Song Tianren and the three of them came to the farm. All of a sudden, they were outside! Anyway? We still know some news, but now we are in the farm? Relevant news is also stagnant!

If Ding Yu knew about it, it was really hard to say what kind of consequences it would be. After all, Ding Yu was involved. It was not a joke! So you still need to think about it!

What's more, song Tianren and the children in the winter camp are mingling with each other. What's the meaning of this? Ding Yu has never had the meaning of the past, but heard that the performance of the winter camp there is still very good! Are there any other problems and situations?

There was some movement in the capital, but now we all stopped immediately, or a little bit more stable! Do you have any opinions and thoughts about Ding Yu? Of course there are! But we can only recite it silently in our heart, and we really dare not say it directly!

After all, song Tianren and his wife have already gone to the farm, even with the children! But if you think about it, can't you tell us something about the children? They are all family members. When they think about it? The heart is also a burst of uncomfortable, but that's it!

In these two days, song Tianren and his wife are not so relaxed. Comparatively speaking, they don't have too many things. What about the children? In addition to considerable things, they really do not need them to deliberately guide, which song Tianren has seen very clearly! The director's arrangement for this can be said to be very good!

Although the director has never been here, it does not mean that the director is not interested in them at all, but what about this? But it is not on the surface. Under such circumstances, whether these children will have other outstanding performance and then attract the director's attention is really open to discussion!

But what about these bear kids? The family itself is very unusual! What about their contact and perception of the world? It's quite different. What about this? Soon, it also opened the gap with the local children!

It's not that the local children are not excellent. There is really nothing to do with this, but local? It's just a small county with no rich details. What about the contact and understanding of the society and the world for these children? Or too narrow, want to have a breakthrough, is a very difficult thing!

But song Tianren and his two local high schools do know something about it? However, it is quite famous and outstanding. In such a small county, there are really some extraordinary high schools with such a high enrollment rate. From this, we can see the importance of local education!

And in-depth understanding, although the small county town is very small, but also has a considerable history! What about mediocrity? Hiding colorful! But you need to experience and observe with your heart! Ordinary people are really hard to find out!

In the morning, watching the snow flying outside! Song Tianren and their car to the farm, this side has already begun to work! Heavy snow will have a considerable impact on the shed, so when it snows, the farm side has begun to move! And what about the bear kids? They also started cleaning with tools!

However, song Tianren also noticed that some snowmen had been piled up on the farm side, just above the square! It's not so naive, but the same? There is also a clear distinction.

"Do you still have this craft? I didn't see it before, but it's pretty smart! " Pull his nephew to the side, not taboo at all rubbing his little fat face, want to resist? How could it be?

"Uncle, I'm just helping! But what? Uncle, what about a handyman like you? Forget it Hum a, and then also carrying their own push Snowboard run away! Soon, I gathered with my friends and started a snowball fight with those Japanese children.

Although there is competition among them? Does it not hinder their relationship, competition and progress? This is the most correct way, and also the concept of Ding Yu transmission!

What about these bear children from Beijing? Their families are very different. Naturally, they know about these Japanese children on the farm? All of them belong to Dashan and Tanaka families. What about Dashan and Tanaka? He is the representative of director Ding Yuding in Japan. Because of their excellent performance, these children can get such a chance!

In Japanese words, they are the servants of director Ding Yuding. They need to work for director Ding in the future. With such an opportunity, they will never relax! What about the spirit of death? Are these children from the capital? Feel your previous life? It's really a waste of time!

What about these little Japanese? Such a young age on so hard and hard, if you don't work hard and hard words, the time to grow up in the future! So many years of accumulation and silence, when they can catch up with them? If you can't catch up with them, will there be any so-called backwardness in the future!Therefore, no matter what kind of problems and conditions appear, they can never be pulled down by them. They must be better and more outstanding than them. Only through the joint efforts and efforts of all, can the country become more powerful. As for whether this idea is right or wrong! Not so much now!

