"Grandpa, grandma said, it's going to be windy!"

"Nothing! Anyway, our couplets and Fu characters have been pasted! Not afraid of the wind Ding Lin stood at the window and looked at the sky outside. What do you mean? I think it's going to be bad! It's not a big problem! As for whether it will snow? It's hard to say!

"When you wait a moment, my grandfather will take you down to have a look, and by the way, I'll pay a new year to the guards below!"

"Good!" In fact, in the previous time, my father also told himself that in the afternoon, I would like to pay homage to the security guards for an early year. It is not only simple in form, but also my father also told me a lot of truth. When I was happy, what happened? There are also people behind to pay so much effort and hard work! So I can be so carefree here!

For Ding Lin with his grandson and granddaughter came to worship in person for an early year, what about the property? It's really a little exciting! Although Dinglin is said to be like this every year, people do not really have any hypocrisy, whether it is the new year, or in peacetime, is always like this!

Two days a day is like this, yes, but it's true that it's not easy to do it all the year round! What about the hard work of property? Only their own actions are clear, but what about Ding Lin? The property here is really not a general relaxed, Hello, I'm good, everyone! Right? No one is blind!

"Dean Ding, you still work so hard!" The manager of the property also personally brought a plate of sugar, and without saying anything, he grabbed a handful of them and put them into their pockets. What about the milk and fruit delivered by Dean Ding? These things are really not worth mentioning!

"Compared with your work, what's hard! Just take advantage of the leisure time, come here to worship you all for an early year! It's hard work, everyone Ding Lin was also very kind at this time, "the Chinese New Year is coming soon! The whole community still needs your maintenance and protection! "

Ding Lin said to everyone kindly, and then took two children back! When he left the house, he sighed that he didn't take the property to the door! "Have you seen that the family style and tutor of laoding's family are among the best in our community! With money, no money? There really isn't much to do with it! "

"Who said no! What about the kids in my family? I'm already in junior high school! But what about politeness and dealing with people? Even can't catch up with Lao Ding's grandson and granddaughter, our community! That is to say, thanks to Dean Ding, that's a flag that is set up there! Don't say that people pay property fees, even if they don't pay property fees, I'd like to let him in our community! "

The manager also nodded, "so if you are close to the red, you will get black if you are close to the ink. This old saying is really not wrong at all! Who doesn't want to get a little bit more luck from the old Ding family? Look at other people's education, not only Ding Yu and Ding Ding, but also the next generation in the family! Even a little bit of it is enough for a lifetime

"What about Dean Ding and Miss Zhao? It can be common, but what about Dr. Ding and the children? It's really hard to see them at ordinary times. They don't go to school here. At most, they come back to live for a few days on vacation! It's a pity that there are so many! "

What about the nagging on the property side? Ding Lin obviously can't hear it, but the two little guys are skipping with their little four eyes. From time to time, they say hello to the neighbors in the community. They are not familiar at all. Ding Lin is also at ease!

But when I got home, my grandmother and mother were busy, but my father was not. I looked at the door of the room. The two little guys also encouraged Labrador to hit the door. What about the little four eyes? It certainly won't, but what about little lazy? It's the heart of my grandfather and grandma, so Labrador can't help it!

When Ding Yu heard the sound, he was talking on the phone. Don't think about it. It must be the two bear children in the family. What about the others? It's not going to do that. What about mom and dad? In addition to allowing themselves to eat, otherwise they will never disturb themselves, and Taixi is even more so, so they can only be two bear children!

He opened the door of the room and looked at Labrador with a dull face. He pretended to touch Labrador twice. Ding Yu also snorted. Then he gave their children a bullet. Not much more, it was a joke. He was really hungry and didn't have any intention to start! Two little giggle, and then began to hold his father's thigh!

"Naughty!" Ding Yu is holding a mobile phone. What about the two children? It's not really something, but curiosity. Anyway, if you don't make a fuss about it, you can feel their existence. They will behave very uncomfortable, and they also know that they don't have too many things! Otherwise, it will never be so noisy!

When Taixi came in, he gave Ding Yu a caring look at the two children who were making a fuss on the bed. Ding Yu was also smiling, but he didn't mean to blame the two children. The two children also relied on their father's authority and dallied, so they didn't mean to come down at all!

