Driven by Ding Yu and other reasons, the hospital has made great progress in terms of scale and other aspects. Of course, there is still a problem, that is, how about the hospital? There is still a lack of certain resources, that is, the medical school. It seems that this is also in the process of negotiation!

But how long does it take? This seems to take quite a process. It can't be completed in a moment. After all, what about here? Is the county-level city, the place is still a little small, to make a change, need a difficult process! It's not that you said two words, or money can do it! Two things!

Hurry up? Absolutely will not have the specially good effect, this is certain! Because of this, because there are too many experience to verify! Ding Yu really doesn't want to make any mistakes at this point!

She went home with her father. Fortunately, her mother wasn't there. Ding Yu didn't mean to leave. She stayed at home and waited for her mother to come back. Looking at her husband's appearance, Zhao Shuying also snorted slightly. Fortunately, Ding Yu was at home! So it's also saving two faces! But it doesn't look so good at night!

"Why drink too much?"

"I went back to my hometown with my father today. Isn't uncle Liu doing something? Right over the farm? Recently, I'm preparing to put on some new projects. I need the help of uncle Liu, so I went to talk to him! "

"Old six? What can he do? "

"Isn't uncle Liu able to make wine?" Ding Yu knew that his mother was not contemptuous, but because his father drank too much! So there are so many people who are not willing to! "The farm has the intention of this aspect, so I went to see uncle Liu to see if he can enter the farm! Do me a favor

"That's a good thing! No wonder your father drank too much

"Mainly happy! What about the workshop of uncle Liu? It's a little bit small, and the specifications are not enough. All the conditions on the farm are extremely suitable. What if you have Liushu? It should be deliberately to complement each other. Uncle Liu is also very happy. My father just drank a few more cups of wine

"This old man, but what about your sixth uncle? Wine making is really good. It turns out that many people go to buy wine from him, because they are pure grain brewing. I heard that they are not blended because they let the people who buy wine see all the process. Over the years, the reputation has spread out! But what about this output? I can't go up all the time! "

In the evening, Ding Yu did not go back to the detention center, because there was not much to do, so Ding Yu stayed at home with his parents. The weather outside was a little cold, so he did not go out for a walk! The weather in the north is like this, but the four seasons are distinct, which is also very good!

In the morning, Ding Yu and his father went out together, looking at the lazy look. Ding Yu also shook his head. He was a little older than Labrador! But come to the home for so many years, it seems to be really hard! Has been accompanied by their father and mother, fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the body!

But the appearance is still lovely, or that smiling angel! Lean on Ding Yu's side position, stride own step! When he got to the square, Ding Yu saw Hou Tianliang. He seemed to have been exercising for a long time, so he trotted to Ding Yu's side. "Good morning, director."

Ding Yu looked at Hou Tianliang and said, "if you have nothing to do, you should pay attention. If you are not a traitor, you should steal!"

"Director!" Hou Tianliang looked at Ding Yu slightly aggrieved, but then he also laughed, "director, things really don't blame me! I am just a messenger. Since I am a messenger, I have to be careful

"Say it! What's the matter? " Ding Yu is not too reluctant, after all, the gas on Hou Tianliang's body, it seems that there are so some not appropriate! He's just a messenger!

"Director, I got the news last night! The main thing is that someone sent me a message to test your attitude. They are going to arrange a winter camp! What about the specific location? Maybe it's on the farm side! " Hou Tianliang is also looking at his director with a very cautious attitude!

"Winter camp?" Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of something, "this is quite a new thing! I said, what's going on in their heads? How can I see that I want to get involved in everything? Is it because of seeing Tong Tong that the secret keeping work of the information management department is not very good? "

"Director, Tong Tong walked with the three children in the family. Even if he was so secretive, he couldn't hold so many eyes! To know that three small is too much to attract attention! There is no way! Someone's been looking for the door! Especially after knowing the news of Tongtong, almost smoke! You can't sit still

"What does this matter have to do with me? Tong Tong just got some qualifications. He is too far away from him, and he has not even touched Wang An's fur. Don't you think it's a little early to make some plans now?""Director, when you see Tong Tong, everyone is red eyed! Other things will be taken care of there. We can see whether there are dates or not. As for whether we can strike something down, that's the later part of the story. "

Ding Yu slightly hummed, "it is really so urgent! But since they are coming, I can't seem to stop them! If you stop it, it will offend a lot of people, won't it? I can't stand it either

"Director, how should this matter be arranged?"

