At noon, Ding Yu still can't go to the pit. There's no way! The old lady doesn't like it. Isn't she pulling her face at this time? It has already given Ding Yu face! What if it used to be? Maybe you don't even look at it! Not to mention anything else!

But what's the good news? The house is not the original small soil Kang! The place is very big, a table can't sit down, there are other tables, but because it's at noon, so Ding Yu really doesn't eat so much!

But during the meal, Ding Yu noticed something. After all, it was a family dinner. Although he saw it, Ding Yu didn't have any speech to eat? Just eat more, if you can't, eat less. It's no big deal!

At this point, Ding Yu can be said to be particularly attention, there is no need for this! To be more straightforward, is it really necessary to argue with some people about such things? There's no need for that, OK?

"Big brother! Have a drink

Ding Yu also smilingly raised the wine cup in his hand and stained his lips. That's all. He rubbed it by the way when he wiped it with a paper towel! In such a festival, Ding Yu did not want to pout anyone's face.

What about the cousin who toasted himself? I can't say it's good or bad, but I'm so drunk at this age. It seems that some of them are not so good! Happy to be happy. How about the year? I haven't seen one side of it, but when I'm happy? Still need to pay attention! If this is the case now, there are so many bad!

But this word, one's father or mother can say, oneself still forget! If this really spread to grandma's ears, I don't know what I think? It is to run oneself again, why bother to come, so Ding Yu did not want to mention at all! Whatever you want!

But not long, two small first ran out, holding his father's arm, "finished?"

"Well! It's delicious Two small is also holding small four eyes, "is a little bit salty! What's more, it's a little hot on the top of the Kang, not so used to it

"Drink a little water, calm down for a while, pay attention not to string around, you know?"

"Dad! Let's go to the other side of the river later, shall we

Ding Yu also finished eating this time! He accused everyone of a crime and also sat on the sofa, "at this time, the river has been frozen for a long time! In the past two years, because of the closing of mountains for afforestation and the protection here, we can see small fish in the river, but it is a little too much to catch them! "

Although the words are like this, but can not stand the two children's request, but not only the two of them, Cao Zhonghe and Cao Hua are also following, but they are more like a clumsy little penguin! It's really fun to twist! Because the contact is not much, so on the ice is also a whooping! Very excited!

After a while, Cao Zhen also came! Look at this, it's more like Ding Ding's banishment! "What does that mean?"

My two children, as well as the two children of my eldest brother's family, including my eldest brother, are playing there? What about the ice on the river? It's a little thick, but a few people also found a hole to draw water from, and directly put the broken ice to one side. Then everyone gathered around and even caught two small fish!

"Brother! If Mom and Dad see you! I'll give you two feet! Even if you are your age! Does this let children get this in such cold weather? Can it be done? "

"When I was a child, I used to do it regularly! But I haven't had such fun for years! At that time, the river was bigger than it is now. However, due to the lack of protection, there were some problems. In recent years, the protection of Closing Hillsides for afforestation was strengthened, so the river rose again! I remember when there were crabs on the water facade! Squilla, when the most happy? Is it to catch a big Squilla

"You can't help it? What is that? "

"It's similar to crayfish, but it's quite different! When I was a kid? The most favorite is Squilla stewed tofu, which is very delicious. However, many Squilla live in the stream. Although it is said that after closing the mountain for afforestation, it is not a simple thing to think about restoring the whole ecosystem now! It's still a long process! "

"Yes! There is no mistake in developing the economy, but in this process? There are quite a few problems, so we need to do a lot of rest. However, from my personal understanding, it still has a considerable effect. When I first came here, I felt that there was no water in it at all, all of them were dry, and there were even some blackened corridors. But now? You can see clear water! This is already quite difficult! "

"We still need to keep it together!" When talking, I also let the two children of two pay a little attention. They have not played before, but what about the winter? Don't make too much trouble, save the fuss out, other things come out! After all, there are two younger brothers! "Without everyone's support and protection, everything is bullshit!""Big brother, is ding ding ding a little bit obvious?"

