Not long after Ding Lin came back, people from his hometown came one after another! Although the living room is not full, it is not just two small, even Ding Yu and Tai Xi are busy and happy!

It's true that Ding Yu has been married for a long time! But at this time, we can't hold our own identity. What's coming? Basically, they are all elders. Even if Ding Yu has great ability, he will not show off in front of his elders. Isn't this the face of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? How to make them behave in the future? Even if EQ is no more, this truth is still understood!

It's not that Ding Yu is afraid that others will talk about something behind his back. He doesn't need it at all! It's just a matter of attitude! But what about two small ones? Soon also was pulled by Ding Lin in his side position, now does not need to show his son! Grandsons and granddaughters are the best choice!

What about that? Basically, it's all family matters. These years, the Ding family's father and son's help to his hometown is really great! Others have a heart, can't they be unjust? Isn't it, then it is really too shameless! Spring Festival! In fact, it is an atmosphere, no one will deliberately mention some sour things at this time!

In the evening, it was delicious and delicious. Ding Lin and Ding Yu found a car and sent them back in person. As for the things brought back by the people from their hometown, Ding Lin and Ding Yu counted them one by one, and then took them in. They also gave a considerable return gift! The Ding family doesn't need to care about these things, but for people from home, it's quite a friendship!

Are the gifts very rich, these? Do not need to have any words, each people's heart problem!

The next day, some of the hospital staff also came to the home, looking at the things in Yang Bo's hands, Ding Yu also couldn't stop joking, "brother Yang, is it a little too much! You just carry two bottles of old wine, but my father has prepared Maotai as a gift in return. Aren't you typical of scraping land? And it's the blatant one! "

"How can we say it's scraping? It's very polite and important! " "Yang Bo didn't care at all," he said! I am the teacher's student, and I am also the official successor

People around him burst into laughter, but at the same time they cast envious eyes on Yang Bo. From the beginning, Yang Bo has maintained a considerable relationship with Ding Lin, and what about Ding Yu? What about making friends with him before he made a fortune or even promoted him? It's all because of Ding Yu, but no one can say anything!

At that time, everyone had such an opportunity, but the question is who cherished it? It seems that there are not too many people! And Yang Bo? It is to seize such an opportunity that people are making great strides in the hospital? There is his teacher Ding Lin standing there, but outside? With the support of Ding Yu!

What about Yang Bo? Usually when the popularity is quite good, so there is no other situation! Even if there are any problems and conditions, there will not be too many things! Do you really think the two mountains behind you are joking? As long as Yang Bo is not so eager, in the future! It is really difficult to limit, at least for the small county side, it is like this!

After a couple of playful sentences, people also came to the house and looked at the two children. They also rushed out the money that had been prepared for the new year. Because Ding Lin had mentioned it deliberately before, and there were other problems and situations, so what about the red envelope? It's just a hundred yuan note! But there are a few people who can't stand it!

Two small receive red envelope very happy, is Yang Bo, uncle Yang? They were quite surprised when they were given two elastic beans. However, from this point of view, Yang Bo really did not regard them as outsiders, so when he brought snacks and drinks to Yang Bo, he did not deliberately add any seasoning!

"Liao Hai didn't go home?"

"Go back! I went back to my vacation years ago! I came back this morning! On duty tomorrow The first time I came to director Ding's home, I was still a little nervous! What about Mrs. Ding in front of her? How much look there are so some accidents! So Liao Hai's whole person seems to be so restrained!

"How is Heng Lao's health?"

"My grandfather is in good health. Let me say hello to Dean Ding, director Ding and director Yang, so that I can take root at the grass-roots level and do a good job!" Although the heart is big, but that is only in the hospital! But at home today! Director Ding is talking to himself alone, so what about Liao Hai? Still feel not so comfortable!

However, when two trots came in, they looked at the uncle and laughed. After putting down the things, they also ran away! More important reason? Dad patted their buttocks, which made them more or less annoyed!

"Take root in the grass roots? This is a good thing, but to a certain extent, it also restricts your personal development. What about your future? It's quite disadvantageous, even for the whole hospital! "

"I didn't think about it!"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu smiles slightly. This smile makes Liao Hai more unnatural, because he did not find that director Ding was so warm at home. He felt that he was just two people! "When I was a year ago? I've paid homage to Heng Lao for an early year, and I have also discussed with him about your training"Grandfather didn't tell me that!"

