A car must not be able to sit down, so Ding Yu and Cao Zhen each drove a car! But even so, it's still a business vehicle and an SUV, which is to put everyone in! It's not what you're carrying!

Grandma's house is really not a general bustle, especially when Ding Yu and his family are here. What about the old lady? There are also some small excitement, but what about Ding Yu? Ding Yu is still not salty and fresh. Ding Yu is really helpless for her grandmother. She never gives her any good face! Even on the third day of the lunar new year, it is the same!

What about Tai hee and the two kids? It's all on the Kang! Sitting around the old lady, what about Ding Yu? There is no position at all. What about Cao Zhen? The situation is a little better, at least in the Kang side? There's another place to sit down! Zhao Jun looked at his grandmother and his cousin. Some of them shook their heads!

"Big brother!" It's not right to let elder brother stand on the ground, but grandma is so stubborn, and what about the people in the family? There is no way to mention it, that is, thanks to big brother? I never care about this matter. I'm afraid it's hard to have such a state of mind if I'm my own!

"When did you come back?" Ding Yu also asked in a low voice, then slightly picked his chin, "Qianqian seems to have already! I didn't come back careful! "

"Oh, my God Zhao Jun also shook his head, "don't mention it! Qian Qian and I don't know anything, but fortunately, there is Ding Ding Ding's help! Otherwise, you will be in a hurry! There's grandma at home, and my mother can't leave. Fortunately, I'm used to it now

"Ding Ding came back this morning! I've been at home for half a year! But I haven't heard much about it. What are the other problems? "

"Brother! Actually speaking? It's just a matter of family background. It's good to deal with it carefully! " Zhao Jun also said in a low voice, "but the good thing is that Qianqian's performance is still very good, and she has to resist! Thanks to the help of you and sister Ding Ding, what about the work? There are not too many problems, otherwise there are some unimaginable! "

"It seems that I have been tossed about so much!" Ding Yu also nodded, "but this is also life. To put it bluntly, they all want their own life? Can the waves be bigger, but what about actually? Sometimes, in fact, the more insipid, the better. It's a bit of life experience! "

"Brother, how about Qian Qian and me? Do you really want to be plain? What about your work? There are no problems and conditions, but what about life? It's really hard to say Seeing his parents come, Zhao Jun also immediately stopped talking!

It's nothing to nag my brother about such things, but it's another thing to nag my parents! Let their parents worry about the same! This is not for the son of man!

"Xiaoyu! There's room next to it! Don't take it here! " What about her mother-in-law and her grandchildren? Has always been such an attitude, how many years have not changed any, associated with their own side? Is also very difficult, but after all is the mother-in-law, also thanks to Xiaoyu this child's belly comparison big!

Let him meet the old lady here? That's it! Do you have the rest? Just take Ding Yu away and go to their rooms in the army. It can't be said that they clean up every day, but it's almost the same! Very clean! Let them sit down and have a chat. It's better! At least it's much better than here!

What about Ding Yu's departure? Zhao Jun poured a cup of tea for his elder brother, along with cigarettes. "Brother, I didn't mean to do it, but I couldn't find too many people to talk to! Now Qianqian has it! It can't make her too unhappy! There is no way to say it at home

"Yes, at least proved that he is a man!" Ding Yu took a sip of tea, but instead of putting the cup down, he put it in his own hands, "what about Qianqian's family? I know more or less, there are some problems! It's normal to be tired, but as a man? Sometimes I still need to carry it on my back! "

"Big brother, I don't have any problems with Qianqian. I just feel that their family is too much!"

"The couple! What about your father-in-law? You don't run the family at all. What about your mother-in-law? A mind, is also in your brother-in-law's body, for Qianqian basically indifferent, you! Still did not come out of this stubborn, in fact, in my opinion, if she did not disturb, it would have been lucky! "

"Yes! I've been to my home twice, and I've already been furious! They are all motherfuckers, and I don't know how it happened! " Zhao Jun is also a little bit complaining, "in fact, I thought before, Qianqian was pregnant, after all, it's quite convenient to leave, but also a person from the past!"

