"Song Tianren will not talk about it! Tell me about them two bastards Seeing the video, the old man is also a little angry!

"The performance is a little bit unbearable. Director Ding Yuding sent this video to me. I think it's also a decision to make! But it would be a very heavy blow to both of them if they were to be stopped! "

"They look like bears. They can't even see the most basic things. It's humiliating not to say if they go out. In Ding Yu's words, it's a flesh and blood millstone, which will be broken into pieces at that time." The old man sighed heavily. Although they are still young, what about themselves? It's also true that I can't argue with you!

It's true that experience is slowly honed out, but what about such a time? It should hold up! The direction is wrong. Did song Tianren get Ding Yu's small stove? Not at all! It's true that song Tianren gets a different look from Ding Yu, but what about that? Ding Yu just has this intention!

In addition, all the treatment is the same, but what about song Tianren? It's just coming out! And what about this one? Still can not hold that kind of, the gap between each other is really too big! After the big one has been seen, there are even some self abased children who are the same. Why is there such a difference?

Let's not say whether Ding Yu is willing or unwilling to take them with him. If he keeps them by his side, what kind of consequences will it be when something happens? I'm afraid he doesn't even know how he died? What should I do?

To go or not to go, now is the question? It was Ding Yu who threw it over. If Ding Yu was to protect or not to protect it, there were many problems involved, and it would involve Ding Yu's considerable energy. However, if they were not protected, they would be killed by people in their current situation, and they would die without knowing how they died!

Ding Yu asked for the right to make a decision. What about these? Now it's not a problem! But it's about their lives! Little life! Just one! It's not just a pity to lose it! Ding Yu showed all the problems in front of us one after another! Although we are prepared, it is obvious that this preparation is obviously insufficient!

"If you don't, it's a pity! Hou Tianliang, Hou secretary will not say! Just say Song Tianren. What about him now? It's already obvious! This gap is not a little bit! If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, I'm afraid even song Tianren's back will not be visible in the future! "

Yeah! Now we have seen the gap, if the time is longer, I'm afraid we can't even see the people's back! People? Why is there such a big gap? We can say that we are really not reconciled to this!

But if say not reconciled, so to throw out, is really not the general reluctant, they? But they are all seedlings! Can not withstand too much wind and rain, let alone what storm! At that time, there are problems, even melon seedlings have no! Talk about the so-called results!

"But if we go there, in the present situation, even if we send people, we may throw them all in, even if we don't hear any news. Under such circumstances, we still have to be brave enough to throw them in. Isn't it lack of considerable consideration? It's better to be quiet than move! What do you say? "

"It's better to be quiet than to move? There may not be too many problems, but what about director Ding Yuding? Maybe a year's time will not come back, in such a case, a year's time! How big is the gap? Can't think, dare not think! It's a bit scary to think about it! "

It can be said that everyone is talking about it. It is not easy to make this decision. What about the card game there? It's over! The final winner is, of course, Hou daybreak! Indeed, the last two secretaries got it! But it's too late to understand! Even if it is to unite with song Tianren, it will not help!

Because they have no so-called chips, the chess game has come to the end, not to say that you can retrieve it if you want to. Song Tianren doesn't have too much trouble, but the other two secretaries? A little bit depressed!

"All right! What about Texas poker? And it's done. What about your performance? Not so good Hou Tianliang sorted out the chips in front of him. After putting them in order, he also looked at the three of them, "what about the quota of the three winter camps? Still can give you, as for the recommended quota even! That's it

Compared with the recommended places, what about the three winter camp places? Can only say is better than nothing, in addition to this really do not know how to describe! I really don't know what to say! So placed in front of everyone, but obviously, everyone did not pass!

Compared with excellent song Tianren, he is only excellent! Not yet out of this cage! At least he didn't guide the other two well! This is also the problem caused by insufficient ability!

"Assistant song, it's our reason!"

