The structure of the house has been completed a long time ago! It's just that the interior hasn't been decorated yet!

But Ding Lin immediately pulled his eldest son to the side of the position, "Xiaoyu! The effect of this house is really good, the place selected is also very good, there are mountains and water, but is it suitable? You know, the authority of this land is different! You don't have to take out the agricultural land. This is two times! Home in the city? It has a considerable relationship, but it is not appropriate to use it in this matter! "

"Dad, where do you want to go! I didn't mean to play a sidekick or to make a fool of it. When I bought land on the farm, I also said hello to the village committee and the city. Those who need to build houses have already been reported! Otherwise, I won't do it! "

"That's good! Don't look at the flowers now, but also pay attention! Don't play with the dummy

"I see. What about the farm? It's got everyone's attention, but what about itself? There are strict requirements. What should be done and what should not be done? There's no need! Who knows what will happen in the future? Be kind to others and convenient to yourself

"All right! I'm relieved if you say that! "

Looking around, Ding Lin really doesn't like it in general. Although it's a farm here, what about the house? It's just close to the farm. It's a little bit close to the farm! However, if you can live here, it is really open-minded and happy, absolutely better than the high-rise buildings in the city!

The more you look at it, the more you like it, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have already begun to discuss. The interior decoration effect is very good. When the decoration is finished, they can move in! When the time comes, we will really blind all our eyes!

As for other aspects? Ding Yu didn't mean to interfere, just like his father and mother like it! With Tai Xi said hello, two people really do not want to too much to disturb the meaning, soon also pull Tai Xi came to the side of a house, the distance is not as far as imagined!

"What about dad and mom? Let's not disturb too much! How about a short time? There is no problem, but after a long time? Stop talking about you! Mom, I don't have a good face! "

"Not because you are lazy?" Tai Xi is also complaining, said a, father-in-law and mother-in-law are very good to themselves, don't say quarrel! It's the red face, even when talking loudly! But the environment here is really very good, although the air is a little cold, but it is very sweet feeling!

"Although the house is said to have been built, it has no design, and I don't know what style you like. I don't feel much about it personally! If you have time, you'll have to work harder for it! What about me? There's a place to live and a study! Whatever you want

Tai hee is very excited. What about in Korea? You own a pretty big house, even in other parts of the world? There are also quite a lot of luxury houses, whether it is the environment, or the layout, are super first-class, but really not many of them are arranged by Taixi himself, there are some regrets! And now what about the regret? Some of them have been made up!

As for the two children have been mixed in those children, relatively speaking, or to Dashan and Tanaka family of those children are more familiar with some! When I went to Japan, I received a good reception, so I had a good contact with them. Although not everyone can call out their names, as long as they have contact with them, they can call out their names as long as they have contact with them. This makes the children of Dashan and Tanaka family extremely excited!

You know, at the beginning, it was just a little contact! But it's a great honor to be called out now! Two small in this point on the performance is very good! What about the children in Beijing? Two small is also able to have a good relationship with each other!

Originally, they were very antagonistic, but it was because the two small parties joined in? There has been a considerable relaxation. Song Tianren, they can be said to have been seen in their eyes. In the past, they had just heard about it? It's very different, but today I really saw it, and then I knew why all the families and nationalities in Beijing were interested in the two schools!

This is the same as the director! Now such an age is already such a performance! If you really grow up! Is that ok? If someone enters the director's house, or becomes a relative with the director, what will the offspring look like? Think about it all feel like saliva!

Survival, inherit the director's genes, and then combine better genes? But what about this? Just think about it, if you want to know how many people are watching at home, not including those from abroad. If you really want to include foreign countries, there will be more people in this group!

The two children are also very playful. After quarrelling with people from both sides, it is a good way to ease the tension between each other. Originally, when the two small schools were not there, everyone felt great pressure, but it was really difficult to find a way to relax between each other! There are not many people who can hold them.The arrival of the two children is a good relief. The bear children from the capital, regardless of their age, give them the face. What about the children of Dashan and Tanaka families? It's just like watching the owner! Awe as God!

