But with this idea in mind, it doesn't mean that it will be realized. This is totally two things, OK? What's more, this matter also involved his nephew! Dashan and Tanaka's children went to the farm because Dashan and Tanaka had made great contributions to their nephew, so their nephew gave them such a chance!

But what kind of reasons did the other kids go to the farm? It's really a problem, and it's quite a problem! At least a reason for the past? Otherwise, why let you into the farm? Just kidding! Right?

"Old sue, you can see that you are also very interested in this matter, aren't you? Do you want to mention it to your nephew

Su Chen slightly hum a, "mention with my nephew? It's no big deal! But what about such a good thing? I went back home and told my nephew that it was not better! Do you think so? "

"No! Old sue, you're thinking of eating alone, too much! "

"You know it's too much, but can it really be carried out as imagined? I see! Still a little bit difficult! And it's not so hard! " In this regard, Su Quan sighed slightly, "originally, there were a little more things about Xiaoyu, and now he has got a bunch of bear children in the past! Hum

"What kind of bear child is to let director Ding Yuding have a look at it. Are there any good children in it? If there are good seedlings, they can also be selected and screened out, right? After all, there must be a difference under director Ding's Professor! "

"I'm not very optimistic! At least you and I are not enough to promote such a thing. I made a little joke before, which is no big deal. But if you really say, you can't, I can't, you and I can't add up to the same, not to mention the intelligence hospital side? There seems to be no need to take risks! "

What about the idea? It seems like a really good idea, but the question is how to operate? This is a headache! My nephew! There's always a reason to let kids go to the farm, right? What's more, farms? It's not my nephew's hometown, there are many other places!

What's more, even if I went to my nephew's hometown, if my nephew just ignored me, how would I deal with it then? Is it hard to force your nephew? Let's forget such a thing! Don't eat mutton at that time, but make yourself a coquette, that's troublesome!

If this matter is not said so simple, then really need to pay attention to, because his nephew after the new year? May be about to leave the country! When the time comes, it will be meaningless for these children to continue to stay on the farm!

And now coincides with the winter vacation, the children almost all have such leisure, and Ding Yu also has such leisure, the two are combined together, so it is the best opportunity! But how to deal with and deal with this matter, and according to Su Quan's own understanding, Ding Yu's hand is not only Tong Tong, but also a more important Wang an!

But is Ding Yu at this time? I really don't have so many thoughts. My father went back to his hometown today. I heard that there are some things about uncle Liu. What about Ding Yu? Originally did not have so much leisure, but own father must drag oneself to go back! Ding Yu also really does not have too many methods!

"Dad! What is the matter! Can you just say no? It's such a trouble! "

Sitting in the car, Ding Yu also said with a smile, "where is your sixth uncle's home? It's a treat today. In fact, it's very simple. Isn't it related to you at the farm? Your sixth uncle is a wine maker. He knew that wine was very good before, but he only knew about wine before? The brewing is different. The difference is very big! So I came to you! "

"Looking for me? I can't make wine! What's more, I don't drink much, but there are some people drinking around, but this base is not as big as I thought! "

"Where do you want to go?" Ding Lin also complained, "where is your sixth uncle? I really don't worry about the market, but what about the source of the wine making materials? Very different! Do you understand? "

"Ouch! That's the thing Then Ding Yu understood, "but Dad, what about the things from the farm? Even the cost price is very high! What's more, the environment of uncle Liu can be guaranteed? The important thing is the production environment. What about this one? There are considerable conditions! "

"That's why I asked you to come here. What about your sixth uncle? We have this foundation, but we are limited by our own conditions! "

Ding Yu thought for a while, "Dad, let me promise you now? It's not so easy. What about the farm? I can really say a few words, but should I open this gap? How to open it? This problem is really not a general trouble! There are many aspects involved! "


"Dad, what about the situation on the farm? May not be so understanding, so say it! What about farms in China? Or is it in an experimental situation, at least it has no meaning to spread out, that is to say, the domestic circulation channels? Very narrow! So what about this thing? I still need to talk to uncle Liu! ""Yes Ding Lin also nodded, "where are the relatives in my hometown? Some people are still more progressive, everyone has their own face, so after your sixth uncle has this idea? I agree with you very much. If you go to the farm, it's better. But if you don't go to the farm, you just rely on a few acres of land at home and try to change your life deliberately. This seems to be unrealistic. Fortunately, your sixth uncle still has a craft! "

