There are not many things to buy. At most, the two little guys bought some food. As for wanwan's hands, there are a lot of things. Some of them are bought by Taixi. It's true that there is not much money or even too much luxury! But after all, Taixi was trained. If he could not see through such a point, he would not stay with Ding Yu for so many years!

"Uncle, I'd like to give you, my aunt and the people in my family a new year!"

"You boy! Go to accompany your family Wan Wan! It's enough to keep you so long! " After driving Zhao Xiaobing and Wan Wan away, Ding Yu continues to accompany Tai Xi and the two children, but the two little guys may have passed the end of the excitement! This time is also with Tai Xi side, not live to say what!

But no matter Ding Yu or Tai Xi, no one has any impatience, the two little guys are already quite sensible! The so-called people hate dogs? It's just a talk! It's just a joke! Can't take it seriously! Is sometimes a little bit of mischievous just!

What's more, they are their own sons and daughters after all! It's not someone else's child! Right?

However, if you go home at this time, Ding Yu really doesn't think it's a so-called good idea. The house has just been cleaned up. If the two little guys go back! I'm afraid we need another one to clean up! So go to the hotel! It might be better!

Song Tianren and others didn't relax at this time. Although they said they didn't need to go back to the farm now, they didn't do nothing to enrich themselves. What about Taixi? They may not be familiar with it, but this situation is still known, as for the two small? They didn't touch it! It's a little strange!

Although it was a little farce before, I met song Tianren and the three of them in the hotel. The two little guys still showed good family accomplishment, which made song Tianren and the three of them feel flattered. Because the director was so kind, he drew up his face with him before. It was totally two looks! It's changed so much!

Is it because of the arrival of the mother and the child? Or is there any other reason, but if it is really like this, it is really good, at least feel the director? Or a normal person, not a cold machine!

"Director!" Hou Tianliang didn't feel so surprised by the director's appearance. When Wang Xiaogang was with the director, he often saw him. It's no wonder! "You have a little leisure today! It's a rare sight

"My wife and children are back! And the Chinese New Year is coming soon! Don't always be so busy with tight, I have given you a holiday! Why didn't we go back together? "

"I went back, and nothing happened! Where's your girlfriend? To participate in a research, the previous time has been closed! Even if I go back, I'm just a loner! It doesn't make any sense! " Hou Tianliang is also relaxing his mood, "as for the home is not used! Already called! "

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"But there will be no time in the future! Miss this time, I'm afraid that there will be no chance again! What's more, Tianren and the three of them are still here! If I leave, it will make them feel quite lonely! After all, the situation of belonging is slightly different! Take advantage of the last period of time to bring them around. After all, they may follow the director in the future! "

"That's very kind of you." Ding Yu slightly hummed, "but have such feelings? Not bad! If there's nothing wrong with Chinese new year, let's go home and have a meal! If there are many people, it may be more lively. If Ding Ding is not in, what about home? Two old people? Maybe a little lonely! "

"Director, if you disturb other things in the past, it's nothing, but it's a big new year's Day!"

"It's settled! As for how you celebrate after coming back, I don't care! In terms of the hotel, you can arrange it by yourself, but a little in advance, the provincial family has no preparation! "

It is true that Ding Yu is a big family! But put yourself in a position to think about it. The hotel is a service industry, but it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want? Who doesn't want a good year, does he? So there's no need to embarrass!

"Director, I don't feel like you, but I feel that this is the real you!"

Ding Yu was also in a trance and sighed slightly, "my wife and children are hot on the Kang. It's really a wonderful thing to think about it. But if it's true, it's quite enterprising. What about family and work? We all need to have an attitude. At this point, what about the whole family? There is quite a debt

Then Ding Yu also waved his hand, "isn't it said that the country is rich? Can satisfy the child's everything, but also satisfies the Taixi's all, is not at all, two children may be better, after all, I may take it with me sometimes! But what about Tai hee? The time to get together in a year is really not much! Do you have the time now? It's good to be with them more! ""Director, this is not a small family for everyone!"