If the two small hold down the fight between each other, then the arrival of Ding Yu? All the children present were excited. What about the children of Dashan and Tanaka family? Although we also met Ding Yu earlier, the progress of this period of time has made them have a considerable understanding and understanding.

What about these bear children in Beijing? What is the purpose of coming here? Don't you want to get Ding Yu's favor? And now Ding Yu is standing in front of them! Is there anything more exciting than this? "Hello, sir."

The children of Dashan and Tanaka family also took the lead in bowing to Ding Yu. The movements were neat and uniform, as if they had been practiced in advance. After Ding Yu nodded his head, he stood up straight. "It's been a good time. I hope you can remember this feeling. No matter what life will be like in the future, keep it What a feeling! This is not only for your life, but also for your family

"As for the problems and conditions? With the development of time and times, there must be some inappropriate places, even in my place? It will also change with time, but what is the main idea? There won't be too many changes! Feel what you've brought

After that, Ding Yu bowed slightly, because the arrival of Dashan and Tanaka's children really brought considerable changes to the farm. What about this change? It also has considerable benefits. Otherwise, why would these bear children from Beijing become so honest and diligent? Don't be kidding!

What about Ding Yu's performance? What about Dashan and Tanaka's children? There are so many can not own, and even sometimes have been unable to control their own tears!

"In view of your excellent performance and positive impact on the farm side, you can come to the farm to play, meditate and realize everything when you have time in the future? The farm side will take full responsibility! The farm side will thank you, because you are the farm has made considerable progress

What about Ding Yu's words? It's really quite demagogic. It's true that these children of Dashan and Tanaka families have received elite education, but now they have no effect at all. The whole person has been brainwashed by Ding Yu!

Those bear children in the capital city, that is, watching from afar, the original opponents bow and salute to Mr. Ding, and even cry bitterly! I don't know what happened!

And Ding Yu here also continued to say, "what about Japan? But spring festival, only the new year, but since you are in China! Then you need to follow the Chinese custom, and then you will get a few days' holiday. I hope you have a good holiday

Turning his head, Ding Yu also came to bear children in the capital. Looking at these bear children who have been standing in good order, Ding Yu also looked at them carefully, "you have come to this winter camp for a period of time. I hope that the changes in this period of time will make your life change a lot. What's more? Don't want to say, said also did not have too much effect, is about to celebrate the New Year! Give you a few days of vacation, go back and relax yourself! If you have more time, review it. "

There is no such long talk as before, even slightly cold. What about these bear children in Beijing? There are even so many people who don't pay attention to them. What about these bear children in Beijing? A little bit depressed, because they are treated differently! This is not good, and very bad!

But song Tianren, who is standing beside xiaopangdun, looks at his nephew and bites his teeth. This bastard is still indifferent! He couldn't understand such a simple thing. After thinking about it, song Tianren didn't give his nephew a foot, but when he didn't pay attention, he slapped him on the back of his head again!

"Be honest with me!" Looking at the slightly unconvinced little pangdun, song Tianren also stares, but he really dare not have any other actions. However, xiaopudun looks at his brother-in-law thoughtfully. At the same time, he pays attention to Ding Yu who is not far away. His eyes are changing back and forth between Mr. Ding and his brother-in-law!

Ding Yu quickly ended his contact with these bear children in the capital city, and then turned to leave. When Ding Yu, director Ding, left, xiaopangdun also looked at his brother-in-law. "Uncle, was there any special significance just now?" Looking at his nephew's appearance, song Tianren also did not resist, and gave him a foot!

"Uncle, you kick me again! When I go back, I'll tell my dad, tell my grandfather and grandma! "

"Get out of here!" Song Tianren said, "I found you can do it! How dare you threaten me? Do you think if I beat you now, do you have a place to run? And your grandparents can't control me now. What about your father? It seems that I can't control you now! Hum"Uncle, ha ha!" Xiaopangdun is also able to act according to the wind. He has no backbone at all!

