After breakfast, group leader Huang and his party also investigated the whole farm. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, at least in this process, they completed a meticulous investigation! And quite organized! Even if it's ostentatious, it needs to be a bit of a real level, not to mention these people? Still have considerable knowledge!

At noon, I had dinner on the farm side, which was similar to that of last night's dinner, but I was late. The smell in my mouth really made the whole research group feel that it was so extraordinary. Is this something produced by the farm? They eat such valuable things by themselves? It's too wasteful, isn't it?

However, this is what we said. There is really no need to ask about it! There must be some operations inside the farm. But looking at the farm workers eating these things, I don't know why, but I feel so strange. Do you want to know the capital? Not too many people eat this?

It's not that I can't afford it, but that there are so few bases! When it comes out, it has been robbed! Even in a lot of time only smell its name, did not see its face, there is no way of things. It's not that no one imitates them, but the problem is that there are some things? It's not like you want to copy it!

It involves a series of problems and conditions, the more important is the quality of the product itself? That's what you can't fake if you want to! Is it possible that the farm can entertain itself? Think about it, or not to do such a daydream! It's impossible! Because they all come from the same basin!

"Leader Huang, please follow me!" In the middle of the inspection in the afternoon, the staff of the farm also came to the position of group leader Huang. After saying a word, they made an invitation gesture, and then walked in front. The two leaders of the research group were also in a hurry to follow the position behind the staff!

Seeing Ding Yu in a greenhouse, Ding Yu is communicating with those Japanese children without any reprimand. Of course, it is not so pleasant. It can only be said that Ding Yu's expression is very plain. The Japanese children around Ding Yu are respectful and respectful. Even when Ding Yu's explanation is over, they bow and salute to Ding Yu's watch Thank you!

"Hello, director Ding! I'm Paulownia

"Hello Ding Yu is very happy to communicate with each other if you want to hold hands with each other

"Director Ding, coming to the farm is also an eye opener! Previously just sat in the office, for the actual or lack of a considerable understanding, at least there are so some separation! Can't combine with each other! "

Of course, there are some compliments in Huang Tong's words. Ding Yu looks at Huang Tong and nods his head slightly, but he doesn't give too much reply. Such a situation has happened too many times, which has made him look numb!

"Group leader Huang is not here for investigation and research." Ding Yu directly made this topic clear! Huang Tong takes a look around. There are still a group of children in the distance, but what about the surroundings? It seems that all of a sudden, there are only three of them left. Hou Tianliang doesn't know when he even runs far away!

"Director Ding, I don't want to hide it from you. It's hard enough! Suddenly such a thing happened in the third echelon! All along, we all hope that director Ding can take this position. Only in this way can we be most assured. However, we never thought that such problems and conditions would arise! " Huang Tong also said with emotion!

"I heard about it at dawn." Ding Yu didn't say anything about the follow-up, but Huang tong can guess clearly. Ding Yu has already given the third echelon considerable face! It's not that Ding Yu is an idle person. Don't play such a joke!

It's like being yourself! Say you're free? It seems so, but where do you have so much free time! I also want to sleep in at home, but so much work is waiting for me to deal with. When I feel sleepy, I can only take a nap while I am in the car!

And Ding Yu? It's not just about domestic affairs. Is he abroad? There are also quite a lot of them. The whole consortium needs Ding Yu to control the direction. Once something goes wrong, it may be a huge wave, so Ding Yu can't have any leisure at all! No contact? May not understand, but after contact, will find that is absolutely not ordinary people can bear!

"Director Ding! Things happened too suddenly, although now people have come back! But we are not so stable. This is a big blow to the whole echelon. We can also say that we are very anxious about this! " Huang Tong said this to Ding Yu in a very sincere tone!

But at this time, Ding Yu's mobile phone also suddenly rang. It was Ding Yu's own mobile phone, not Hou Tianliang's official mobile phone. What about the two? It's quite different! Ding Yu looks at the caller ID, and the expression on his face is also slightly twitching!"Director Ding, let's have a look over there first!" Huang Tong immediately took away the deputy leader of the research group, and even walked out of the far away position to call Ding Yu's mobile phone. He is absolutely not an ordinary person! Especially at this time, now I want to come, it should be the forces on the other side of the capital to start to work!

