"Secretary Hou, how about the three of us together?"

Looking at the hesitant song Tianren, Hou Tianliang also gave a smile. How much did he have the taste of sarcasm, "are you four? If it's a pure field attack, you'll be given nothing. Although I say it's a bit scum, how about dealing with the four of you? It's almost within reach! If it is a city attack, there will be some difficulties, but if you don't consider living, the four of you! Ha ha

"Secretary Hou, the director is surrounded by such people!"

When asked to come here, song Tianren also frowned, "what about Wei Hou? The three of you already know something about it. If Wei Hou is the first one, I'm certainly not the opponent. He is absolutely professional! But what about this so-called absolute professional? It's hard to say how long you can stay with those security guards! "

It can't be

Hou Tianliang took a look and shook his head, "you are too preconceived! If these security guards had just arrived at the director's side, they would not have been Wei Hou's opponents. But what about these people who can stand beside the director now? Wei Hou has not been able to deal with one after another! This is the fact that you are willing or unwilling to admit it! "

"They were all trained by the director?"

"How much security does the director have? I don't know. This involves the secrets of the core aspects. Although I am the Secretary of the director, I don't think my head can carry it! Understand? "

"I have been in contact with six elder brothers for a period of time, and I feel that his body is full of evil spirit! But there is no feeling on those security guards. What about brother one? I've had contacts, too. There's not much difference! "

"If you can feel something, it's really bad! What about the first brother? It seems that he was born in a wild boy. I don't know what it was like at the beginning, but what about you in front of him? Just like a quail, he can ravage as much as he wants! It's a simple thing! That's all I know

"Wild boy?"

"Israeli special forces, but what about this? There are so many cooperative relationships, and it is not so clear what they all involve! " Song Tianren obviously doesn't want to reveal some of the problems and situations involved! "Comparatively speaking, what about Wei Hou? It may feel a little tricky, but if two people are really on the battlefield, what is the final result? It's really hard to say! "

Hou Tianliang is not the most professional, so it is difficult to make this judgment. Although he said that he was particularly confident in his own soldiers, what about the same brother? But after the director of the training, under such circumstances, there will be any difference between the two, is really very difficult to say!

"Secretary waiting, what if it's more practical?"

"More realistically?" Hou Tianliang looked at the three of them and snorted, "what about the reality? It's the so-called roulette! It's easy to say if you win, but if you're wrong? Just stay with your life! As for whether there will be any other changes in this process, it is really not so clear! "

"So it's dangerous?"

"Not dangerous or not?" Hou Tianliang is also looking at the three of them. Why didn't he go to see Zhan Zhao, because he didn't need it! "It involves a lot of problems. Your assessment time was too short. To some extent, are you better than recruits? Even more recruits, come up to deal with such a high degree of difficulty? It's hard to imagine! "

"I see!" Song Tianren is also the first to answer! Although the expression on the face is not so good-looking, it is extremely firm! Obviously, he really understood! It's not a fake expression!

"Now that I understand! Then I won't say much more! " Hou Tianliang also slightly took a breath, "after going back? Think about it and talk about it. What about this? I can't do it because I don't want to? There will be many problems behind it! It's not a question of whether you want to bear it or not! "

It seems that there are some cruel things, especially at this time, but there is no way out. Ding Yu can't talk about this with them! If we really want to talk about it, we can only talk to the forces behind them. But what about this kind of talk? Now the heat is still not enough!

Ding Yu found Tai Xi and his two children. They were very happy to play. Each of them carried a small basket in his hand. There were not many fruits in it, but they were full and full. It made people very appetizing to look at them. However, when picking, whether it was Taixi or two children, they were quite skillful, and there was absolutely no kind of life drag ! What about this? Their performance is really not bear children! Lovely!

While not paying attention, Ding Yu also took out two fruits from two children's small baskets, rubbed them twice and put them into his mouth. Taixi shook his head slightly, but he said that he was afraid of being dirty. As for this? I don't know what will happen if I move my two children's things?"It's all over?"

