"Today is the fourth day of the New Year! The new year is over, the festival is over

Ding Yu's attitude is slightly different, and this time? It's also the gathering of song Tianren and the four of them. What about Wei Hou? He must have brought it with him, because he is one of the parties, so he must take him with him! This is a matter of no doubt! As for song Tianren, what about the three of them? To be discussed! I really didn't make this decision completely!

"Director, we are all ready!"

"At will! When I go back to Beijing on the seventh day of junior high school, I hope you are all ready! " At this time, Ding Yu didn't entangle with them. There was no need! "Come with me at dawn."

Hou Tianliang followed Ding Yu to the office inside. Ding Yu gave Hou Tianliang one of the small boxes directly. "What happened after I went back? You may be transferred to study! It's an acquaintance, and it's in my place? I've helped a lot. What's in the box? I'll give it to you! "

"Director! I deserve it

"It doesn't have much to do with it. If you have time in the future, you can come to the courtyard and have a seat here. What about the road in the future? How to go, everything depends on you! But here? If I say something, it may be nonsense Waving his hand, he didn't mean to let Hou Tianliang speak, "put national interests first, what about personal interests? What about those who can give up? It's better to give up because you don't need it! "

"Yes, chief!" Hou Tianliang also made a salute!

What about the rest? Ding Yu really doesn't need to go and explain it! The reason why he was told this is to let him work in the future? There is a direction! What's more? He has been told too much at ordinary times! There is really no need for this!

"After a new year's day here, people in my family should be complaining all over the place?"

"Good! It's true. I saw a lot of things I didn't see, but I still kept the flavor and characteristics. It's not easy to say! At least there are so many invisible in the capital! This is where you can feel it! Even if you want to look for such an opportunity in the future, you can't find it! "

"Tai Xi and Ding Ding have gone out to play with their two children! I have quite a lot of things to deal with, so I don't have the spare time. But how about letting you stay this time? To a certain extent, it's also due to song Tianren and their four guys. If it's not for them, you really don't have to. Remember to settle accounts with them! "

"One by one! After they met, they played a very good role in promoting it. I'm afraid not many people think of this! I didn't even think of it myself! In such a short time, they will change so much! "

"The ugly daughter-in-law still needs to see her father-in-law! But what about the right to review this time? It's not in my hands anymore Ding Yu's voice did not change at all, "and what about this review? Who knows what the consequences will be? Forget it, let's not mention it! When are you going to get married? "

"Ready to get married this year! I'd like to ask the director to do the same. "

"I don't know if there will be such a time! But let me know when it comes! It's also a happy thing! "

Simply said two words, Ding Yu let Hou Tianliang leave! What about the boxes? Instead of letting Hou Tianliang take it, he sent it to his room. What about the box? Things are not many, he with his side for quite a period of time, after all or played a considerable role! Ding Yu is not a stingy person!

Hou Tianliang didn't show any surprise after seeing the contents of the box. He didn't know anything about it after he had been with the director for such a long time. It was just bullshit. But Hou Tianliang was shocked because the director's hand was so heavy!

So Hou Tianliang reported this matter on the same day! As for how to deal with this matter, it depends on the situation! But what about the intelligence department? I really don't have too many opinions!

Obviously, Ding Yu is very optimistic about hou Tianliang's future development, so he saved a lot of trouble in the future! Otherwise, it will not do so, relatively speaking? Hou Tianliang did not have any so-called foundation, so Ding Yu was satisfied one step at a time! Save a lot of trouble!

What's more, Ding Yu did it like this? That's not to say it's embarrassing for the intelligence department? It's not like this. It's just a gift. So even if things are exposed in the future, there won't be any problems. What's more, what about Ding Yu's hand? Very fastidious, let a person not find any fault!

But what about hou Tianliang? We can't talk about it now. In the past two days of the Chinese new year, they have no free time. They even want to take advantage of this time to supplement themselves as much as possible. At the same time, they also communicate with the forces behind them!What about the forces behind it? They all want to be able to follow Ding Yu's side, but what kind of consequences will this matter eventually be? Now it is really unknown. We need to consider all aspects of the problem!

