Director! When I came back, I met my director in the office. To be exact, Hou Tianliang took the initiative to come to the door. Seeing that the director didn't react much, Hou Tianliang also put the documents on his desk!

"Director! Those kids are all set up! Some of the children's age is a little bit small, but from the current situation, it is still obedient! For the time being, it can only be said like this! But to a certain extent? The problem of self-reliance is still a little bit worse, or even extremely individual? There are some problems that I can't control myself! "

Ding Yu looked up and said, "it's a normal thing. If there is no such problem, it will make people feel that there are some unnatural, even some abnormal things! They are all from rich families. Their feet have never landed. Maybe it's a little exaggeration, but they don't touch the spring water. This kind of thing seems very common, isn't it? "

"They even eat? You need help, not to mention anything else! It's just that there are so many different families in the way of living! What about the local kids? It's just because I grew up in such an environment! So there are quite a few problems! It's really not for its own sake

Ding Yu nodded, "OK! Now that they have arranged it! Then let the people on the other side of the farm pay attention to it! If you want to, go and have a look. I may not have so much time recently! "

"Director! Are they aiming at you Hou Tianliang is also careful to say!

"So what?" Ding Yu was dismissive at all. "How to arrange that is the matter of the farm. Whether I go or not is my business. How? Does anyone have a fair opinion about it? "

"Director, this is really framing me. If I go to town, it seems that I can't stop these little guys at all! When they came? May have suffered quite a warning, but I'm just a nobody! A little ugly to say, really even if it is said something, for them, it seems to be like farting! It doesn't do any good! "

"Then look at their hearts."

Ding Yu has made his attitude clear! Whether these children are good or not! We need to observe. What about the so-called paper articles? That is for outsiders to see, can not play too much role, this point everyone knows!

"Yes! Did you know that Zhao Xiaobing had been arranged to go to the capital

"Yes!" Hou Tianliang is also slightly a Leng, "director, what happened?"

"It didn't come out. Zhao Hongyang sent some things to me, a little bit more. You should be responsible for arranging and handling it, and tell Zhao Hongyang that it's OK to have this heart! Don't do that again! It's too complicated! "

Get it! Since the director forcibly opened up this topic, Hou Tianliang is not good to say anything, so now is the time? It can only be dealt with down! "Director, how to deal with the situation in Tianren? And the two new secretaries? If we have more time, we will catch the Spring Festival

"What? You want to give them a holiday? "

"This period of time has given them a little bit of oppression! It's always out of a high load state. I think it's necessary to let them relax a little and relax a little. Otherwise, will there be other problems? "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "that's not bad! It's time for them to relax a little bit! " When he spoke, Ding Yu also put his hands together and rubbed them slightly for two times. "In this way, let them go to the capital and give them three days' rest time. It's such a happy decision!"

"Back to Beijing?" Hou Tianliang is also surprised to call up, "can too cruel?"

"What? You wait for the grand secretary and the heart of Bodhisattva. It was really rare in the past Ding Yu slightly hummed, "since they are still in the inspection period! So take a good look. You need to see more clearly. At least you need to see how ugly you are, aren't you? "

Hou Tianliang took a long breath, then heavily nodded his head, "director, I understand! I'll arrange it at once What about this? It's really impossible to disclose anything. After all, things need to be prioritized. The director is an assessment for them. After all, although they stay with the director now, whether or not the director will take them abroad is really the two things to say! No one dares to make this guarantee!

But what about this one? It's really a little cruel. Although the current exercise for them is flesh and blood grinding plate, but there is no external influence, but after returning to the capital, what will the situation be like? What about this problem? It really needs to be discussed! Where, after all? It's also a testing ground! Moreover, it is one of the best testing grounds, and no one dares to make this guarantee!

"Assistant song, are you free now?" When calling, Hou Tianliang also has so some joking to say!