"At will!" Ding Yu seems to have no intention to put it in his heart at all. But Hou Tianliang looks at his director, and his heart is really worried. Why do you say so? The more the director doesn't care, the more it shows that this matter may be more than imagined? Even more serious!

"Director, what do I mean personally? If you want to participate in the winter camp, it's not impossible, but you need to come alone. If you let your parents accompany you, you will lose the purpose of the whole winter camp! It's a winter camp. It's not a playground

"You can do it yourself!" Ding Yu does not care at all!

Looking at the director, Hou Tianliang has been thinking about how to mention this matter after going back! Tell them that the director doesn't care about it? Let's forget it! But what about the wording? Still need to think about it!

When he got back to the hotel after training with the director, Hou Tianliang also called the director immediately, "Director Su, I just mentioned this matter with the director. What about the director about this matter? I don't seem to care that much! "

"Don't care?" Su Quan's eyes also slightly turned two times, what is this?

"Yes, the director doesn't seem to care about it! But the director mentioned it! It seems that our intelligence department has done a little bit of secrecy work! Even such things are not kept secret

"This bastard! Didn't he mean it? " Su Quan also expressed his dissatisfaction very directly. His two sons of bitches, together with Xiao Gang, were definitely fireflies in the night. When they went there, they were all highly watched. Now, they suddenly joined a person. At this time? Can't you be distracted?

"Director general, although the director said so, I personally think this matter still needs to be cautious. How old is the child? It's unimportant, but we need to let the director see different places and start from the details, but we can't be too deliberate. The director's vision is not ordinary and spicy! "

"I heard that Wang An is coming to the capital? Is it true? "

"I know about this. Wang an also called me earlier!" This is what Su Quan, director of the CPC Central Committee, said, not himself, so it can not be regarded as his own disclosure of the news, "the main thing is to take his grandfather and sister, go and have a look at Tian'anmen Square and have a look! By the way, give his grandfather a physical examination! This is roughly the case! "

"Who is in charge of him?"

"Vivian?" Hou Tianliang can be said to be very familiar with this, "it is the nanny arranged by the director. It is at the same level as the two children of the director's family and Wang Xiaogang. From this point, the director does not generally value Wang An. At least on this point, it is quite different from Tong Tong Tong!"

"I've read those books that Ding Yu gave to Tong Tong, and I have a good understanding of Tong Tong's learning. It's really not an ordinary animal. How can a child accept this? I doubt what he thinks."

How can you deal with this? Are you, after all, his uncle? So there's no problem saying this, but what about me? Just a small secretary, slander their own director, hard not to live impatiently?

"Director general, things on the director's side are easier to solve, but do those people in the winter camp need to control the number of people?"

Since you can not mention the previous words, then quickly change the topic! This is good for both sides, at least they are absolutely safe!

"This is a problem. Tomorrow, the staff will be gathered together and they will definitely come back the day after tomorrow."

"I'll take care of it, chief. Where's the farm? The situation may be a little bit special. The director has always treated it equally, and there are Japanese children there. The director still attaches great importance to the Dashan and Tanaka families, so he will never allow any problems or situations between them! "

"I will warn them!" When he said this, Su Quan still had a lot of confidence. Just like a joke, anyone who made a mistake at this time would never have any good fruit to eat. Not everyone was like song Tianren! What's more, song Tianren? It's just a wrong number!

Even to a certain extent, it is also because Ding Yu, a rabbit, deliberately embarrasses some aspects! Otherwise, why just drag song Tianren out, a typical disgusting person!