"It's a special day. Just relax! Come with me

Hou Tianliang took the lead to say hello. Song Tianren and others were puzzled, but Wei Hou said that he was following, but he really didn't mean to be involved in it. After all, his subordinate functions were different, so he didn't need him to join in! At least this time is completely unnecessary!

"Texas poker, everybody can do it!" Hou Tianliang opened the table, "sit down first! What about today? Give each of you the same amount of chips, but what about the end result? But it is quite different. I have several places in my hand, that is, for the sake of fairness? I took out three places, the same. What about my hands? There is also a recommended quota! So it depends on your abilities! "

As soon as this word is said, song Tianren and they are already unable to calm down! What about the number of winter camp places for them? But what about the number of places recommended by Secretary Hou? The weight is too heavy! Heavy let them have no way to refuse!

"What are the rules? You may not understand, I can give you a few minutes to get familiar with it carefully, and let you slow down, how to play cards, five minutes I think should be enough! Now that I'm dead? You won't be both a referee and a player! We still need to be equal in our positions! "

Five minutes? It's enough for song Tianren and the three of them! But we also made eye contact with each other. What about the so-called Texas poker? What does secretary Hou mean? Or does it mean the director?

What's more, the recommended quota? What exactly does it mean? You know, Secretary Hou is ready to leave! To be exact, Secretary Hou will leave after he goes back. What about after he leaves? What about song Tianren and the three of them? Who is more prominent? No one wants to give up such an opportunity!

Now what about song Tianren? Occupy a considerable leading position, but this is not the final result, no one is sure, and today Secretary Hou is to give you a chance, depends on whether you can grasp this opportunity!

"Ready? Then we'll start! " He knocked on the table twice. "Yes! What about the losers? Don't cry Looking at the smiling three people, Hou Tianliang also rearranged his chips!

In this Texas poker game, Hou Tianliang really put himself in a player's position, as for the judge? I really don't know if song Tianren and the three of them understand this truth! Anyway, it depends on their performance!

Everyone's chips are the same, but everyone's performance is slightly different. Song Tianren is the first to start, and it is obvious that he wants to play his own momentum. Whether he wins or loses, he just wants to occupy his own initiative, but after two hands, song Tianren actively pushes back! To some extent, it also blocked the bystanders!

Looking at Song Tianren's performance in the video, Ding Yu also burst into laughter, and Tai Xi beside him also asked, "what's the matter? Is he not doing well? "

"This fellow! Or a little bit bad, he already knows how to play the game! " Ding Yu is very patient with the side of Tai Xi explained! "But what about the other two? I still can't understand it! "

Taixi experienced such a long time, so after having Ding Yu's suggestion, he immediately understood, "what's the purpose of this game? It's not to say that winning Hou Tianliang is so simple, but we should unite to eliminate Hou Tianliang first. Only in this way can we ensure the final result! "

"Three winter camp places and one recommended quota are still very exciting! Especially at this time, for them, the pressure is a little bit big, but the more such a time, the more calm they should be! Instead of blindly going to the top of the ox, Tianren! I have already figured out this matter. Now it's up to him to guide him! "

"This is a little bit troublesome. Secretary Hou seems to have understood it already." Lying on Ding Yu's shoulder, Taixi is also interested in the game, "but what about the other two secretaries? They seem to be in the game already! It's not easy to wake them up! "

Looking at the two secretaries fighting, song Tianren is also holding two chips in his hand, turning back and forth. When the game is over, he also suddenly looks at Hou Tianliang, "Secretary Hou, since everyone's interest is so high, why don't we have two bars! Let the atmosphere be more warm! "

The words immediately attracted the attention of the other two secretaries. They took a look at Song Tianren and Hou Tianliang from the corner of their eyes. Song Tianren suddenly interrupted the game. You know, after the game started, everyone was basically silent. But what did song Tianren say suddenly? A little bit unexpected!"It's time to calm down!" Hou Tianliang said pun, "it's still winter now, but the only thing in the room is OK. Whisky with ice is simple! How about it? "

"Secretary Hou, it's better to be more complicated! How about direct icing? The taste is still too strong. Now it's the Spring Festival. Let's have a taste of it When song Tianren talks, he also takes a look at the two people beside him. The situation is very simple! If you don't understand, you're really stupid! How about doing it yourself? To a certain extent, they are really playing the edge ball, but there is no way. What about the two people next to them? Pig teammates!

