Song Tianren and the three of them were in the capital for three days. Comparatively speaking, song Tianren was a little more lively. It's not that there are no scruples, but there are not so many taboos! And the other two secretaries? Relatively speaking? Is slightly calm! Whether it's good or bad, it's really difficult to evaluate. We need to see what Ding Yu thinks!

As for Wang An's side, he also stayed in the capital for a period of time, but just like ordinary tourists, there was no special place to show up! In addition to the previous time left a bowl of siheyuan, it seems that there is not too much relationship and contact with the courtyard, in this point, Wang An is so some small adults!

Grandfather and sister are taken care of by him, and take care of very good! If it is not because of age, it is really hard to imagine such a child can do such a thing! It can be seen from this that Ding Yu's eyes are so poisonous!

Unfortunately, there are not many people to see! Emotional management department will not be so stupid, take the initiative to expose Wang an! Just kidding! If it is really exposed, Ding Yu's level will not pass first! What's more? What about Wang An's future? It's not so sure now. Even if the intelligence department can't get in the hand, it doesn't want other aspects to grab it!

So now this time can hide, or try to hide it! What's more, Ding Yu has other views on this matter! Since he doesn't have the meaning of this aspect, we try our best to keep the tacit understanding in this aspect!

Song Tianren and the three of them returned to the small county town together after their vacation, reporting to Ding Yu!

"Song Tianren, come with me!" Hou Tianliang took the lead in calling song Tianren. From this speech, you can clearly feel that the tone is a little bit bad. Moreover, the expression on the face of Hou Tianliang's secretary is not as pleasant as expected!

Song Tianren also touched his cheek. When he returned to the capital, he didn't seem to have much movement. He was almost the same as usual, even more low-key and calm than usual! Because the director has warned himself, song Tianren really listened to this in his heart!

After all, I'm the one around the director now! There was no such identity before, but I didn't care! But now with this identity, continue to commit such mistakes and mistakes, there are quite a problem! As for eating or chatting with friends, it seems that there are not too many problems! No one is alone, is he?

"Director!" After coming in, Hou Tianliang and song Tianren yelled together. There were other guests in the room, who were from the armed police, but their conversation was obviously over! Ding Yu is shaking hands with the armed police!

"Excuse me! It has added a lot of trouble to everyone

"Director Ding, you are welcome! Because of director Ding's sake, our armed police have got very good training opportunities and even learned a lot of things. We can't ask for this. I hope we can get the guidance of director Ding in the future. " The armed police put his attitude very low! Because the actual situation is also true!

They shook hands with each other, but when they left, they nodded and said hello to Hou Tianliang and song Tianren. If there was no Ding Yu, they might talk more, but Ding Yu was not so convenient! If you really talk to Hou Tianliang or song Tianren, where do you put Ding Yu?

However, Hou Tianliang did not really stay in the room for long time. Soon he took the document list and went to chase the armed police leader who had just left the house, "Hello!" He made a salute, and then handed over the list of documents in his hand, "the director's time here has made everyone hard! What about these things? A little thanks from the director! "

"Secretary Hou, director Ding is very kind! We... "

"Because of you, the safety and defense of the director has been guaranteed very well! What about this? Because of other reasons, so can not fall above the surface, whether the director, or I are very sorry, this period of time here let everyone have a hard time! "

Hou Tianliang is also dealing with such things, which is very peripheral, "what about these things? It's for everyone! At the same time, the director will offer a few places. If you like, you can join the farm when you are demobilized! "

When the leader of the armed police heard the news, his body was shocked, and the whole person was obviously surprised! Of course I know about the farm! The small county town is not very big. The farm is so hot. You can still hear some news and give yourself a few places. This human relationship is not so big!

What about your own hands? They are all good soldiers, also are good guys, also have family difficulties! I believe that after they enter the society, they can also glow again! However, they also need to be given considerable opportunities, and joining the farm is a good starting point for some soldiers who are recovering!

"Thank you. I don't think our soldiers will be disappointed no matter where they go.""If there is anything in the future, you can directly contact assistant song!" Hou Tianliang has already started the handover in some aspects. What about these things? In the future, we need to let song Tianren deal with it! He needs to start on the front desk!

