"I'm free here!" Ding Yu didn't express any opinions and ideas about this matter. If you are willing to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to stay, it doesn't matter if you leave! I don't care, I don't want to!

"Boss! They are all children, not adults! " Wang Changlin also said a word of consolation, although he also knows this word? The effect may be very limited, but in any case, the words themselves need to say two words, although the matter is handed to the boss, but what about the family? The pressure is also quite big!

After all, what about the people who took part in the winter camp? Families are very special. If there are any problems and problems with their children, what about the whole capital? It's going to hit three! No matter how to say, Ding Yu is the eldest in the family, this matter everybody is cognizant!

I wanted to see if these children had any chance, but what? After their children went to the farm, there was basically no news! How are you doing? What about Ding Yu? Unusual cold and heartless, whether you are a child or not? Does it have anything to do with me?

Although some parents hope their children can come back, they also know that this winter camp on the farm? It's not a trivial matter. If you really give up such an opportunity, who knows whether there will be such an opportunity in the future? But the baby is so young? Is it too strict not to let them go back even for the Chinese new year?

"Is it an adult? This seems to have nothing to do with me, but I've been a bit busy recently. I don't have so much time. What happened to the three of song Tianren? More free, let them take some time! Let's see what's going on! "

"Let them take some?" Wang Changlin some don't quite understand, his eldest son hit what attention, and this word? I'm not really good to ask! Will the boss tell himself what's going on here? It seems that there are so many unlikely! "Is this feasible?"

"Nothing is possible or not! The three of them didn't have much to do anyway. What happened to the bear kids? Those who lack discipline, look at their means! Who knows? "

What about Wang Changlin? But I understand another meaning. Song Tianren and the three of them came back earlier! After staying in the capital for a few days, we all know this, and people also know what Ding Yu means. Now they have sent song Tianren to the farm. Obviously, this assessment is going on? It should be further carried out!

At the same time, it's also used to block some people's mouths! How to do it? Think about it by yourself!

"I see! Pay attention to yourself. The weather is so cold. Pay attention to your body, OK

"I see!" And then the phone hung up! Hou Tianliang stood not far away, just like a clay Maitreya! Has been waiting for the director to come over again, this just suddenly between the alert came over!


"It seems that some of those bear children can't sit still! It seems that we should give them some material! " When saying this, what about the expression on Ding Yu's face? A little bit of fun, but Hou Tianliang looked at his own director, and his heart also sighed, these unfortunate children! This time I'm afraid it's going to be bad luck!

"Director, it's OK to add some ingredients to them, but the question is what kind of ingredients to add, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. If I serve them together, I don't think they can taste the taste of it!"

"That's a little bit of a meaning." Ding Yu raised his eyelids. "What about it? I left them there for such a long time. It seems that I have never seen them before. My father called me. This face still needs to be given! Otherwise, it will always be trouble when you go home! "

When it comes to this matter, Hou Tianliang doesn't mean to speak! "Director, those bear kids are doing well, but what about me? Ordinary people, the eyes are really so blind. If you want to pick out diamonds from them, it's not a common embarrassment to me! "

"You think so!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "give song Tianren a wind through them! To be specific, we need to take a look at the performance of the three of them and the specific division of labor? Also need to start from this! It's not that they are not given a chance, it depends on whether they can grasp it! What do you think of the three of them? "

"Song Tianren should be a better one! But what about his mentality? It's not so calm. It needs a lot of experience. If I pass the test of blood and fire, I think it will be in the future? It must be very unusual! "

"It's not so easy to pass the test of blood and fire." Ding Yu sighed, "you have experienced it! Although it's just a fight, what kind of situation is it? It's not just that I almost didn't come out. I've also been involved in squatting for almost half a year. I think it's not worth it! ""Director, give me a little face anyway!" Hou Tianliang is also so shy and hard to do!