Everyone knows this. I'm afraid even song Tianren himself is very clear about this, but no one has pointed out the meaning of this matter, because if it is really clear, what will happen is really very difficult to say! After all, Ding Yu is not an ordinary person. It is difficult for us to control his psychology!One day later, all the people in the winter camp came! More than forty people! The bus almost didn't fit it, and the two teachers who led the team really didn't have any other people. Looking at these children, Hou Tianliang also slightly twisted his mouth! But a little bit of exaggeration!

But anyway? Now that they are all here! Then don't say anything! The youngest child is only five years old. To a certain extent, he is still a suckling baby. Looking at his expression, he almost cried out!

"Hello, Secretary Hou. We are the leaders! Please take care of it

"Hello Hou Tianliang simply shook hands with two people, and after these children got on the car, they also went straight to the farm. Comparatively speaking, how about it? There is still a distance between the farm and the city!

"Secretary Hou, we are also new comers. We are not so familiar with the situation here!" The visitors are very modest and can't help things. What about these children? They are all extraordinary families. What about their leader? Bear extraordinary pressure, really is not what people can bear!

"The director is still very easygoing. These children come to the farm side? Just enjoy the whole winter camp. What about the situation? Everyone must have known! I won't repeat it! Enjoy this process, can bring you different opportunities and opportunities! At the same time, it's also a process of knowing yourself. This is the most important thing! "

It's very nice to say, but it doesn't seem to have any effect! There are so many murmurs in the leader's heart. The Secretary Hou is really not greasy. Can he say it face to face? What he said is nonsense? It's impossible at all, but it seems that there are some unrealistic things that he didn't say!

"Secretary Hou, do you need to take part in some labor on the farm? What about these kids? Some are too small and too weak! "

"It's mainly a process of playing. In this process? Get to know something. What about the farm? There are also many children, including Japanese, local and Japanese? You should know something about it. What about the local ones? Even some children of farm workers come here to exercise! They are easy to get along with

"And the local children, but have not heard of it?"

"The main thing is to let them experience the hard work here. They are all local children. Although they know their parents' hardship, they don't really experience it. What's the effect of talking through their mouths?" Hou Tianliang also explained, "in fact, let them work? It's not child labor, at least on the farm side, it's strictly in order! But what about these kids? They are also very considerate of their parents

"Did director Ding do it on purpose?"

"What about the farm? Do you do basic work on the farm? Most of them are local people. Their work is still very hard. Although the salary is relatively good, what about this kind of work? Pay too much, need to let the children? At least how did their life come from, the pursuit of a better life? Is no problem, but need to let their own to bear, any thing is need to pay a price! It's impossible to get something for nothing! "

When I came to the farm, there was no reception. At most, the security department was responsible for commanding the vehicles. So many children stood alone in front of the door. Fortunately, a few children came over and thought about their clothes before long? It's still a farm dress. It's just a small one!

"Hello everyone, I'm Li Lin, your counselor. If you have any requirements and opinions, you can find me! Later, you will get your communication tools, including clothes, etc., because it is a collective life. I hope you can help each other and spend a wonderful winter camp together

Bed sheets, quilt covers and even washbasins are all slightly novel to these children, because they have never experienced this before? Make a sheet? A quilt cover? It seems that all these things are done by the nanny at home! Why let them do it?

But now all the things are left to them to deal with, there are so some not very comfortable! And no one to help them, at most to do a guide! But what about looking at the local kids? They are also living in the same building, skilled in changing bed sheets and quilt covers, and even can use the washing machine on their own!

Contrast with each other, the gap between each other seems to be really not the general big! You know, in the past, there were some people who looked down on these bumpkins, but now? The reality gave them a blow!

And what about that? Not only that, the whole day, these children from the capital can be said to be completely educated! What about modernization on the farm side? It seems that there are some more high-tech than the capital! Is this still a small county? Isn't it a little too much of a joke?

But no kidding, the food on the farm is really good. Although it's a canteen, it tastes quite good, even better than the Beijing hotel. I don't know if it's hungry! Or what else? It's a little unclear! But anyway? Let's eat first! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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