"There are not too many problems! I'm not afraid that uncle Liu will make mistakes, but I'm afraid that they will cheat and play tricks. What about the management of the farm? Still more strict! " Ding Yu didn't mean to avoid his father, "in fact, what's my personal tendency? What about uncle Liu's own workshop? It's still too small. It's better to give it and come to the farm! "

"What do you mean?"

"Although I haven't seen the workshops in uncle Liu's house, I've heard people mention some of them. What if it's from the standard? Some of them are not up to the standard, but Liu Shu has quite a lot of skills, which is very important. The future of the farm needs comprehensive development. As for whether to make wine or not, how large the scale is really unknown. However, the sales should not be too many problems. Just Digest and solve them internally! "

"To be sure, the farm has been operating in this area since a long time ago, and even brewed good liquor. I know something about it, but I don't mean to spread it on the market at all!"

"We've got the farm, haven't you heard of it?"

"What about the old folks in the lab? There are experiments in this area, there are special wine cellars, and even some distiller's yeast. However, there has not been too much scale. We are more like enjoying ourselves! There is no regularization! What about uncle Liu? A good start

When we came to uncle Liu's house, it was really not a general bustle. When we saw the father and son of the Ding family, they were all warmly greeting each other. The small mountain village is not very big. What about the support of the Ding family father and son these years? Also let the whole village of people more unity! There are not too many high and low points here, catch up with the day is a good hilarity!

After being polite to people outside, Ding Yu also came to the main hall with uncle Liu. "Uncle Liu, my father mentioned this to me on the road. I want to listen to your opinion first! Then we can discuss it together. Do you think this is OK? "

Ding Yu has always been like this, and has not put forward any lofty posture! "Xiaoyu! The situation is like this, me! After brewing wine for so many years, I really feel that Wang Xiaoer's new year is getting worse and worse. All of them are from the countryside. Do people come here to buy wine? Give me this face, I can't be unconscionable, do you think? However, I also need to buy raw materials from outside. If it is expensive, it's OK to say, but the quality of the products is too poor! No matter how good I am, I can't do anything about it! "

"Uncle Liu, don't worry. What about the farm? However, there is considerable grain production, basically all the raw materials for wine making are available! Even some old folks on the farm? It's also a pleasure to build a considerable scale. But what about Liu Shu? Well, what about the farm? I've never opened this hole! At least in China? The sales volume is very small! "

Ding Yu's words also made Liu Shu's expression dim, but then he also said with a smile, "it's OK. I just ask. If I can walk around, it's better. If I can't walk, I'll think of some other ways."

"Uncle Liu, don't worry. The situation is like this. I said," see if it is feasible! You have a lot of skills, but what about home workshops? Still too small! What's more, in terms of hygiene? There are also some unqualified! But what about the farm side? It has considerable resources, but lacks considerable technology! "

"Xiaoyu, what do you mean?" Six uncle listened to this words, also have so some excitement! Because I thought of a possibility! What about this possibility? I'm afraid the whole village needs to envy!

You know, it's not easy to get into the farm now. I'm old! Want to retrain, really with the so-called old women? There's a big difference! No way out! Hands are a little stupid!

"The farm is quite large, but it doesn't have too many people, and as far as I know, what? The farm is not ready to expand this industry. At most, it is internal digestion, but there should not be too many problems! "

"Xiaoyu! Why not scale up? "

"The farm is big, but what about the whole country and the whole world? It seems that there are some deficiencies for the road! What's more, food? It's just a part of the farm! Its output is really quite a problem, if it is purely used to make wine, too much waste! So now that is to do self production and use it! And what about that? It's not an exception! "