Bear children are so hard and hard work! How could song Tianren be indifferent? Although there are so many that life is not like death, but soon get used to it! Comparatively speaking, although there are some sufferings in this period of time, what about this kind of pain? In the future, it is possible to bear sweeter fruits!

"How honest are the three of them?" Listening to Hou Tianliang's report, Ding Yu took a look at the weather outside. The snow was still falling. He had not seen such a heavy snow for several years! It's really something else!

"Where are the bear children from the capital? The whole mood has been mobilized, the performance is very excited! Do not admit defeat at all, and this also affected song assistant, they three people, if lost to a child, then it would be a shame! What's more, it's the kind of people who lose their hair. How can they not be careful? "

"What about your personal inclination?" Seeing if Hou Tianliang didn't respond, Ding Yu then said, "arrangements for the New Year! What's your personal opinion and opinion on this? "

"I think we should consider this issue from two aspects. First of all, if we let them stay here, they will be more dedicated. What about the same? After all, they are still children. Chinese New Year is a special festival for all Chinese people. If they stay here, their minds will change! And they go back? It will bring considerable changes to their own homes. After all, they have made considerable changes. What about the spring that is pressed down? You can also relax a little bit, but similarly, it is also a question of whether it will be too lax! "

"You can speak! If you cut bean curd with a knife, you will not offend anyone! " Ding Yu slightly hummed, "then don't tell them the news. It's good to charter a plane to send it back on Chinese New Year's Day! Give them a few days off and let them have a rest! What about the children of Dashan and Tanaka? It's the same thing! "

"Yes, director. I'll arrange it right away!" After all, the time to celebrate the new year is getting shorter and shorter!

At the same time, Taixi also brought the children to the capital. Because Ding Yu was not there, everything needed to be done by Taixi. Fortunately, it was the same in the past, so there would be no strangeness and restraint! And because of the experience in the workplace, so now the Taixi for such a thing, it is easy.

The old man in the family is the same as usual, not that he is lazy, but some things? He is really not so convenient to show up! After dealing with the capital's affairs, Taixi also went back with his children!

Ding Yu here because there is nothing, so also personally welcome! This point was not so common in the past. The two children were very excited, and Taixi also showed some sensibility about it!

"Why do you come here so busy? It's not that I don't know the way Holding Ding Yu's arm, Taixi also complained!

"I haven't had a rest for a long time! It happened that you were here! Give yourself a chance to be lazy

As for two small? This time has already run a long way! Next to the small four eyes is also a step do not give up to follow, but this body shape? It's really a little bit big, but fortunately there is a traction rope, otherwise it is easy to cause considerable problems!

Although they said they got on the bus, they didn't rush back. They didn't want to disturb their parents. Although there were some jumps at ordinary times, it would not be very good if they used to be light bulbs now! Even if his father didn't say anything, his mother would never bypass himself!

What about daddy? Sometimes it will be a little bit bad, even punish them, but as long as they recognize the mistakes, basically there will not be too many mistakes, but the mother is really not the same! Sometimes it's true that you can use it! Anyway, life is not too happy moment, mother's figure will always come out!

But in the evening, Tai hee came back! What's more, it's a compulsory requirement, although what about the father of the child? Maybe I don't care too much, but my father-in-law and my mother-in-law are all there, and I'm still hanging around outside, instead of coming to see you, it's etiquette and it's a loss!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very happy about the arrival of Taixi, especially the great grandson and granddaughter. They are really more and more water-saving and really inherit the advantages of Ding Yu and Taixi! I don't know how long it is!

The dinner was very rich. The two little guys kept picking up the atmosphere. However, little four eyes, little lazy and Labrador were a little lazy. Of course, the main reason was that the little four eyes were airborne. What about lazy and Labrador? Even if you are lively, you need to take care of the boss's mood! It's true. It can't be provoked!

After dinner, the two children are also looking for a little lazy and Labrador to play, as for the small four eyes? Is a face of disgust lying on one side of the position, do not give this face, two small is also very helpless about this, but also from time to time? Touch the big head with four eyes.Because the time is still early, although the weather outside is a little cool, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying still take two small out! Because even at home, their two children are still too noisy!