In the room, Ding Yu looked at Song Tianren standing in front of him, and also pointed to the position in front of him. "Back in the capital for a few days, tell me how you feel and evaluate yourself!"

"Report!" Song Tianren stood up again, looked at the director, and sat down again. "Back in the capital, I was warmly welcomed. I knew or didn't know, and I still didn't hear about it. All of them came to the door! I didn't refuse to come, but I had a choice to sit and chat with my family and reminisce about the past! This is the general situation! "

Ding Yu didn't say anything, but he heard song Tianren continue to say, "most people come here for simple purposes. On the one hand, it's because of me. On the other hand, it's also because of the director that you are interested in! Only a few people sincerely congratulate me for having such a good learning opportunity

"It's just something on the surface. It doesn't make any sense to analyze it. Let's talk about the deeper level!"

"Yes Song Tianren also changed his face. "I think this is the director's assessment of us, to see our ability to adapt to circumstances. After all, under such a long period of high pressure, we are almost squeezed to the limit! Under such circumstances, if we relax suddenly, we will be at a loss. We may jump to the sky directly! "

Yeah! Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "still can see clearly! Relatively speaking? Your way is still quite good, at this time, to understand this matter, the same can find the most suitable way to relax, or very good! It's said that Zhan Zhao went to the capital with him! "

"Yes! I took it to see Uncle Xin. Uncle Xin is still very good for his senses

"His experience is very rich. Since he is the helper you pulled over by yourself, you should be responsible for his affairs by yourself. If there is any problem or situation, I can only ask you!" Ding Yu's words are not polite at all, but from another point? It also shows that Ding Yu's recognition of Zhan Zhao is not easy!

"Yes, director, we will urge each other! Common progress

"What do you think of the other two?" Ding Yu also asked subconsciously, "if there is a sentence, I will ask them about this. This is also an investigation of you!"

"I think they are a little bit conservative and stay with the director. This is a well-known thing. Even if they want to hide, they will not have any effect. Moreover, they are under such great pressure now, and even will bear greater pressure in the future. They always restrain themselves, and they are prone to big problems in the future! And now is the best time, but they have not grasped it! "

"But if you can really control yourself, it may be another thing. But I always feel that everything needs to be done with open mind." Song Tianren said solemnly.

"Well! That's not bad. For the moment, let's start to take over the work in the morning! And call in the two of them! I have something I want to find out with them! "

What about the two secretaries who came in? In fact, similar to song Tianren, Ding Yu is looking for them to learn about the situation! With song Tianren can be said to be the same, at the same time let them talk about the two views on Song Tianren! Relatively speaking? Not as relaxed as song Tianren, a little nervous!

However, Ding Yu did not have any criticism about this. The so-called unbearable monk's face to see Buddha's face is not. After all, he came through the third uncle. If he didn't give this face too much, the third uncle didn't seem to be able to explain it! This seems to be a problem! But this does not mean that Ding Yu has no idea about them!

"At dawn, arrange for Tianren and the three of them to discipline the so-called bear children on the farm!"

"Let the three of them pass at dawn?" Hou Tianliang blinked his eyes, "director, what requirements?"

"No, let them go and let them deal with it by themselves. Anyway, it will be Chinese New Year in a while! Let's see if these bear children have any ideas. They are staying here for the Spring Festival! Or go back! After all, what about these bear children? With dawn they have countless ties, better communication, you don't have to go! I'm afraid some people are already impatient at this time of the moment! "

Does anyone dare to be impatient? Did you eat leopard gall? However, Hou Tianliang did not really mean to say it! "Director, it may take some time after the evacuation. Do you want to go home or go to the hotel?"

"Arrange for them to go to the hotel! I have quite a job. I've been troubling the detention center for a while. Let's have a meal together

"Yes, chief!" Hou Tianliang came out of the office and called out song Tianren and the three of them, "you go to the farm. There is a winter camp over there. You are responsible for knowing about it!"Coach the kids at the winter camp? This winter camp, song Tianren and the three of them are really clear, is running to their own director! But now the director has asked them to take charge of the winter camp, which is not so difficult, especially for the three of them!