"I don't care about such things at home, and I don't ask much about them. You can handle them by yourself! How old are they! It's not a kid anymore! Now even the children are so old! You can be the head of the family by yourself! What about me? At best, I'll give you some advice! "

"Big brother! What about the house? A little bit so some not very decent, Ding Ding is married to me, at the beginning because of this thing? There was a lot of fuss, but there were still a lot of people? If I didn't remember this lesson, I also had a lot of ideas about it. They were all habitual problems! "

"Is it a habit? Otherwise, but what about this? Speaking of it, I really don't want to get involved. You and Ding Ding are husband and wife. We should discuss more. What's the matter? It will be over in the end! "

"Ding Ding's heart is very big, but relatively speaking, I'm a little resentful. They're a bunch of shameless people!"

"Is it shameless? It doesn't matter. Sometimes the problems that can be solved by spending money are not problems. What are you afraid of most? That's the biggest problem. You and Ding Ding have been together for quite a long time! Do you think about it? Sometimes? Money is nothing but a thing of the body

"Brother, I don't care about money! There are so many bullshit about this. What about material life? Is a necessity, but does not mean that I let people bully Ding Ding Ding like this! At least I am still a man

"This question! Do it yourself Ding Yu waved. At this time, the little girl picked up a fish and put it in the bottle beside her. It was not to catch him or keep it, but to make fun of it! If you leave later, you still need to be released. It's useless to keep it, is it?

When Tai Xi and Ding Ding two people come to find out, the four children are already about to play crazy, and their little hands are red with cold! Tai Xi and Ding Ding are both very dissatisfied with staring at their husband, but still let the four children let the fish go! Wash your hands, and then tidy up the clothes, caught the Kang above, save them dishonesty! Are you all frozen?

The next thing is a little bit simple! Ding Yu and Cao Zhen have suffered considerable criticism, especially Ding Yu, which can be said to be particularly serious. What about Ding Ding? After all, with the old lady protecting him, what about Cao Zhen? With Ding Ding's light, but Ding Yu is not so lucky! So a little bit of bad luck!

Looking at his father and mother, Ding Yu is also very helpless to hang down his head, the two children play themselves, what is the relationship with themselves? But what about this? I really can't argue about anything, so just put up with it! At least there are some good results, otherwise the end will be quite miserable!

But what's the good news? What about the old people at home? Basically, I went to play cards! I had a good lunch. I played cards and indulged in it in the afternoon. All of them were family members. I just wanted to make up for a bustle. I really didn't mean anything else! What about mom? It is to accompany the old lady to put the leaf card on the Kang!

Where's the old lady? Other aspects have not too much spirit, but only when playing leaf card, it is a concentration, and eyes do not spend, ears are not deaf, also do not know what is caused by the reason, anyway, there is not much harm, willing to play good! It's not a big deal!

"I don't understand it!" Taixi is also talking to Ding Yu in a low voice!

"It's similar to mahjong. What about mahjong? It's from this evolution! Mom does. What about me? It's not to say it won't be. I've seen the old lady put these things on the Kang alone before, but children? Do you have the patience? So it's just limited to playing! "

Ding Yu explained these things with Taixi in a low voice! What about modern people? Don't say it's going to be fun? Maybe even heard about it? I haven't heard of it! Ding Yu is just because of his childhood memory, so he still has a good impression! But after this generation? Will someone remember, hard to say things!

After all, what about the leaf card? Such things are not sold in general places! Even if it's on the Internet, such things are not as much as imagined, too special! This is also because of the progress and development of the network now! So we can have such convenient conditions. If there is no such convenient conditions, we don't know what it will be like!

In the afternoon, two old ladies came from the village. They all like to come to the Zhao family when they are free. The house is bright and warm! What about their daughter-in-law? Never a word of gossip! It's good! There is nothing at home, so I came to Zhao's house and have some fun!

Now that we're here! The rest of the family also made way for their position. Previously, they were playing with the old lady. The old man was old, slow to grasp cards and slow to think, but everyone slowed down! The old lady can't keep up with this rhythm, so now that we have playmates, we are all around to watch!Until the evening, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying took the family back! Today is to send new year, so it's busy to come back. What about home? It's just two demons. Now Cao Zhong and Cao Hua are back! For Ding Lin, it's not as simple as being busy! It's just a toss!

