Although there is no news from the capital, Huang Tong still reports his own situation. From the feedback, what about Ding Yu? I don't mean to intervene too much, but I think we have reached an agreement in some aspects. Otherwise, the capital will never be in that tone!

But anyway? This time the matter should have come to an end! At least this time? I didn't come in vain! At least this first stop to play or very good! As for the follow-up? What are involved in it? I don't know for a while, but I don't mean to inquire!

But Hou Tianliang's performance is really impressive, at least from his own point of view is like this!

From the common sense, he doesn't need to sell his face at all. He doesn't have any subordinate relationship with him, and there is no so-called personal friendship! However, they still gave him considerable respect, even for the entire investigation team, he also left a very good impression! From this point of view, it is really not easy! From another point of view, Ding Yu's ability to train subordinates can be seen!

If people from the third echelon can follow Ding Yu, it must be another scene. What about the people in the first and second echelons? Now has begun to step into the post above one after another! Although there is no amazing performance, but the more so? The more people look forward to it, because they can be calm!

"Dad, we have a holiday. We want to go to England first, with mom, and then come back!"

"With whom?" When Ding Yu received his son's phone call, he had the leisure to ask more questions!

"Xiao Gang didn't have anything to do, so he went with us and invited Wang An and Tong Tong, but Wang an didn't seem to have much time. It took a while for Wang An to come to the capital. We are going to take the bear with us! It's been doing very well this time! Should give a considerable reward! The boy is not so clear now. It seems that he has some worries

"Have you seen great grandfather and them? I'm not in Beijing anymore! I need you to run two more times! And my great grandfather

"Yes! Every time, it's like a duck. We can't eat any more! My great grandfather is a little old recently The son is also very patient with Ding Yu said, "also told us a lot of stories, we have to record down, for future slowly to recall!"

"Not bad!" Ding Yu praised a little, "by the way, I have received the things I sent you before! Remember to bring to your mother, and aunt Sasha, I have written clearly on it! Don't make too much trouble, you know? "

"Dad! We know it! " It's not a bad thing that Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to when he told his father that he didn't have a long time to talk to his father. The children went out to play and grew their own knowledge!

But after thinking about it, Ding Yu also called Wang an in the past! "I talked to the children at home earlier, and he said you had finished the exam! You were invited to play, but you refused! "

"Teacher, my exam is over! Homework is very good, sister's performance is also very good! The teacher also deliberately put forward praise, and gave her a certificate of merit and a big red flower. Now she takes it every day. She is not willing to put it down at all! " Wang An is also reporting to his teacher, "but I still have some aspects that do not meet the requirements, so I would like to take advantage of this time to supplement!"

"You don't want to be with two sons of bitches at home. I can understand that there are some obstacles. However, I suggest that you take your grandfather and sister to the capital, and take a look at the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland, broaden your horizons, and increase your knowledge. Do you always stay in your home? It can only be done behind closed doors, understand? "

"Yes, teacher!" If other arrangements, Wang an really did not have to listen, even if it is to listen to this heart? There will be considerable resistance, but let oneself take grandfather and sister together to the capital, Wang an really has a considerable expectation! After all, my grandfather is going to have a look at Tian'anmen Square, and at the same time, he will go to see the emperor!

"What about the itinerary? You can arrange it by yourself! When you have time, go to the courtyard to have a look. I have left something for you. Go to find housekeeper Deng Rong. He will give it to you! If you don't want to go to other places, forget it! At this time, we don't need to be so reluctant! "

"Teacher, are you not at home?" Obviously, to her teacher's home rashly, for Wang An, I still feel a little uneasy in my heart. This is not to say that I can change it!

"I have other things. It's not so convenient now! Be brave After two words of advice, Ding Yu put down the phone again, this child! Although it is very sensible, but the age is still a little bit small, this is not really a moment and a half can change over!

After thinking about it, Ding Yu found a phone number from the phone! It was a man's voice that said, "Hello, Hello!""Hello, look for Tong Tong!"

