However, Wang an still lingers in Ding Yu's study. Although she says that her study has begun to stock up some books, compared with her teacher, she is really a witch. After obtaining the consent, Wang an also opens some books, almost all of which have notes and notes!

Seeing these, Wang an also felt relaxed and happy. However, Wang An's sister was very interested in looking at the bronze man, and even touched a few of them. What about books? There are so many dizziness!

"Uncle Deng, is the teacher always like this?" Wang an raised her head and asked!

"Yes, as far as I know, when I was studying in England, my husband had such a study! Almost all the books inside are about to become a small library! It's the same in Beijing, America and even in your hometown. You never give up any chance to enrich yourself Deng Rong is very patient to explain with Wang An, because Deng Rong still has some understanding of Wang An's situation, Mr. Wang An is really not the general value.

"Since I came to Siheyuan, I have been in contact with my husband for quite a long time since I came to the courtyard. He is not a very sociable person. What do you like most in peacetime? It's reading and practicing martial arts. In my spare time, I will take my children to visit the cultural relics market or the flower, bird and fish market, but that's all! "

Wang an nodded slightly. According to her own understanding, when the teacher's children went to see themselves, they did not give up any learning opportunities. This has already shocked him. Obviously, this should be learned from the teacher. What about this? Is already deeply engraved in their blood!

Wang An and the three of them stayed in the courtyard, but what about the arrival of Suquan? It was really unexpected, but it was not unexpected. At least Deng Rong, the housekeeper, was prepared for this! Obviously, the previous time should have been the benefit of Ding Yu!

Although Su Quan has found the most suitable reason for himself, such a reason is not worth mentioning at all. What can we do if we don't open the door for you? You still can't get in!

"Bring the boy Wang An and have a look at the apprentice my nephew has collected? What's going on? " Since came to the courtyard, Suquan is also so some not wanton!

Deng Rong quickly went to find Wang an! "Wait a minute? You're going to see an old rascal

"Ah?" Wang an performance is very surprised, how does this word sound quite derogatory? Deng Rong explained, "in fact, it's a joke. Director Su often comes to the courtyard to eat and drink. He's not alone, but he's uncle, so there's no way."

"I should call my uncle, shouldn't I?"

"Just be casual, but you don't need to be so nervous!" Looking at Wang An's appearance, it seems that he didn't pay special attention to it. "Hou Tianliang is his subordinates. They are all subordinate to the military's intelligence and management department, so they know more about your situation! This time, I want to see what's different about being valued by my husband! "

"Why do you have to see me? Is it because of the teacher?"

"Say so! Can you be valued by your husband? It is everyone's expectation. There are still many students, including those on official career and those on medicine. But what about these? They are not Mr. Chen's successors, but among the candidates who have emerged? Besides you? There are also two children. Sir, I don't want you to be exposed so early, which will have a considerable impact on you. People from the information management department will come to have a look. To a certain extent, they will not only not obstruct, but also deliberately protect you, so that you can eliminate the influence of the outside world! " Deng Rong explained this very patiently!

Wang an felt that the impact was a little bit big, so he was a little silent. When he saw Su Quan, he seemed to be a middle-aged man, but he also paid a respectful title to his uncle. After all, from the aspect of identity, there were not too many problems!

Su Quan looked at Wang an carefully and said slowly after watching for a long time, "what about your character? It's really like your teacher. When you're OK, you like to have a cold face. What about people who don't know? Because of how much money others owe him, it's really a headache

But Wang an didn't say anything. He just looked at Su Quan, and his eyes didn't fluctuate much. You said it was! As for how I understand it personally, it's my own business, it has nothing to do with other people!

"Ah! It seems that Ding Yu can value you? Sure enough, there are the same places. I thought that Tong Tong could enter his Dharma eye, but now I see you, I find your different places! There is really no way to compare! The kid really dare not look at me for such a long time, but you can look at me calmly

"Uncle, Tongtong is your man!"

This reaction is a little bit fast! It's really to make su Quan have some impressive meaning. You should know that you are just saying this, "well said, what about Tong Tong? It's the grandson of my old leader, but what? It's still in the state of assessment. There's a big gap between you and me, but I'm sure he won't give up! "There is no threat to themselves, simple and straightforward to tell it! Let Wang An have so some did not think of, but Wang an did not think that this matter will cause any so-called impact on himself, he did his own, also can! At least it has nothing to do with other situations!