"Ah! There are also my problems! " Although the card game did not win, but each other? It's a good thing after all, isn't it? We can't just look at one aspect, "but from this? It's also a kind of achievement to understand quite a lot of things, isn't it? "Song Tianren is depressed, but what about the occasion like this? It's impossible for him to vent his anger, but he can actively encourage them both, instead of provocation or even extreme language. From this, we can see the progress of song Tianren!

But three people really did not have too much time to gossip, but not for long, the two secretaries were the first to be called in the past by Hou Tianliang! "Sit down!" Hou Tianliang's face is a little more serious!

"What about the old cards? It's just a little test! A test for you, what about you? May feel very suffocating, even some dissatisfaction! Is that right? "

"Secretary Hou, we recognize the problem."

"Don't be so polite. Discontent is dissatisfaction. If you have doubts, don't you let it out? There's no need for that! " Hou Tianliang really didn't mean to pinch two people, "what about your business? I said not, to a certain extent? The director also said not to count, I think you should understand this point! "

The reason is our Secretary Two people look at each other, song Tianren? Although he arrived two days earlier than them, song Tianren's performance is obviously better than them. What about this kind of excellence? It's in many ways!

"In this case, how about more preparations for the director? I'm not afraid of what you do wrong, but what's more, you don't do anything? At the director's side, watch and listen more. If you have time, you can ask about it! The director is not as cold as you think

Yeah? What does this mean? What does secretary Hou's words imply! Secretary Hou will leave soon! Talk to both of them at this time, not one by one, but at the same time! It is obvious that there is a considerable intention!

Or, to put it bluntly, what about the two of them now? It's a little bit far away from Song Tianren, so let the two of them unite? Is there a reason for this?

And Hou Tianliang looked at the two people, but also secretly sighed, and then said very directly, "if you two can follow the director's side? It's obviously impossible to rely on you two. There is a Zhan Zhao over there in Tianren. What about you? May need a guard with a knife! One more thing. What about the future? You may deal with the internal affairs a little more! So be more careful

What to say or not to say? Hou Tianliang said it all in one head! What about the two of them? The starting point is relatively high, but in some aspects? There are still some defects, not fatal ones. But if you follow the director's side and go to a foreign country and someone takes a look at it with a magnifying glass, it's really easy to have problems!

That's why Hou Tianliang just said these words which are slightly beside each other! Wave your hand and let the two of them leave! However, when they got up, Hou Tianliang tapped the table with his pen in his hand, "you are still a little younger, so don't make some decisions without authorization! That's it

Not long ago, song Tianren knocked on the door, then pushed the door and walked in! "Secretary Hou, do you want me?"

"Sit down!" Hou Tianliang looked at Song Tianren and took a deep breath. "Today's performance is very good!"

"Secretary Hou, don't laugh at me! This is a good performance, almost lose the bare butt

Hum! Hou Tianliang snorted, "I was really surprised when the director selected you, because I was so disrespectful, because you were too unstable and even reckless! But in a short period of time, you have changed my mind a lot! "

"With the guidance of the director, the help of secretary Hou and the guidance of everyone! I used to watch the sky from the well! It's like a toad. I don't know anything else. It's just that the tone is not small! "

"You are exaggerating! I can still say that! Anyway, I'm going to transfer soon! So say two words out of the body! Just listen to me! " Hou Tianliang said calmly, "what about you? It's more important for the director. Did the director select it in person? Yes, but it's really not a big deal! "

"I understand, still need to pay attention to own recuperation!"

"Yes! Still need to do their own recuperation, the so-called read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, do not read, walk, equivalent to only practice, without any theoretical support, the same only reading, not walking, is empty theory, any aspect is not desirable, do not regard yourself as a postman! "

"Secretary Hou, are you really leaving?" Song Tianren said with regret!

"Yes, my identity is quite problematic!" Hou Tianliang did not avoid this topic at all, "not to mention the study there? It's about to start! What about my job? Basically, all of them have been handed over! What about me personally? I hope you can accept my position, but only on behalf of my personal opinion! ""Thank you, Secretary Hou. I will try my best."