"Let them stay! What about this age? It's not a bad thing to make a fuss. What's more, it seems that it's not so realistic to let them go out to watch TV. Dad and mom don't know how to dislike it! " Ding Yu didn't care and said, "isn't everything ready for the end? It's so hard! ""Mom said there was something else to clean up!" In fact, Taixi didn't have any hard work. Although he said that he would buy some things, what about these? There is no tiredness at all. On the contrary, my mother-in-law mentioned a lot of things to myself, which can be regarded as a better way to take care of them when they are with their father in the future!

Soon Taixi went out to help! How about two? Looking at can't disturb father, also feel not too much meaning, very quickly also is to find Ding Lin's trouble to go! Sitting in the living room watching TV, Ding Lin is really not the same as Ding Yu. Now he has the meaning of some old children. He has a lot of fun with his grandson and granddaughter!

In the afternoon, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying had a rest! Ding Yu went to the hotel with Tai Xi and his two children. He worshipped the security guards for an early year. He also went to the farm with Hou Tianliang and others? Although said that tomorrow will be the New Year! But what about the farm side? There is really not too much stagnation!

But relatively speaking? In terms of salary, Ding Yu has absolutely no intention to treat everyone badly! But obviously, where is Ding Yu coming? It's not for the purpose of inspection. It seems that there are some out of date inspections at this time. What's more, Ding Yu has brought Hou Tianliang and song Tianren here!

Two small very quickly also under the leadership of Tai Xi, disappeared! Ding Yu and Hou Tianliang stood together, "tomorrow will be the New Year! In a few days? We are going to the capital! All things should be settled on this plate! Before that? Listen to you! Tell me your personal opinions and thoughts! "

"Director!" Hou Tianliang also slightly took a breath, because he is very clear, his now this talk? Absolutely can't be as usual, can go to shirk! "From my personal point of view, I think song Tianren is more suitable. What about the other two? More efforts! "

"More efforts, that is to say, what about their ability? There is still a considerable lack! Is that right? "

"Director, what about it? Or your vision is a little too high! Are they two young? The so-called lack of ability is because they do not have experience in this area, at least in the previous work? You don't want to match with the director! So now there will be so-called ability problems! In terms of quality, there are not too many problems. What about Tianren? What's more, it's because it was so white in the past! "

"So what? You can't help it! Tianren, this guy! There are still some too jumping! Although there is some convergence because of Zhan Zhao, it is not enough! But what about it? We don't have to make this choice for them! After returning to the capital, give them a chance to choose again

"Director, in fact, when I was with them these two days, I also talked about this issue! What about their hearts? I'm not confident, but what's the good news? Now this time is also riveting enough strength! Even if there is still no slack, from this point of view, it is still very good

"What about your horse? It's not very good! " Ding Yu looked back and shook his head slightly? This is a profit-making business, not everyone has such capital, not everyone has such opportunities! But what does the process look like? It's a gold plating process

"Director, this is too straightforward!" Although we all know how a thing! But what about the director? I don't care about it, but for song Tianren and the three of them, they don't know how to accept it!

"Do they accept it or not? There's not much to do with it. It's OK to understand how things happen once. " Ding Yu at this time can be said to be particularly straightforward! "After you go back to Beijing, you will be arranged to study for a period of time, so what about the popularity? Don't go out! There will be problems and problems in the province in the future! "

"Director, I really don't care! What was it? Even if someone wants to find a home, I'm afraid they need to think about it carefully! Do you have the courage to take the responsibility, but what about you, director? It's really different! The gate of the courtyard! I'm afraid it will be broken! "

"Broken or not broken? What about this problem? should be regarded as a different matter! Go ahead, song Tianren and the three of them call in! Tell them something about it. What about your Spring Festival? If you don't feel right, you can come to the farm. How many people are there? Maybe it's more lively. If it's quieter, it's at will! "

Ding Yu really has no intention to interfere!

Soon song Tianren and the three of them also came to the room, "director!" Three people said with one voice! But Hou Tianliang sat down beside Ding Yu. When he sat down, he nodded his head to the three people. Comparatively speaking? This should be the director to give them the final test!