But Ding Lin is really enjoying it. Ding Yu has the leisure to play chess with his brother-in-law. Anyway, they have nothing to do, and they don't need them to be busy? As for Zhao Shuying, she is busy with her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law to make considerable preparations for the New Year!

"Big brother! Are you going to let the kids do this nonsense? "

Looking at his two sons, Cao Zhen really has the heart to say two words, but his father-in-law and big brother are all there, it's really not good to say anything! Ding Yu looked at the two children, but also put down the pieces in their hands, "very good, very lively, the original time has become a Michelin tire, but now? Slowly began to change! "

"It's not easy to hear that!"

Also do not know when, Ding Ding is also holding a rolling pin in the back, but Ding Yu really did not have any worry appearance! "Child? Ignorant, mainly lies in education, parents are the biggest teacher, teaching by example has a very important role! influence character by environment! Admit it or not? They are all in such a state. Of course, there are exceptions, but there are still a few! "

"It's the two of them who are making trouble! I don't know what to do! I'm so worried

"Want them to be sensible? Every three must one, we can not promise them everything, but at the same time we can't refuse to agree to everything. We need to let them have a dialogue with you. What's more? What about what they do? It may not be wrong, because from their point of view? They just want to try. What about this? They need to know the consequences and communicate slowly! "

Ding Ding is looking at her two sons. They are crazy! After hesitating for a period of time, he went back to the kitchen with a rolling pin, but he didn't say anything. Cao Zhen set up his thumb for his big brother, "sometimes? What do you feel you can give? Give everything, but sometimes I feel helpless

"What a normal thing! What about parents? It's basically like this. You are, and so am I! "

"Big brother, I don't think you look like this in normal times, but it seems that your nephew and niece are not afraid of you!" Cao Zhen also jokingly said, "it's a little bit more when I'm afraid of my sister-in-law."

"What about Tai hee? I'd like to reason with both of them, but what about them? With sharp teeth and sharp mouth, ordinary people are really not opponents. Sometimes Taixi is in a dilemma! But what about my opinion? Actually, it's not that there are filial sons under the stick, and two times of things, just tell them the truth! Patience! It's very important. What about Ding Ding Ding? It's just that I don't have a lot of patience, and I'm a little bit big with this spirit! That's you! I'm afraid it's hard for others to bear it! "

"That's not true. I like it very much. How about getting along with each other? It's mutual. After all, it's living together! "

Although he was born in a family like Cao's, what about Cao Zhen? There is no so-called strong, but Ding Ding Ding? Because of the family's reasons, and Ding Yu, the elder brother, is holding on, so all the way down? It's a little bit smooth. What about the confidence? So it's impossible to have no temper at all!

Ding Yu certainly knows about this, but what? What about these two years? It may be because of the family or other reasons, so this temper is also slowly suppressed, but in this one? Cao Zhen played a crucial role in this, Ding Yu really appreciate his brother-in-law!

"Exactly? I feel sorry for Ding Ding, so how much to her to develop some not very good problems, this point? What about the others? May not dare to say, that is, I say it! At home, it's still very good! "

"Big brother, this is far away! At home, basically all the things are handled by Ding Ding Ding herself. I don't have to worry about it. I can concentrate on my research. There is nothing so-called between husband and wife. You are strong and I am weak, and you are strong. That is to say, equal couple! I personally feel like this and do it like this! "

"Because of you? So Ding Ding can have quite a change. Just look at the two of you and know, what about each other's eyes? Have each other, can do this is not easy! At that time, I supported you two to get together, and I was really on the right track! It's a good match

"Big brother! I'm so sorry about what you said

"If you have a short family, shouldn't you praise it if you do well? How strange, isn't it? " Ding Yu took out the teapot and poured a cup of tea! "Life? In the end, there are some things that need to return to mediocrity? It's better to put it a little bit, not too rigid! "

"Big brother! I just feel a little bit... ""I know. What about the house? There are also such things, and only a lot more, but what to do? So indulgent, the contradiction can only be more and more big, but the same? If you are blindly confused, you can't do the same, don't you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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