Ah? The person on the other side of the phone is obviously stunned for a while, looking for Tong Tong? Did you hear it wrong? Or is there any other reason to call here, to the old man, to the elder brother, or even to the sister-in-law, but to find one's nephew? What's the situation? And listen to this meaning? It doesn't seem to be the wrong number?

"Who are you, please? What can I do for Tong Tong? "

"Is Tong Tong absent? It's OK to have his grandfather on the phone! "

The old man sitting next to him obviously heard something. Then he reached out and put the phone in his hand. "Hello, I'm Liu Heng, Tongtong's grandfather!"

"This is Ding Yu. Is Tong Tong there? Let him listen to the phone! " Although it was Tong Tong's grandfather, Ding Yu didn't show any courtesy! Speak a little straightforwardly!

Ding Yu? Liu Heng's eyebrows could not help but beat. He motioned to his son next to him. It didn't take long for Tong Tong to be found. Tong Tong picked up the phone on the desk. Liu Heng dragged his son to the distance, but didn't mean to get close to him. Liu Yuan took a look at his father!


"I'm Ding Yu!" After hearing Tong Tong's voice, Ding Yu also snorted, "when you have time, go to the courtyard to get a mobile phone. It's convenient to contact you at any time! And how's your recent homework? I mean the books you read! I just heard that you went to the siheyuan. I don't know much about other situations! "

"Uncle, I'm reading with my heart, but there are a little more books, and there are so many places I don't understand. My grandfather asked me to write down all the things I don't understand and find some teachers to teach me! That's it for the time being! "

"My brother and sister said they would take you out to play. Why not?"

"My brother and sister are very kind to me, but I'm a little too young!" When I was a child, some children said wronged words! In fact, I also want to go out to play, but it seems that the family is not allowed!

"Just go to the courtyard! There's no need to worry. Give your grandfather a call

The boy then looked at his grandfather. After Liu Heng answered the phone, he looked at his grandson standing on the side and touched his head. "Hello, Dr. Ding."

"Hello, let Tongtong read books? It is to enable him to better understand the society, and at the same time increase his own cognition and know the world. What is my personal opinion? Let him take a look at the world with the two children at home. He is a quiet child with a little bit of calmness. Xiaogang is similar to his age. It's also good to let them be a companion. We can supervise and urge each other in this process and make progress. "

"Dr. Ding, is that too much trouble?"

"Let's see how it works first." Obviously, Tong Tong is still in the process of investigation, but what about Tong Tong? It is obviously different from Wang Anming, and also quite different from Wang Xiaogang. As for the final consequences, it is still unknown!

Liu Yuan looked at the father who put down the phone, "Dad, whose phone! Are you all right? "

Looking at his son, Liu Heng slightly shook his head, "OK, don't ask! Your elder brother's situation recovery is not bad, your side is also affected! But pay attention to your work! "

"Dad! Relatively speaking, it is much easier. After all, the nature of work is not the same! " Since his father did not want to mention the meaning, Liu Yuan did not want to mention it again! But Tong Tong was soon sent to the courtyard! Liu Heng also deliberately made a call to Suquan! Said the relevant situation!

"Old chief, this is a good thing, we should put out wine to celebrate!"

"It's not about putting out wine to celebrate. The boy often goes to the courtyard. I've heard him mention some things. Although the conditions at home are ordinary, we will never take advantage of it. However, the specific situation is not so clear. You are the uncle of Dr. Ding, so what about me? It's just for you

"Old leader, what did I think it was? Ding Yu, the son of a bitch! Forget it, this is what our father said. Of course, the Wang and his wife often say so. What about him sometimes? It's really not human, but sometimes? It's very sophisticated. What about this time? Since he has nothing to do with other aspects of child care? There's no need to worry! "

"This is not the way to do things. Since Dr. Ding has this intention, it is necessary to..."

