All the things that should be talked about have been talked about! Su Yuan is also holding Wang Xiaogang, so that he can be a little bit more stable, do not always think of catching the mobile phone! "When will you be back, boss?"

"Fifth or sixth day! Take a look at the situation in the capital, and then prepare to leave! There are too many things in foreign countries! All need to be dealt with properly! I've been away for a long time! "

Su Yuan sighed slightly, "pay more attention to your body, and I took a look at it earlier. Your adoptive father and mother seem to be in good health. If you have time, come to the capital to have a look! It's still a big change! "

"They! Ah Ding Yu also sighed, "originally, I thought about it, but they were not willing to move. They even didn't want to go out for a walk! Life here seems to be very good, so it is with their mind! Very good! "

In fact, Ding Yu is very clear about what his mother really means, but it is obvious that Ding Yu does not mean to break the point, and even has some intentional to pretend to be confused! Yes or no? In fact, Ding Yu's imagination is not so important!

Looking at the elder son's appearance, and then looking at Tai Xi beside him, Su Yuan didn't say anything because he said it didn't make any sense. The eldest son was confused on the surface, but what happened in his heart? I don't know how smart I am! Since he doesn't have the meaning of this aspect, it's also a white saying!

Ding Yu also immediately transferred the phone to two small sides, let them interact! Anyway, they are happy! As for himself and Tai hee? Did not want to get up the meaning, the reason to pass two small, not Tai Xi, is not to let her too embarrassed!

Looking at the two children, Tai Xi also slightly shook his head at Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it! The time for two people to sit is not so long. Soon they took their two children out for a stroll, and then they went home. After coming back, they did not have a rest for too long, so they began to be busy!

Not only to prepare the new year's Eve dinner so simple, but also other work! For example, fireworks and firecrackers and so on, because it is cold fireworks, so put up may be a little troublesome, really need the community security to help! But what about the security of the community? So happy!

What about the two little guys? They followed Ding Lin and Ding Yu, but they were shooting there with a video recorder. As for help? Let's forget it! Just ask them not to make trouble!

Actually busy? Not only Ding Lin and Ding Yu, but also other families in the community, we have basically reached a consensus. In the evening, firecrackers are set off outside the community, not inside the community! That is a kind of harm to the whole community! Will be despised by all the families here!

What about the neighborhood? It is recommended that the Ding family is the first to set off firecrackers, but this matter was refused by Ding Lin! There is really no such hobby! It doesn't matter who comes first and then. There are not so many opinions! Other people see that Ding Lin does not want to eat soup, so they have no interest in this aspect!

The old Ding family doesn't care so much. Why do we care so much, don't we? From the Ding family's situation, people have such capital. If you really say a word, who dares not to give this so-called face, but Ding Lin in front of everyone's face will be directly rejected!

It's already such a family! How to maintain a peaceful attitude is really to make other families in the whole community feel comfortable and comfortable! But relatively speaking, the old Ding family prepared a lot of things! As in previous years, people don't care whether they are in front of their own house, that is, the Spring Festival! Just as a joy!

However, the children in the community are very happy. They have a good time playing with Ding Yu's two children. From time to time, they have to show a face in front of the camera and play a treasure. When people in the community see this scene, they don't say much. They just talk to Ding Lin and Ding Yu!

Ding Yu Lin is not very common! Look at other people's two children, is really cultivated, polite, understand etiquette, and will not look high at the top, with anyone can speak up! Although it's not sweet talk, it's comfortable to listen to! Take a look at their own bear children, one by one like monkeys, jumping around, do not know whether the body is a long lice! Is it true that there are so many confused?

After all the things have been cleaned up, Ding Lin and Ding Yu go back with their two children. What about dinner? Maybe the most attentive meal of the year! After all, it's a year! Taixi is clever, dumplings are good! The two little guys didn't mean to give up. They filmed patiently. As for the purpose, Ding Yu knew it well in his heart, but he didn't mean to stop him!

Dinner opened very early, but Ding Lin looked at a porcelain bottle that his eldest son took out. He was also stunned, "happy today?"

"I'm very happy. You and my mother are in good health. How about Tai hee and me? And two kids? Each has made progress. If we gather together today, we should be happy. What I have collected has been for some years! ""Well, if you're happy today, have a drink!"