"Almost." Ding Yu was finally found! However, some of the two little guys refused to give up. They carefully selected them in front of them. However, they thought that their father was stealing food behind their back. Ding Yu also put them under his arm, which made a good meal. It was not polite at all!

When they came home from the farm, they showed off to their grandparents and complained to them. Dad ignored their efforts and ate while they were picking. This behavior absolutely needs to be criticized. At this time, they didn't have to worry about their father's threatening eyes!

When I got up the next morning, neither Ding Lin nor Ding Yu meant to go out for exercise. Now, if I go to exercise at this time, it is definitely not a good choice. Is it a new year's day with today? It doesn't matter, but because of the smell of firecrackers? Too thick!

From this point of view? The pollution index of Xiaoxian city in the past two days is absolutely over the standard, but this is no wonder, everyone's life is better! At least there's something in this pocket! Also need a little celebration! What's more, once a year, from the perspective of the farm? This is really not a particularly good news!

But relatively speaking, the small county city itself depends on the sea, so what about the pollution?? Timeliness will never be too long! Even if it is a gust of wind, the taste will disappear! But what about this? Or does it take a while to plan, or? Just like Ding Yu, use some cold fireworks!

Relatively speaking, for the living standard of the small county, it is too high-end to use the so-called cold fireworks! Because this price is not personal! Even if it is some small enterprises, also can't!

Looking at the two children wearing underwear, Ding Yu also slightly shakes his head at Tai Xi. Although it is cold outside, the temperature inside the room is constant, so he doesn't worry about catching a cold at all, and Liang Xiao doesn't feel too much constraint. Of course, if you go out, this situation will be different!

Two small is to exercise at home, but little lazy and Labrador have some trouble, or small four eyes come directly to them two to press down! Joking, even without claws, the direct is a look, they two quietly lying there, like a sculpture!

Later may be really can't help it! Then the two also went out to find Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, looking for considerable safety. There was no way. Although they also wanted to look for their two children, they could not be disturbed now!

Breakfast is very rich, two little guys are also very happy! However, they did not have their own father's stomach, and finally they could only look at the table full of good things and keep their own saliva, but somehow their stomachs have been up!

"What are you two doing?" Back in the room, looking at the two small guys with the door closed, Ding Yu was also a little puzzled, but when he saw the image on the mobile phone, he nodded, but he didn't say anything! Just a slight mention! Now what about the others? There are some really not suitable!

Su Yuan in the video looks at his eldest son and doesn't mention anything. What about this occasion? There are so many inappropriate! But is it through video? Take a good look at the eldest son's home, very big! From the layout above, it is not luxurious at all, even a little bit simple! But it's a family atmosphere.

What about the eldest son? Grandson and granddaughter are lovely, if not because the distance is too far away, is really want to hold in the arms, a good love! But what about the eldest son? I don't mean to come back to celebrate the new year. At most, it was when I was in the capital? I came back to have a look at it on New Year's Eve!

What about this? Is also quite sad! Maybe not? It's the best! But the eldest son's affection for his adoptive father and his adoptive mother really made him the biological mother? Are quite envious! But what about envy? So it can only be a dark sigh!

But what about the people who come to visit this year? It's really not so much, not just your own side, but also your father-in-law and mother-in-law and father-in-law? I don't know where they come from! In the past years, there will be quite a number of visits, but definitely not as intensive as this year!

And what about this year? Basically, they were all with their own children. Even if they were confused, Su Yuan also understood how things happened! What about the winter camp? It's not a secret! But did not expect to cause such a frenzy, now the capital can find a relationship? They all come straight to their own side!

The eldest son is not at home! What about Taixi? A lot of people can't get in touch with each other. What about Taixi? Not how to appear, familiar people are really less! What about the courtyard? Why don't we go? It's not because we can't knock at the door! The Butler! More than the British Butler!We are really helpless about this! So it can only be run to Wang Changlin and Su Yuan! Who let you be Ding Yu's parents! What about other people and this thing? Ding Yu really won't give this face, but when you are parents, this face still needs to be given, isn't it?