Although Su Quan said it was the first time to see Wang An, but his heart has given Wang an a considerable definition, this child and Ding Yu have too many similarities! It's no wonder that Ding Yu valued the calm horse. At such a young age, shouldn't he be more lively? Why do you have to look like this?

Is it the result of the pressure of life? It shouldn't be like this! Where's your nephew? That's because they have suffered too many twists and turns in life, so what about Wang An? The situation is similar! But after all, he is still a child, OK? Su Quan feels that his outlook on life has been broken! what the fuck!

"How about it? Do you want to go to my place? There are planes and tanks! "

Wang an blinked her eyes. "Thank you, uncle. If you have a chance in the future, you will certainly go there. You are going to get up early tomorrow morning to see Tian'anmen Square and * *. This is the expectation of my grandfather's life."

Grandma's, with his teacher Ding Yu a virtue, oneself dare not interest? What's more, what about the change of topic? Also let people have nothing to say, now this time to say what is OK! It seems that there are so many things that are not appropriate. Can you tell him that these things are not difficult for you?

However, for myself, it may not be difficult, but for Wang An, is it really difficult? You should know that he also has a tutor, Wei Wei An, which is provided by Ding Yu. It is absolutely the same order as Wang Xiaogang. From this point of view, Tong Tong has a big gap with him!

Although Ding Yu said that his time as a professor was very short, he left a profound influence on Wang An. One or two of them can be seen from Wang An's performance! If we don't know about Wang An's situation, I'm afraid we can't really feel that Wang An has such great potential!

"Originally I thought your teacher was not at home. I took you around casually and went to recognize relatives by the way. But what about the current situation? It's really that some of them are not suitable! If you have a chance in the future, come and visit us! "

"Yes, my uncle! I will go there in the future! "

Because there are other things, so Suquan didn't have much time to stay, but on the back of the car, Suquan praised Wang an very much, "this little boy is really so wonderful. He came to the capital for the first time, but he was able to calm down quickly, which is very amazing in itself."

"Director, I don't feel any difference!"

"That's because you didn't observe carefully enough! What about Wang An's sister? It's on the side, too! However, it is obvious that she is very frightened, even a little afraid. But what about Wang An? There is no fear at all, eyes are very clear, it is really a ghost! How did Ding Yu find him out? "

"Director, whatever? Have already met Wang an! At least we have a preliminary understanding

"There is still a considerable gap between Tong Tong and Wang An? It is even visible to the naked eye. Now I understand why Ding Yu had to treat Tong Tong differently in the past! If it was me, I'm afraid it would be the same. There are some people who look down on me! "

"Director, there are so many more than enough for this one."

"I know Tong Tong is very hard-working, but what about such efforts? Or is the gap too much, and the way Wang an cultivated it? It's also a little bit different! However, what kind of situation will be in the future? At present, it is really very restrained, and I really hope that children will not be pulled down too much! "

"Director general, why do you and director Ding think Wang An is very good, but what does it give me? What about Wang An? Some are too quiet? Even more quiet than Tong Tong! Quiet people feel very insipid! If you throw it in the crowd, you won't come out! No one will be interested in him! "

"The direction is different. What about the children's quietness? It's because there are not too many children playing together. What about this? There are still a lot of reasons? Because the nature of our work is too redundant and special! So he restrained Tong Tong, but Wang An? It's another thing, his quiet is not moved! Even if it is the temptation of the outside, but he is still able to adhere to their own, is completely two kinds of situation! You know when he started? How about collecting waste for a living? You can still go out and pick up waste. It takes more than courage! "

"If you let me play a scavenger, there are not too many problems, but let me go back to the old business, I'm afraid it's very sad in my heart, if only from this point, it's a bit terrible! At least relative to his age, that's it. It's hard for the child! Director Ding's requirements are a little strict! ""The boss really doesn't have too many requirements for this. He still has the style of the past and let Wang an solve it by himself! For this matter, we had a dispute with the boss at dawn, but what about Wang An's reaction? However, it was beyond all people's expectation. I'm afraid this is also the reason. Therefore, he is highly regarded by Ding Yu. "

How did it happen? Su Quan can be said to be very clear, it is precisely because of clear, so the heart is more appalled, and although this time is said to be just a meeting, but his heart is really left an extraordinary deep impression! The same Su Quan is also very aware that he can contact Wang An, but if the emotional management department to contact Wang An, is another thing!