What about that experience? Let Hou Tianliang realize a lot of things, and these things? Also promoted oneself to be able to walk today this step! Of course, I also hope that song Tianren can have such experience, but what kind of result will it be? It's really hard to say! After all, this is not a trivial matter!

If you are a little careless, you may die. But to the present position, what about song Tianren? Still very good by oneself! But I have a good idea! It doesn't mean he will come to the end! Even if it's yourself, it's the same! I'm half way off now! Think about it, there are so many regrets!

But Hou Tianliang did not really have any so-called complaints about this, has such an opportunity? What else do you want? Right? How many people are eager to see, but there is no such opportunity at all?

When they returned to the hotel in the evening, song Tianren and their friends were so confused because they knew each other on the farm? Let them feel that their first half of life has been so white! Are you kidding? Are children so eager to learn now? And how many days have they been here? How could there be such a change?

We should know that these bear children are a bully at home. They can stretch out their clothes and open their mouths when they eat. This may be a little exaggerated, but it can't be overestimated. Although not all of them are like this, almost all of them have common problems! But when I came here, I was able to rely on myself. This should not be a joke! Or is the world changing too fast?

What made them change so much? Is it because of the Japanese kids on the farm? There should be reasons for this, but what proportion does it occupy? What's more, is this a deliberate arrangement of the director?

All of them are waiting for them to understand, to investigate, and then to guide! But what about the last point? For song Tianren, they are really not a general test! After all, what about this? For them, it is also an assessment!

The next morning at more than five o'clock, song Tianren and his family went straight to the farm, regardless of the cold weather! Arrived at the place not long time, saw a crowd of children have already got up! Exercise their own body outside, but with those children in Japan, the performance is very obvious!

But what about each other? It is true that there are so some fighting spirit meaning! No one has to admit defeat posture, wash and then eat breakfast! What about song Tianren and the three of them? That is to watch, because now I really don't know where to start from and feel all these bear children? Too much of their own!

If all the children in Beijing are like this, why should they be sent to the farm! I'm afraid families? Sleep will wake up laughing, but who can think that they came here, will have such a change! The so-called man who is close to the ink is red, and he who is close to the ink is black. Is this the case?

What about your little fat Dun? At home, there is no such thing as this one, that one, and that snack. But just now he was sitting at his own place, and the contents of the plate were all clean. Although it was not as clean as licking, there was really nothing else in it except some soup! Damn it!

"Uncle, we need to help in the shed in the morning! Do you want to come together? "

"Just you, go to the shed to help. It's a bad thing."

Xiaopangdun also raised his fist in his hand, "uncle, you don't look down on people! We can also work, but not very well! That group of guys came a little earlier than us, so they were more skilled. If we were earlier than them, we would be better than them! You can see it

What about the work in Dapeng? The farm staff gave directions, but they didn't mean to reach out. What about these children? However, song Tianren pointed them out and asked them to work together. In this way, they could play their roles better!

What song Tianren didn't expect, after finishing their work in the shed, these guys also went to the Japanese children's shed to observe carefully. What about the Japanese children? Also came to the capital these children's shed, each other is in observation, in pondering! Obviously, the atmosphere of opposition is still quite strong!

When we came back, we cleaned it again, because there was still some time before lunch, so these children also took advantage of this time to quickly supplement themselves! No one else is needed to supervise!

"Am I fucked?" Song Tianren looked at the two secretaries and said, "if I was like this when I was a child, I can't go to heaven now?"

"God, I don't know, but I'm sure it's the first echelon right now? I'm going to

The rest of the words did not say, but the meaning has been revealed quite clearly! If they were like this when they were young, what are the first echelons now? Directly to the side of the kick position!However, when they were young, although they said they had a good family background, they had no interest in this aspect at all, even if it was hard work! But relatively speaking? Not enough effort! After all, what about things that are too easy to get? Not so cherished, so many people? Will take a detour! Even on the crooked road!