"He is afraid that you will be proud! After all, it's a newcomer. What do you need? It's not just medical skills, doctors' benevolence, but also some interpersonal relationships to let you know rashly? It may be unstable. Even if there is a big umbrella over your head, there will be other problems! "

"Director, you and Dean Ding are worried!"

"Where's my father? Adhering to some of the hospital's ideas, this point does not need to worry about, you play their own good will not have too many problems! What about other things? Learn more from director Yang Bo and Yang. I have prepared some special textbooks for you. If there is anything you don't understand or is difficult to understand, ask more! Learn more! "

Yelling, the little girl also took a tablet terminal computer to come over, Liao Hai also input his fingerprint, including the account and password, "what about this? It belongs to you alone. I'll fight for it for you. In two years, if you can't get hot, then your account will be cancelled there! So try harder! "

"Thank you, director. I will try my best."

"What about hard-working people? They should be rewarded, but what about the result of this reward? It may be different. It may be a meal, it may be cash. Of course, it may be a house or a luxury car. On the contrary, the problem is what you want! This is the most important thing! "

Looking at the little girl beside her, Ding Yu also nodded, "go and call your uncle yang to come here!" After a while, Yang Bo came in, looked at Liao Hai, and nodded at Ding Yu with a smile!

"Brother Yang, what about Liao Hai's medical development? It's not a problem. There are already quite some arrangements, but what about other aspects? I need you to take care of some of them What Ding Yu said is very casual!

"I said Dr. Ding, it's OK to let me be a nanny, but what about two bottles of Maotai? But it won't solve the problem! "

Ding Yu also stretched out his hand and nodded, "yes! I can see it! Your brother Yang is definitely here to scrape the land! " Actually, it is not a difficult thing. Since Yang Bo said so, it means that he has agreed to the matter, "I brought some red wine to come here, but Ding Ding is not here now. What is the earliest time for her? Come back tomorrow! If you don't like it, my sixth uncle brought some drinks when he came yesterday! It's specially brewed on the farm, but it's better to let it age for a while. Maybe it's better! "

"I'd like white wine. I'd like to leave the red wine to Ding Ding Ding! Otherwise, I will not be full of bags! I can't stand it! "

"What do you say? Finish saying not, finish the words to clean up and ready to eat! Yang Bo, the seafood is ready! I'm waiting for you to get started! That's the last dish. I'm waiting for you to show you a hand! "

"Yes! Look at me

Looking at Yang Bo who has left, Liao Hai has some envy. At least director Yang Bo can be so comfortable in Ding's family. What about himself? Is really unable to do, with is not small word generation? I don't feel that there are too many relationships!

At noon, the atmosphere was very warm, although in the hospital? Everyone is a little nervous, but they are not in the hospital now! There is really no need to keep a straight face, as for the drinks? It was brought by Liu Shu before. What about Maotai next to it? Really, there are not too many people to mention!

How about Maotai? It must be good, but we still feel that the wine produced by the farm has a different taste. To some extent, it is our own things. Whether it is the taste or the feeling of drinking, it is not the same!

At noon, Ding Yu didn't eat much food, even the wine in front of him? It didn't go down much, but no one wanted to blame because of Ding Yu's habit? We all know that we don't eat too much at noon, and basically don't drink much!

What's more, I came to the director's house today, instead of going to the hotel. It's not right! If there is a big problem in it, the doctor will be forced to do so! After dinner, Ding Lin also arranged for everyone to go out to have a bath and play cards, which is also a relaxation! There is really no other meaning!

After all, at their age of Dinglin, they don't have much other thoughts! Ding Yu didn't mean to follow. Instead, he cleaned up at home! There is a little more to eat and drink! Do not need their own mother and Tai Xi hands, basically is Ding Yu alone! It's not such a wonderful thing!

Zhao Shuying also took Tai Xi, "let him clean up alone, or let the old man come back to clean up. He has to be responsible for the guests he invited back!" What about Zhao Shuying at this time? Also true color!

The two children looked at each other, and then they also set up a camera to take a good picture of their father. Do you want to know your father? Although the soy sauce bottle will not be lifted when it is poured, but when cooking? It's really not a lot. It's hard to see it today! You have to treasure it!However, the two small ideas are beautiful, but how can they be too carefree? So two people were soon caught! Ten fingers do not touch the spring water, such a beautiful thing? Don't think about it! At least in the Ding family is impossible! It will never be allowed!