"Uncle, it can be said that your call is a little bit timely!" Ding Yu's words are not quite right! Even the whole person's mood is a little bit so some not quite right!

"Don't give me the evil spirit. Someone called me earlier. I'm outside now! I was shocked to hear this time. I didn't expect to make such a thing come out. Comparatively speaking, how about it? They are still good seedlings, or can not let them have problems! What about this? It has nothing to do with politics! "

"Uncle, please spare me! Even if I am the monkey king, I am also lack of skills! I didn't know how many pieces of wood you could have opened before! I used a heavy hammer for them, but I still didn't know anything about it. At most, it was better than before! I really want to take them to the fire! Maybe it's still useful! "

"You're emphasizing the difficulty with me, aren't you?" The middle-aged man was also dissatisfied and said, "I know things will embarrass you. I don't mean to let you take them and know that you don't have so much time, but let them go to waste? It seems that it is not a thing, is it, too much waste! Something needs to be done! "

"Uncle, I can't stand it because I have small arms and legs! You should be light! "

"No words!" The middle-aged man scolded him again, but he also knew that Ding Yu was responsible for the matter? It's really hard for Ding Yu. After all, there are so many things on him that you can't just take him to squeeze out oil alone, right! What's more, Ding Yu is really young now! There will be great development in the future! "Give me some places!"

"How many places? What do you want, uncle? I have no confidence in my heart

"Let them go to work on the farm for a period of time, calm their minds, so that they can combine theory with practice, and not be superior. What about their theoretical knowledge? It's abundant, but it doesn't have much practical experience, and it lacks considerable control space! "

"Uncle, there are so many difficulties in this one!" Ding Yu cried bitterly, "but third uncle, you open your mouth! I really have no way to refuse, but uncle, you put forward the matter! "

"You boy! So you don't want to get contaminated? This is not like your style, but I remember that you have always been very brave. What happened this time? " Middle aged people also jokingly said.

"Uncle, these guys! I don't really want to have too much pollution with them. In fact, what about them? Too much attention to their own interests, there is a good side, but the same, is quite a bad side! "

"A country is in the process of progress and development, and in this process, there will always be people who are slowly eliminated or even eliminated. The length of time may be different, but there will always be a result!"

"Well! Third uncle, pay more attention to your health. Your age seems to be not too young! Such hard work is not just a matter of time! "

"Well thought! Since sitting in this position, you need to pay for the whole country, there is no pity! But what about this? Or let you be a little aggrieved

At the end of the day, the two people still said quite a lot. In fact, there is no contradiction between each other. It is just that the direction of their efforts is different. In fact, what if we talk about it? It can only be said that the same way! All for the country's prosperity! That's it!

Huang Tong in the distance is always paying attention to Ding Yu, but can't see the expression on Ding Yu's face, because Ding Yu's back is basically over his body, but what about the shape and movement of his body? How many still can discover a few problems!

Ding Yu put down the phone, that is, put it in his pocket. Comparatively speaking, what is the dress on Ding Yu's body? It is really quite ordinary, not bloated, the same also does not lose the ability, give people the feeling can be said to be quite spirit!

Looking at the Yellow Tung coming by, Ding Yu nodded, "what about the work on the farm? It may be quite diversified. What about the research work? There will certainly be considerable gains! "

It is such a simple sentence. Looking at Ding Yu's outstretched hand, Huang Tong also hastily extended his own hand, "director Ding, it's hard to express my apology for your delay in a few words, and I haven't prepared anything else. Is that when I come? I brought some local products to my home, but there are not many things! "

Ding Yu looked up and down and looked at Huang Tong. Then he called Hou Tianliang over and left immediately! After hearing this, Hou Tianliang also looked at Huang Tong and didn't say anything. You can't come back empty handed with something! There are a lot of things on this side of the farm!However, Huang Tong is looking at Hou Tianliang, and has some guilty feelings. In fact, what about this matter? It should be mentioned with Hou Tianliang, but at that time, I didn't know what I thought inside my head. Anyway, I couldn't control myself! So I told you this thing directly!