"Sit down! Since you are free today? Just tell me about the next arrangement! " Ding Yu's tone is not salty, as if for this matter? It doesn't mean to put it in your heart! But whether it is Hou Tianliang, or song Tianren, the three of them are not so relaxed on the surface!"What about you? After a period of self-improvement, I don't care about where the improvement is, and I won't ask about it! " Looking at the three people's expressions, Ding Yu still said in the previous tone, "because time will detect all of this, and the so-called cost? It's your life! The thicker your base is? Then the cost of survival will be greater. Similarly, if there are any mistakes, there will be boxes waiting for you! "

Although we haven't heard of it before, at least we have such a feeling. Now director Ding Yuding suddenly said it, or let Hou Tianliang three people? Feel your heart has begun to beat involuntarily!

"What about this? Hou Tianliang, the Secretary of Hou Tianliang, has the most say. What was his original time? Xiao Ming has already gone half way. At the beginning, if the situation was not special, I might have shot him in the head. Fortunately, there was no such chance. So no one would dare to make any guarantee about whether you would have such problems and situations! "

Hou Tianliang also slightly stood up his shoulder, under the circumstances at that time? Is that really the case, that's lucky? The director and himself are besieged, so there is no way to escape. Otherwise, he will definitely be the one who is delayed. Once such a situation occurs, his own end is really imaginable!

So it's not a joke that the director said that he broke himself up. At that time, he was definitely a drag on the battlefield, even the director? It's also because of their own reasons! Is this still in your own way? I've been through quite a lot of training. What kind of reaction will they have if song Tianren and their three members are replaced?

"Director!" Song Tianren took the lead in shouting! "We will not be a burden!"

"What about this? It's not so simple to say! " Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "what about the specific problem? You need to deal with it yourself! After returning to the capital? You will be asked to talk about specific issues! What kind of decisions do you even make behind your back? I'll discuss it by myself, but I'm not responsible for your life

Hou Tianliang also frowned. The director called song Tianren and the three of them to come over, and he still made this matter clear. So? It can be seen that there must be problems and conditions in this! Or more frankly? That is, there must be something more dangerous involved! What about your own experience? It could be more dangerous!

For such a thing, the director is certainly not joking! If the director is not joking, then the things inside are really worth discussing! So Hou Tianliang is also very worried. Looking at Song Tianren and their three people, they are facing their current situation. Can they really be competent?

Song Tianren can't see anything from director Ding Yuding's face, but it doesn't mean that they can't see anything from Hou Tianliang and Hou Secretary! Looking at Hou secretary's face, a look of worry! They know too! What about this? It's not so simple to say!

Now that everything has been said, Ding Yu has no intention of staying. He goes to Taixi and his two children! I believe that Hou Tianliang will explain clearly the problems and conditions in this!

"Secretary Hou, is the problem serious?"

Hou looked at it very seriously, even at daybreak! Is there any difference? You're going to die! Obviously, what about going abroad this time? More dangerous than I expected After looking at Song Tianren and them, Hou Tianliang shook his head slightly!

"Secretary Hou, are you talking about the incident in which the director was ambushed before?"

"What happened? It was too frightening. I asked myself that sometimes I would wake up in a nightmare. At that time, I was shot several times, even the director? It is also quite a situation, and it is precisely because of the previous incident that I realized some problems and situations! It's a long way off! "

"Secretary Hou, if it was not on that occasion under the circumstances?" Song Tianren asked tentatively!

"If not under the occasion? I'm sure I can't get away with it. I'm afraid I'm already paying homage to Lord Yan now Looking at Song Tianren beside him, "although you have Zhan Zhao around you, what about him? I have experience in dealing with things, but I'm extremely short of action! "

Zhan Zhao stands not far away. He has the right to know about this matter. He frowns slightly. After thinking about it, he thinks it's better not to provoke. What's the identity of this one? How much I already know! Major from the intelligence department!

Than their original director more weight, and still with director Ding Yu Ding side of the people! What about people like that? What about the forces behind it? Think about it all feel so terrible, since he can say such words, it is certainly not a joke! So I really need to think about it!

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