Then Dinglin also took the warm wine utensils, warm wine need to have a constant temperature, if it is to use hot water, it is too inconvenient! It needs to be replaced at any time, but what about electrified equipment? It won't be so much trouble! Soon Ding Yu also opened the seal, but also took out a bottle of new wine! Blend together!

"Wow! Dad, how fragrant it is Tear open the seal, is a strong fragrance! The taste is very special! Two small is also quite curious! Naturally, they have seen such things as wine, but beer is too bitter, white wine is too spicy, and red wine? The taste is sour and astringent, none of which they like, or juice? Even better!

However, they also know that the father is basically not drinking, not once a year! Mother also does not have this aspect hobby, at most sometimes can drink a little red wine! But today is the New Year! Maybe it's a real exception!

Since it's so interesting, the two children also deliberately want to hold the pot, which is very interesting for them! Not only Ding Lin and Ding Yu, but also Zhao Shuying and Taixi! But the glass is not big! With the start of the Spring Festival party, the feast of the family has also begun!

The two little guys also deliberately put the camera and camera on one side, taking a beautiful picture of the whole family! Looking at the picture, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very happy! This is the life that yearns for! There's nothing happier than this!

When it was about 10:30, the sound of firecrackers was heard outside! Although the seal inside the house is very good, the sound outside is still a little bit loud, and there are some who can't sit still at this time! The clothes, shoes and hats have been packed for a long time! Ready to go!

But at this point, Ding Lin is still a little bit old-fashioned. When it comes to midnight, he starts with his family and doesn't pass the things inside? Basically, it's all taken by myself and my son. I don't pretend to borrow people at all!

The whole family is huge, but what about the other residents here? Basically, they're all out! Everyone is bustling! From time to time to say hello to each other, greetings to an early year! And what about the phone call? It's also constantly ringing!

Come to the firecracker setting off area, it is more lively, the surrounding has been cleaned up for a long time! There are special firecrackers and fireworks. The security guards are also very busy. After Ding Lin put down the things inside, he would not stop to say hello to everyone! Very happy look!

"I'd like to celebrate a new year for all the residents and their families in our community. In the past year, the community has become more harmonious and friendly because of everyone. I hope that in the future, everyone can respect and love each other like relatives, and celebrate a new year for you. First of all? Hope our country is strong and prosperous, and then congratulate all the people in our community? Happy family

Simply said a few words, Ding Lin is also aimed at the left and right fist! It's also a cheering sound! Ding Yu is standing behind the position, and Tai Xi is holding Zhao Shuying, as for the two small? They would never give up such an opportunity!

Not long ago, the sound of firecrackers went off, and then it was the fire trees and silver flowers all night! Not only the people in this community are watching, but also many other people are gathering around! Fireworks are very beautiful! In particular, Ding Yu brought back these cold fireworks, there is no so-called pollution, and very ornamental!

At this time, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying stood in front of them, and Tai Xi was holding Ding Yu's arm in his hand, looking at the beautiful scenery above the sky. As for the two children? Now this time is completely free range! There is no one to pay attention to them!

"Beautiful!" Taixi said in a low voice!

Ding Yu also nodded, "what about people? Or is it a get along, everyone together happy, all the past bumps all put down, at this time we are mutual wishes, the future of a better year! by the way! I'm not so clear about what new year's presents you and your mom and dad have prepared

"Don't tell you, you'll find out in a moment!"

Ding Yu smiles and doesn't speak. As for things like lighting fireworks by himself, Ding Yu has no interest. He is not a child. As for two little guys? They're free! Just pay attention to the danger!

At this point, Ding Yu really didn't mean to restrain them! Fireworks set off a little longer time, the last cold fireworks is a gluttonous feast, let everyone aftertaste! And on the way back, Ding Yu's phone also kept ringing! All are greetings and new year's greetings!

At least there are not many people on Ding Yu's phone, but not too few! Ding Yu even hung up a Bluetooth headset in his ear, otherwise there are too many phones, and his hands are always held up like this, a little tired! Ding Lin on one side is the same!

"Dad, Wang An's phone, he can't call you in!"