Now see Hou Tianliang, really is not the general regret! Hou Tianliang did not have any expression. Someone has already seen the special products sent over. What's the return gift from Ding Yu? It must be more valuable than what you brought here! At this point, Ding Yu will never be stingy!

For Ding Yu, what kind of gift have you never seen before? Really don't care about these things!

"Miscalculation!" When Hou Tianliang left, Huang Tong also slapped himself when he didn't notice. How could he be so impulsive at that time? Such a thing unexpectedly mentioned with director Ding Yuding in person! Is director Ding still a little short of something? Is your head really in the water?

In the back of the car, Ding Yu also suddenly said, "dawn, how do you see this matter?"

"Director, you are trying to embarrass me! I'm soft spoken, really.... "

"I'm talking about group leader Huang's gift giving?"

Ah? Hou Tianliang was stunned for a moment, and then he shook his head slightly, "I didn't really want to understand before! What about group leader Huang? He is also the leader of the research group. From the understanding, he should not have done such a thing. Personally, he may be a little too excited! "

"Yes! Some are too excited! " Ding Yu didn't really have any other ideas about this, and it was not a big deal. He didn't really put it in his mind. "I can see that the pressure of the third echelon is still very big."

"I heard that they have all returned to the capital! However, I am afraid that this matter will be forced down for the time being. The forces behind the third echelon are still quite strong. After all, there are not too many people. So many forces are combined together. Now we will send group leader Huang to come here. I'm afraid the pressure on him is not so great! "

"What about this? Can't be regarded as a joke! What about you later? May also encounter such a situation, when the pressure is big enough, what about the whole person? The nerves are completely tense, and no one knows if there will be problems and conditions at that time, so the whole person should not be pinched at that time? "

"Screw bar? What do you mean, chief

"What about doing things? You need to calm your mind. Once your body can't coordinate, then the whole person will feel something wrong, and the more you go down, the more you feel something wrong. What happens in the end? I can't even walk! This is the so-called "screw Ba". I have bound myself! Local dialect of my hometown! But frankly

"I see! The more things like this, the more calm and relaxed you should be Hou Tianliang has a good understanding of Ding Yu's meaning! "What about the former group leader Huang? It's because you can't calm down your mind, especially after meeting the director, it's even more difficult to control yourself! "

"There's too much pressure on him!" Ding Yu also said it was very common, "how about this time? It's quite the idea that if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. It's true that no one can bear it. If it's you at dawn, do you think you will have such a common mind? "

"I don't know!" Hou Tianliang thought for a while and then slowly said!

"Good answer!" Ding Yu is very satisfied with Hou Tianliang's answer, "I can see that you are a little calm. What if you can't answer? I will feel that you have learned nothing from me this time! If you want to say that you can withstand such pressure, I will think you? Some too proud! The same is not desirable! "

"Director, I really don't know. I don't have any other ideas! What I'm saying is true. You praise me like this, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable! " Hou Tianliang looks at Ding Yu slightly wronged!

"I don't know anything, which shows that this is your most real idea. What do you want? It's your real thoughts, not too much heartbeat, not even too many other reactions, all of which are reflected in your heart! Very happy! What about the rest? Is slowly to temper! I can't help any more! "

"Director, it seems that I still need to go to the hotel and at least have a good communication with him." Hou Tianliang also understood and said, "what about group leader Huang? It's just that for a while, I'm afraid, so I'm a little pale! "

"You can handle it yourself! There's nothing on my side! "

In the evening, Hou Tianliang also visited the hotel. He invited the research group to have dinner. The food was almost the same as yesterday! There are not too many luxurious things, nor any drinks, not even beer. At most, just a few glasses of juice!

But even so, the atmosphere is still very warm!

"Secretary Hou, I respect you!""Group leader Huang, you are welcome." Although it is a drink, Hou Tianliang did not really mean to embarrass Huang Tong! To a certain extent, it also solved some problems during the day. Huang Tong knows it well!

Other words, between each other are not mentioned again! But this is the best result!

When Hou Tianliang left, Huang Tong also personally sent him off. Although Hou Tianliang speculated, brass was still quite enthusiastic! Can't stand, people really give this face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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