"I'll go! Secretary Hou, the sun is coming out from the West today Although it is winter! But song Tianren also wiped the sweat on his forehead. There was no way out. In the logistics work, it was definitely not an easy thing. The more grass-roots? The harder it is! I really feel it! And the feeling is deep!"Chinese New Year is coming! You come out of the time is a little longer, plus this period of time for them is always a high pressure state! So the director will give you three days' vacation, let them arrange it by themselves, just these days! After the holiday, report to the director! "

Ah? Are you tired of your own work? Or is the sun really coming out from the west! Put down the phone, song Tianren is also a face of wonder, how to deal with the matter, is really a strange thing! What about the director? It can be said that the eyes do not rub sand, now this time to holiday! Is the intention too obvious?

What's more, the so-called self arrangement? How can I come to that row by myself? I'll definitely go back to the capital then! But back in the capital? At that time, there will be countless ghosts and snakes coming to visit. How to deal with it? Is this the other test given by the director?

But really, what if we talk about it? A three-day holiday! For song Tianren, it's really a pie in the sky! And I was the one who was hit by the pie! Smash oneself to have so some dizziness!

Since the matter has been decided, song Tianren is also looking for time to meet with brother Mao and Wei Hou!

"Where are you, brother cat? Maybe a little trouble, I can only give you a day's holiday, and then together with the capital over there At this time, song Tianren was also quite decisive, "to a certain extent? We all have a good understanding of you, but none of them have seen it. So it is a process to meet you! "

"Yes! I'll go home and make arrangements, and then I'll go to the capital city! " Zhan Zhao did not have any hesitation and evasion! He is very clear, song Da Shao gave himself a chance! For myself, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whether you can make use of it depends on your performance! Not everyone has such a chance!

"First brother, I can't arrange it on your side!" Looking at Wei Hou, song Tianren also smiles bitterly. Wei Hou's situation is quite different from his own! To a certain extent? After Secretary Hou left office, his post was divided into several parts. He, his first brother and two secretaries shared the responsibility!

So what about their identities? They are equal to each other, and the first brother? What about the body? With a military identity? Of course. What about this one? It may be the secret among the secrets. Even if you want to investigate, you can't find out, because what's on the surface? The first brother's identity is a retired soldier, stay at the director's side when a security, that's all!

"I have other plans!" Wei Hou said in a low and hoarse voice! Although it didn't take a long time to say it, Wei Hou's body has changed a lot. Is it just the voice of speaking? Still let a person hear after feeling to have so some cannot accept! A bad one!

"Get ready! It's really hard to say what this trip is about. " Song Tianren said in a low voice, "but I hope everyone can perform well, and it's not in vain that we have gone this time!"

Song Tianren can think of the people in the capital? Naturally can also think of, but the time is too hasty! Where are the people who went to Ding Yu? All back! Ding Yu even gave him three days' vacation. What about Ding Yu's means? It is also the heart of sorrow! Too straightforward, but also too much Ling lie!

Song Tianren and his wife went to Ding Yu's, and then they let them go back, and pointed out the three-day vacation. You should know that Hou Tianliang has been around Ding Yu for such a long time, but he hasn't seen Ding Yu give Hou Tianliang a holiday! He did come back to deal with some official business, but because of his long time with Ding Yu and the identity of the Qing government department, it is not easy for us to get close to him!

But the situation of song Tianren and the three of them is really different! At this time, if you really come to the door, how to deal with it? This should be another test given to them by Ding Yu! I don't know how many of them are left after this test?

We should know that although there are only three days, these three days are not as good as we imagined. What about the forces behind the three? Have no how to contact, now need to see song Tianren and their three self performance! There must be Ding Yu's meaning in it. If someone instructs them, their assessment scores will be reduced out of thin air, which is certain!