Although Ding Yu didn't say it clearly, this is a warning line, and it is still a warning line that can not be crossed. If there is any problem, how Ding Yu will deal with this matter at that time will really depend on the face of God! No one dares to guarantee that Ding Yu will do something!

When Wang an got up in the morning, he went to watch the flag raising in Tiananmen Square. He also saw it on TV. But it was the first time that Wang an watched the national flag rise. Wang did not know why. He felt that he could not control himself, and his grandfather and sister-in-law were the same!

After that, Wang An and others went all the way down the hall. At noon, they simply found a place to eat something, and they really didn't show any difference! "Brother, it seems that I forgot to give the gift to him yesterday!" When the little girl is eating, it seems that she suddenly thinks of something!

"It was on the car last night! You didn't see it! How can you forget to bring something to the teacher? Not only did we give the teacher something, but also our friends also brought gifts. They will love it Wang an also comforted her sister!

"I thought I forgot! I made it myself

"It's all over the top!" Wang an subconsciously added a sentence, but looking at his sister's appearance, also a smile, his sister ah! It's still a child! But also very good, at least than in the mother side to live better, at least now every day is the most happy!

Because of song Tianren's cover, and now there are more information management departments, no one else has noticed Wang An. Even they don't know that Wang An has come to the courtyard. It seems that there has never been such a person, that is, the intelligence department! If you change to other units, I'm afraid it will not be eliminated so clean!

Song Tianren took Zhan Zhao to see Uncle Xin in the morning. Last night, Zhan Zhao had already arrived. But Uncle Xin had a job, so he came to see him in the morning. Zhan Zhao changed his clothes, not to mention, his mental appearance was very good!

"Song Shao, is it too abrupt?" While sitting in the car, Zhan Zhao still felt a little uneasy. He had seen a big leader or a leader in the Ministry, but that was just a need. Now? Because of personal reasons, the situation between each other is not the same!

"There's nothing I can't let go. Just go and see Uncle Xin. I'm down here? It's also because of your care, brother cat. What about in the future? There must be quite a need, to be honest? There are so many people at home who are not at ease, so they need to check. After all, what about the older generation? I have quite a lot of experience, and they are all valuable experiences! "

"Yes, song Shao, I'm sure I won't be disgraced!"

"No such thing! The director has already said that I was not a good man, and now I find out! Not a good man? It's really a very good thing. You don't need to put so many shackles on your body. It's more relaxed and more comfortable at the same time! "

Breakfast is here. Zhan Zhao is a little restrained. In fact, song Tianren is the same. However, before leaving, the middle-aged man also patted song Tianren, "you boy! Don't talk about this fate! Can be valued by director Ding Yuding, now there is able to find such a good helper for himself, but can not be so? And relax your efforts! Do you know? "

"And Zhan Zhao? You have rich experience. Tianren is a little smart, but how far away from the grassroots? Or is there a considerable gap in the future? You may need to take care of each other! "

What's the point of departure? It's not a superior leader, but an elder. However, Zhan Zhao also made a salute. Although he didn't speak, he still represented Zhan Zhao's attitude!

In fact, middle-aged people are not so much at ease with Zhan Zhao? It's better to say that Ding Yu can rest assured that he knows something about Zhan Zhao. Will Ding Yu not understand it at all? It's impossible! Ding Yu does not say, does not mean that he really does not know anything? Two things! Sometimes, Ding Yu doesn't say anything, which also represents his attitude.

To a certain extent, Ding Yu is also a kind of recognition for Zhan Zhao. If Ding Yu doesn't approve of it, how can it be possible for Zhan Zhao to stay with song Tianren for such a long time, or even arrange some training for Zhan Zhao!Especially this time song Tianren returns to Beijing! For song Tianren, it is a kind of assessment and a kind of exercise, but from another perspective, it is a kind of value to song Tianren. What about this kind of value? To a certain extent, Zhan Zhao will also be affected! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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