The game was accidentally interrupted! Hou Tianliang doesn't think so, but when he looks at Song Tianren? Obviously there are so many different! "Tianren, it seems that you have the best chance! I mentioned to the director earlier, you! It's still quite spiritual, but what about the director? There are other opinions! "

You don't have to look. You know the two pig teammates? It's already burning Venus! It's so easy to be bewitched! He had already set up a good platform, but Secretary Hou's simple words, has not yet started the alliance? Has been disbanded! And to a certain extent, it has become an adversary. What is the matter?

The plan is good, but it doesn't change fast! Although the situation is like this, but there are some hidden rules? It can't be broken. Obviously, what about the two teammates? It's already in it! I would like to fall into the well, but relying on myself now, I want to be able to deal with Secretary Hou alone. It is too difficult!

"Secretary Hou, one is short and two is long. This cake is too big! So you have to drink some water, otherwise it's really easy to choke Inside and outside the meaning, is to tell the other two people, we don't hit the head broken blood! There is no need at all. What is your primary goal? Still need to be placed on Hou Tianliang's body!

Put the target on yourself? It's all wrong, OK? Only by winning all the chips of secretary Hou, we can win three winter camps and a recommended quota. The only way we can fight here is to let Secretary Hou see jokes! In that case, I'm not picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon?

"Relatively speaking? Tianren, you took the lead to come out, in the director's mind? You still occupy a very important position. What about Zhan Zhao? The director really has not set any precedent, if it is not because he wants to leave, what about this? I really won't mention it. The director is very optimistic about you! When I hope you'll be in the future? Don't let the director down. Of course, what about the two of you? It's the same thing! Tianren is not so steady, which is very fatal. Sitting in this position, is stable? It's overwhelming! "

A burst of continuous elimination with beating, directly to the song Tianren to peel off! Let song Tianren call it a depression! The more admirable Secretary Hou is to himself? The more envious the two secretaries nearby! Even now, it's time to speak out!

At this time, Ding Yu also sent the video to song Tianren. The power behind them was transmitted in the past. How wonderful is it? You can't just watch yourself, can you? You are also enjoying together!

Looking at Song Tianren's performance, the forces behind song Tianren applauded him. In the past, he had some abilities, but he was too clever, and sometimes he was a little bit slippery. But today's performance is really good! Take into account the overall situation, and adhere to their own, and at the same time have considerable performance!

Such a short time, there is such progress, looking at people happy! That is director Ding Yuding! He was able to transform this guy so well. Although he was still inferior in the face of Hou Tianliang, he was not always passively beaten. Although he was young, the son of tiger and leopard, the colt was not written and had the spirit of eating cattle.

Good! It's really good!

However, the power behind the other two secretaries, seeing the video, felt that there was smoke on their heads! What about hou Tianliang? Naturally, there is not much comparability, but can't we compare it with song Tianren? We were basically selected at the same time, and we went to director Ding Yuding at about the same time!

But what about the performance now? The gap is too obvious! Look at someone else song Tianren, already understood this game should how to play, but did not eat alone! Instead, try to bring two teammates with you.

If we didn't think about it before, it's understandable, but under the guidance of song Tianren, we still don't understand it, and we're even given the routine by Hou Tianliang. It's a little embarrassing! People have to die than people, goods are still compared to goods, sitting together with song Tianren, the gap between each other has already existed!

In here? I have to mention song Tianren again! What happened in the beginning? The performance is very unbearable, even a broken pot broken, but Ding Yu is unique insight, he was fished out!

Did Ding Yu really open a small stove for song Tianren? No, song Tianren's performance during this period of time has been seen in our eyes, because it is in full view of the public! Even if he wants to open a small stove, he doesn't have any time and space, but in this way, song Tianren still stands out, and still uses such an excellent way!The game is not over, but for everyone, the result has come out!

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