"Director Ding! Is it really not the general nature of mind, such a method can also think out? It's a tough town

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, the old man also showed a smile, but he didn't care as much as he thought, "old leader, now is not the time to sit on Mount Tai! How to deal with it needs an idea, right? Tianren, that bastard, sometimes is really a little confused! I'm afraid he did something wrong

"You! It's really chaotic to care. Since director Ding wants to see it, we need to let him have a thorough look. At the same time, we also need to have a good look at what Tianren has learned. Although the time is still short, it is not a big problem! After all, Tianren is still a young man. It is understandable that young people make some mistakes! ""Old leader, such a critical moment? How can you make a mistake?! If something really goes wrong, this life will be ruined! Absolutely can't let Tianren Hu come. What's on his back? But a lot of people expect it! "

"The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Instead of putting too much pressure on Tianren, it's better to release the pressure. Tianren is still too young after all! Some problems? He certainly can't look too comprehensive! That's for sure! Don't director Ding Yuding know this? He must know, so he needs to see more clearly and clearly

"Before, there was not so much time, whether it was director Ding Yuding or Tianren, it was the same, but now with this time, the situation is not the same!" The old man narrowed his eyes!

"Director Ding Yuding did it on purpose! Just to correct it, but is it too dangerous? "

"After going abroad, it is not dangerous. The road Tianren wants to take in the future is not dangerous. This is just a small step. At least, if there are any problems now, there are still opportunities to change them, so as not to commit terrible disasters in the future. If we just cover up now, what should we do if there are really any problems and conditions in the future?"

"Old leader, I just have some worries. I'm afraid that Tianren will lose points in Ding Yu. If Tian Ren is left behind, it will be a slow step, a slow step, a slow step!"

"It's not terrible to slow down. The fear is that there will be other problems and situations. This is the most worrying one."

"Old leader, director Ding Yuding's doing this is obviously to show the people in Beijing. I know that some people sent a large number of children to the farm of director Ding's hometown, but what is the situation now? It's not known yet! Is there any reason for this? "

"Is there any reason for this?" The old man thought for a while, and then nodded, "it must be the reason for this aspect. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. It is to tell some aspects, everything? They're just on the surface. What about the right ones? Nature will stay. Isn't it appropriate? Nature is eliminated

"It's really director Ding's style. He doesn't talk about his feelings at all."

"It's already very affectionate! What about all the expenses of Tianren? All of them are undertaken by director Ding. This also includes the utilization of internal resources. Director Ding Yu has never complained. This is enough to make people feel shocked! Who can do that! "

"If you are not from a faction, it is very difficult to do this, even if you are from the same faction? We also need to make a considerable distinction. If we follow the practice of director Ding Yuding, even if the factions have a large amount of resources, they will be exhausted one day! "

"Yes! What about your resources? All of them are relatively scarce. Everyone wants to take good care of their own family. They really can't do what director Ding did. But what about director Ding? Not only has this kind of resources and family background, the important thing is that he in the follow-up training, is unmatched by other people! That's the point! "

Two people look at each other, how much resources? This is another matter, but what about cultivating this point? We are really not satisfied, but there is nothing to do. Director Ding Yuding's eyes are fierce. This is a well-known person who can be taken seriously by him? It's really not so much, but the same, as long as it's in his eyes, with the old saying, it's just leisure time!

We all want to know why Ding Yu's eyes are so spicy and why they are so accurate when they look at people? Does this have something to do with his experience or his life, but why are there some problems? It's really not clear about the investigation. Just like a joke, the people who can be seen in Ding Yu's archives can be counted with one hand!

"It's settled! Let's see! "

"Old leader, I understand! It's really flustered in my heart if I care about it! "

What happened after Song Tianren came back? To also did not seem to have how complacent, but the same also did not escape from just, with everyone to eat dinner, chat, it is very common thing, people are more interested in Song Tianren's problems there, song Tianren also pick and say!

The other two people, however, have some deep meaning. They know song Tianren, but they really dare not take a step rashly!

Because when song Tianren was with director Ding, he was a little bit reckless. What about them? Slightly there are so some unwelcome, under such circumstances, how can they not be cautious after they come back!

The next day, song Tianren went to visit the faction behind him, but he didn't go to see the old man directly. But such a big stab really made people don't know what to do! Are you song Tianren too bold for some? Now this time we should be mutual taboo is, you are good! Direct is coming!

However, on the other hand, although song Tianren said that he was a bit bold, he really didn't have too many problems in his character. No matter it was deliberate affectation or other reasons, at least there was a considerable guarantee in this respect! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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