"Bullshit!" Ding Yu is in a good mood and Hou Tianliang is in a good mood, so he is not polite at all! "For the country? To some extent, it's for yourself! No country, no home! Some things! It's not as simple as you can imagine, nor is it a simple choice! "

"Yes! It's not a simple choice! "

"There is also a question: is money happy? So say it! Money can bring certain happiness! But what about this feeling? It is very ethereal, also very illusory, even so some insignificant! Relatively speaking, to a certain extent, they will make themselves slaves of money! To dominate, not to be dominated! "

What Hou Tianliang couldn't help but feel lost was that he was indistinct? Seems to understand some things, but it seems that there are so some do not understand, so the whole person seems to have some sluggish!

"You boy! Smart, but what about some things? Or too young, and not too much details, on this point? There is a big difference between you and Tianren. Whether it is congenital or acquired remains to be discussed. However, it is not so important. The question is whether you can understand the problem yourself! "

"Director, controlling and being controlled, dominating and being dominated, does that mean?"

"Get rid of the previous sentence and think about the front question 20 years later. Think about the later one first." Ding Yu also said rudely, "you can't do the so-called control right now, and have a high ambition. I'm afraid that it will be more than a broken situation at that time. You can't even come out to save you, so to a certain extent? You have to learn to dominate and be dominated. What about the office? It's not as simple as you think

"Director, I see!"

"Yes or no? You need to see your own. If you have any problems and conditions, you can go to Deng Rong. It's not easy to open the gate of the quadrangle, but give him a call? There are still not too many problems. As for other aspects, you can do as you like! "

To a certain extent, Ding Yu also gave an account to the intelligence department, and also gave Hou Tianliang a talisman. Relatively speaking, he still had a good impression on Hou Tianliang. It was just because of his identity. There were some regrets! But on the other hand, if he continues to stay by his side, it is a waste of his future.

Ding Yu really didn't want to be the villain, so taking advantage of the time, he also explained two more sentences!

Tai hee took two kids to drink juice! I don't mean to stay at all. If I stay now, the occasion is really not suitable! However, looking at Ding Yu who came by, he was also stunned for a moment. Soon, he stood up and gave Ding Yu a glass of water! "So soon?"

"In other words, he is still relatively young! Too much said! It's also a little wordy! Not right! Do you think so? "

"As old as you are! It seems to be almost the same! " Taixi was very angry.

"As far as experience is concerned, he! I have considerable ability. If I can develop well, there will be no limit in the future, that is, the time is still short, and there are some meanings of helping the seedlings grow. I don't know what will happen in the future? After all, it's from me, so I'm worried about it! "

"Sometimes it's too attentive! It's not a good thing. I'm too worried about it! "

"You Ding Yu also laughed, "yes! Let's go with me in New Year! What about this time? Don't go back to Korea! Even for the whole year, what about South Korea? Maybe they need to be put on a temporary basis! "

"Is it so serious?" Tai hee is also slightly sigh, do not know what the high-level South Korea think? Did you really take ecstasy? Or what? How could you make such a choice!

Already back to Ding Yu, plus their own? It has a lot to do with it, so what does Taixi know? No less than Ding Yu. The United States has exerted strong pressure on South Korea, even the prince of Samsung? Also has the quite diligently, but all along, the child's father has not any movement!

Without any action, it doesn't mean that you don't have a point of view about things! It's just that the time is not right, so there's no way to do it! If really, how to deal with it? So Taixi can only sigh, some people! It's really up there! What will happen? It will never be as good as you think!

"Is this the right time for me to leave?"

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy if you leave then! Otherwise, why did Fu Zhen leave before! There are quite a few reasons for this. What about her? The identity is more embarrassing, not as comfortable as you are, so you need to avoid the limelight in advance, there should be no too many problems! ""The princess of three stars, it's not as easy as you can imagine!"

"It feels like a little sour!" Ding Yu is very mischievous to say, drink juice of two small also deliberately play back his nose, and then happily to his father nod, angry Tai Xi also can't help biting teeth! But it is obvious that the two children also feel their mother angry! So I ran to comfort my mother!

