The next day, Ding Yu also told his father and mother that the house had already been cleaned up! If you don't clean up and go out to a party, it seems that some of them are too untimely! Where's your dad? Although there is no problem with the body now, relatively speaking, I should also take great responsibility!

"Will you come back in the evening?"

"I'll probably come back." Ding Yu also nodded slightly, "it will be the new year in two days! It is the students get together, in fact, there are not many people, we have not wanted to see for many years! Tan Wendong, old turtle, shrimp and fat people. In the past, I didn't have much time. They were also busy with their work. This year, I just have such a free time

The party is arranged in the hotel, whether it is eating and drinking, or other entertainment, there will be no problem! And there is also a place to rest, which can be said to be very convenient! But when Ding Yu's family arrived, the fat man had already arrived! When he saw Ding Yu, he gave him a big hug!

"I'll go. When did I learn to be so hypocritical?" He brought Tai Xi to me and gave a brief introduction. By the way, let the two children come to see you! When the fat man saw Tai Xi, he was also very careful. However, his simple two sentences also drew into the relationship between them!

Looking at Tai Xi and his wife walking hand in hand in front of him, the fat man felt a little silly, "I'll go, feather, it's OK! Your daughter-in-law speaks quite standard in China! And you can hardly hear any accent. How do you learn it? There are still two little guys watching, but they are not small! "

"What about Taixi and me? No one wants to reveal the meaning of the matter. What was the acquaintance of the two people in those years? It's earlier. What about the rest? It's a little bit simple! Apart from marriage, what about other things? It's basically simple! " Ding Yu also explained a little bit! "Does this answer satisfy you?"

"Bullshit!" The fat man didn't feel much constrained, because he had more contact with Ding Yu. From high school to now, it's true that there was a break in the middle for a period of time, but that was just because feather was a soldier! We can't get in touch with him at all!

What about the situation after coming back? Although we don't know much about it, we still have a lot to do with Ding Yu. Even when we go to find Ding Yu, we don't have any excuse. At this point, the fat man can be said to have the most say. So even in the face of Ding Yu, we don't feel how estranged we are from ourselves!

Not long ago, Tan Wendong and other people have arrived! Soon everyone gathered together! Taixi has set up this atmosphere very well. What about the children? The two children are also herding sheep with a group of children, but it's men's side. Ding Yu doesn't mean to liven up the atmosphere.

It doesn't mean that he can't or that he doesn't have this interest. But Ding Yu usually looks like this, and what about each other? I'm a good friend for many years, so no one cares! Talk about the development and experience of these years, talk about the family, review the school life and so on!

What about the others? It really did not appear in this party, and it is basically impossible to appear. We all know about Ding Yu's situation. After the events of that year, it is definitely not an easy thing to get up again now! The bitterness in this is absolutely not what ordinary people can bear!

Especially when we step into the society now, we can feel the pain of that year, but fortunately, we are happy with all the hardships! Now feather can be said to be a very happy life! Whether it's family, or work, it's really enviable! What about the envy? It's almost over the top!

And obviously can feel it. What about Ding Yu and his wife? It's not pretending. What's revealed in each other's eyes can explain everything. Everyone has formed his own family and has his own children. What about other things? We can't say well, but we can still see some things between husband and wife!

What about the feather wife? I don't have any clothes. I can't see any luxury on my body. When I speak, I try my best to take care of everyone. There is no so-called arrogance at all! At the beginning, there were still some restrictions. After all, what was the identity of Taixi? There are so many differences with you!

But this contact down, found that the original big star is so approachable! Although I can't see it now! It's not that you can't get along with it! It's because they don't need it anymore! After all, with such a family? Right? Of course, what about this understanding? There may be quite a problem!