Because of their families, even if they don't work hard, what about their whole life? It is also difficult for ordinary people to reach. In this case, why should we try our best? So a lot of people will relax! And once the breath is removed! It's really not so easy to mention again!

And now what about these bear kids? Now they are mentioned. If they don't relax, their future development will be very promising. However, it is very normal to think about it. Why do you say that? After all, they are still very young, just like a piece of white paper, there are not many traces on it!

What if you want to make a good picture? Do you really need to lay a good foundation and daub it at will? It can make the white paper contaminated quickly, but the more contaminated? The more difficult it is to change it. It is easy to think about it. But how can one know the difficulties?

"Under such circumstances, what shall we do?" Song Tianren also grabs two of his own hair, the head this time also already knew a bird's nest! When I came, I was full of confidence, but now I don't know how to do it! And two secretaries? This time is almost the same situation!

"Forget it! Let's talk about it again? The three cobblers can't catch up with Zhuge Liang, or do you need to think of some other way? " Song Tianren is really brave. What about this? The other two secretaries thought about it, but how about putting them into practice? Really dare not think like this! This matter still needs song Tianren to start!

To be sure, song Tianren will take the initiative, but relatively speaking? It's really not so important. If this matter is handled well, song Tianren has gained considerable popularity, but similarly, if it is not handled well, it will lose considerable impression points, which is certain!

Song Tianren did not go to the director, nor did he go to Hou Tianliang. What about such a thing? It was originally arranged by the director and Secretary Hou. Now if you look back on them, would you put the cart before the horse? It has no effect at all!

So song Tianren also made a phone call and called Zhan Zhao over, "brother cat, this is the general situation. Originally, I thought the director arranged us to come and take care of these bear children. These kids are not only at home, but also in the capital city? He is also the master of the king. He is full of arrogance at ordinary times, and there are really not many people who can control them. However, I didn't expect to come here and have such a big change! I don't even know them! "

"Ren Shao, I think you may have gone to a dead end!"

Ah? What does this mean? Song Tianren can't help but be stunned, "to be specific, say it!"

"I think so. These children came to the farm. They were the little emperor and princess in the family. Now, because of the Japanese children, there are fundamental changes. If the director doesn't know about this matter, I think there are some things that are not possible, even if the director knows it! Why let Ren Shao come here? "

"At first, I thought I could teach them lessons, but after I came here, I found out that if I did, I would teach them lessons! It's just adding fuel to the lily. It's even easy to have so-called counter effects, so it's a dilemma now! "

"Ren Shao, my personal feeling is just as natural as it is!" Zhan Zhao is very calm analysis of this matter, "is there any other deep meaning I really can not guess, but my personal feeling, as little as you take care of these children! After all, they came here. Even if the director doesn't pay any attention to it, it's only on the surface! "

"Don't you care?" Song Tianren said to himself!

After talking to Zhan Zhao, song Tianren also had a brief discussion with the two secretaries. Let alone, it was really to explore some things. Ding Yu would never send them here for no reason. After all, what about these bear children? Family background is different! And not one or two people, but all!

The director had arranged everything very well, and everything was in order. However, under the current situation, the director still sent them over. He would never want to interrupt the children. Then the meaning revealed in this is worth pondering!

"As far as I'm concerned? The director should let us suppress the gossip of those people in the capital. What's more? It is to let us stop a little, after all, we went back to the capital, or make a little noise! Who is more important to us and these children? This question? It's really hard to say! What do you mean? "

The other two people took a look at Song Tianren and went back to the capital. We were both very quiet. If you want to tell us something about the so-called movement, it should be you who made the noise!"What do I mean? After the new year? Maybe there will be some action. At this time? What about the director? What we haven't seen is the most peaceful. The director has placed it here for us, so there should be no disturbance! "

As soon as this word is said, the other two people's eyes are bright. Obviously, they also agree with song Tianren's statement!

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