The little girl held up her mobile phone. Ding Yu said two words to her. Then she also received Wang An's phone call. She said goodbye to herself for a year, but she had a heart! Ding Yu is also very patient to listen to Wang An's words, after all, is his future apprentice, not long, Tong Tong there is also called!Ding Yu has been busy until more than one o'clock in the middle of the night, this just turned off his phone, there is no way to do things, Taixi there have been sleeping on the bed, may feel something, the body is also leaning over!

In the morning, Ding Yu got up very early, but he didn't mean to exercise. Instead, he prepared breakfast for the family. The same was true for the two children. When Zhao Shuying and Tai Xi got up, they looked at each other and laughed. After all, they were at home! It doesn't take so many rules!

In the morning, there are a lot of people calling New Year's day, and the two children don't live on the phone, but how about more time? Is busy in front of the computer, editing some things, although young, but does not mean they will not!

"Yesterday's gift, father and mother like very much, baby with what like!" Lying on the bed, Ding Yu also said in a low voice! Taixi also slightly hammered a punch! However, it seems that this fist also attracted two small attention. Ouch, Ding Yu felt that some teeth were itching!

The two children are totally mischievous, interrupting their interest with Taixi, but now there is really no way to start. They lie in the middle of themselves and Taixi. What should we do? Now this time can only depend on them!

In the afternoon, Ding Lin had nothing to do and drove to the hospital! I've been a doctor for so many years, although now I'm on the line! But still feel left quite unaccustomed, do not go to see, the total feeling is missing what!

Zhao Shuying is used to it! Fortunately, he did not take his son to go, otherwise it would be Chinese New Year! I will never give him any good look! However, although today is a little more leisure, but from tomorrow on, what about home? I'm afraid it's not so leisure! There will be a lot of people!

Ding Yu is just lying on the sofa watching TV, but are two children? When there is no honesty, she always wants to tease Ding Yu. Taixi sits down beside her boss honestly. She doesn't know why. Zhao Shuying looks so happy!

Such a boss is really rare to see, usually at home? When will be such a lazy look, don't think about it! It's impossible! I just want to see him like this? Is very satisfied!

By the way! What about Ding Ding Ding, the little heartless one? Only when the third and fourth day of junior high school can I come back! Yesterday's time is to call oneself, two small have no conscience? Also with their own video! But do not personally look at, touch always feel a little uncomfortable! After all, I still don't feel at ease!

"Naughty!" Caught the naughty grandson and granddaughter, Zhao Shuying gave them a slap, that is, slapped on the buttocks, but also did not use force, revealing abnormal love! Two small do not agree, is still bouncing! It's the same with laziness and Labrador, that is, four eyes can be better!

Dinglin will be back in the afternoon! In fact, when I went to the hospital for a visit, I really didn't have too many things. There were not too many people in the hospital during the Spring Festival. Basically, they all went home for the New Year! The number of people who stay in the hospital is relatively small, that is, the emergency department is a little busy. There are many people who have accidents during the Chinese New Year!

"Oh, my Lord, are you willing to come back? Not for a while? It's quite novel! "

"Hum!" Ding Lin stuffy hum a, there is no one in the house also just! My son and daughter-in-law are here! That's it? But I also know that the first day of the new year to go to the hospital? There are so many not quite appropriate, but if you really stay at home? Also feel that there are so some not suitable!

"Dad! There are not too many people in the hospital today

"Basically, we all took a look in the past. After sitting for a period of time, we left each other! After a year? It may be a little free in these two days, but in two and a half days, the number of people in the hospital will gradually increase in two days. In addition, new buildings, medical equipment and teaching staff have been changed here? Have made great progress! We also showed considerable recognition for the hospital! "

"All right, all right! They're all home Zhao Shuying is also a little impatient, direct husband and son to coax away! The big new year's talk about such things, some too much disillusionment! It is two small look at their grandmother, do not pay attention to when they are out of their thumbs, the family is domineering? Or grandma! No one else is easy to use!

Don't look at Dad in front of them, but in front of grandma? Or honest with quail! Grandma said to get rid of it? I'll get rid of it! You don't even need to talk nonsense! There is also grandfather, the head of the family, but in front of grandma? The feeling is still very poor!

"Mom, grandma is so good!"

Taixi also shaved the noses of the two little guys. "This is respect, but not fear, just like a mother. Your father never yelled at me. Sometimes I'm not very good tempered, and he'll talk to each other. To a certain extent, this is a very self-restraint performance, but respect, and respect, not your so-called harm , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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