If placed in the usual words, this time did not hurry to the backpack and boxes to come over! If you slow down a little bit, you may throw it directly! But this time? Not at all! These children are still carrying their own backpacks and pulling boxes. They don't need their parents' help at all. At most, when they put the boxes in the trunk, the people at home can help them!

Not all the parents? I'm surprised, but what about most parents? Are looking at their own children with strange eyes, this is only a few days, how the character has changed? Is this still their child? Ding Yu didn't give them any ecstasy, did he! It doesn't feel like the original character of the children in the family!

"Mom and Dad, why do you look at me like this?" After greeting his friend, xiaopangdun got on the car and even tied his seat belt on his own initiative! "At noon, though I have dinner! But I'm a little hungry now

"Eat, go back to eat, or eat out!" When the mother is also a face to please!

"Eat at home!" Little fat Dun opened his backpack, "this time I came back to bring gifts to my grandparents, my father and my mother. It's a little bit less, but I earned it myself!"

"You earned it yourself?" The woman sitting by the side of xiaopangdun also asked a question!

"Yes Then xiaopangdun also stretched out his hand. He could see the cocoon clearly and the woman was also in a burst of heartache. The tears had already come down. Holding his son's little hand, he also tried to keep his tears from leaving. He just let the child go to the farm. How could he look like this? I don't know how much hardship he has suffered!

"Nothing!" Xiaopangdun raised his hand, "yes! Uncle is over there too! Earlier, he gave me a foot, I must complain with my grandfather and grandmother, let him clean up a meal! When he went to the farm, I took the road? "

Song Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly. The second one went to director Ding Yuding. How could he not know this? But the second one couldn't hear any news from director Ding. At least he couldn't hear any news. But seeing this idea, the second one seems to have a considerable relationship with his own kids.

"You must be mischievous! Your brother-in-law is willing to beat you?! Don't you like your brother-in-law most often? " Song Tianyi also said with a smile, "your uncle didn't come back with you?"

"I don't know. Mr. Ding will give us a holiday! As for uncle, I asked! He didn't say Xiaopangdun shows presents to his parents. In fact, what about gifts? It's quite common to say that, but song Tianren and his wife like it very much. What about their son? He not only went to see Wang and his wife, but also visited Su bochen. Of course, he would not let go of Ding Yu's third uncle. But what about those who can influence Ding Yu? Absolutely will not be let go!

But what about Wang Lao and Su Lao? I'm so old! Even if they can talk to Ding Yu, it's really hard to say how much influence they have. As for Ding Yu's third uncle, what about this matter? That is to say, smile and reply, and really did not express any opinions and ideas!

Previously, due to other reasons, he deliberately exerted some pressure on Ding Yu, but what about such a thing? He has opened a mouth, now continue to speak, the human relationship is really worthless! What's more, does Ding Yu really have so much time and energy? He has a lot of things to deal with!

But no one thought that this simple winter camp would cause such a sensation. What about the families of all sizes in the capital? I can't sit still now! How long has the child been here! Although it's a little dark! Even there are a lot of cocoons on the hands, but they can't hold the children. They have quite good weather and performance!

In the past, eight sedan chairs were not necessarily able to lift them, but now? Acting like a little adult! See the people in the family is really happy! In this way, they didn't think of it, nor did they say that they had not tried it, but there was no such effect of Ding Yu. It was really strange!

People die more than people, goods are still better than goods! This is really true. If it was placed in the past, we would be so ashamed to drag the children out of the family, even though the usual etiquette? There may not be too many problems, but there are still a lot of conditions inside.

But now it's different! A short time, let them have a completely new change! If this goes on for a long time, then the future of these children can really be expected! In the past, I was proud, but now? Although the body still has considerable edges and corners, but this has been ignored by many families!

It's already like this! They are also picky and critical. They are a little bit unreasonable! Of course, what about the discussion? Naturally, there are also comments and suggestions from the farm for children! Of course, it also includes some expectations for children's future development! What about this topic? I'm afraid there is no way to eliminate it for a long time!Can let the children recognize themselves, not ambitious, also do not belittle themselves, this is absolutely not what anyone can do! However, Ding Yu transmitted such a concept to these children. Is it that the children in the family are excellent, or is Ding Yu's education unique?

But anyway? Now, there are more and more people who want to go to the farm winter camp. They have already opened the door before. Why not now? There is no such truth under heaven and earth, is it? It can be said that many people expressed their opinions and ideas on this! In other words, he tried to put pressure on Ding Yu.

I don't know whether such a way and method will work or not, but it is always a direction, isn't it? Go straight to Ding Yu? Don't make such a joke! It must be inappropriate, Ding Yu's courtyard gate did not see who can knock open!