What about Wang Changlin and Su Yuan? Now is really there are so many happy pain, it is difficult to say what kind of taste it is! How to face this matter! Who can visit two old men? Basically, they can't interfere, but can we find people here? What about the big part? There are so many hard to refuse!

Who could have thought that his eldest son not only put a satellite so simple, but also put a big satellite, this satellite? It really makes people feel that there are so many unbearable ah! Even at home there are so many can not carry, Su Yuan has begun to think of some ways!

"Dad, grandma asked you to call her back when you have time!"

Taking advantage of not paying attention, the little girl is also lying in her father's ear, whispered a word, Ding Yu slightly nodded, that know! Then there was not much speech! The little girl also spit out her little tongue, and then ran away with the little lazy! It doesn't mean to stay!

The air is slightly fresh! Ding Lin didn't mean to sit at home, and went out to hang out with two children! There is nothing to do at home. It doesn't need to be so busy. What about Ding Yu and Taixi? Zhao Shuying was also expelled from the house. What did a good young man do at home? They're not kids anymore! Even if it's Chinese New Year today, what?

"Is that really good? I'll leave my mother at home alone! " Taixi has some worries!

Ding Yu nodded, "let mom be free for a while! What about the two little guys? Although very lovely, but too much noisy! What's more, we're at home? It will also make mom feel uncomfortable, but you can rest assured! After a while, dad will go back, but the two children have you irritable

"No way!" Taixi also said with laughter! How can their children feel annoyed?

Sure enough, even did not wait for half an hour, two hours were sent to the past, Ding Lin is home! What about the old couple's feelings? It's really hard for outsiders to judge. What about normal times? They may hate each other, but for a moment? Can't do without each other, this kind of sincerity? It is really enviable!

Although today is the new year's day, what about the shops on the street? It's really not too close! It seems that there are some lively and extraordinary meanings! Although the city is small, it has a special taste.

"Mother! I'm Ding Yu! " Because of his leisure time, Ding Yu also made a phone call to his mother. Su Yuan, who was sitting in preparation for the Chinese new year, really felt that there were some accidents. But soon he also connected the video with Ding Yu. Wang Xiaogang was also lying on his grandmother's body and reached out to say hello!

The eldest son is not here. What about the daughter? Went to the business there, so now only Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan are at home! What about Wang Xiaogang? Belongs to carry! If there is no such pistachio at home, it's really uncomfortable!

So even if the grandson hung on his body, Su Yuan was not dissatisfied with anything! "Boss! The family is about to suffer from a lot of people now! I don't know how to deal with it tomorrow! " To get to the point, because Su Yuan is very aware of his eldest son's temperament, there is no need for other courtesies!

"Come, come! It's not a big deal Ding Yu seems to have some disagreements about this!

"You're very relaxed Su Yuan complained, "but what about these people who come home? What about the story? All just have a meaning! That's the problem of winter camp! We can all say that we are looking forward to it! "

"What about my new year? Going abroad, what about domestic affairs? Basically not much time. What's more? What about the children in Japan? School is about to start! They just come to have a look and will not stay for a long time. Under such circumstances, it is not appropriate to let the winter camp exist alone! It's also extremely inappropriate! "

"What about the children who went to the winter camp? I've basically seen it! They are all living ancestors in the family, but this time? It can be said that they have made a great change. They know the propriety, righteousness and shame, honor and disgrace. In a short period of time, they can make these children have such an understanding, which shocked too many people! "

"No competition? There is no progress, given them such an environment, so they can make some progress? This is also common sense, but what about this one? It's just a small foundation. What kind of performance will there be in the future? Now I'm afraid it's still unknown! No one dares to make this guarantee! "

"I want a few places!" Su Yuan doesn't dally at this time! Direct to their eldest son's mouth! Do you agree or disagree? Anyway, I've already said it!

"Yes!" Ding Yu really did not have any intention to refute, "but the time may be a little short! The effect will not be so obvious! " As for the number of places for their mothers? Ding Yu really didn't mean to ask questions! I believe my mother will handle this matter well!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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