"You don't understand now. What about your children? Also do not understand, this is common sense, but after going back? The family will tell you, as for how you do it? Think about it. After all, I came to the farm? It's not an easy thing, you know? "

Song Tianren didn't mean to say anything superfluous. At least the director didn't mean that. So it's better not to be smart. What about the director for these children? It is also in a state of assessment, as to what kind of results will be next, it is really not so clear!

Of course, I hope my nephew can get into the director's eye, but how possible is such a thing? It is really not so clear, the director's heart is thinking of something, and not many people know! What's important is the assessment method of the director? It seems that some people can't accept it!

It's just like myself. When I was a forensic assistant, what do you think now? Song Tianren has some doubts. How did he survive? Just kidding! When I think about it now, I feel like I'm still scared. And I'm going to the army kitchen. Damn it! It's not that song Tianren swears, it's just to express his indignation!

However, from another point of view, the work of forensic medicine and kitchen help made song Tianren feel quite different. Although the time was short, he got a lot of things, even the whole person? Some sublimation! Although so, there are some boasting, but what about song Tianren? Obviously, you can feel the change in yourself.

Now it's the turn of these bear children from the capital! Can they be tested by the director? No one knows, but what about the performance of the two children of the director's family today? It's really amazing!

At noon, we eat on the farm side. No matter Ding Yu, Taixi or two children, we don't need other people's help. We just sit in the canteen and eat. Relatively speaking, the two small meals are really not small. We don't know that many things have been eaten there!

"Mom and Dad, let's play here in the afternoon, OK?"

"At will!" Ding Yu would like to be like this. Taixi will stay here in the afternoon! She really doesn't need to rush back now. She doesn't have to worry about her at home. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying don't need her help at all. "But I need to go home for dinner in the evening. My grandfather and grandma are waiting for her."

Two snacks after dinner, with Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people said goodbye, also with small four eyes stroll! I don't know where they went, but this is a farm after all. I know that they are Ding Yu's children, so security is also very important. Anyone can have problems, but only the two of them? There must be no problem!

Dashan and the children of Tanaka family set out first, and then these bear children in Beijing! Relatively speaking, these bear children in the capital took the lead to get home. After all, the capital is still relatively close. Although it was already dark when we came to the capital, we were impatient to wait for the rest room of the airport!

When the airport got the news, the most capable personnel were sent to the airport. The high-level of the airport was also careful to wait on them. If there was no way to do it, they could just take one of them out? It's enough to shock the capital. Now that so many people are gathered together, it's a bit exaggerated to think about it!

No matter what kind of situation it is, be careful to deal with it! Don't do anything wrong. If there are any problems and conditions at this time, how many people will not be enough to fill the hole!

"Here it is! Here comes the plane

Looking at the slowly moving plane, the people in the room can't sit at this time! Everyone stood up. If it wasn't for the wrong situation, maybe all of them ran out at this time! But soon the children of each family also stood at the door! People are also a shock of cheers!

However, there are obvious differences between them when they went. Now they are dressed in neat clothes, with a backpack behind their back, and then they drag a small box. They have no intention of borrowing hands at all. This also makes the parents who come to meet feel suspicious. Is this still a child at home? Is that right?

At home? They are all masters of hegemony. Although there were various warnings before this visit, who knows how much the warning can play? Anyway, there is no confidence in everyone's heart! But now it's only a few days? After coming back, how do you feel like a person suddenly changed?

But when the children saw their parents, they also called out, but the two leaders called out, "stand at attention!" All the children, all of them, stood up straight and said, "assemble All the children are standing together, neat!

"It's a holiday today. We'll meet at the airport at noon on the sixth day of the first month! If there is any special situation, please report it! Out of date! I wish you a happy holiday and disband The children arranged together are also upright! And then it broke up! Run to your parents! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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