"But you still lack considerable experience, so in my opinion? You may form a team of secretaries together with them. You can handle quite a lot of affairs together. This is why I asked you to play cards together. You are still very good! "

"I didn't think there was such a deep meaning in it! It's really unexpected! "

"No one knows whether anyone will come in the future. But can he be taught by the director? It's still a very lucky thing, but in the end, it's still up to you, understand? "

"Understand!" Song Tianren also nods heavily!

"What about the rest? Need you to slowly understand, I told you? It's just my stuff. Your feeling is not profound, and it won't have any so-called meaning, so I won't say any so-called nonsense! Listen to also let a person can be very upset! Good work, there is a considerable future and development

"Mom and Dad, if you don't give up, follow us to the capital! Just you old couple! There's no one else! " Ding Ding looked at her parents and said, "if you have time, you can help me to discipline my children."

"Together, you just want me to be a babysitter, aren't you?" Although there were so many reluctant to give up, Zhao Shuying still put her eyes up and glared at her daughter. "What's good about going to the capital? Do you think I haven't been to the capital? It's sunny every day here, and there are so many people in the capital! If it wasn't for the capital! Hum... "

" Mom? I didn't say our hometown is not good! Is thinking that if you are OK, follow us to go back together, I and big brother all went back! Don't you worry that you are a little lonely? "

"Not alone? I have teaching tasks, as well as the house on the other side of the farm, and so on. If our old couple leave, who will deal with these matters? In addition, there are so many old colleagues, old classmates and relatives here! I don't want to go with your father. How about traveling now? I'm too lazy to go, let alone go to your place! "

Get it! Well intentioned to let them go out to exercise, but they disliked it! Ding Ding is also very helpless to find their brother's trouble to go! What about packing up anyway? Mom doesn't let herself do it. What can I do?

"Brother, I was worried that my father and mother would be lonely, so I just said a few words. It's good all of a sudden! Give me a good meal

"What about mom and dad? Not very adapt to the life of big city, here for a lifetime! Almost everything is left here. If it is not for some special reason, they will never leave here! So consolation won't have any effect, have this time! It would be better to think about what mom and dad would like to eat and drink! "

"Ah Ding Ding sighed, "forget it! But you, big brother, are you busy? I can understand this way, Cao Zhen is going to work! Let him alone at home, I really not so at ease! But your side is so early, it is slightly different! "

"What about the work? It's been a long time! And I came back a little bit longer, it has been nearly half a year! Mainly from abroad? What's up? Is there something on your side? "

"What about Zhuang Dong? I want to see you! What about me? It's a bit out of the question! They still want to see the real God

"Why are you so smart?" Ding Yu snorted, "go ahead! What is it? Although Zhuang Dongliang is not very common, he is not allowed to enter the courtyard gate! "

"Brother, he! How about you? It's a little bit far away. "

"Yes Ding Ding Ding opened her mouth. It's not a terrible thing. Ding Yu really didn't mean to refuse. "I remember that he still came here on behalf of others. He will come to the capital for a meeting after the new year! I'll be in charge! I don't know how long I will stay here in the capital. You can arrange it! "

"Hee hee, big brother, you're in trouble!"

"What trouble is not trouble, there is no such thing as that!" Ding Yu waved his hand, "but since he mentioned it! What about the things in the house? What about the domestic industry after all these years? Thanks to him, you! Even if you eat ready-made food, you should also express your thanks! "

"Brother! Just laugh at me! But these years although eat a lot of dividends, but what about the company? I really do not have any interference, I am a layman, don't pretend to understand! Send a director to support Mr. Zhuang! It's good for each other! "

"It looks like it's delicious." Ding Yu also praised a sentence, "I really don't mean to ask about your affairs, since it's handed over to you? That's yours, but what about it? This year, there may be an opportunity limited to you. Zhuang Dongliang, you can write a letter and say that it is what I said, but it is only limited to him! ""Brother, I don't have to! I'm not short of money

"What's missing? It's one thing. How to earn is another. You can prepare for it, but I don't guarantee what kind of consequences it will have, so you can do it yourself! "

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