's office, but now this is absolutely not the right time. He also has his own independent office. Although the space is not very large, it is enough!

Taking up the desk phone, Hou Tianliang also made a phone call with the capital. This is what he should do when he is a secretary. The director certainly won't make this call in person. In fact, what about talking? It's relatively simple. The director agrees that they come to investigate, but the time is limited! It may not be well served!Generally speaking, this is the meaning. Would you like to or not? It's such a situation. You'll see to it!

Beijing is quite satisfied with such a result, and even thanks Hou Tianliang for calling Ding Yu. Will Ding Yu get through? It's really two things said, what's more, if you really talk about this aspect of things, Ding Yu didn't see will give this face!

But with Hou Tianliang communicating among them, things are different! Hou Tianliang still has a considerable position in Ding Yu's mind. Under Hou Tianliang's operation, such a thing has become! In such a time, it is particularly important!

What if it's true? They don't really have much friendship with Hou Tianliang. Even if they can get involved in this relationship, they are roundabout. What's more, Hou Tianliang himself? It's the people from the Intelligence Department of the military. If they don't sell you face, there's nothing to say! Because there is no subordinate relationship between them.

What's more, Hou Tianliang is Ding Yu's secretary. He is very valued by Ding Yu. Now he is also the treasure of the military. His future can be said to be limitless. Under such circumstances, people have such capital and don't sell your face!

But Hou Tianliang did not really like this, under the guidance of Ding Yu? Hou Tianliang is very calm and hot, even if this thing is not successful, we all need to thank Hou Tianliang, let alone this thing has become!

Of course, we need to express our gratitude to Hou Tianliang. As for the so-called thanks? It's not money. In this case, it's to bury Hou Tianliang, or even deliberately splash dirty water on Hou Tianliang's head. People have such a bright future. Do they need to discredit themselves for this?

But how to express this gratitude, this matter needs to be another matter! At least now? There is really no way to mention it! If you really mentioned it, it would be another thing!

After the phone call with Hou Tianliang, the research team here in the capital set off at the first time! Even in the evening has come to the small county side, from the speed up, absolutely beyond imagination! But from inside? It can also reflect a problem that they are very urgent about this matter!

Of course, when there is no phone call, they will never rush to Ding Yu's hometown. Who knows what kind of opinions and ideas is director Ding Yu? After all, they are going straight to director Ding. What about such things? It may be OK to put it on someone else's body, but let's forget it here, director Ding Yuding!

Hou Tianliang is also responsible for the reception of the research team at the hotel side. There is no luxury. It is a very ordinary dinner party. He doesn't see any so-called drinks. There are plenty of things on the table, but there are a lot of them? It's all the specialties here! This may be the only difference!

After getting along with the director for such a long time, Hou Tianliang has also developed a lot of good habits!

"Secretary Hou, I've delayed your time and the group. What about here? I'm sorry to replace wine with tea! "

"Group leader Huang, you are here to investigate and work. I just have a little free time! This is what I should do! What about the conditions here? Although it is relatively crude, it has no impact on the work! "

What about the conversation? They all have quite deep meaning. Although the identities between them are slightly different, it seems that it is unrealistic to let Ding Yu come out to entertain them. Although Hou Tianliang is a secretary, his identity is quite special, so what about him? Especially suitable!

"Secretary Hou, this time we are lucky to have you around. We are very grateful for this."

Hou Tianliang also slightly nodded his head. "The director's work is relatively busy, and things are very chaotic. I don't know how much time I can spare. Fortunately, the development of the farm here is still going well. I'll say hello to the farm tomorrow. If I have time, the director may come over and have a look in the afternoon Look

Hou Tianliang said is very direct, there is not too much hesitation, and two people at the same table looked at each other, the expression of joy on their faces was revealed! "Secretary Hou, when you go back, I'll buy you a drink! Personal! "

"Don't drink! Come to the director's side? I really haven't drunk wine, and I almost forget what the taste of wine is! Drinking is a mistake, so we can't have a good reception tonight

"Ah! All for work! Director Ding and Secretary Hou have set a good example. At the same time, they also comply with the central government's regulations. This is very good! If it's really a big plate and bowl, it's uncomfortable and extravagant and wasteful

"You can understand. I think the director is the happiest. The director always doesn't like to waste. After a long time with the director, he has developed such a habit. Today, he went to buy things from his old classmates. What about ordinary people? I really can't buy anything new! "All the important things have been talked about! What about relationships? In fact, it's in this meal! Hou Tianliang opened a head, two people put down the mind, also not so rigid! Hou Tianliang is not smart in general. After talking about it, he immediately changed the topic! No other opportunities at all!