"Feather, it seems that you haven't changed much in recent years?! Do you think so? "

Because there is nothing to do, we all look at Ding Yu after listening to shrimp's words! If you look at it carefully, it seems that it is. There is no decoration on Ding Yu's face at all. If you can't see it, you're really blind!"I'm a doctor. I stay in the office every day! You don't have to be in the sun or in the wind! But sometimes? Proper maintenance is also very important. After all, being a doctor has some advantages! "

"I will not exaggerate so much! Isn't it? "

The fat man next to him waved his hand, "come on! Feather is a typical spoof? You're the doctor? How about maintenance? When I was in the hospital, I saw it! When you are busy, your heel doesn't touch the ground! Anyway, we all just saw being a doctor? Good in front of people, but hard after people! I really can't see it

"If you don't pay, how can you get a return? But I'm afraid the nickname will change in the future! Before you wore clothes, you can't see it, but now, what about your body shape? It's improved a lot! "

"I'll go. It's not really pulling. Where are my shoes? It's broken several pairs! If you do this every day, I promise you will not be as big as Schwarzenegger when you go back, but it will definitely be better than ordinary people! "

Then everyone began to talk about the development of the small county, that is, in a few years, caught up with such an opportunity, the small county town here can be said to be all-round development! But what's more interesting? Or the small county side of the education, has never been any lax!

"Previously, I wanted to go to the school to have a look, but what about the school site? It has been replaced! What a pity

Ding Yu didn't really care that much. After all, what happened at the time? The school can be said to resist a considerable pressure, the original Ma family and the Song family united, no one on this side of the small county can carry! If the school did not share part of the pressure, I'm afraid the Ding family? It will be difficult to move!

"With the new site, the school is well built, and the whole area is much larger. What about the original place? It's good, but it's a little crowded! But now the school for students to grasp more tightly! The requirements are more strict than we were at that time, but the place to relax is also very relaxed. Think about it, it is the best time to be a student! As long as you study, you don't need any other burden! "

After all, they haven't seen each other for quite a long time! What about normal times? I won't say much about the situation at home! After all, the whole family can understand, but the work above things, really have so many impatient, finally had this time, so it is better to have some fun!

After lunch, a group of children seem to be so tired, too much fun! There is no so-called control at all, plus here? Eat, drink and have fun! And it's a group of people playing together! So after a meal, it didn't take long for everyone's children to lie down!

In the past, there were bear kids at home, but today they are so good! It's really surprising, but we've been together for such a long time, and we know the children at home? How much because of Ding Yu's two children's sake, but now also can't turn them to praise! Because two children have already gone to bed!

"Feather, how do you educate a child! The ancestor of our family! My God! I really don't know what to say! At home? A bully! No one can be provoked. This time I bring it here, I'm so scared and humiliated! "

"As if they were not the same!" Ding Yu also snorted, "the two precious pimples in the family, my father will not say! Almost on the shoulder! But what about my mom's temper? They are not used to it at all. They will be beaten if they are not careful! "

"Beaten?" Shrimp not from is Leng up, the woman beside is also puzzled to look at Tai Xi!

"Normal! Ding Ding and I were like this when we were young. Sometimes my mother's temper was a little bit dry, eating and playing, but we need to be obedient! Both of them suffered a lot from their butts! Speaking of it, my father may not have a hand at home, and sometimes Taixi's education is quite strict! "

The people nearby also gave Ding Yu a thumb and Tai Xi a thumb. They really felt that they were against the common sense! Big star education, and still so strict education of children, but Ding Yu this big doctor, unexpectedly did not beat bear child! It's a fantastic feeling!

What are they talking about? Basically, they are family affairs, not involving any other aspects. I have been waiting for the evening when I am full of food and drink! Ding Yu also arranged for people to send them all back. It's not a difficult thing!

"It's been a tough day for you!" When he came back, Ding Yu was also comforting.