Tai Xi looked at his son and daughter pouting. He was very happy. After cleaning up, Ding Yu waited for his son. Tai Xi took her daughter to take a bath! It's another commotion!

"Dad! Mom Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying look at their daughter, son-in-law and their two great grandsons outside. What time is it! Why are you back at this time? "Happy New Year

"Good! All right! Happy new year to you all It's cold outside. Don't freeze the children. Quickly pull the two children into the room! "Why did you come back so early? Even in a hurry, it doesn't take a moment and a half! " Zhao Shuying also has some complaints about her daughter and son-in-law! I don't know the weight!

"Mom and Dad, there's nothing at home, so I'm back in advance!" As for whether there is something at home, is it not clear in my heart? But what do you say in front of your father-in-law and your mother-in-law? The so-called domestic ugliness should not be publicized!

Ding Ding is married to herself, which is not fake at all, but what about those relatives in the family? Almost to start directly! I've cleaned up quite a few people before, but now? Again came out, so after saying hello to his parents, Cao Zhen took his wife and two sons and left by plane overnight!

Although the plane is big brother's, but now this time has no so much to worry about! But it is really very convenient, the whole trip does not need to have any worries, so I got home at dawn!

"Happy new year, sister-in-law!" Looking at Tai Xi who came out, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding are also quick to say hello! However, Ding Yu was not slow. The two children were a little bit impatient. Looking at his aunt and two cousins, he also cried out, almost falling on his aunt's body! It's not a point!

"Back so early!" After taking off their clothes, we all sat on the sofa to have a rest for a period of time. We didn't feel uncomfortable at home? More warmth, and no other so-called intrigue, there is no existence! What about the only headache? It's just that two kids are a little rowdy sometimes!

You know they're out there? Never like this, very obedient, but do not know why? In this home? What about the father of the child? I don't know, but what about the children's grandparents? Also is when they are the darling, lets oneself may say is extremely headache!

"I haven't eaten yet! Everything is ready! Take a break and you can have dinner Zhao Shuying is also looking at her daughter and son-in-law, "and come back soon! Don't bring these things. You don't need them at home. Do you have this time? Take care of two more children. Look at them. They are all thin

"It's thin! It used to be Michelin, but now it's a tire at best

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Shuying turned around and glared at her eldest son with dissatisfaction, "is this called wealth?" And then holding two big grandsons, "right? My uncle knew that

Ding Yu ha ha ha smile, simply not do a thing! What about Cao Zhong and Cao Hua? Also sat in the grandfather and grandmother's side, but soon also was attracted by the elder brother and the elder sister! There is no strange, usually also play together, not long to break free!

"Yes! It's really about to start cooking at home! There were two evil lords, but now there are two little ancestors Although Ding Lin is such a talk, but the eyes are not a moment to leave the meaning!

Xiaosiyan is still in a detached position. Even Cao Zhong and Cao Hua have no intention of provoking them, because they have suffered too much from xiaosiyan earlier! But what about lazy and Labrador? Not so lucky! As for the so-called reserve? There won't be any!

Cao Zhen was helpless. After all, it was his father-in-law and his mother-in-law's home! Is it really good that two children are so naughty? But looking at the father-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, seems to have been used to it!

"Have a meal, and wait a minute? I want to go to grandma's side! "

Zhao Shuying has spoken! There is really no one at home who dares to listen, even if it is the more troubling Cao Zhonghe and Cao Hua? They are all honest and honest. My grandfather is a little better. As for grandma, if you don't listen to me, the coach's hand will be directly slapped on their small buttocks. This is a deep impression left by years of education!

The food on the dining table is very rich and pleasant. What's more, it's not greasy at all. The four little guys are like a competition, but their food is a bit embarrassed. I'm afraid there is no comparison. We should know that at home, Cao Zhong and Cao Hua have a meal together. Don't say it's too long! But after coming back, all the problems seem to disappear!Cao Zhen also looked at his wife, Ding Ding is very dissatisfied with the back stare! All the big and small things at home are handed over to yourself. What about you nerd? You know research! Now I'm still picky, waiting for home! I want to give you a good-looking, let you know what the sofa is like! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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