Ding Yu is also ha ha's smile, "too take for granted! If there is anything, go to find Ding Ding Ding. If you look for me, I really don't know how to deal with these things. Ding Ding Ding didn't scold you? ""Curse! What a good scolding, almost let me not raise my head

"You! Deserve it How can Ding Yu not know his sister's temperament? "What about uncle and aunt? They are old, too! Stop talking about you! Even if it is me, there is a generation gap with my parents to a certain extent, that is, mutual understanding and communication, you are about to be a father! There will be times when you are upset

"I really don't have a generation gap with my dad and mom! I have never argued over any issues, and feel the communication between them? Good! Even Qianqian said that her father-in-law and mother-in-law are better than their parents! "

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? Because of the considerable comparison, what about Lin Qian? If there is no such ordeal, she will look up to you? Go and have a good dream

"Brother, I'm not bad at all."

"Forget it Ding Yu also said without good breath, "you are fat, you are still panting! It's nice to grow, but can you eat it? How about a good taste of life? That's the most important thing. As for the others? Don't think about it now! "

"I said a few words to my elder brother, which is a lot of fun. There is no way to find other people to talk about it in my family."

"Well, I just listen to you come here and complain!" Ding Yu is a little discontented, but it is just pretending! It really doesn't mean anything else, "but family life? Sometimes it's just like this. Are you willing or not? Sometimes it's a fact that can't be changed! But don't compromise because of this! Drift with the tide, or need to have their own persistence, in this case, life can be a little bit tasteful

"Big brother, if you really say it, you really don't have too many feelings. It's just that there are so many small depressions, and even some feel unworthy for Qianqian. Being born in such a family, it's really not worth it!"

"Is it worth it or not? It's another matter! " Ding Yu put down the teacup inside his hand, "but you Qianqian, are you distressed?"

"Of course! But my daughter-in-law Zhao Jun also said, "but in two years? The problem is not so big! Now, at least it is not so difficult to deal with it, but it is a little bit troublesome! "

"There is a saying that domestic disgrace should not be publicized, your mother-in-law!" Ding Yu sighed, "what about this? I think you should have a good communication with Ding Ding Ding. She has never been a fearless nature. Sometimes she is more casual! Of course, it's not impossible for you to say that you are unreasonable! "

"Can't you?"

"What's impossible?" Ding Yu looked at his cousin and showed a sad expression, "at that time, what about Ding Ding Ding for your mother-in-law? I'm not so satisfied. It's strange that she doesn't get angry when she hears such a thing! But what? She should have a good sense of propriety

When talking, I heard the sound of the door lock twisting, and then I saw Ding Ding coming in from the outside, and then closed the door without saying anything! "Running here and whispering? There is nothing to be afraid of

"There is nothing to be afraid of! Just say you're here! How are you going to do it? "

"Ah?" Ding Ding Ding couldn't help but be stunned, and then she also snorted, "give her some color to see, otherwise, we really think that there is no one in our family. Is it true that Qianqian has married our army as a wife? It's already in our family! She's still dancing. What's that for? Bullying no one in our family? Isn't it? "

Ding Yu gives the army a look, see? Previously, it was just that there was no time! Ding Ding although usually silent, but does not mean that she has no temper! Now you see that?

"Sister!" Zhao Jun also called out! "It's not what it looks like!"

"Don't call me sister. It's not shameful enough. Your wife has been bullied. You still look like this!" Ding Ding also didn't want to let the meaning at all, "it was a little late to know something years ago! Anyway? Let's pass the year first! I don't know if Lord Ma has three eyes

Zhao Jun also scratched his hair, "elder sister, I still have to live my own small life in the future?"

"You're a fucker!" The ding ding ding that hates its indisputable also looked at his elder brother, "elder brother, how do you say?"

"You! This temper is really a little hot! What about things at home? But what about a satisfactory solution? Is the best, after all, you can not replace the army to live, he has his own small days! But the same thing? Want to live a good life? We need to solve quite a few problems! "

Hum! Ding Ding tiny hum a, this word? A pun, Ding Ding is really understand! Obviously in the husband's side? Also has the quite to bear, therefore can appear now this kind of question!

Although Ding Yu knew it, he didn't really mean to poke it out! "All right! You'll leave Cao Zhen there. He should be so restrained. Go back and sit down"Hee hee! Big brother, you are jealous When talking, Ding Ding Ding also stood up and did not really go to do any stay! Otherwise, it's hard to make sure your big brother won't get angry! I don't want to be provoked.