"I didn't feel the hard work. It was very interesting! Your classmates didn't care about your identity at all, or even my identity. I even felt a little different! "

"When I was in high school together, I was afraid that if it wasn't for them, my whole life would have fallen into endless darkness. What happened at that time? What about an underage me? It's not just a matter of black clouds, it's like everything has been destroyed! Fortunately? They stood up at that time! Although it is very small, even some ordinary! But for individuals, it is already the best support to stand up! ""You don't seem to have mentioned it to me? It's your heartbreak

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded, "what happened in those years? first awakening interest in the opposite sex! Or between each other? Have a good impression, friends, lovers are not full! This is probably the case! And then there are some problems with each other! " For Tai Xi, Ding Yu didn't hide too much. He told the story about it!

"As for the matter of being a soldier, I think you probably know all about it! I won't repeat it! As for some of them that have not been mentioned, I'm afraid they can't be mentioned in this lifetime. If they do, they will not only be seriously warned, but also squat down! Even a peanut

For such things, Tai hee still can understand. When he was in Korea, he also read some information about the father of the child. It was not to satisfy his curiosity, but was investigated by the relevant parties. Of course, it would not be his side. Such things can be said to emerge in endlessly! I can't stand it!

Of course, I mentioned it to the father of the child, and I also reviewed these materials. Many things have been mentioned. But the only thing about the service in the army has never been mentioned. Even if there is, it is just an ambiguous guess! There is no accurate information and proof!

"All right! It's too late! They are also a little tired! Father in law and mother-in-law should also worry about this time! We've been hanging out all day! "

If the father-in-law and mother-in-law are not there, there is no problem for them to stay outside. But now they are both there. How about being a daughter-in-law? But it's out there, and the new year is coming soon! Although there are considerable cultural differences between the two countries, it is not appropriate to do so!

Ding Yu is sensitive to Tai Xi's mind, so he also greets the two children and goes home together! In fact, whether it is Ding Lin or Zhao Shuying, for his son to go out to get together with friends, have a meal and chat, are extremely agree.

Because every year the eldest son comes back? They are not staying at home, they are dealing with their work, and they hardly hear about other things. Compared with Ding Ding Ding, a silly boy who can't sit still, there are two situations. Ding Ding Ding is also the mother of two children. Why does she give the old couple a sense of certainty?

Looking at his grandson and granddaughter, Ding Lin also blames Ding Yu for letting the two children come back. How can he be a father? But the two children who took off their coats comforted their grandparents. They had nothing to do with their father and mother. The main thing was that they felt good to play! A few words to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people to coax around!

Taixi soon also brought water to come over, there is no any sense of resentment! Then he sat by Ding Yu's side.

When I got up in the morning, Ding Lin went out to exercise with two children. At least he was better than his two grandsons. What about the two grandsons? Too lazy! Although young, but that tired temperament! It's true that I just follow them as a mother!

Unlike their own grandchildren and grandchildren, sons and daughters-in-law in this point of education, really let people give a thumbs up! I don't see two people scolding or directly starting. Sometimes I can tell them some so-called truth, but it's strange to be able to educate two children well!

Although the weather is a little bit cold, no matter Ding Yu or Tai Xi, they don't say a word about Ding Lin and his children, even if they are dissatisfied with their eyes. What about the two children? Is more joyful, also did not know big morning's? Why are you so energetic? But this one is infected with Ding Lin!

As for the two old guys who took exercise together in the morning, they were very happy to see them! What about people? I'm afraid of comparison, don't mention the son of a bitch at home! Even if it's the bunny, his father, I'm afraid he's still in bed at this time! Damn it, when I was young, it was never like this!

Life is good now! But what about the children? What about this progressive mind? But more and more light! If you look at people's parents, their children, even their grandchildren, why is there such a big difference? We must learn from the classics!

When pasting couplets, Ding Lin starts and Ding Yu helps. What about the two little guys? It's just miscellaneous! From time to time, I have to take out a mobile phone to shoot, which is totally in the United States! I don't know where I came from!

However, Zhao Shuying and Tai Xi are very interested. From time to time, they want to take a look at the photos they have taken. Let alone, the shooting effect is quite good. It is worthy of the fact that they bought a lot of equipment for them at the beginning. If we say that they are playing around! It's a waste of the good intentions of Ding Yu and Tai Xi! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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