"As for the workshop at home? Uncle Liu, if you like, you can upgrade it in the future. What about the farm? The future is bound to unfold slowly, but it will take quite a while! ""It's done!" Six uncle is also a big hand a wave, "Xiaoyu, you say so, your six uncle I am not satisfied, there are so some are not human! You can rest assured! If it's disgraceful for me! I'm also a man of face! That's all for today

"They are all from the countryside. They are broken bones and connected with tendons! Does uncle Liu have this intention? It's definitely a good thing, but what about the development of farms? So it can only be a temporary grievance six uncle for a period of time! Uncle Liu, you don't mind

Ding Yu said this very politely! It is also to let other people in the room hear that it is very pleasant in the ears! Where is Ding Lin in this county? Also has a considerable reputation, at least everyone's neck back, and Ding Yu this child is even more! Even if it is to rely on the old and sell the old to call Xiaoyu, it also needs to see Ding Yu's face.

But every time Ding Yu comes back? They don't have any facial expression. They say hello to the folks politely. Even during the Spring Festival, they will walk around in person with their two children, leaving us with a good sense of feeling! Now it is such an attitude. What else can we not satisfy?

What about Lao Liu? It's impossible to say that you don't envy this, but you don't have too much jealousy. Why do you say so? Why do people enter the farm? Of course, there is Ding Yu's reason, but more often than not, it is because people have this skill. As long as they have this skill? There's food to eat when you get there! There is nothing wrong with the old saying!

At noon, everyone is also a burst of hilarity, Ding Yu here really do not have too much dislike, is sitting on the seat of the plastic chair, eat? That is the so-called big pot dish, but Ding Yu really didn't mean to drink wine, and the public did not have any consolation meaning, because everyone knew that Ding Yu didn't drink much!

People don't drink. If you force them, some of them are not right! However, many people propose a toast to Ding Lin. do you want to drink it anyway? It's your own business. I'm a dry one! Ding Lin didn't mean to refuse too much, but fortunately the wine cup was not very big, so he didn't drink much wine!

After dinner, uncle Liu also cleaned up a lot of things, ready to let Ding Lin and Ding Yu take back! Ding Lin also brought a small pot of wine. What about other things? There is no shortage in the home!

"Uncle Liu, this is it! You give me a call tomorrow, I'll arrange it, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock! If you go to the city, someone will pick you up! But uncle Liu, I still need to say, in the farm? It must be no better than at home, where there are quite a number of rules and regulations! "

"I understand. Don't worry! I can never lose the face of the old Ding family

"Can your sixth uncle do it?" Will go to the road above, Ding Lin also asked! Obviously there are some worries!

"Dad! Although I don't drink much, it can't be said that I don't know at all. At least Liu Shu still has a conscience, so what about the wine? Everyone likes it. Do you know that people should have a conscience? It's really not an easy thing, and I had a look at it earlier. Although it's my own workshop, it's still very clean. Especially on the utensils, there's no residue! "

"Your sixth uncle's craftsmanship is still good. I have drunk a lot of wine, but what about the wine produced by his family? It's not that you can't afford to drink at home, and you've got a lot of it back. But what do you feel? Never as mellow as your sixth uncle

"Dad, it's normal. It's like a restaurant. What kind of chef have you never seen or experienced? I've eaten all the styles, but what's the most delicious? It's still home cooked by mom, isn't it? Because that's the most delicious Ding Yu also said with a smile.

"That's right! No matter how much food you eat outside, the most comfortable thing is what your mother makes

"So it's the same to drink Liushu's wine. It's all our own food. So first of all, it's very reassuring to eat. Secondly, it's about the taste. It's the same thing. How good is the food outside? It's just something out there! To a certain extent, I still can't change my heart's sustenance! "

"You say so! It's really such a thing! " Ding Lin also readily agreed, "what about the things your mother made? I'm used to it! Always feel like eating out? Or less flavor, I don't know why? How about the quality of things? It really has nothing to do with it! "

"That's absolute." Ding Yu also said, "Dad! How is Liao Hai at the hospital? "

"The performance is still very good, fingers are still in the process of recovery, but very attentive, family origin, so we can contact a lot of things, but also make our hospital benefit a lot! Now, many students are going to come to our hospital. In the past two years, it can be said that the hospital has become famous! "

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