Watch Ding Ding Ding bring the door! Ding Yu laughed, "Ding Ding! It's a little bit of your own little temper! "

"Hi! Is the person can have own temper not good! But I think that Ding Ding is a very nice kind of person to talk about! "

Ding Yu thought for a moment, "it seems that there are a lot of rumors in the house!" After saying this, Ding Yu also looked at Zhao Jun, "what about this? It's hard for you to say it. After all, you are one of the parties! "

"Brother, this word really has no meaning!" Zhao Jun also hastily explained, "to some extent? Everyone can't eat grapes, say grapes are sour! I always feel that I have been treated most unfairly. "

"I understand!" How could Ding Yu have never experienced such a thing, just like Hou Tianliang! How many people have mentioned that if it is them, they will definitely perform better than Hou Tianliang, not to mention song Tianren and them now! But what about this psychology? If you really want to say, is it not to eat grapes, so grapes are sour?

"Big brother, we are just complaining. What's the change of the world? Is also big, the communication is also convenient! Even my dad and mom? We have already used wechat! Progress is still very fast, so we see different things, so new things still have a considerable pursuit

"I didn't really get angry. What about the family? I don't usually worry about it. It's Ding Ding Ding who handles it. I really haven't heard how she complains. But in the end, some news has been passed on, and the family and everything are happy. Therefore, it's better to deal with the surroundings as much as possible! "

"Ah Zhao Jun sighed heavily, "brother, you said so! What else can I say, just some people in my family? How to say it? Grandma's age is a little bit too old! I knew a little earlier. Now? It's basically a little old lady! Sometimes you ask her what she just said, and she can't remember it! "

"It's normal!" Ding Yu also sighed, "everyone has seen the scenery above the surface, the big house, your work and so on! Who doesn't want to be contaminated with such a thing! But I'm afraid no one has seen how much it takes to take care of the old lady behind this! "

"Ah! Brother, you may feel a little bit deep about this. In fact, I look at my mother sometimes? Feel very tired, really not I am complaining, but see with my own eyes! It's a good thing? Grandma's health has always been very good! "

"There is no filial son in bed for a long time! I'm a doctor. What about things like that? Too much, too much! " Ding Yu has a considerable understanding of this, "I've seen all the hype, but when it comes to the need? All are hiding in the sky! Like an aunt? I really haven't seen a few! "

"So I feel a little tired when my mother is alive! But from this point of view, also let me see a lot of things! At the same time Qianqian also saw a lot of things, this is mutual! Again! This is our tradition, isn't it? Even though my mom? I haven't read too many books, but I still carry on this point! I have benefited a lot too! "

"Yes! teach by precept and example! This is very crucial! There are high and low abilities, but what about character? The most important thing

Although said each other did not mention whose name, but in this heart? How can you not understand at all? But it is also because too much understand! So no one wants to mention it. After all, it's still the Spring Festival. What about these? After all, there are so many bad things!

"Yes! Army, how are things at work? "

"It's very good. Although it's not a major in this field, do you study? It's not a difficult thing. I always pay more attention to it. With the help of elder brother, you and sister Ding Ding, it's enough for me to take off! So it's better to be honest! Now you don't need to fly so high. You can't fall down

"Yes! It's not easy to have such a feeling! "

"It's mainly about seeing too much! What about places like 49 cities? See too much! What about our department? There are too many people, are flying, but directly fell to the ground, even how they fell down, are not so clear, confused! I'd better take it easy! "

"See that? It's not easy! What about the office? It is really a very strange place. If you want to survive in the office, you need to know the rules of the game in the office. What about the rules of the game? Part of it? It's their own professional ability, which is very important. What's more? Is the so-called interpersonal relationship! If you master the rules of the game, you will know how the whole game works, and then you can master the so-called knack! "

"Brother! You're not going to be like that, are you? ""I'm not in the same situation as you are!" Because there are not too many things, so Ding Yu has not too many taboos, "what about my personal ability? I have my own judgment, and even the whole outside world has a considerable judgment on my personal ability, but is it OK? I still abide by quite a few rules! "

Some things? You don't need to tell the army too clearly. You really don't need to tell him. What about yourself? Have been involved in the development of the rules of the game, how to play the game? To a large extent, they have their own ideas!

Such a thing to tell the army, will let him more or less have so some floating! No need! At least what about him now? Still has the quite performance! So don't waste too much!

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