However, the effect of this comfort is very obvious, and soon Taixi is to forget this matter! Because this is not so concerned about it, so there is no talk about what so-called anger!

"This time things will be very noisy!" After drinking juice and eating a snack, the two kids have already run away! It is not meant to stay, whether it is Ding Yu or Tai Xi do not care too much!

"Well! It's almost like this! " Ding Yu nodded slightly! "Now it depends on whether the South Korean side will wake up. If we don't wake up, the problem will be really big! It's not that it's hard to end it! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also sighed!

"Now you want to reach out? I'm afraid it's out of the question! I'm afraid it's even more so for some people in charge! " Taixi can be said to be quite emotional about this, "what about the local consortia? It can be said that there are many mixed in it! I'm afraid I can't hold it even if I want to pull it now! "

"It's a normal thing to want to steal chicken! However, it is likely that stealing chicken will not make rice. At least I think so. What about Li Zai Rong? After all, he is the crown prince of Samsung. What about the future? If someone needs to take over Samsung, even if he has any problems, President Li will use his strong influence to endorse him, because problems can occur in other aspects, but Samsung alone can never have problems! "

"Samsung is probably the foundation of the whole South Korea! Even to a certain extent, it's a freak at all

"What about the development of Samsung? No one can deny that Li Dong has played a crucial role. Even in the whole world, he has occupied a considerable position. No one can clearly explain how much he has paid. One book and two books must not explain clearly. The times have been created, but to a certain extent, it is also their own reason! "

To be sure, Ding Yu really doesn't want Samsung to fall into this mire, but the problem is what effect does he have? It's not as obvious as we think, because to a certain extent, we chose Li Fuzhen. What about Li Zai Rong? Naturally, it will show considerable dissatisfaction and unwillingness!

There is also a question involved. What about Li Zairong? They prefer Europe and America, but what about Li Fu Zhen? Because of their own reasons, tend to Asia! What about the direction of the two? Obviously, there are changes and conditions!

In a way? This is also a difference between Ding Yu and Li Jianxi in the direction of their views and ideas. What happens once this is formed? You need to let go of the people below. It's like two trucks. It's not a simple thing to adjust after deciding the direction!

And even if it is a successful U-turn, want to catch up again, can it be so easy? I'm afraid even the so-called taillights? It will be invisible at that time. What will Samsung want to continue to do in mainland China? What about a scene like this? I'm afraid I can't see it! Even visible to the naked eye!

Has Samsung thought about this? In other words, they think that the United States has given a lot of benefits. Have they really seen some of these problems? Or really feel it! In Ding Yu's opinion? Li zaireng has been fascinated by his own double Yang. Even if he wants to see it, he can't see it!

What about the United States? Given the established facts, I'm afraid there will be no chance for South Korea, or Lee Jae Jung, to break away from the boat. Therefore, at this time, Ding Yu has no intention of speaking out, and even South Korea has no intention of going back!

Chairman Li did not reveal any opinions and ideas in comparison. Why should he be obnoxious? If you really went to South Korea, you must meet with Chairman Li, and if you do, you should meet! Can we really get around this topic? So Ding Yu has no meaning of the past at all!

Of course, during the Chinese New Year Festival, gifts are certainly not less, and the Li family is the same, even when the two children go to Korea, the Li family is also eager to entertain! After all, they go to play? It's another thing!

"If I leave, will it have any bad effect?"

"There must be some influence, Dong Li! It's an old guy. The so-called "old man, old spirit and ghost old spirit" is definitely not a very nice person to be with. Because of this, I hope you can come out a little faster. If you are really delayed, it will be really no ordinary trouble at that time. "

Can let the child's father say such words, Taixi also really is not general nervous!"The company still has something to deal with, but it won't take more than a week!"

"All the time? I don't have much free time. It seems that I have a chance this time! But this time? I'm afraid the two of them really need to suffer! " Ding Yu also said with a bad smile, "at least when they are alone, they still have some indulgence, but now we are both here. I think they will miss the previous life!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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