Even deliberately blocked their two mouths. What about the things? It was bought by the director's old classmates. If you don't eat, don't you give the director the face? If director Ding Yuding knew about it, he would not be very happy. This is for sure! So now? Let's eat it!

Really don't say it, even if you say something? It's not so beautiful, but it's really delicious. What's on the table? It's not as much as you can imagine. It's not long before it's almost cleaned up! Of course, it's not a clean plate, but it seems to be the same!

"It's a big appetite today! It's really a good thing! Not often in the past! "

"It's special, and it's absolutely healthy food, but relatively speaking? It's not that I don't try my best, but the best thing? It's still on the farm side! However, farm products are generally not sold to the public. If you have a chance tomorrow, you should have a taste of them! "

"This is a good thing!" Two people are also overjoyed!

When he was about to leave, Hou Tianliang seemed to suddenly think of something, "by the way, group leader Huang, I'll go to the farm to check tomorrow. If it's feasible, it's better to change a suit of clothes. How about walking with leather shoes? It's not so convenient after all Hou Tianliang gave a little warning, as to whether this one will listen or not? Another thing!

"Chief, what does secretary Hou mean?" After waiting for the dawn to leave, the person next to him is also puzzled and asked.

"We're going to investigate. Since we're investigating, don't put on the airs of Shangguan. What about the farm? It's not our subordinate unit. If it goes like this, it's too obvious! Certainly not for Ding Yu Ding director like, is such a reason! Secretary Hou! It's going to be fine! "

"Is it a success? It remains to be seen, but what about tonight? It doesn't seem to be watertight. "

"You! The observation is not comprehensive enough. What did Secretary Hou say? It's basically what I want to say. It seems that it reveals a lot of things, but what about the above? There is not much at all, even some things are half hidden and half exposed. We can see some things, but there is no substance at all! Do you understand? "

"So tomorrow is not going to be so good?"

"I can't say that! We come here to investigate, at least from the surface, our main purpose is this. As for the actual purpose of our coming here? I hope to get in touch with director Ding, but I still don't contact him? What about the final result? In fact, we have already understood it in our hearts

Having said that, group leader Huang also sighed. When he came to director Ding this time, could he expect to ask director Ding out of the mountain? Don't even think about it. I just hope director Ding can think of a way to maintain the third echelon. This is already the best result! But can it be achieved? Two said it!

As we all know, what about director Ding Yuding? Not a very nice person to want to be with! Of course, it's not that director Ding doesn't make any sense, but what about the third echelon? It involves a very complicated situation! What's more, what makes director Ding pay money and contribute, not his own!

To put it more bluntly, put the crops in director Ding's own field, so that director Ding can fertilize and weed, and even need more care. When the crops are ripe, someone will harvest them! There is no reason for such a thing! Is it difficult for director Ding to work for nothing?

What's more, director Ding doesn't mean he's really free! People also have fields and need to cultivate. Why put the crops in director Ding's fields without any reason? Because director Ding can cultivate, there is no such reason?!

How about this time? I hope that director Ding can help, or at least ask for advice on how the crops are planted, so as not to let these crops grow crooked! It is impossible to put it in director Ding's field.

In the morning, the research team had already arrived at the farm. It was very early to get up, and there were special staff in charge of entertaining them. However, before this, we also mentioned some matters needing attention. Absolutely not because they are from the capital city, it seems that they are so flattering! Of course, we will not look at it differently!

Breakfast is in the canteen of the farm. The workers below are so miscellaneous and lively, but we still find that there are some children! And look at the appearance of these children, it is obvious that they are not Chinese!

"Chief, it seems to be from Japan!"

Group leader Huang was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something, "I seem to have heard about this, but I didn't think they still stayed here! Don't care too much! They are here to learn! ""But their performance is really good! There was no one to guide them! But let these kids be on the farm, is that really good? Director Ding doesn't care at all? "

Group leader Huang looks at the children. What's their identity? There is no other company. It's just the children themselves! But whether it's the meal, or even the final cleaning up? They are all done with great care!

"Director Ding is really not so patient." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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