"It's really that people hate dogs."

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Tai Xi is very dissatisfied with the hammer, how can you say two children like this? What about the two kids? Is a little noisy, but said that people hate dogs, this is a little bit too much! How to describe it? I miss you very much if I leave you for a little longer, but after a few hours, you will feel like you are going to explode! It's hard to describe!

"I just feel that they are so big! But what about children? There are times like this. I was the same when I was a kid. How about you? Can girls be a little quieter? "

Tai Xi gave Ding Yu a white eye, but then they didn't stay at home. They also went out to hang out! What about the small county town? Although the economy has achieved considerable development, but what about work and rest? Basically, it is the same as before, and there are not too many changes!

"When I visited the mountain before, I sent some things to me! I heard that Dashan and Tanaka's children are here! "

"It's all over here! Dashan and Tanaka's performance is very excellent, at least in Japan that has a foothold, although the reasons are many! But without the intention of two people, it is obviously impossible to do this. What about money right? For them, they are interested, but the interest is not so great. For them, the family is the first thing

"This time in South Korea, many families also met their children. They had other ideas, but I didn't see many of them. I always felt that it was a lot worse."

"My own children always feel better than others! This is a common problem Ding Yu didn't mean to defend his son and daughter, "but relatively speaking? They have received an extraordinary education, although some of them do not look up to those children, this is also a common thing! "

After all, it was his son and daughter. How could Ding Yu not know and understand, but their performance was very good. They did not arouse the opposition of each other, but at the same time, they kept a considerable distance!

"They are still children, sometimes they are too sophisticated!"

"You! Now the psychology is very contradictory. I hope they can grow up a little faster, but there is hope that they will always be children. But how can it be possible that with the gradual change of time, you will find their growth? It will be beyond imagination. The future will be theirs. We will be old guys by then

A waiter brought the coffee, and Ding Yu tasted it. It tasted average. It must not be able to catch up with the home, but the environment here is still very good! From this point, we can also see that after the economic development of the small county town, everyone's experience has been greatly improved! At least before, the coffee shop was in this small town? It's not so good!

More fast food, but now? There are more cafes!

Ding Yu and Tai Xi came back a little late, two little guys in their pajamas fooling around in the living room! Ding Yu took a look at his watch. It's already this time! They are so energetic! I even have some doubts! These years for their training, is not a bit too much!

But the appearance of the two children, is let Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people love unceasingly, the child is like this, Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding were not naughty? It's not the same, even more mischievous than grandson and granddaughter. At the beginning, it was really angry liver pain, but now it's not as good as the same. The naughty boy is good!

In the evening, the two children are sleeping with Ding Yu and Tai Xi. Although it is a little crowded, the whole family is really very warm. When I get up in the morning, it seems that there are some birds and dogs jumping. The two children immediately turn into the big devil, which makes Ding Yu feel a little pain in his brain!

"Dad, don't take both of them with you and my mother! Really, if you let the two of them follow you, let them go to the farm to play! There are many children over there, and the farm's paradise is open! Although there are still some simple things for the time being, what's more, I have built several houses over there for them to have a look! "

"You built a house on the farm?"

"Yes! It's almost finished! The environment on the other side of the farm is very good, but it is also a result of a long time of rest. However, because it is winter, the decoration has not started yet. If you and my mother have time, you and my mother will go and have a look! " Ding Yu also explained a little bit!

"Yes! You and I have nothing to do with your mother anyway What is the inside story? Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have no intention to ask, and there is no significance. It is not intentional for the son to tell or not to tell himself!

Ding Yu did not follow the past, and had been waiting until about noon. Ding Yu took Hou Tianliang to the farm, but instead of going to visit the children, he came to his house!Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have already seen the decoration drawings of the house. Let alone really, it's not a general heartbeat. After getting older? On the contrary, there is no yearning for the city, but there is considerable expectation for the rural environment!

And this house? Seems to really be able to meet all this? What about two little guys? They are also quite interested in it, but after meeting the children on the farm, they have disappeared. At least when Ding Yu came, they did not find anything at all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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