"Old leader, if you really have this idea? I think it's better than this. I remember that you liked to make models when you had time. When you had time, you could make a model with Tong Tong. This is the best gift! The so-called courtesy is light, he has a large door, what good things have not seen, real gold and silver placed in front of him, he will not have any attention! We've been through a lot of such things, don't you think? ""You! It's the same as before, but I still have some worries. When I returned to the capital, I also inquired about a lot of things. What about the courtyard? Besides Xiao Gang? There are really not many people in and out, Tong Tong? Can be said to be a few people! Think of it, it's a bit of an eyesore

"Old leader! Don't worry about this! What about our military? Always hope to have such a person! What about hou Tianliang? Now he is his secretary, but he will leave soon, that is, after the New Year! This relationship can't be broken, but it's not easy to connect them together! "

"Children, this little child, can take on such a heavy responsibility?"

"What about Tong Tong? Although he is a child, he can be valued by Ding Yu, and he is extraordinary. What's more, Tong Tong himself is the child of our affective hospital. No one can erase this relationship! What about this? The old leader was not informed in the original time, because everyone was not sure about it! "

"The Ministry is also very concerned about this?"

"Yes! It can be said that the Ministry pays special attention to this matter. Comparatively speaking, how about it? We hope that Hou Tianliang can stay in Ding Yu for a longer time! But this is not a realistic thing! So it can only be expectations and other aspects of some ideas, and if Tong Tong really can occupy a certain position, it is the greatest expectation in the future! "

"I'll try my best! But it's really hard to do, because what kind of books did Dr. Ding read to Tong Tong? Some of the above things are very simple! But there are some things that I really can't explain clearly. During this period of time, I've tried my best to find a lot of teachers for Tongtong's advice. "

"Old leader, if there is such a chance in the future? Where's my nephew? Will give the child to do the quite equipment! But what needs to be ensured is that children can enter the assessment, so what about now? Still need to insist, your old leader suffer more! For the children's future, it's worth paying as much as possible! "

"I'm an old man. I really don't have much to do except to go back and give lectures when necessary! So it's nothing to take Tong Tong to the east gate or to the west gate! Since he has such an opportunity, he can't waste it! The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment! "

"You old leader! What about my nephew? Maybe I don't know much. What's this guy's vision? Of course, when this guy looks at people, his eyes are also very poisonous. Can he be valued by him? Basically, there are two kinds of brushes. Everyone is not afraid of this, but only afraid of not being valued by him! "

"It's a strange thing!"

"It's not so strange. You should have heard about the third echelon! In fact, at the beginning? He is expected to be in charge of the position, but in the end? He declined! It was intentional! There was a problem with the third echelon just now. Some people have already run to his place! But even if there is a result, it won't be as good as you think! "

"What about this? The distance is a little bit far! But Dr. Ding plans to let Tong Tong go abroad with him. He says that he wants to see the world. But Tong Tong is too young! What about the performance in some aspects? It must be unsatisfactory. I have some worries about it, but what about this? I really don't know how to mention it! "

"Good thing Su Quan's response said, such a good thing? There are really so few of them, "judging from the current situation, although he is not in the capital now, what about the education of children? I haven't relaxed for a moment. How about contacting earlier? Can accept more different things, for the growth of children also has considerable benefits! After all, what about Tong Tong? Sometimes it's a little bit too shy! "

Children came to the courtyard, it can be said that was quite welcome! Wang Xiaogang has a playmate of the same age, but what about Ding Yu's son and daughter? Is also finally found when the elder brother and the elder sister feeling, Xiaogang this child? Too naughty, sometimes? It's not so much fun!

With help, Tong Tong also began to pack and tidy up his own things, just a small backpack and a small box, clean and neat, without any sloppy! What about documents? What's more, there's no need to worry about it. If we can't solve this problem, what about the intelligence department? I'm going to hang myself!

Soon the four children also boarded the plane, and then went straight to South Korea, first to see Tai hee, if she had free time, she would go to Europe together. If not, the four children would play by themselves! When you come back, it will be nice to come back together! There are not too many problems!

Ding Yu's two children left with Wang Xiaogang? It's not a big deal, but the problem is that Tong Tong went with him, which really attracted considerable attention!

Many people also began to inquire about children's situation. They were able to play with Ding Yu's two children and Wang Xiaogang, and even were deliberately taken away! It's not the usual situation. Who doesn't have one or two children! Is it true, if you can be valued by Ding Yu, the future is absolutely bright! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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