Because what about the people who come to the winter camp? What about the big part? Can be involved with them quite a relationship! What about these relationships? How to deal with them when they are responsible? Be strict or relax? What is the standard of measurement?

If we put down the standard, what about the children who come to the winter camp? Happy! But they lost the intention to participate in the winter camp. But if they were strictly required, would these bear children listen? It's not such a good choice!

What's more? Director, when they come to do this, they will give them a chance to exercise and show themselves. Such an opportunity must not be wasted! So three people also looked at each other!

"Yes, Secretary Hou. We will deal with it immediately."

"After going to the farm? In the evening, if nothing happens, go back to the hotel! The director will not work here from tomorrow! We've been interrupting for such a long time! It is already quite inappropriate! If there is any need, you can ask for help by yourself in the tablet terminal! If there is anything else you don't understand, please let me know! "

Three people came to the farm by car. There were so many children. Even some children saw song Tianren. Their eyes were bright.

"Uncle, why are you here?" When they were scattered, a child also jumped to song Tianren's side position, but there was no restraint at all! That is, the clothes on the body may be a little bit too much, slightly bloated!

"You little troublemaker! Still so naughty Song Tianren didn't like the other two secretaries. He said, "how do you feel when you come to the winter camp? Isn't it fun? "

"It's fun. There's no restriction, but I'm a little tired! You need to wash your own clothes! I still have a job in the daytime, but I'm not afraid. I can't be compared with those Japs! " When I speak, I also hold my little arm, and I don't admit defeat at all!

"No words! How about Japanese friends? "

"We must be better than them!" The little guy is still like that, "eat more than them, do more than them, and learn better than them! Can't disgrace my grandfather! When my grandfather beat little Japan, what about me now? We should also defeat them, and defeat them in all aspects! "

"Courage is commendable, but what is the concrete performance?"

Little fat Dun put out his tongue, "those guys are very rigid sometimes! Not flexible at all, but perseverance is good, and very hard work, we can not relax, really did not expect that they will be so hard, but we will not be pulled down by them! I can wash my socks now

"I'll go!" Song Tianren looked up and down at his nephew. "If your mother wants to know, she may jump two somersaults in the street. She will be very happy. But is it not enough to learn such a little thing?"

"I also learned some other movements, but I can't say clearly for a moment. I don't understand a lot of things! I need to use a computer and buy some books. But the speed of the farm is very fast. Basically, it is required today and will be delivered tomorrow! What we learn is different! "

On the other hand, he also took his uncle to the dormitory. What about the sanitation of the whole dormitory and corridor? All of them were cleaned by the children themselves. There was no one else. Looking at the bright ground, song Tianren felt that he couldn't get off his feet. "Uncle, there are automatic shoe covering machines and slippers over there!"

Looking at the lattice in the corridor, song Tianren noticed that there was a special shoe cabinet with slippers in it! However, after thinking about it, song Tianren still felt that it was not very polite to wear shoes. Besides, there were disposable slippers beside him, which was very convenient. "There are a lot of guests here!"

"It's not that many people come here at ordinary times. This is our private space!" Xiaopangdun found his shoe rack, took out his slippers from it, and then took his uncle to his bedroom!

Looking at the layout of the bedroom, there are some simple, bedding is still neat! "You did it yourself?! I really didn't see it! "

"Well! We cleaned them up by ourselves. If those people can do well, we can do well. We also invited retired security uncle to give us guidance, but there is no way to do so well! Uncle, this is my bed

Song Tianren is really very careful looking at his nephew's bed and pinching two of them. He is a little emperor and a little ancestor at home. However, after only a few days here, there is such a big change. It really makes song Tianren feel that there are so many nephews who don't know him!"Wow, you little fat dunk, you really make me look so different!"

"That's it. We should treat each other with a new look on the third day after we leave. It's not for nothing." Xiaopangdun also began to drag words! This reveals a strong pride and pride, seems to have forgotten, the beginning of the time to cry and howl! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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