"Boss! What about the kids from the farm? It can be said that it is the bustling capital here, and we can say that your education is full of admiration! " When calling Ding Yu, the middle-aged man was also very happy, "this is a good thing to do, those children! Also got a considerable education! Very good

"In fact, there is nothing special, that is, they are put into a relative environment, and some special guidance is added to make them realize some problems and situations, and what is the future of the country? It is in these children that only they are strong! Will let the country become strong! At the same time? Dashan and Tanaka family's children's efforts in the side, they also saw! The effect of this kind of competition is more convincing than language! "

"I didn't expect such an effect, but from the current situation, the winter camp is a very good start!"

"Uncle! You can spare me! In terms of funds, the human and material resources mobilized for this purpose are already quite a headache! It's not a simple thing! What about the children? There are quite a lot of investigation and planning. After all, they are still very young. If they are not careful, they may have adverse effects, let alone them? Because of the family's sake, it can be regarded as well-informed and can't really be ignored! "

"I've read it. The cost on the list is really high! But we are still focusing on it! "

"Uncle, this is still calculated according to the cost. If I really calculate, I may multiply this number by ten, but what about such a thing? In the end, it is to make some contribution to the future of our country, so we have to calculate according to the standard Ding Yu also said with ha ha.

"Don't be so careless with me. Tell me the actual situation. What do you think of these children?"

"Uncle, it's too early to look at this problem now!" Ding Yu also changed his tone at this time, "what if the only one that can get into the eyes now? I am afraid there is only Wang An such a child, but even so, I dare not take him to the door now, at least now he can not afford it! What about children? He is still in the scope of investigation, which can only be said to have considerable hope! "

"The demands are too severe!"

"Uncle, are you strict? This is just one aspect of it! I'm not afraid of you, uncle. Now I want to say that I'm a small family? I'm afraid you will think that I have so many too hypocritical! Whether the two children in the family should inherit or not and how to inherit it is another question. But what about the apprentice? Now that you have taken over someone else, you need to be wholeheartedly. If you are a little careless about such a huge resource, it may be a great disaster! "

"Yes! A little carelessness is a great disaster! But you don't care about the children in it? "

"It can't be said that there are no good prospects, but look at the chance! Taylor was also relatively optimistic at the beginning, but she did not have such an opportunity, so there were such consequences, once the chance was missed! It's gone forever

Ding Yu didn't want to reveal the meaning of this matter. The middle-aged people really didn't have to force them, "what about the farm? Now there are so many angry people who want to share a share with them. Now they can't stop it. "

"I'm over the new year anyway? Going to America! And what about Europe and Britain? It's also the most critical moment. I don't have so much spare time to pay attention to the gossip in the capital. Anyway, I'm not here! Third uncle, please help me push this one! "

"You are lazy The middle-aged man also laughed, "just started a head, so to everyone to knock down the dust, is there so some not so good? You know, you can say that you have a lot of expectations about this! "

"Uncle, I really don't have so much time. What about the farm? Can't because of this matter deliberately open a hole! Of course, even if it's an opening? In fact, it's no big deal, but the problem is that everyone is no longer here! There is no one to supervise all this. I don't guarantee that there will be other problems in it! ""In the end, we need some guidance. Otherwise, there will still be problems."

"Uncle, what if so? Yes. What about the winter camp? It's almost over! What do I think of these children? It can be used as a seed to get in touch with the children in Beijing and let them feel the atmosphere. In this way, everything can be said in the past

"What's your opinion? Think about the next summer camp

"It's not impossible!" Ding Yu really didn't mean to embarrass his third uncle, "but third uncle, you have to let me say some conditions, right? What about the scope of the summer camp? Don't blindly expand. There are not so many people on the farm, and there will be a mixture of good and bad. I need a range of assessment! "

"It's really not easy. You've finally opened your mouth!"

"Uncle, you've opened your mouth! If I dare not, if I really go to the capital in the future, I'm afraid there won't be any good fruit to eat! So forget it! Leave yourself a way back

For Ding Yu's joke, the middle-aged man is also ha ha's smile, in fact, this matter even if Ding Yu is not allowed? It's no big deal, but Ding Yu didn't mean to embarrass everyone. He even put the initiative in his hands! This is not easy!

"I will ask people to follow up. If we can develop a good atmosphere, I believe that in the future, the development of these children is absolutely predictable, and the future country also needs their heart and efforts! To create! "

"Third uncle, is it convenient to say two digressions?"


"What about Britain? It's basically a plate order! I have made considerable preparations. At that time, considerable funds may be needed. If the country comes forward, things may be very troublesome and will have considerable international impact. What about the image of China? It could also be a blow

"You boy!" The middle-aged also sighed a sentence!

"It's no big deal if I come out personally. Anyway, I'm already infamous in their eyes! Don't care about so many things! In those years, when they bullied our country, they could not stab them in the face and bleed them in the back. This should also be shared? "

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